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Harvard CoUege
4> ■Qg|nffli 4>
William Sumner Appleton
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V J'i' 33»T
X !
Chaplain to the Forces.
T3r \'iil0.lHlo^^
' Py. '/£ct>?i^uA/ ^<-0^'^'^
\ \ :
\. I
. ■. V ' ■'
DBPtrrr Lieutenant for the Nobth Ridino op Tobkbhibk^
YiCAR OP Basingstoke and Rural Dean,
Honorary Canon op Winchester Cathedral,
this work is, with much okatitode, dedicated.
In the atern straggle between Charles I. and his Parliament, Hampshire played no
unimportant part.
The captnre, after a brief siege, of the strong fortress of Portsmouth, was no small
gain to the Parliamentary cause, whilst, on the other hand, the gallant defence made by the
Cavalier garrisons of Winchester Castle and Basing House, was eagerly watched, and warmly
appreciated at loyal Oxford.
Lord Hopton^s defeat at Cheriton " broke all the measures and altered the whole
scheme of the King's counsels," nor did the fierce conflicts which took place at Arundel Castle
and Salisbury, fail to influence the general result of the war.
To record in a complete, yet brief form, the part played by the County of Hampshire
during that most eventful time, is the object of this work. The narrative has been most
carefully compiled from original materials existing in our great national and private libraries,
and other original sources. It is believed, indeed, that no known source of possible information
has been left unexamined.
It was originally intended to quote many of the more interesting authorities verbatim,
but the consideration of space, and the desire to render the work acceptable to the general
reader as well as to the student, induced the method of judicious condensation, which has been
now adopted.
In conclusion, the Author desires most heartily to thank the numerous friends who
have assisted him in his researches, and to express a hope that his labours will prove to have
supplied one more of those local histories which have become of increasing interest to English
readers of late years, and which prove of good service to the historian of the great events of
our country.
CuRKAGu Camp,
October B6ih^ 188$.
Page 6, line 11, for "as'* read "and."
„ 7, line 30, for '• Ajmey Loyante " read " Aymes Lojanie/'
„ 8, line 37, for " Aymey Loyante " read ** Aymei Ijoyaiite."
„ 9, line 15, for " Porta " read " Porta."
„ 9, line 49, for " Hachwood " read *' Haokwood.**
„ 21, lines 24 and 26, for ** he " read •* they."*
„ 24, lino 51, for " Vikars " read '■ Vicara.'
„ 29, line 1, for " four " read « fonl."
„ 29, line 3, for " a " read " all."
„ 29, line 25, for " Whykeham " read " Wykeham."
„ 83, line 15, for '♦ Aymey " read '• Aymez."
„ 66, lines 1 and 21, for « Pairthorne " read « Faathome."
„ 76, line 17, for '* some " read " come."
„ 90, line 26, for " light " read ' eight."
„ 100, line 13, for "sabering" read "sabring."
„ 119, line 24, for »• 1842 " road •* 1642."
„ 146, line 42, for " eight" read " light."
„ 166, line 35, for « Ime" read « lines.' '
» 178, line 5, for " and wall as " read " as well aa."
» 198, line 1, for " heopateld " read " field at the."
„ 200, line 48, for " Sadler" read « Sadleir."
„ 206, line 2i, for " 30,000" read '* 3,000."
„ 213, line 28, for "regiment" read *' regiments."
, 213, line 32, for « Welcher" read *' Welden."
„ 217, line 22, for " 600" read " 600 horae.*
» 220, line 44, for " it" read •* Winchester.'
- -,^' ^
Chapteb I.~The Ruined Fortress.
Stepping out of the tm o'clock up train at
Basingstoke station, on a bright May morning,
we find friends waiting for us than whom wo
cannot desire more genial companions or more
reliable authoiities, bound like ourselves fort' e
famous, though now ruined, Cavalier stronghold
of Basing House.
In company with another friend, who has
many a time and oft given us most valuable
assistance, are Mr. Cooksey and Mr. Sapp, who
likewise take a warm and withal discerning
interest in all that concerns Basing famed in
The resistance of temptation is a virtue, and
despite the many attractions of Basingstoke, we
close firmly the eyes of our imagination, reso-
lately declining to describe the church or any
other object of interest.
We pass the lower road leading to Basing, of
which we shall hear much ere long. The Town-
hall, in the Market-place, contains several pic-
tures, one of which is a portrait of the Morrio
Monarch, by Sir Peter Lely. Others seem to
have come from Basing House, and one of
these is thought to be " t le counterfeit present-
ment of the loyal Marquis" himself, with his
baton of conunand.
As we turn to the left out of the Market-
place, we note the *' Falcon House." " That
modern building," says Mr. Sapp, "stands on
the site of a quaint old-fashioned hostelry, with
the sign of the * Fleur-de-lys,' which, according
constant local tradition, was for some days
least the head-quaiters of Oliver, renowned
in arms."
"Note also the *Bell Inn' across the way,
which was almost a century old when Basing
House was taken," adds Mr. Cooksey. " Thither
were brought as prisoners the Marquis and Sir
Robert Peake, his Deputy-Governor, before
being sent up to the Parliament in London."
On our right is the road leading to Hackwood,
the stately home of the Dukes of Bolton, pre-
ferred by them to their old ancestral seat.
Roundheads and Cavaliers alike have trudged,
marched, as galloped along the road which we
are now following. By this route " the puissant
army" of Sir William Waller marched to face
the house, and over these rolling hills, on which
the grass then grew green and unbroken, ad-
vanced the Ironsides, who knew not the meaning
of the word " defeat," who had conquered at
Naseby and Marston Moor, and who failed not
at Basing.
The valley below us is well watered, and in
days when drainage was a thing little heeded
the wide-stretching swamps must have aided
the defence not a little. As we skirt the canal
we reach a bridge, on the other side of which is
a field still known as " Slaughter Close," where
many a brave man on both sides died the death
of a soldier. Close to the aforesaid bridge are
two cottages, in one of which are some ancient
beams, formerly belonging to a mill which was
burnt during the siege, of which we shall here-
after h ve more to say.
Following the canal we see on the opposite
bank a long ivy-covered wall, which two cen-
turies ago did good service as a " curtain " for
the defence of the fortress, being furnished with
Ths BunrcD Fobtbvss.
towers at either end, in one of which may still
be seen the embrasures for five cannon. The
cutting of the canal, some few years since, has
considerably modified the outer defences, but
still enough remains to interest the antiquary,
the pleasure seeker, or him for whom the
memory of bygone deeds of valour has a charm.
Looking across the valley we cannot fail to
remark the Basingstoke Workhouse, just in rear
of which is the London and South- Western
The Workhouse and the railway mark the
position of Cowdray's Down, whereon, as we
shall see. Parliamentarian troopers kept watch
and ward for many a weary month, and that
clump of trees to the right beyond the railway
ifl near a large chalk pit, known as Oliver's
Delve, wherein regiment after regiment of the
besiegers found shelter.
Closer at hand, but *' severed by a wall and
common roade, againe divided from the foot of
Gowdrey's Downe by meades, rivulets, and a
river running from Basingstoke, a mile dis-
tant, upon the west, is a farm house, which
from a time long prior to the siege has borne
the name of the *Graunge,"* or "Grange."
To Mr. Barton, the present tenant, we and all
other visitors to the site of Basing House are
much indebted for courteous permission to ex-
amine the traces of the deadly struggle here to
be mot with.
A noble bam, said by tradition to have been
the former riding school, still retains a roof of
which many a church might well be proud, and
has evidently served as a target for Colonel
Dalbier's hostile gunners. Just beyond the farm
buildings by the roadside are two gateways, the
brickwork of which justly attracts attention by
its exquisite workmanship. A similar ga.»way,
perhaps due to the same skilful workman, may
be seen at Titchfield House.
Within these two ancient but now walled-up
gateways is a level greensward, beneath which
the crowbar meets everywhere with brickwork.
This was probably the site of the Grange at
the time of the siege, the present dwelling-
house being of more modem erection. Thi^
idea gains confirmation from the fact that only
a few yards distant f ropi the level space just
mentioned the wall is loopholed for musketry,
apparently for the purpose of defending the
Grange, which was, as we shall presently see,
strongly fortified. Betw.en the Grange and
the railway flows the river Loddon, adjoining
which may still be seen some of the ancient
fish-ponds, now devoted to the cultivation of
watercress. Tradition asserts that the dwellen
in Basing House used to go to church by water,
and old engravings show that a considerable lake
formerly existed on this side of the house.
Great difficulty was experienced in bnilding
the railway viaduct in consequence of the
swampy nature of the ground.
Looking across this low lying tract we note
the neat houses of the pleasant village of
Basing, called in the accounts of the siege
"Basing Towne," the new rectory and the
Church of St. Mary, which was more than once
taken and re-taken. Nearly opposite to the
aforesaid gateways is a wall, which has been
battered by cannon shot, and just above, on the
bank of " the barge-river, is a wall, which was
formerly defended by a now ruinous tower, and
which extends to the ancient garrison gate, the
date of which, according to Prosser, is 1563,
and on which may still be seen the ancient
armorial bearings of the Paulets. Through
that ivy -covered gateway have ridden chivalrous
Colonel Gage, the deliverer of Basing in its
time of need, stem Oliver, and Hugh Peters,
"the ecclesiastical newsmonger," who brougkt
word to waiting London of " The Sack of
Basing House." Just within the garrison gate
we cross the canal, and are joined by throe
friends, who give us much valuable local infor-
mation. They are Hugh Raynbird, Esq., the
Steward of the Hackwood Estate, Mr. Bartlett,
who acts as the caretaker of this historic site,
and Mr. Hall, the village blacksmith, to one
and all of whom our best thanks are due.
To our right is a level greensward, sur-
rounded by the canal and by deep moats. Along
the bank of the canal are the foundations of
towers of massive brickwork. Wherever the pick
is used foundations are met with just below the
surface, and we see to our left front evident
remains of some stately building.
Considerable difficulty exists in determining
the exact position of various sites at Basing
House, but from the words of the "Loysd
Marquis" himself, hereafter to be quoted, from
the remains already met with and from the
descriptions given of the position of the batteries,
it seems almost, if not quite, certain that we are
now standing on the site of what was called
" the New House."
Climbing or creeping through a rail fence, we
note a gap in the rampart where the brickwork
Thb Buinbd Fobtsbss.
has fallen inward, evidently shattered hy some
resistless force. We know that batteries were
constructed to play upon this portion of the
defences, and that practicable breaches were
made hereabouts. Furthermore, Mr. Hall points
out the spot, some six feet to the left, from
which he himself saw a 321b. cannon-ball
t^en. Let each decide for himself, but it
fleems, to say the least, very probable that this
was "the imminent deadly breach" by which the
bosicgera, so long bafQed, at last entered the
stronghold. Beyond the moat to the south is
an open space, still called the Park, as it was
two centuries ago. Not long since two piers of
fine brickwork stood at the former entrance,
nearly opposite to which is a chalk-pit, in which
several skeletons have been discovered. Those
slain in the siege seem to have been buiied
wh' re they fell. Some appear to have been in-
tcired with care and reverence, whilst the posi-
tion of other remains seems to indicata haste
and heedlessness. There was formeily a little
wood between the House and the village of
Basing. Leaving the very probable site of the
Now House, and retracing our steps, we note a
btidge of biickwork, which was brought to
light a few years since. Mark it well, for on
that bridge brave men on both sides " fought it
out at sword's point."
Huge eaith works, circular in form, faced with
brickwork, over which grass and ivy grow green,
invito exploration, but leaving the bridge behind
ns and walking over turf beneath which lie
hidd^ n yet more foundations, wo soon reach a
gate which opens into a spacious garden, in
which the Boy-King Edward YI. sought health
in our fresh Hampshire air ; wheiein Queen
Mary and her Spanish bridegroom spent some
horns of their all too brief honeymoon, and
which saw Queen Elizabeth and the Ambassador
o£ Franco in grave and earnest converse.
Thomas Fuller, Wenceslaus Hollar, Oliver
Cromwell, Sir Balph Hopton, and Hugh Peters
have each in turn visit d this pleasant gaiden.
Along one side of it rims the long loopholed
''curtain" wall, with its two conical towets,
one of which, as we have already seen, did good
061 vice as a battery, as also piobably did the
other, which is now transformed into a dove-
cot. All around the sides are nest-holes, most
literally and in truth ** pigeon-holes." Around
a stout oak post in the centre revolves a frame-
work with a ladder attached to it, which gives
easy access to the several pigeon nurseries. The
ancestral doves must have had unpleasant ex-
periences during the siege, but no doubt proved
most useful
"• With their heads down in the gravy,
And their legs up throngh the crust,"
when other provisions began to fail. A postern
gate from this dovecot is now walled up.
We cross an orchard on the opposite side of
the garden to the dovecot, noting the ancient
wall on our right, and enter a chamber of
massive brickwork, locally styled " The Bank-
ing," or *' Banquetting House." The latter
designation seems by no means appropriate, but
it may have been a kind of mediieval '^ strong
room." Who can tell ? Turning to the right,
up a flight of steps we see, at the door of the
pleasant *^ Cottage," a heap of mementoes of the
famous siege, which have oeen brought to light
by the excavations which have for some time
past been cariied on by Lord Bolton, and in
which the Hon. W. T. Orde Powlett has taken
a keen and lively interest. Nor <jan we proceed
f uither without thanking the latter for his kind
assistance to the writer in his endeavours to
throw light upon the siege and sa<-k of Basing.
Broken pottery mingles with fragments of
carved stone work. Here and there are proud
escutcheons having on them, '^ Honi soit qui
mal y pense," and fragments of the glorious
family motto, "Aymey Loyante." Blackened
and discoloured here and there indeed are they,
for flame- jets and smoke-eddies have done their
worst, but " Love Loyalty " is still the text
from which they preach, and spite of storm,
sack, and spoil. Basing will be *' the House of
Loy Ity " for evermore. Glass quarries have
been found with " Aymey Loyante " painted on
scrolls of a period evidently prior to the siege.
This discovery destroys the pretty legend of
Basing House being styled '^ Loyalty House,"
from the " Loyal Marquis" having written this
motto on the window with a diamond ling, with
a view to animate and inspirit the garrison.
These quirries bear also the family badge (a
key and garter). Several cannon-balls have
been found. Mr. Hall says *^Yes, I have seen a
number recast in years gone by at the Basing-
stoke Foundry." Bullets, and a large number
of fragments of shell have been met with ; and
two swords were brought to light some years ago.
Beautiful encaustic tiles, over which Queen
Bess walked, even in her old age tripping lightly,
quaint tobacco pipes, with bowls suggestive of
the days when **the weed" was worth its
weight in silver, and fanners chose their largest
shillings to place in the tobacconists' scales, still
tell of the past.
Dr. Hayes, of Basingstoke, has in his posses-
sion some ancient manacles from Basing, and
do not those vitrified masses speak of intense
and fervid heat ? Hand grenades, and the jaws
of horses that mnnched oats two hundred years
ago, together with bones picked by hungry
Cavaliers at the same distant perioa, are not
wanting. The old ramparts are here gay with
flowers, speaking not of war but of peace.
Long may they continue so to do I
Betracing our stops towards the brick bridge,
by which we paused awhile ago, we have be-
tween us and the C inal the supposed Bowling
Green, oblong in shape, and formerly defended,
says Pressor, by a rampart and covered way,
whereon amused themselves — " " Stop," cried
Mr. Sapp, " no historical disquisitions please, or
we shall bo here till to-morrow morning !"
Opening an iron gate, and as carefully closing
it behind us, we halt for a moment at the
entrance to a huge circular embankment of
earth faced with brickwork, and surrounded by
a moat, the average perpendicular depth of
which (except towards the Bowling Green) is
36 feet. Round the top of the earthworks runs
a path commanding wide and extensive views
over the neighbouring country. Prosser (" An-
tiquities of Hampshire, 184*2") tells us that
around the citadel or keep was a parapet wall,
about four feet high from the gravel, now de-
stroyed. Some such protection must have been
necessary, since the besiegers' works were within
pistol shot. Several towers also protected the
circular rampart, which we will walk round
We are standing on the supposed site of the
lofty Gate House, and close beside us is a heap
of fragments of carved stonework, which tell of
past magnificence. Notice especially some fine
brickwork or terra cotta, of the Tudor period,
and very similar to that at Layer Mamey, in
Essex, which probably formed part of the
stately mansion erected by the first Marquis,
who was " a willow, and not an oak."
Mr. Gooksey now produces a recent reprint,
entitled *' A Description of the Siege of Basing
Castle, kept by the Lord Marquisse of Win-
chester, for the service of His Majesty against
the forces of the Bebells under command of
Colonell Norton. Anno Dom. 1644. Oxford,
printed by Leonard Lichfield, printer to the
University, 1644." From this diary he reads
the following extract : —
" Basing C istle, the seat and mansion of the
Marquisse of Winchester, stands on a rising
ground, having its forme circular, encompassed
with a brick rampart, lined with earth, and a
very deep trench, but dry. The loftie Gate-
house with f oure turrets looking northwards,
on the right whereof without the compas83 of
the ditch, is a goodly building, containing two,
f aire courts. Before them is the Graunge
severed by a wall and common roade, againe
divided from the foot of Cowdrey*s Downe by
meades, rivulets, and a river running from
Basingstoake, a mile distant upon the west. The
south side of the Castle hath a parke, and
toward Basing towne a little wood, the place
seated and bmlt as if for Royaltie, having a
proper mitto, * Aymey Loyalte.' "
" Having read this account of Basing in its
glory by its lord and master, let us explore fts
ruins !"
Inclining to the right, as we enter the circular
keep or citadel, we at once reach the excava-
tions before referred to. Very curious and
very puzzling are their results. The rooms at
present explored seem to have been the kitchens
of the mansion. Recesses in which some think
the tinder-box formerly rested have been opened
out, together with chimneys, fireplace, and
ovens. Just within the rampart is what at
present seems like a corridor, paved in some
places with brick, and in others with flint.
This paving has here and there disappeared, and
there is reason to suppose that wood was used,
as well as the more durable materials. Chalk
also formed the floor in various places. A
circular brick wall, three feet in height, a por-
tion of which appears to have been hastily con>
structed, runs round the area parallel to the
outer rampart. Drains have been met with,
and a large culvert leads beneath the moat into
the open country. In one portion of the wall
are several recesses, the original use of which is
shrouded in mystery. A large arch, which pro-
bably did duty as a sally-port, has been un-
covered, and various chambers below the surface
are being brought to light. The foundations of
what was apparently a square tower are visible
near the centre of the circular area, and close
by is a large cellar, the arched roof of which
was probably intended to be bomb proof. The
stands for the beer barrel may still be seen,
and light was admitted by shoots very similar
Thx Buiksd F0BTBE88.
to those in the cr3rpt of Winchester Cathedral.
The steps leading down to this cellar were of
brick with stout oaken curbs. The all-con-
suming fire penetrated even here, as the charred
timbers plainly testified. Indeed, this cellar
was the probable scene of a tragedy as horrible
as that of the Black Hole of Calcutta, of
which Hugh Peters shall tell us more anon.
The citadel was supplied with water from a
well on the left of the entrance, and there is
Another well on the outer edge of the moat.
Pursuing our walk round the circular ram-
part, we notice some masonry which seems to
have formed part of the more anciont build-
ing which Adam De Porta called "home."
Pleasant is the breezy walk along the path at
the top of the rampart, where steadfast Cava-
liers did " sentry go" for many a weary month.
From the summit to the left of the entrance to
the citadel we look down into the moit, more
than 30 feet below, and the supposed site of the
famous New House.beyond which is the canal, on
the opposite bmk of which som3 of the out-
works of the fortress are still distinctly trace-
able. Further off is Basing Church, alter-
nately occupied by both parties, and as we walk
onwards we skirt the Park, in which the be-
siegers raised their strongest works. Close by,
indeed within a stone's throw of where we
stand, the focmen's trenches are still much in
the same condition as they were after the final
assault. Close quarters truly 1
When we have completed half our circuit we
see the well before mentioned on the outer edge
of the moat, and we are evidently treading on
foundations, probibly of a tower, to defend a
drawbridge, of the existence of which at this
point there are some indications. A large
mound to the right of the well perhaps marks
tho position of a hostile battery. Sir William
Waller se ms to have " faced the House" on this
side. And now what a view we have I Away in
the distance is Wiaklcbury Circle, from whence,
according to tradition, Oliver, on his all-con-
queriug march, first surveyed from a distance
the stately towers of Basiag, doomed to fall.
Rather nearer is Basingstoke, the head>quarters
of the Parliamentarian Committee, and we fail
not to remark pleasant Hachwood House,
wherein most fittingly find place the portraits
of the "Loyal" Marquis and Marchioness.
Close below us are Slaughter Close and the
swamps which protected the fortress on the
north. How cleariy could the besieged discern
the movements of the enemy's horse on Cowdrey
Down, of the infantry quartered in the Delve,
and of convoys moving along the lower road or
"lane" from Basingi^oke. Protected by the
guns mounted upon and around the House,
as well as by its own fortifications, was
the Grange, which also was stoutly defended.
Beyond the church, in a field called Priest-
croft, which may be the land formerly belong-
ing to the Chaplain of the free chapel of
Basing, are the remains of fortifications,
and across th> River Loddon is Pyat's or
Magpie Hill, from whence the besieged drew
frequent and welcome supplies of com.
One of our party prcKiuces a rare contem-
porary etching ascribed to Wenceslaus Hollar, the
eminent engraver, who was himself one of the
besieged, and Mr. Sapp has also a view of the
House from a very ancient drawing, now in the
Boileiin Library. The latter view shows a large
expanse of water on one side, which is crossed by
a causeway. In " The Soldier's Report of Sir
William Waller's Fight," &c., we are told:
"This place is very strongly fortified. The
walls of the house are made thick and strongly
to boare out cannon bullets, and the house bmlt
upright, so thit no man can command the roofe;
the windowes thereof are guard id by the outer
walles, and there is no plaoe open in the house
save only for certain Drikes (or field-pieces)
upon the roofe of the said house, wherewith
they are able to play upon our Army, though we
discern them not. The house is as large and
spacious as the Tower of London, and strongly-
walled about with earth raised against the wall,
of such a thicknesse that it is able to dead the
greatest cannon bullet, besides they have great
store both of ammunition and victualls to serve
for supply a long time, and in the wall divers
pieces of ordnance about the house." Cromwell
speaks of taking " about ten pieces of ordnance."
The Marquis says "Our courts being large
and many;" and Hugh Peters states, "There
were in Doth houses 16 courts, both great and
small." Several towera aided the defence, but
the lead was stripped from all the turrets during
the siege, to be cast into bullets.
Chapter II.— Basing in " Ye Olden Tyme.
Having now obtained a general idea of the
ground on which once stood Basing House, we
Beat ourselves on the grassy slopes of the
citadel, and one of our party (with an occa-
uonal comment from some one or other of his
audience) speaks as follows : — "Before we speak
of the Civil War, we must make brief mention
of * a fight fought long ago' on this very spot.
A Danish host landed in the north, stormed
York, and marched upon *tho Royal city
called Reading.* Brave Earl Alfgar had tried
to bar the Vikings' way, only to die as a
soldier should, sword in hand beneath the oaks
of Kesteven.
The lion-hearted Ethelred dwelt in the palace
of the West Saxons at Winchester, and by his
fiide was his young brother. Earl Alfred, * the
truth teller,' already known as a Dane fighter,
liod by the two Royal soldiers, the men of
Wessex, with their dragon standard, faced the
Haven of the North on or near the site of
Basing House. How thickly ficw the arrows
that day I how fiercely did Saxon and North-
man hew and hack at one another ! how cheerily
rang out Alfred's battle cry 1 It was, we may
be sure, not his fault that ^tho Pagans
remained masters of the place of death,' and
that * when the fight began hope passed from
the one side to the other ; the Royal army was
deceived ; the enemy had the victory but gained
no spoils.' The grave of the slain is probably
remembered in the name of the neighbouring
farm of 'Lick Pit,' or *Body Pit.'"
But we must hasten onwards. Camden says:
"Beneath this (the Holy Ghost Chappell) East-
ward lieth Basing, a towne very well knowne
by reason of the liords bearing the name of it,
to wit, St. John, the Poinings, and the Pow-
lets. For when Adam de Portu, Lord of Basing,
a mightie man in this tract,and of great wealth,
in the reign of William the First, matched in
marriage with the daughter and heire to the
right noble louse of St. John, William his
Sonne, to doe honour unto that f amilie, assumed
to him the surname of St. John, and they who
lineally descended from him have still retained
the same. But when Edward St. John
departed out of this world without issue
in King Edward the Third his time,
his sister Margaret bettered the state
of her husband, John Saint Philibert,
with the possessions of the Lord Saint John,
and when she was dead without children,
Isabell, the other sister, wife unto Sir John
Poinings, bare unto him Thomas Lord of
Basing, whose niece Constance by his sonne
Hugh (unto whom this fell for h t child-part
of inheritance) was wedded into the f amilie of
Powlet, and she was gr^at grandmother to that
Sir William Powlet who, being made Baron
Saint John of Basing, by King Henrie the
Eighth, and created by King Edward the
Sixth first Earl of Wiltshire, and afterwards
Marquess of Winchester, and withall was Lord
Treasurer of England, having in a trouble-
some time runne through the highest
honour, fulfilled the course of nature
with the satietie of his life (and that
is great prosperitie as a rare bl'^ssing
among Courtiers), after he had built a
most sumptuous house heere, for the spacious
largenesse thereof admirable to the beholder,
untill for the great and chargeable reparations
his successors pulled down a good part of it.
But of him I have spoken before." This keep
or citadel, in which we now are, is probably an
old camp, which has been utilised in turn by
Celt, Roman, Saxon, Dane, Norman, and
Cavalier. In a grant made to the Priory of
Monks Sherborne, in the reign of Henry II.,
mention is made of " the old castle of Basing."
This seems to have been rebuilt by William
Paulet, or Powlett, the First Marquis of Win-
chester, of whom we are told that he was the
son of Sir John Paulet, who was twice Sheriff
of Hampshire. He was made Comptroller and
Treasurer of the Household by Henry YIII.,
and became Lord Treasurer to Edward YI., by
whom he was created Marquis of Winchester.
" It has never been said that he possessed
Baling in "Ye Oldxn Tnu.
masterly abilities; he is only presented to ns as
amanof^eat policy and sagacity." He was
the c ief instroment in preserving the crown to
Queen Mary, and c^ied in 1571 at the age of 87,
enormously wealthy, and leaving 103 de-
scendants. He seems to have been remarkable
for pithy sayings. Being asked how he had re-
tained the favour of four Tudor sovereigns, he
replied " I was born of the willow, not of the
oak." He said also ** that there was always
the best justice when the Court was absent
from London." He thus wrote : —
Late Bupning I forbear,
Wine ana women I forswear ;
My neck and feet I keep from cold,
No marvel then, though 1 be old ;
I am a wUlow, not an oak.
I chide, bnt never hurt with stroke.
In 1560 he entertained at Basing his Royal
mistress, who made the full fond conf.ssion,
** By my troth, if my Lord Treasurer were but
a young man, I could find in my heart to love
him for a husband before any man in England."
Entertaining Royal personages was expensive
then as now. In January, 1569, the old Mar-
quis received a letter from the Earl of Shrews-
burpr, who acted as jailor to the Queen of Scots,
asking for a further allowance of wine in these
terms : — " Truly two tuns have not sufficed ordi-
narily, besides that which is sacrificed at times
for her bathings and such like use, which seeing
I cannot by any means conveniently diminish,
my earnest trust and desire is that you will now
consider me with such larger proportions in this
case as shall seem good unto your friendly
wisdom, even as I shall think myself much bo-
holden to you for the same, and so I commit
you unto God. From Tutbury Castle, this 15
of January, 1569. Your assured friend to my
power, G. Shrewsbury." The second Marquis,
who was one of the judges at the trial of the
Duke of Norfolk in 1572, died in 1576, bequeath-
ing his body to be buried in the church of
Basing, and ordering that his funeral should
cost lObOZ. The third Marquis wrote poetry and
gave large estates to four ille^timate sons. His
8on and successor impoverished himself by
royally entertaining Queen Elizabeth in 1601,
of which we have the following graphic account :
*' Queen Elizabeth's entertainment at Bas-
ing House, in her progress in 1611. — Her
Majesty was that night attended on to
Basing, a house of the Lord Marquesse, where
aho t<K>k much quiet content, as well with the
seato of the house, as honourable carriage of the
worthy Lady Lucie, Marquesse of Winchester,
that fihee staid there thirteene dayes, to the
greate charge of the sayde Lorde Marquesse.
The fourth day after the Queen's conuning to
Basing the sherifte was conmianded to attend
the Duke of Biron at his conuning into that
country, whereupon the next day, being the
10th of September, hee went towards Black-
water, being the uttermost confines of that
shire, towards London, and then met the said
Duke, accompanied with above 20 of the
nobilitie of France, and attended with about
400 Frenchmen, who were met by George,
Earle of Cumberland, and by him conducted
from London to Hampshire. The said Duke
was that night brought to the Vine, a f aire and
large house of Lord Sands, which house was
furnished with hangings and plate from the
Tower and Hampton Court, with 7-score beds
and furniture, which the willing and obedient
people of the countrie of Southampton, upon
two dayes warning, had brought in thither, to
lend the Queene. The Duke abode there four
or five days, all at the Queene's charges, and
spent her more at the Vine than her owne
court for the time spent at Basen. During her
abode there. Her Majestic went to him at the
Vine, and he to her at Basen, and one day he
attended her at Basen-parke on hunting, where
the Duke staied her conmiing, and did there see
her in such Royaltie, and so attended by the
nobilitie,and costlv furnished and mounted,a8 the
like had seldome oeen seene ; but when she came
to the place where the Duke staied, the said
bherifPe (as the manner is), being bareheaded,
and riding next day before her, staied his horse,
thinking the Queene would then have saluted
the Duke, whereat the Queene, being much
offended, commanded the Sheriffe to go on.
The Duke followed her very humbly, bowing
low towards his horse's maine with his cap off.
About twenty yards Her Majestic on the sudden
tooke off her masko, looked backe upon him,
and most gratiously and courteously saluted him,
as holding it not beseeming so mightie a Prince
as she was, and who so well knew all kingly
majestic to make her stay directly against a
subject before he had shewed his obedience in
following after her. She tarried at Bason
thirteen diys, as is aforesaid, being very well
contented with all things there done, affirming
she had done th t in Hampshire that none of
her ancestors ever did, neither any Prince of
Cristendom3 could doe ; that was she had in her
Basing in "Tb Olden Ttmv.
progreese in her subjects* houses entertained a
Koyall Ambassador^and had Royally entertained
him. At her departure from iBasen, being the
14th of Septemoer, she made 10 Knights,
having never in all her raigne made, at one
time, so many before, whose names were : Sir
Edward Citsell, second sonne to the Lord
Burley ; Sir Edward Hungerfcrd, next heyre
to the Lord Hungerford ; Sir Edward Bainton,
of Wiltshire, Sir W. Eingmil, Sir Care Raw-
leigh, Sir Francis Palmer, then sheriffe of the
shire ; Sir Benjamin Tichboume, Sir Hamden
Paulet, Sir Richard Norton, of Hampshire ; Sir
Francis Stoner, of Oxfordshire ; and Sir Edward
liudlow, of Wiltshire. Next day she went from
Basen towards Famham, a castle belonging
to the see of Winchest r, and in her
way to Famham she knighted Sir Richard
White in his own house, having feasted her and
her trayne very royally, neer unto which towne
the sheriffe of Hampshire took his leave, and
the sheriffe of Surrey met her, but the sheriffe
of Hampshire and the gentlemen of that country
went to Famham by command, and there at-
tended the next day, where they were feasted
and kindly entertained by the learned prelate.
Dr. Bilson, Bishoppe of Winchester, upon whose
onely commendation two auncient and worthy
gentlemen of Hampshire, Sir Richard Mill and
Sir William Udall, received there the dignity of
knighthood. And thus much for that progresso
to be noted." (Vide " Queen Elizabeth's Pro-
gresses," Vol. IL)
The Vyne or Vine just mentioned is near
Sherborne St. John. Before the 16th century
it was an old manor house, which Lord Sandys
enlarged and beautified. It was afterwards
greatly altered by Liigo Jones and his son-in-
law Webb. Camden styles it " A neat house of
the Lord Sandes, called from the vines intro-
duced into Biitain, more for shade than for the
sake of the fruit, ever since tho time of the
Emperor Probus, who allowed the Britons and
other nations to plant vines." Horace Walpolc
says " At the Vine is the most heavenly chapel
in the world," which contains some stained glass
brought from Boulogne after its capture by
Henrv VIII. by the first Lord Sandys. This
glass has, therefore, like Hudibras's breeches and
the hollow copper ball on Naseby Spire, " been
at the siege of Bullen." The tomb room
adjoining the chapel was built by John Chute,
the friend of Horace Walpole. It contains an
altar-tomb, with an effigy of Chaloncr Chute,
Speaker of the House of Commons, and one of
the great lawyers of the time of the Common-
wealth, who purchased the estate of the
representatives of the Sandys family. For
full particulars of the noble owners of
Basing see Woodward's History of Hawpshirt^
to which we are greatly indebted for much
valuable information. The 5th Marquis at first
managed his estates in peace, keeping up the
old customs that " tenants were to make
hedges for the wheat field by or within six days
after St. Andrew's Day, and for the barley field
on or within six days of Maie Daie. No wheat was
to be sown until within a fortnight of Christmas,
and no fallowing done until within a fortnight
of Candlemas." But more stirring times were
about to ruin, whilst immortalising, Basing, and
to confer upon its noble owner the proud title
of "the Loyal Marquis."
Chapter III.— The Civil Wab Bboins.
It comes not within our province to discuss
the canses of qnarrel between Charles I. and his
Parliament. Suffice it to say that the house of
Pawlet declared for the King. On June 15th,
1642, Lord Pawlet was with the King at York,
and was one of those who were styled by their
opponents ** the Popish and beggarly lords, and
cavaliers for and about the King." On that day
he, with 44 other noblemen, declared that ** the
King had no intention of making war upon the
Parliament,'' and on June 20th he was one of
43 who undertook '^ to pay horses for three
months (thirty days to the month), at two
shillings and sixpence per diem, still advancing
a month's pay, the first payment to begin so
Boone as the King shall call for it after the com-
missions shall be issued under the great scale.
In this number are not to be reckoned the horses
of the subscribers, or of those that shall attend
them." Lord Pawlet promised to provide 40
horses, and the Lord Marquess of Hartford 60.
Lord Pawlet and his son Sir John Pawlet were
afterwards besieged in Sherborne Castle by the
Earl of Bedford.
In Hampshire the Marquis of Winchester de-
clared for the King, but his kinsmen. Sir Henry
Wallop and Eobert Wallop, who were members
for the county and for Andover, were Parlia-
mentarians. Of this ancient family Camden
says, " After this, Test having taken into it a
little river from Wallop, or more truly Well-
hop, that is by interpretation out of our fore-
fathers' ancient language ^ a pretty well out of
the side of a hill,' whereof that right worship-
ful familie of the Wallops of Knights' Degree
dwelling harde by tooke name." Two other
kinsmen, Richard and Sir Thomas Jervoise,
represented the borough of Whitchurch in Par-
liament. Sir William Waller, the Parliamen-
tarian general, was also a relative, and had just
been returned a member for Andover.
Sir Henry Wallop and Richard Whitehead,
Esq., who were both Parliamentarians, repre-
sented the county at Westminster. Sir Henry
Bainsford and Henry Yemon, Esq., were the
original members for Andover in the Long Par-
liament, but by a petition which bears the date
of May 3rd, 1642, Mr. Vernon was unseated,
and Sir William Waller declared duly elected,
the return being amended on May 12th, 1642.
Robert Wallop, Esq., a staunch friend to the
Parliament, also represented Andover in the
Long Parliament.
Henry Percy, Esq., was one of the members
for Portsmouth, but on his electing to sit for
Northumberland a new writ was issued on
November 11th, 1642, and Nicholas Weston,
Esq., was elected. The other member was the
notorious Colonel Goring, who, deserting the
Parliament, openly declared for the King early
in August, 1642, and was, in consequence, ex-
pelled from the House of Commons on the 8th
of that month.
The members for Southampton were George
Gallop and Edward Exton, Esqs., who were
likewise adherents of the Parliament. The re-
presentatives of Stockbridge were William
Hevenineham and William Jephson, Esqs., who
supported the same cause, whilst at Whitchurch
the Parliament had friends in Richard Jervoise,
Esq., and Sir Thomas Jervoise, the sitting
members. Clarendon speaks of "Norton,
Onslow, Jarvis, Whitehead, and Morley, all
Colonels of Regiments," and of " two Captains,
Jarvise and Jephson, the two eldest sons of two
of the greatest rebels of that country, both
heirs to good fortunes." One of the members
for Winchester was the celebrated John Lisle,
Esq., the friend of Cromwell, and the husband
of Dame Alicia Lisle, the victim of brutal
Judge Jeffreys. His colleague. Sir William
(afterwards Lord) Ogle, was a devoted
Royalist, which caused him to be unseated
on June 24th, 1643. Sir William Lewis, Bart.,
and Sir Wm. Uvedale supported the claims of the
Parliament at Petersfield. Sir Benjamin Tich-
bome, who also represented Peteiisfield about
this time, was obliged to " retire after the battle
of Cheriton to the mansion at West Tisted.
This is now a farm-house, and near it an old
Trb Civil War Beqins.
hollow oak is still shown in which the Knight
contrived to secrete himself from the pnrsuit
of the troopers who were sent to apprehend-
him. Sir Richard Tichbome was probably in
the battle of Cheriton, as was also his brother,
Sir Benjamin, and his son, Sir Henry. These
members of the Tichborne family were unhap-
pily arrayed against a kinsman in the Parlia-
mentarian Army. This was Robert Tich-
bome, a zealous adherent of Cromwell, after-
wards Lord Mayor of London, and called by the
Protector to his Upper House in 1057. He sat
as one of the Judges on the trial of the unfor-
tunate Charles, and signed the warrant for his
execution. He was arraigned, but never brought
to trial. Sir Henry Tichbome, the son of Sir
Richard, is the same baronet who is represented
in Tilbourg's picture of the Dole. For his at-
tachment to the Royal cause his estate was
sequestered, but regained at the Restoration."
Colonel Norton, the friend of Cromwell, lived
at the Manor House of Old Alresf^rd, but Dr.
Peter Heylin, the Rector, who wrote a History
of the Reformation, was hateful to the Puritan
party, having arranged his church according to
the Injunctions issued by Archbishop Laud.
The principal inhabitants of Alresf ord favoured
the Parliament. Winchester Castle was a place
of considerable strength. James I. had granted
it to the Tichborne family in fee farm for ever.
Sir William Waller laid claim to the office of
Governor, but in 1643 Sir Richard Tichborne
aided in bringing it under the authority of the
King. Bishop Curie and the Rev. W. Lewis,
Master of St. Cross, were " stanch loyalists and
Churchmen," whilst as to the inhabitants in
general we know that when Charles I. was brought
as a prisoner to the city under a guard of horse
on December 21st, 1648, en route from Hurst
Castle to Windsor, " At his entrance therein the
Mayor and Aldermen of the city did, notwith-
standing the times, receive the King with duti-
ful respect, and the clergy did the like. During
his short stay of one nis;ht the gentry and
others of inferior rank flocked thither in great
numbers to welcome His Majesty." Most of
the townsmen of Southampton appoar to hive
been friendly to the Roval cause, whilst of the
noble Lord of Titchfield House Clarendon says :
'* The Earl of Southampton was indeed a great
man in all respects, and brought very mucli re-
putation to the King's cause." A large portion
of the parish of Abbott's Worthy belonged to
Arthur, Lord Capel, who desired that his heart,
after his execution in March, 1649, might be en-
closed in a silver vase and presented to Charles
II. at the Restoration, which was accordingly
done. Of him the old rhyme ran : —
Onr lion-like Capel nndaimted stood,
Beset witli crosses in a sea of blood.
Colonel Sandj*^ o^ Mottisfont House, Colonel
Phillips, of Stoke Charity, Captain Peregrine
Tasbury, and many others took up arms for the
King. The Earl of Portland, who held away
in the Isle of Wight, was peculiarly obnoxions
to the Puritans, who " objected to all the acts
of good fellowship, all the waste of powder, and
all the waste of wine in the drinking of healths,
and other acts of jollity ; whichever he had
been at in his government from the first honr
of his entering upon it."
The Marquis of Winchester seems to have
been at first inclined to neutrality, for, after
giving a description of Basing House, he says :
" Hither, the rebellion having made houses of
pleasure more unsafe, the Marquis first retired,
hoping integrity and privacy might have here
preserved his quiet, but the source of the time's
villany, bearing downe all before it, neither
allowing neutrality, or permitting peace to any
that desired to be lesse sinful than themselves,
enforceth him to stand upon his guard." The
position of Basing House, commanding," sit did,
the western road, could not escape notice, and
on AiTgust 19th, 1641, ** In the House of Com-
mons one, Mr. Sewer, did this day give infor-
mation that he did see on Monday was seven-
night a great many arms in the Marquis of
Winchester's house at Basingstoke, a recusant,
and that the keepers of them told him there
were arms for a thousand five-hundred men."
On November 4th, of the same year, " It was
ordered that the Lord Marquess of Winchester
shall have liberty, by vcrtue of this Order, to
sell off his arms to such tradesmen as will buy
the same." Having thus, as they thought,
rendered Basing House defenceless, some of its
foes attacked it, which "enforceth him (the
Marquis) to stand upon his guard, which, with
his gentlemen armed with six musquets
(the whole remainder of a well-furnished
armory), ho did so well that twice
tho enemies' attempts proved vaine."
" Portsmouth was at the time of the raising of
the stand ird hold for the King by one whose
course, from first to last, devious, uncertain,
and unprincipled, shed disgrace upon the noble-
ness of his name, and upon the honourable pro-
The Ciyix Wab Beoins.
fesfdon of a soldier. This man was Goring,
than whom, on account of his private vices of
drunkenness, cruelty, and rapacity, and of his
political timidity and treachery, scarcely any-
one was more unworthy to bo trusted with any
important matters for counsel or execution."
Clarendon says, " When the King returned to
York, an accident fell out that made it
absolutely necessary for the King to declai*o the
war, and to enter upon it before he was in any
degree ripe for action, which was that Ports-
mouth had declared for the King and refused
to submit to the Parliament, which had there-
upon sent an army, under the command of Sir
William Waller, to reduce it."
** In the previous year Col. Goring had been
a ti'aitor to the King, and had betrayed the
army plot. The Parliament now felt sure of
him, but he was all the while in treaty with
their enemies. Queen Henrietta Maria even
thought of placing herself under his protection
at Portsmouth. This plan ho duly disclosed to
the Parliament, and received large sums of
money from both Puritans and Cavaliers to be
expended upon the defences of the toAvn. All
which ho performed witli that admirable
dissimulation and rare confidence that when
the House of Commons was informed by a
member, whose zeal and affection to them was
as much valued as any man's, ' that all 1 is
correspondence in the county was with the most
malignant persons (/.<?., Royalists), that of those
many frequently resorted to, and continued
with him in the garrison ; that he was fortify-
ing and raising of batteries to"w ards the land ;
and that in his di.scom-so, especially in
tho seasons of his good fellowship, ho
used to utter threats against the Parlia-
ment and sharp censures of their proceed-
ings, and upon such information (tho author
whereof was well known to them, and of great
reputation, and lived so near Portsmouth that
ho could not be mistaken, in the matter of
fact), (Was this informjint Colonel Norton, or
ouo of his family from Southwick Park V) tho
House sent for him, most thinking ho would
refuse to como. Colonel Goring came upon the
summons, with that undauntcdness, that all
clouds of distrust immediately vanished, inso-
much as nb man presumed to whisper tho least
jealousy of him ; which he observing, came to
the House of Commons, of which he was a
member, and having sato a day or two patiently,
as if ho expected somo charge, in tho end he
stood up, with a countenance full of modesty
and yet not without a mixture of anger (as he
could help himself with all the insinuations
of doubt or fear, or shame, or simplicity in his
face that might gain belief, to a greater degree
than I ever saw any man ; and could seem the
most confounded when he was best prepared,
and tho most out of countenance when he was
best resolved, and to want words, and the habit
of speaking, when they flowed from no man
with greater power), and told them that he
had been sent for by them, upon some informa-
tion given against him, and that, though he
believed, the charge being so ridiculous, they
might have received, by their own particular
inquiry, satisfaction, yet the discourse that had
been used, and his being sent for in that manner,
had begot some prejudice to him in his reputa-
tion ; which if he could not preserve, he should
be the less able to do them service ; and there-
fore desired, that he might have leave (though
very unskilful, and unfit to speak, in so wise
and judicious an assembly) to pi*esent to them
the state and condition of that place under his
command. And then he doubted not, but to
give them full satisfaction in those particulars,
which, possibly, had made some impression in
them to his disadvantage. That he was far from
taking it ill from those who had given any in-
formation against him ; for what he had done,
and must do, might give some umbrage to well
affected persons, who knew not the grounds and
reasons that induced him so to do ; but that
if any such persons would at any time
resort to him, he would clearly inform
them of whatever motives he had ; and would
be glad of their advice and assistance for the
better doing thereof. Then he took notice of
every particular that had been publickly said
against him, or privately whispered, and gave
such plausible answers to the whole, interming-
ling sharp taunts and scorns to what had been
said of him, with pretty application of himself
and flattery to the men that spake it. Conclud-
ing * That they well knew in what esteem he
stood with othei-s ; so that if, by his ill carriage,
he should forfeit the good opinion of that
House, upon which he only depended, and to
whoso service he entirely devoted himself, he
were madder than his friends took him to be,
and must be as unpitied in any misery that
could befal him as his enemies would be glad
to see him.' With which, as innocently and
unaf^eotcdly uttered, as oan be imaginedf he got
Thi Civiii Wab Beoiks
BO general an applause from the whole House
that, not without some apology for troubling
him, they desired him again to repair to his
government, and to finum those works which
were necessary for the safety of the place, and
gratified him with consenting to ail the pro-
positions he made in behalf of his garrison, and
paid him a good sum of money for their
arrears ; with which, and being privately as-
sured (which was indeed resolved on) that he
should be Lieutenant-General of their Horse
in their new army, when it should be formed,
he departed again to Portsmouth ; in the mean
time assuring His Majesty, by those who were
trusted between them, ^ That he would be
speedily in a posture to make any such declara-
tion for his service as he should be required ;*
which he was forced to do sooner than he was
provided for it, though not sooner than he had
reason to expect."
" When the levies for the Parliament Army
were in good forwardness, and that Lord had
received his commission for Lieutenant-General
of the Horse, he wrote the Lord Kimbolton, who
was his most bosome friend, and a man very
powerful, desiring * That he might not be called
to give his attendance upon the army till he was
ready to march ; because there were so many
things to be done and perfected for the safety of
that important place, that he was desirous to be
present himself at the work as long as was pos-
sible. In the meantime he had given directions
to his agent in London to prepare all things for
his equipage ; so that he would be ready to
cmpear at any rendezvous, upon a day's warning/
Though the Earl of Essex did much desire his
company and assistance in the Council of War,
and preparing the articles, and forming the dis-
cipline for the Army, he having been more lately
versed in the order and rule of marches and the
provisions necessary or convenient thereunto
than any man then in their service, and of greater
command than any man but the General ; yet
the Lord Kimbolton prevailed that he might not
be sent for till things were riper for action.
And when that Lord did afterwards write to him
' That it was time he should come away, he sent
such new and reasonable excuses, that they were
not unsatisfied with his delay ; till he had mul-
tiplied those excuses so long that they began to
suspect, and thev no sooner inclined to suspicion
but they met with abundant arguments to cherish
it. His behaviour and course of life was very
notorious to all the neighbours, nor was he ataU
reserved in his mirth and publick discourses to
conceal his^opinion of the Parliament, and their
proceedinsi, so that at last the Lord Ejhnbolton
writ plainly to him ' That he could no longer
excuse his absence from the Army, where he was
much wanted ; and that if he did not come to
London by such a short day as he named, he
found his integrity would be doubted, and that
many things were laid to his charge, of which he
doubted not his innocence, and therefore con-
jured him immediately to be at Westminster, it
beinff no longer deferred or put off.* ^e writ
a jolly letter to that Lord ' That the truth was,
his Council advised him that the Parliament did
many things which were illegal, and that he
might incur much danger by obeying all their
orders, that he had received the command of that
garrison from the King, and that he durst not be
absent from it without his leave :' and concluded
with some good counsel to the Lord."
" This declaration of the Governor of a place,
which had the reputation of being the only
place of strength in England, and situated upon
the sea, put them into many apprehensions ;
and they lost no time in endeavounng to reduce
it ; but upon the first understanding his resolu-
tion. Sir William Waller was sent with a good
part of the army, so to block it up that neither
men nor provisions might be able to get in, and
some ships were sent from the Fleet, to prevent
any relief by sea. And these advertisements
came to the King as soon as he returned to
Previous to the arrival of Sir William Wal-
ler, the troops of the Parliament were under
the command of Sir John Merrick, who was
at the time Serjeant Major-General of their
army. He was afterwards superseded by
General Philip Skippon, receiving the appoint-
ment of General of the Ordnance. Let us hear
Clarendon once more. ''It gave no small
reputation to His Majesty's affairs, when there
was so great a damp upon the spirits of mon.^
from the misadventures at Beverly, that &<
notable a place as Portsmouth had declarer
for him in the very beginning of the "war
and that so good an officer as Goring wai
returned to his duty, and in the possession of j
the town. And the King, who was not snr-^
prised with the matter, knowing well the reso-'
lution of the colonel, made no doubt but that'
he was very well supplied with all thin^.^j
as he might well have been, to have given the
rebels work, for three or four months, at the
This and other considerations induced the
Kinff to issue a proclamation calling on his
loyal subjects to rally round his standard at
Nottinghain,and to send the Marquis of Hertford,
witii Lord Seymour, his brother, Lord Pawlet,
Hopton, Stawel, Coventry, Berkeley, Wind-
hun, and some other gentlemen '* of the prime
quality and interest in the Western parts,"
into those districts to raise regiments for Ids ser-
vice. But no sooner had the standard been dis-
played at Nottingham, on August 25, 1642, than
*' Eus Majesty received intelligence that Ports-
mouth was so streightly besieged by sea and
land that it would l^ reduced in very few days,
except it were relieved. For the truth is, Colonel
Groring, though he had sufficient warning, and
sufficient supplies of money to put that place
into a posture, had rebed too much upon
Srobable and casual assistance, and neglected to
o that himself which a vigilant officer would
have done ; and albeit his chief dependence was
both for money and provisions from the Isle of
Wight, yet he was careless to secure those small
castles and blockhouses that guarded the passage ;
which revolting to the Parliament as soon as he
declared for the King, cut off those dependences ;
so that he had neither men enough to do ordi-
nary duty nor provisions enough for those few
for any considerable time. And at the same
time with this news of Portsmouth, arrived
certain advertisements, that the Marquis of
Hertford and all his forces in the West, from
whom only the Eling hoped that Portsmouth
should be relieved, was driven out of Somerset-
shire, where his power and interest was believed
unquestionable, into Dorsetshire ; and there
besieged in Sherborne Castle."
Siege of Portsmouth in the Yeak 1642.
I have been favoured with the following ex-
tract from an exceedingly rare work, entitled
** Jehoveh-Jireh, God in the Mount ; or Eng-
land's Parliamentarie Chronicle," in the pos-
session of Mr. C. E. Smithers, of Queen-street,
Portsea : —
« And much about thia time came certain in-
telligence to the Parliament of the present
estate, then of Portsmouth, how Colonell
Goreing, the then Govemour thereof (and that
by the assent and good liking of the Parlia-
ment ; Tet), had now deserted them ; and de-
clared himself e solely for the King against the
Parliament, and that ho had strongly fortified
himaelfe both within and without against any
forces that should come to oppose or supplant
him ; And that the Countrey much f earmg he
would now be but a bad neighbour, or unruly
inmate to them, had already laid a strong siege
about the Towne, but immediately desired the
Parliament's assistance therein, which was ac-
cordingly performed, and the Parliament's forces
built a strong Fort on the Bridge-foot before
Portsmouth, and planted ordnance thereon, and
forthwith the Parliament sent to desire the Earl
of Warwick to place a Guard of Ships by sea,
to prevent all passages and supplies to Ports-
mouth that way, which accordin^y the said most
Noble Earle faithfully perform^, whereby the
Collonell was now so hem'd in on all sides that
it was not likely he could long keep house there
in the Castle, the Townesmen also much dis-
rellishing his doings therein. But because tMs
was a piece of much concernment for the good
of the whole kingdom, I shall here now take
occasionf or the Reader's more delight and fuller
satisfaction, to give a particular narration of
the siege and taking of this Town and Castle,
wherein will be divers delightfull passages very
obvious to the Reader's obBervation. Colonell
Goreing, having about the beginning of Aucust,
1642, declared himself e openly (as was fore-
mentioned) to be for the l^ing alone, and not
for the King and Parliament, and having there-
fore resolved to keep it ^as was pretended) for
His Majesties coming thither, used all the care
he could to fortifie himselfe therein, raised
therefore in the first place a Mount at Port-
bridge, three miles from the Town, and the
onley passage into the Island of Portsey, but
upon the first comming of the Parliaments
forces, which was about the tenth of August,
he took away the Ordnance which he had planted
in the said Mount, being foure pieces, and
brought them back again into the Town, and
kept the said Bridge onley with 10 or 12 Troopers
with Pistolls and Carbines.
Now the Parliaments forces first showed
themselves against Goreing about Pochdown in
London way, halfe a nme from the Bridge.
Hereupon the Colonells Troopes within the
Town issued out in the night, and brought in
all the sheepe and cattell that were in Portsey
Island, and spoiled and piUaged the Inhabitans
thereof, and of all their Koods and substance,
and of all their victualls, leaving them not so
much bread as to live on for one day.
About the 12th of August our Parliament
Troopers came in the night and beat the Gove-
nours Troopers from the Bridge and the whole
Island, tooke a Trooper prisoner, and another
horse, the Bider hardly escaping, having leapt
from his horse, and ran away over hedge and
ditch. August the 13th, the Lord Wentworth,
with about 60 Troopers, all they could make,
issued out of the Towne half a mile into Port-
sey Island, to fetch in a piece of Ordnance,
left behind them at first, and without resistance
recovered it into the Towne."
Lord Wentworth was the Major-Gencral of
Goring's forces. The Cavalry under his charge
received a severe check at Ashburton, in Devon-
shire, and on January 15th, 1646, he received
the command of all the horse in the remnant of
the King's Army in the West. He was con-
stantly associated with Colonel Goring.
*' But shortly after, our Troopers approached
noere to a mill, fast by the Town Mount,
whereon their Ordnance was planted, intending
to fire the mill, to hinder their grinding of corne,
which attempt on the null, together with the
Colonells Troopers endeavours to bring in the
Cattell thereabout, caused many a hot skirmish,
well performed on both sides, but little hurt
done. Another time the Colonells Troopers s il-
licd out of the Towne, and were chased by the
Parliaments Troopers, and forced to retreat as
fast as their horses could carry them, and at this
there was a Scott ishman, a brave soldier, fol-
lowed the chase to the very Towne, within the
gate, and being within the Gate, six of the ene-
mies set on him altogether, and he most valiantly
defending himselfe and fought most bravely,
at last they gave him three gashes in his head,
yet for all this he was retreating and had escap't
them all, had not one very suddenly shut the
gate upon him, and so he was taken prisoner,
but they seeing him such a brave soldier, tooke
care of him, and procured the best Chyrurgions
they could to cure him, and suffered him to want
nothing convenient for him, and for his valour
the Colonell gave him three pieces at his depar-
ture, he being immediately exchanged for
another prisoner which they tooke of the
Colonells, at the Bridge as aforesaid.
Another time the Colonell himselfe and the
Lord Wentworth with him sallyed out in the
night, with all their Troopers in two Companies,
to the Parliaments Workos, by the conduction of
one Winter, one of the Aldermen of the Towne,
who undertooke to guide them, and so brought
them to the very Court of Guard, thinking
thereby to doe them much nuBchiefe, but there
they found opposition enough, and upon com-
bating came off with the loss of three men,
whereof one named Glover, ttxe ColonelU
own man, was slain, and the aforesaid
Winter, their Guide, was taken prisoner, one of
the 3 was one Mr. Weston his man, broth'^r to
tlie Earl of Portland ; they also lost a hors.* of
the Lord Wentworth 's, which Winter rode on,
worth 30/. The Colonell also tooke six
prisoners of our men, wereof five were mus-
queteers, such as had been Sentinells, the other
was a Trooper, a stout fellow, who was also
hurt by a thrust in the arme ; the five musquc-
teers the Colonell gained to be labourers to
carry baskets of earth at his workes, but the
other stood it out stoutly and scorned to comply.
Winter was kept prisoner in the Court of
Guard, and his own son, a lad, was permitted to
come out of the Towne, and to passe to and
fro to bring his father cleane linen, and other
necessaries ; who once brought word from his
father to the Governour, that the King was very
noere the Towne, comming to their aid, which
indeed was blazed abroad to be so in the Towne,
of purpose to perswade the Garison souldiers
that the King would now certainly and suddenly
bo with them, and liberally reward all their
paines and good service. And t'was but need
thus to take paines to perswade them, for the
greatest part of the Garison- Souldiers were gone
away from the Towne by night, sometimes fovir.
sometimes six at a time ; sometimes more and
sometimes loss, for a great many nights together,
and the most of his best Gunners were gone
from him to the Parliament side, and such as.
were left of the (iarison. were even heartless
and did but little, and that on compulsion : tho
expectation of tho King's comming hid sn
tryed and dul'dthem, that they were even hope-
lesse thereof.
Now about August the 18th, the Governour
plainely discerned from Gosport (a little
Village, half a mile over tho water from th's
Towne) that the Parliament Fortes were f ram -
ing some workes to make a Fort, whereat the
Governour was much troubled, and present! \
shot at them from all his workes, that la^*
that way- ward, letting fly that night at
least 60 bullets, but hurt but one man there-
with and that by his owne folly, for he stood
on his workes with a candle and lanthorn in
his hand, whereby they had a right aime anc'i
so shot him ; but for all this ours desisted not.
but went on day and night till they had
RisoB OT Portsmouth ts this Ybar 16^2.
perfected two plat farmes, the one behind a
bame for ten pieces of Ordnance, the other be-
hind a pile of Faggots for two pieces, though
the Governor shot incessantly 14 dayes and 14
nights to have beaten them off, but . could not.
Shortly after this a parley was sounded but with-
out any good successe, so then they fell to it
again, the Govemour letting fiio his Ordnance
apace, day and night, but not with Any losse to
us rblessed be the Lord for it), no not of a man
or norse. All this time there being but two
pieces of Ordnance planted on the small worke
of Gosport, behind the Faggots, which played
not at all on the Towne, though they could have
done it, but some short time after, they shot
thence and killed one of the Garison-Souldiers on
their Mount, and cut off a French man's leg,near
unto him above the knee, to the endangering of
his life. The Govemour himself e, and the Lord
Wentworth in their own persons (and all could
be spared from other duties) wrought all one
night to make a Trench on the top of the Mount
that at the sight of the firing of our Ordnance,
they might 1 ap down into it and save themselves
from the like shot from Gosport.
On the Saturday f ollowing,ours played soundly
from Gosport with our Ordnance and shot
through the Tower of the Church and brake one
of the Bells, and shot again against the same
Tower, and that rebounded and fell into the
Church, and shot down another top of a house
that was near the Church, and the same Satur-
day morning they shot at the Water-mill, the
Miller whereof conmiended it (by experience)
for a good thing to rise early in the morning,
for (as he said) if be had not risen early that
morning, he had been kilFd in his bed, for a
bullet tooke away a sheete and part of his bed.
The reason why th^y shot so much at the Churcli-
tower, was, for that at the top thereof was their
Watch-tower, whereby they espied all approaches
by sea and by land, and the tolling of a
bell gave notice both what ships came by sea, and
w^ at number of horse came by land. That
Saturday night ours shot but five bullets from
Gosport, but every one of them did execution. It
vras well observed, that in a small time, as ours
shot from Gosport ; beginning at four of the
clock on Friday afternoon, and ending at four
on the Sabbath day in the morning, we did
more execution with our two pieces of Ordnance
than the Govemour had with the Towne
Ordnance in 14, or 16 dales, and so many nights,
in Tvhich they shot, at least, 300 bullets, and
kill'd but one man in all that time's, a most re-
markable providence of the Lord, we having but
two pieces of Ordnance at Gosport, whereas the
Ordnance planted against Gosport, from their
f oure workes, could not be less than thirty pieces
of Ordnance ; on Saturday, September the third,
in the night, the Parliament forces took Sousey
Castle, which lies a mile from the Towne upon
the sea, and the way thither is on the sea-sands.
The Captain of the Castle his name was
Challmer, who on Saturday had been at Ports-
mouth, and in the evening went home to the
Castle, and his Souldiers took horse-loads of
Provision, Bisket, Meal, and other necessaries
with them. They reported that he had more
drinke in his head than was befitting such a
time and service, and the Townsmen gave out
that he had been bribed with money to yield up
the Castle, but 'twas false, though the first may
be true, yet was not that neither any further-
ance to the taking of it, for, thus it was : there
were about 80 musqueteers and others that came
that night to the Walls of the Castle, and under
their Ordnance, and had been with them a very
good Engineer, and 35 scaling ladders, and the
whole company in the Castle were but 12,
Officers or Commanders, who all were not able
to deal with ours in such a disadvantage.
Wherefore ours having suddenly and silently
scaled the Walls, called unto them, advised
them what to doe, shewing the advan-
tage we had over them, and therefore their
danger if they resisted, who seeing the same
immediately yielded the Castle to us I where-
upon the triumph at our taking it was plainly
heard, about two of the clock in the morning,
into the Towne, and so soon as they were
masters of the Castle, they discharged two
pieces of the Castle Oi'dnance against the Towne.
Now hereupon the Govemour perceiving that the
Castle (which was the defence of the Towne
both by sea and land) was lost and gone, and
pelting already of the Towne with the Ordnance
thereof, and having seen through a prospective
glasse, so good and faire a Plat-forme for ten
pieces of Ordnance at Gosport, in th t very
morning, before break of day, he called a
Counccll of Warre to consult about their
present condition, wlio soon agreed upon the
sending out of a Drum to sound a Parley, which
was done betimes, in so much that the Parley
was begun about ten of the clock the same day,
their hostages on each side being appointed.
Out of the Towne, the Lord Wentworth, Mr.
Lewkner, and Mr. Weston, the Earl of Port-
land's brother. From the Parliament side. Sir
William Waller, Sir William Lewis, and Sir
Thomas LanracQ." Of Sir William Waller we
shall hear more. He and Sir William Lewis
are thus described by Clarendon: — " Sir William
Waller, Lewis, and other eminent persons, who
had a trust and confidence in each other, and who
were looked upon as the Heads and Govemours
of the moderate Presb3rterian party, who most
of them would have been contented, their own
security being provided for, that the King should
be restored to his full rights, and the Church to
its possessions.'* *^ Lewis had been very
popular and notorious from the beginning."
'^The Parley was ended about five of the
clock in the afternoon, but Articles of agree-
ment not confirmed till seven, that a trumpet
came, then, into the Towne from the Com-
mittee of the Parliament, and then the conclu-
sion was fully made known, and Articles
thoroughly agreed on, on both sides ; namely,
in brief, that the Towne and Castle was first to
be delivered up to the Parliament, and the
Colonell after some few daies, liberty to dis-
pose of his estate there, to depart the Towne ;
which both he, the Lord Wentworth, Mr.
Lewkner, and Mr. Weston, and all the Cavaliers
with them, their servants, and adherents did
accordingly ; and Sir William Waller, and Sir
Thomas Larvace, accompanied with Sir John
Meldrum and Colonell Hurrey, together with a
troop of Horse, and two companies of Foot took
possession of the Towne." Is Sir Thomas
Larvace a misprint for Sir Thomas Jervoise,
one of the members for Whitchurch, and an
active adherent of the Parliament ? Sir John
Meldrum belonged to a Scotch family. He was
in command of the besiegers at the siege of
Newark, and was signally defeated by Prince
Bupert on March 22nd, 1643. Colonel Hurrey,
or Urrey, deserted to the King in the following
June, acted as guide to Prince Bupert at Chal-
grove Field, again went over to the Parlia-
ment, revealing all that he knew of the King's
afEairs. He afterwards joined Montrose, was
wounded and taken prisoner at Preston, and
hanged straightway. " In the evening, at about
nine of the clock, Colonell Goring took boat
and rowed to a ship for Holland," leaving his
garrison to effect a oifficult and hazardous march
to the King's quarters in the West." " This
Colonell when he was first made Govemour of
this strong Towne of Portsmouth, expelled (as
one of his first works of piety in this defection
from the state) a good Minister out of ^
Towne, by name Mr. Tach, at the time of his
first declaring himself, as aforesaid, which said
godly Minister was brought in again by Sir
William Waller, and Sir Thomas I^trvace, and
confirmed to be preacher to the Garrison. The
greatest cause (as was conceived) that induced
the Parliament side to agree to any Articles,
was because the ColoneU had vowed and
threatened that if the Towne were taken by
f orceible assault, he would blow up the Maga-
zine of the Towne, which lay in it, in tvo
severall places ; namely, in the square-Towre on
the sea-side, where were, at least, 1200 barreb of
Gunpowder, and very much Ammunition ; and
at the other end of the Towne, near the Gate,
about 200 barrels more of Gunpowder and some
Ammunition, and they having power over the
Magazines, if they had fired them the whole
Towne had been utterly spoiled, and not one
person in the Towne coula have been secured
from destruction thereby. But they wisely con-
sidered that old nulitarie aziome. If thine
enemie will flie, make him a golden bridge,
better be merciful to a few, though offenders,
than to ruinate all, both nocents and innocents,
which indeed was the divellish doctrine and
hellish counsell in the Popish powder-plot, by
that most wicked Jesuite Garnet, that Arch-
Thus it pleased the Lord most graciously to
finish the great worke of so high concernment
to the Kingdome, as things now stand, and U
doe it in a more than ordinarie way of mercit
and goodnesse, both in respect of the speedi;
and also unbloodie effecting of it, so little huit
being done on both sides, especially ours, con
sidering how desperately and diligently tb
Colonell discharged his Ordnance at our men i:
the siege, as you have heard, with so little 8^^
cesse. And who now can be so dull heartei
and so blind sighted, as not to conceive and set
plainly from all those last f orementioned pit
mises, especially these of this Towne of Porte-
mouth, and therewith all ingeniously confe.stf
and acknowledge, The Lord Jehovah to be n
the mount of mercies to us, and for his beliet^
ing peoples prosperity and welfare.'*
The surrender of Portsmouth produced a decf
sensation in the Cavalier Court at Oxford.
Says Clarendon : " The King's enemies wen
in a manner, possessed of the whole kingdom
Portsmouth, the strongest and best fortifi(y
town then in the kingdom, was surrendered ti
them. Colonel Goring, about the beginning of.
iBeptember, thoofih he had, seemed to be so
long resolved and prepared to expect a siege,
and had been supplied with moneys according
to his own proposal, was brought so low that he
gave it up, only for liberty to transport himself
beyond seas, and for his officers to repair to the
King. And it were to be wished that there
might be no more occasion to mention him
hereafter, after this repeated treachery ; and
that his incomparable dexterity and sagacity had
not so far prevailed over those who had been so
often deceived by him, as to make it absolutely
necessary to speak at large of him before this
discourse comes to an end."
Another account says: "The King's most
able General, Colonel Goring, was an airy bac-
chanalian, who, in the most critical emergency,
could not be enticed from the jollities of the
table, sliffhting every alarmist till the carouse
was concluded."
The Marquis of Hartford, with Lord Sey-
mour, Sir Balph Hopton, Lord Pawlet, and
others, were at Sherborne, hoping to be able to
relieve Portsmouth, but as soon as he heard of
its surrender he withdrew into Glamorganshire
with the Lords Seymour and Pawlet, leaving
8ir Ralph Hopton to march into Cornwall with
the cavalry under his command. Sir William
Waller, with his forces, marched to join the
Earl of Essex, after making himself master of
Clarendon says of the surrender of Ports-
mouth : "This blow struck the King to the
very heart." Ever since the days of the Eighth
Harry the dwellers in the Isle of Wight had
4< furnished themselves with a parochial artillery;
«aGh parish provided one piece of light brass
ordnance, which was commonly kept either in
the church, or in a small house built for the
purpose, close by the church. Towards the end
of the last century some sixteen or eighteen of
.theae guns were stiU preserved in the island ;
they were of low calibre, some being six-
|K>nnders, and aU the rest one-pounders. The
islanders, by frequent practice, are said to have
juade themselves excellent artillerymen. The
gaa carriages and ammunition were provided by
the parishes, and particular farms were charged
-with the duty of nndiuff horses to draw them."
Of the Earl of Portland, who was the Governor
of the Liland at the outbreak of the war,
Clarendon says that the Parliament ^* threatened
the Earl of Portland, who, with extraordinary
vivacity, crossed their consultations, that they
would remove him from his charge and govern-
ment of the Isle of Wight (which at last they did
defactOy by committing him to prison, without
so much as assigning a cause), and to that pur-
pose objected ail the acts of good fellowship, all
the wast of powder, and all the wast of wine,
in the drinking of healths, and other acts of
jollity, whenever he had been at his Govern-
ment, from the first hour of his entering upon
it." " And when they were resolved no longer
to trust the Isle of Wight in the hands of the
Earl of Portland, who had long been the King's
Govemour there, and^ had an absolute power
over the affections of that people, they pre-
ferred the poor Earl of Pemorook to it, by an
Ordnance of Parliament ; who kindly accepted
it, as a testimony of their favour, and so got
into actual rebellion, which he never intended
to do. It is a {)ity to say more of him, and less
could not be said to make him known." Colonel
Brett them assumed command at Carisbrooke
A previously quoted writer, in the " Penny
Magazine" for 1836, says, ^'Carisbrook Castle was
in one instance made memorable by the heroism
of a female, whose adventures in some respects
resembled those of the celebrated Royalist the
Countess of Derby, and Queen of the Isle of
Man. At an early stage of the Civil War,
Jerome, Earl of Poi-tland, who had been Governor
for Charles I. during many years, was removed
by Parliament as a Catholic, or as one who, at
least, was a favourer of Popery. Shortly after
he was suddenly imprisoned in London on this
ground, and further accused by the Commons of
a thoughtless and profligate expenditure of pub*
lie money in ammunition, entertainments, and
the drinking of loyal toasts in Cansbrook. The
principal inhabitants of the island drew up a peti-
tion in favour of their < noble and much hon-
oured and beloved Captain and Governor,' in
which, dropping all allusion to his wasting of the
ammunition, &c., they stuck to the more im-
portant question of his religious faith, declaring
that not only was he a good Protestant, but that
there was not one professed Papist or favourer
of Papacy in the whole Isle of Wight. This
Setition being disregarded by Parliament, they
rew up a spirited remonstrance, in which they
spoke of defending themselves by arms, and
admitting no new governor that was not ap-
pointed oy the Kin^. Twenty-four knights-
and squires mgned this paper, but the people
were very dilrerently inclined. They were led
by Moses Read, the Mayor of Newport, who
declared in favour of Parliament, and trans-
mitted a representation on the great danger accru-
ing to the State from the Countess of Portland
being allowed to continue in the Castle, and to
retam Colonel Brett there as her warden. Read
soon received order ' to adopt any measures ho
might think necessary for the safety of the
idand,* to siege the fortress, and to secure
Colonel Brett, the Countess, her five children,
and other relatives who had taken shelter within
the walla. He marched upon Carisbrook with
the Militia of Newport, and 400 sailors drawn
from the vessels at anchor near the island. The
garrison of V e old Castle did not exceed 20 men,
but the Countess resolved not to surrender
except on honourable conditions. At the
approach of the force from Newport she
advanced to the platform with a lighted match,
and declared she would herself fire the first
cannon against the assailants. Moses Read, who
had expected no resistance, soon came to terms
with the bold Countess, and the Castle was sur-
rendered on conditions. T he Countess was soon
afterwards removed from the island. No other
attempt was made at resistance, and though
somewhat agitated by Charles's residence in
Carisbrcok a few years later, the Wight re-
mained invariably tranquil during the whole of
the Civil War. This fortunate circumstance
invited many families from the neighbouring
counties, which were exposed to the horrors of
warfare, to go and settle there ; in consequence
of which the rents of farms rose in proportion
of from 20Z. to lOOZ., and did not find their
ordinary level until the Restoration."
^' Carisbrook Castle was used as a State prison
both by Crcmwell and by Charles II. Towards
the end of the Commonwealth period Sir
William Davenant was confined here, and here
completed his * Gondibert.' "
The following account by Mr. Moody gives
certain additional details : — " The Parliament
obtained possession of the Isle of Wight at
the beginning of these intestine wars by the
removal and imprisonment of its Governor, the
Earl of Portland, who was attached to the cause
of ^ the ill-fated and ill-advised King. The
]principal inhabitants of the Island petitioned
m the Earl's favour, and afterwards signed a
declaration to support the Roval cause ; but tk
popular voice sided with Parliament, to whom
Moses Read, Mayor of Newport, irtated that
the safety of the Island was endangered
while tne Countess of Portland and
Colonel Brett were suffered to retain pos-
session of Cariabrook Castle. In consequence
of this representation, the Parliament
ordered the captains of ships in the river to
assist Read in an^ measure he might think ne-
cessary for securing the island. Read accord-
ingly marched the Newport Militia with 4O0
naval auxiliaries against the Castle, when
Brett had not above 20 men, many well wishers
to him being deterred from assisting them by
the menaces of the populace, who tluew ofE all
respect for their superiors. Harvey, the Curate
of Newport, a man under peculiar obligations
to the Earl of Portland, distincuished himself
by stirring up the feelings of the besiegen
against the Countess and her children, saying
that she was a Papist, and exhortiuff them in
the canting phraseology of the times to be valiant
as they were about * to fight the battle of the
Lord.' The Castle had not at that time three
days' provision for its small garrison, yet the
Countess, with the magnanimity of a
Roman matron, went to the platfom
with a match in her hand, vowing she
would fire the fiist cannon herself, and defend
the Castle to the utmost extremity, unless
honourable terms were granted. After some
negotiations, articles of capitulation were agreed
on ,and the Ca stle surrendered. * ' "The other f ort4
of the Isle of Wight were seized about th<
same time. This decisive step in favour of th<
prevailing powers prevented the occarrencc
here of those scenes of bloodshed whicli
speedily desolated many other parts of the
kingdom. Indeed, the securitv which wai
here enjoyed induced many families to beconi<
residents in the isle, and the rent of land in
creased about 25 per cent, in consequeuccy bol
fell again soon after the Restoration. After
the fail of Carisbrook Castle, the small garrisox
at Portsmouth left the town, which was snb-
sequently held byParliamentarians. TheRoymlista
made more determined efforts at Winchester
Basing House, and in some other parts of Hamp^
shiie." '
Ohjlpteb IV.— The Capture op Faknham Castle, Mablboboitoh, and Winchester.
The dwellers in and about Faniham Castle
wore the next to suffer from the miseries of the
Civil War. Clarendon says: '* Famham Castle,
in Surrey, whither some gentlemen who were
willing to appear for the King had repaired,
and were taken with less resistance than was
fit, by Sir William Waller, some few days be-
fore (the capture of Marlborough, on Decem-
ber 3rd, 1642) deserved not the name of a gar-
rison." Says Warburton, " A few days pre-
viously Famham Castle was taken by Sir
William Waller, after an indifferent defence by
Sir John Denham, Colon ol Fane, a son of the
Earl of Westmorel md, who was shot through
the cheek, and died a few days after, being
almost the only person slain. Denham was a
poet and a wit, but to confess the truth, the
poets do not appear to advantage in this war,
even in a Tyrteean point of view. Edmund
Waller proved both a trimmer and a coward;
Sir John Suckling, a poltroon ; Denham, no
better ; William Davenant was dissolute and
negligent, and the great Milton condescended
to write the most rancorous and unworthy
lampoons." To quote Lord Nugent, "Sir John
Denham was more eminent as poet, gamester,
and wit, than soldier. When George Wither
was shortly after this brought prisoner to
Oxford, and was in some jeopardy, having been
takon in arms against the King, Sir John
Denham begged the King not to king him, for
that * while Wither lives, Denham will not be
the worst poet in England.' " This good natured
epigram contributed to save Wither 's life, and
was also afterwards the means of restoring to
Denham some of his property in Surrey, which
had been confiscated by Parliament, and given
to Wither, But it would be unfair to refer a
kind and gentle act to interested motives.
Bat it 18 time to take Carlyle*s advice, and
''Hear Vicars, a poor human soul zealously
prophesying as if through the organs of an
ass in a not mendacious, yet loud-spoken,
exaggerative, more or less assinine manner." In
his Parliamentai*y Chronicle (before referred
to) Vicars thus describes
'* Much about which time (the beginning of
December, 1G42), certaine information came to
London that that noble and renowned knight
and mo3t expert and courageous commander Sir
William Waller f who had also a prime hand in
the recovery of Portsmouth from Colonell
Goring), together with Colonell Fane and some
other bravo commanders, having suddenly
assaulted Famham-castle, within the space of
three houres forced their approach to so nearo
the cjustle-gates that with a petard they blew
open one of them, and most resolutely made
forcible entrance thereinto; whereupon the
Cavaliers within threw their armes over the
wall, fell down upon their knees, crying for
quarter (not so much as having once offered or
desired to treat of any honourable conditions to
depart like souldiera, before the castle was
entered), which Sir William gave them. There
were taken in this cistle one Master Denhsun,
the new High SherifEe of Surrey, Captaine
Hudson, Captoine Brecknoz, a brewer in South-
warke, a most desperate malignant against the
Parliament, and divers other prisoners of quality,
with about an hundred vulgar persons, together
with all the armes and ammunition in the
castle, and about 40,000^. in money and pLatc, :ih
was credibly informed, besides that the common
souldiers had good pillage for themselves to a
good value. The taking of this castle so terri-
fied the Cavaleers in Sussex that those of them
of the long robe (Master Luckener, the Corpo-
ration Proctour), Master Aderson, Master
Heath (son to that dry and barren Heath the
Judge, like father, like son), and others of the
same stamp, began now to traverse the com-
mands of their Cavaleers, and would then have
gladly joined issue with the Parliament, on
easie termes.'' This success of Sir William
Waller had a disastrous influence upon the
fortunes of Basing House, as the Boundheads
thus secured a most advantageous base of
operations, of which they did not fail to make
gccd vje.
*' On November 2l8t, 1642, Lord Grandison*8
troope of horse and Colonell Greye's dragooners
rode into Basingstoke, and ' one Master Goater*
writes *to a Merchant of good quality in
Lombard-street' that they lay there 'eleven
dayes ; wee had emploiment enough to dress the
meat and provide drinke for them. It hath
been a great charge to our Towne, they de-
manded two thousand yards of wooUen cloth
and 500 yards of linnen at fonrteene pence the
yard ; so the linnen Drapers brought theirs in,
but the clothiers and woilen Drapers made no
great haste, so they served themselves some at
one shop and some at another.' " Part of the
garrison of Basing House was added to Lord
Grandison's force, which called foith a letter of
remonstrance from the Marquis. All being
prepared, " last Friday they went away, and as
we heard, are gone to Marlborough, and many
sav they heard the guns goe oft very fiercely.
The cannons' roar t^d of the capture of Marl-
borough by Lord Wilmot, Lieutenant-General
of Horse, on Saturday, December 3rd, 1642,
after a sharp action. The town was given up
to pillage, and according to Vicars the Cavaliers
committed great excesses. Sir John Ramsay,
the Governor, was taken, " and other officers,
who yielded upon quarter, above 1000 prisoners,
great stores ai Annes, four pieces of Cannon,
and a good quantity of Ammunition, with all
which the Lieut. -Gen. returned aife to Oxford."
The weakening of theffarriaon of Basing House
encouraged the friends of the Parliament to
attack it, and they accordingly seem to have
made one or both of those assaults which were
Impulsed, as we have seen, by the Marquis and
*'his Gentlemen armed with six musquets,"
probably aided, as they were on another occa-
sion, by volleys of stones and tiles from the
roof of the house. The loss of Marlborough
was keenly felt by the Parliament, which had
intended to make it a rendezvous for all their
adherents in Wiltshire and the adjacent
counties. Sir William Waller, Colonel Brown
(of whom more anon), and others were sent to
attack the victorious Cavaliers. Failing to
meet with them at Marlborough, they pursued
them to Winchester, with what result we shall
presently see. "MercuriusRusticus" thus de-
scribes the conduct of the Puritan force on the
march. They seem to have, at any rate, pos-
sessed the virtue of impartiality, so far as
plunder was concerned : —
" About December, 1642,theCollonel8 Waller.
Brown, and others, marching from Ailesbury to-
Windsor, and thence by Newbury to Winchester,
their soldiers in the march plundered every
minister within six miles of the road without
distinction, whether of their own party or of
the other, whether they subscribed for Episco-
pacy, Presbytery, or Independency, whether
they wore a surpless or refused it, only if they
did not they afforded them the leas booty.
Those who were Confiders, whose Irregularity
and Nonconformity armed them with confi-
dence to appear, petitioned the House of Com-
mons for r^ief and satis&ction, it being taken
into consideration that this was not according ta
their new phrase, * to weaken the wicked,' but
the righteous and such as stood well affected to
the Parliament, hereupon slandering the Cava-
liers with the fact which their own soldiers had
done ; and to make the * foolish citizens bleed
free' there was an order drawn up and pub-
li^ed, * That in regard the petitioners were well
affected men and plundered by the Cavaliers^
there should be a general collection made for
them the next Fast-day, and that the preadhers
should exhort the people and pray to God to^
enlarge the people's hearts, bountifully to r ^Ueve
the petitioners.'" (Pp. 89-90). But mark th<»
end of all this. Lord Grandison was despatched
to the relief of the Marquis of Winchester. Ltet
Clarendon speak :-:'^ This success (the capture of
Marlborough) was a little shadowed by the un-
fortunate loss of a very good regiment of Horse
within a few days after, for the Lord Grandison.
by the miscarriage of orders was exposed at too
great a distance from the Army, with his single
regiment, consisting of 300, and a regiment of 20O
Dragoons, to the unequal encounter of a party of
the enemy of 5000 Horse and Dragoons, and so
washimself , after a retreat made to Winchester,
there taken with all his party, which was the
first loss of the kind the King sustained ; bnt
without the least fault of the commander, and
the misfortune was much lessened by his
making an escape himself with two Or three of
his principal ofiicers, who were very welcome to
Oxford." John Yikars thus describes the,
failure of this attempt to succour Basing, and
the subsequent occupation of Winchester, in
his Parliamentary Chronicle, published in
"'■■• ••^^••l
Ths Caftvbb of Fabnhax Cabtls. MablbobouoHj and WiNGHB8TBB.
1644. (P. 227 et seq.) " And about December
the 7th, 1642, came a poste to the Parliament
with letters from Winchester, setting forth a
▼ery great and famous victorio obtained
by their forces against the Cavaliers
in Winchester,which was in this manner effected :
The Lord Digbie, Lord Grandison, Gommissario
Wilmot, and some others of their confederacies
haying possessed themselves of Marleborough,
and most basely and barbarously pillaged and
plundered the same, and like so many traitorous
and lustf nil bloodie thieves ravished and abused
the women and maids of the towne (brave
defenders of the Protestant religion, and show-
ing themselves indeed to bo the true swome
brethren of their bloody brothers in Ireland),
these, I say, hearing that Sir William Waller,
Colonell Browne (whose very names were, and
that most justly, very dreadfull to them),
Colonel Hurrev (who played both parties false).
Colonel Middleton, and other forces of the
Parliament were coming against them they
thereupon thought it no boot to stay any longer
there, out having, as I say, most cruelly got
what they came for, viz., piUage and food, they
^>eedily left ppore Marleborough in most
lamentable condition, and that audacious traitor
Lford Digbie, with a part of their forces and a
greatest pari of their pillage, returned to
Oxford, leaving the Lord Grandison with those
other forces to see what further pillage he could
meet with in those parts, but fearing to be
caught napping bv active Sir William Waller
and his forces, and the better to protect himself
and his Cavaliers from the pursuit of the
Parliament's forces, he retreated to Winchester,
a place more like to give him kind entertain-
ment, being full of Malignant spirits, who
indeed were not a little g&d at his coming,
thinking themselves now secure from danger,
being under the wings of a bird of their own
feather. But the Parliament forces with those
commanders also oomming to Marleborough and
missing the Cavaliers there, resolved to follow
in hot pursuit of them, and to revenge that
cruelty exercised on that miserable town.
Whereupon, after some coursing about the
country, having notice by their scouts of the
Liord Grandison*s being now at Winchester, they
bent their course with all spcNdd thither, and by-
ihe-ymy, strangely (if not wilfully in some of
the conmianders) fuled of falling on the Lord
I>igbie's forces in their passage, and so they
came before the dtie of Winchester. Now the
Cavalien, having notice thereof, were not a little
startled, and considering it altogether unsafe to
keep themselves within the towne, and so ^ive
the Parliament's forces opportunity to besieffe
them, because they could not be able to hold
out long for want of provisions fit for a
siege, they resolved, therefore, to march out and
to give them battell abroad, and so accordingly
the^ issued out and prepared for a pitcht field;
which the Parliament forces perceivmg drew up
iJl their forces also into a battalia, and came up
most bravely and resolutely to them, and most
stoutly gave them the first charge with their
horse, and so there began to be a very hot
skirmish between them for the time on both
sides. But truly the Parliament's soldiers
followed their business so closely and
couragiously,and with such undaunted spirit, that
after about halfe an houre's fight they inforced
the Cavaliers from their ground and drove them
violently into the towne againe, and, being
very eager of their prey, resolved not to
leave them, but most valiantly pursued
them up to the towne walles, where the
most part of their regiment fiercely assaulted
the citie at one side of it, and notwithstanding
the exceeding high and very steep passage up to
the walls, even so steep that they had no other
way to get up, but of necessity to creep up
upon their knees and hands from the bottom to
the top, which was as high as most houses, the
enemie pkying all the while on them with their
muskets, and yet slew but three men in this
their getting up, so at last (though with much
danger and difficultie) our soldiers got up and
plyea their businesse so hotly and closely that
they had quickly made a great breach in the wall.
And here Colonell Browne's Sergeant-Major
(i.e., Major) deserved much honour in this
service, he himself being one of the first that
forced upon the breach into the towne, though
the enemies bullets flew thick about them, upon
sight of whose ever invincible valour all the
rest of his comrades followed close and drove
the Cavaliers before them into the midst of the
towne ; who, having no place else of shelter,
fled apace into the Castle, which yet was not so
considerable a sanctuary or place of refuge to
defend them long, especially it being destitute
of ordnance, so our men beset the Castle round
with musqueteers and horse, and lay per-dues
under the waU, so that not a man of them could
stir. Then about 10 or 11 of the docke at
night they sounded a parley, but our men
Thk Oaptubx or Fabnhax Castle, Maslbosouqu, and Winchsstbb.
would not accept it, and against tho next
morning we had prepared a great quantity
of faggots and pitcht barrels to fire the Castle-
gate, in regard that we wanted ordnance and
petards proper for such a worke. But as soon
as it began to be light they, seeing no hope of
helpe, sounded another parley, wherein the
Lord Grandison himselfe, with nve or six more,
desired to be, which at last was accepted, and
after some debate articles and conditions were
agreed upon, viz., that they should all yeeld
themselves up prisoners to the Parliament,
presently resign the Castle into Sir William
Waller*s cust3dy and possession, their armas.
horses, monev, and all to be seized on by the Par-
liament's officers in armes. But many of the
townsmen, who had most of all infested our
men, and shot mo3t desperately at them, were
now well repaid for that pains by our souldiers,
who most notably plundered and pillaged their
houses, taking whatsoever they liked best out of
them, and so the souldiers dealt with all their
common souldiers, or ordinary cavaleers, who
only had quarter granted them for their lives.
Here were taken prisoners the Lord Grandison
himselfe, and his lieutenant-colonell, and be-
twecne fourty and fifty other commanders of
good worth and quality of Hampshire, about 600
horse, 200 dragooners, and 60 J armes, together
with greit store of other pillage. In this fight
from first to last there were about 30 or 40
slaine on their side, and but three or four on
the Parliamint's. Colonel Browne's regiment
had the honour to take the city, and to make
the fi:st breach in the wall, and so to enter the
towae. They assessed the townesmen and in-
habitants for their base malignancy in so des-
perately opposing, them at IJOO^., or else to
plunder tho whole towne (which was hardly
restrained in the common souldiers, especially in
some houses), but chiefly some Papists' houses
there, and the sweet Cathedralists, in w^ose
houses and studies they found great stor : of
Popish boo cs, pictures, and crucifixes, which the
souldiers carried up and downe the streets and
market-place in triumph to make themselves
merry ; yea, and they for certaine piped before
them with the organpipes (the faire organs in
the minster being broken downe by the
souldiers), and then afterwards cast them all
int3 the fire and burnt them, and what (thinke
you) was the case of those Romish Micka's,
when their pretty pettv Popish and apish-gods
were thus taken from them, and burnt in the
fire before them? And thus the Lotd most
graciously began in some measure to revenge
the wrongs of his poore people of Marleborougb,
makeing these their enemies come short of long
possessing their prey there gotten, which was
thus by these most valiant Parliamentarians
valiantly and violently regained out of their de-
vouring teeth. And now to goe on" (p. 231^.
Truly ** the good old times" must now and again
have been somewhat unpleasant to live in!
But let us hear tho Boyalist account of this
matter. This we find in '* Mercurius Bnsticus,
or the Countries' CO oaplaint of the barbarous out-
rages committed by the Sectaries of this late
flourishing Kingdom." : —
" Thy sabstanoe and thy treasure will I give to the
BDoil without price, aud that for all thy sins, even in
all thy borders." — Jer. xv., 13.
P. 144. " The rebels defying God in his
own house ; their sacrilege, in stealing ChnrcJi
plate and g:>ods, their irreverence towards the
King by abusiig his statue, their heathenish
barbarity in violiting the bones ani ashes of
dead Monarchs, Bishops, Saints, and Confessors
in the Cathedral Church of Winchester, &c.
The next instance which I shall ^ive of the
rebels* sicrilegc and profaneness is in the
Cathedral Church of Winclie ster, which city, as
it was the Royil seat of t'lo King of the "Vvest
Saxons in the time of the Hcptirchy, so was ic
the seat of the Bishops of that people, after
Kenwalchus, King of tho West Saxons (not
brooking the barbarous broken expressions of
A^ilbertus, his Bishop) divided this large
diocese bet wee i Ag'ibertus and WIni, and
leaving Agilbertus to reside at Dorchester,
caused Wina to be cons3crated Bishop of
Winchester. Before we tell you by whom and
in whit manner this Church was robbed and
spoyled of its ornameats and beauty, it will
not be impertinent (while it mav serve as an
aggravation of their impiety) briefly to set
down by whom this C'lurch was built and so
richly aderned, as lately we siw it. This
magnificent struHure, which now stands, was
begun by Walkelinus, the 35ta Bishop of that
See, which work left imperfect, and but begun
by him, was but coldly prosecuted by the
succeeding Bishops until William of Wickham
(the magnificent sole founder of two St. Mary
CoUedges, the one in Oxford commonly called
New Colledge, the other a nurcery to this, near
Winchester) came to possess this See. He,
amongst many other works of Piety, built the
Tux Cafiubs of Farkuam Cabtle, M&blbobouqh^ and Wjvchestxb.
wfaclenare or body of this Chnrch f rem the
quire to tho west end, the Chappels on the
east end, beyond the qnire, had their Beveral
foundeis. The hallowed ornaments and utensils
of this Church being many, rich, and costly,
were the gifts of seTcial benefactors, who, tho*
their names aro not recorded on eaith, have
found their reward in heaven. This Chuich was
first differenced by the name of St. Amphibalus,
who received a Crown of Mai tyrdc m under tho
Persecution of Dioclesian. Kext it exchanged
this name for that of St. Peter, and again, this
for that of St. Swithin, tho 18th Bishop of this
Sec. Last of all, it was dedicated to tno Holy
Trinity, whoso blessed name is now called upon
it; which holy name, though it cculd not but
put the rebells in mind whcse pcFscs&icn and
house it was, did net at all afCcrd it patienagc
and protection frcm their accursed lage and
" The rebelf, under the conduct of SirWilliam
Waller, Bate down before the City of Win-
chester on Tuesday, tho 12th of December,
1642, about 12 of the deck, and enteied the
city that afternoon between two and three.
Being masters of tho city, they instantly fall
upon tho Close under a pretence to search for
Cavaliers. They seize upon the Prebend's
horses, and demand their persons with many
thrcatning words. That night they break into
some of the Prebend's houses, and such houses
as they were directed into by their brethren, tho
seditious schismaticks of the city, and plundered
their goods. But the ca6tle,not yet surrendered
into the rebels hands, something awed their
insolency, which, being tho next day delivered
up to their power, did not only take away the
restraint which was upon them, but incouraged
them withe ut eheck or control to rob and defie,
both God and all good men, Wednesday, there-
fore, and Wednesday night being spent in
plundering the city and Close. On Thnisday
morning, cetween nine and ten of the clock
(hours set apart for better imployments, and
to eref ore purposely in probability chosen by
them,^ being resolved to profane all that was
canonicsl) they violently break open the
Cathedral Church, and being entred to let in
the tyde, they presently open the great west
door, where the barbarous soldiers stood ready,
nay, greedy, to rob God and to pollute His
temple. The doors being open as if they
meant to invade God Himself, as well as His
ptof eflflion, they enter the church with colours
flying, their drums beating, their matches fired,
and that all might havo their part in so horrid
an attempt, some of their troops of horse also
accompanied them in their march, and rode
up through the body of the church and
quire, until they came to the altar ; there
they begin their work, they rudely pluck down
the table, and bieak the rail, and afterwards
carrying it to an ale-house, they set it on fire,
and in that fiie burnt the books of Common
Prayer, and all the singing books belonging to
the quiie ; they throw down the organ, find break
the stones of tho Old and New Testament,
curiously ( ut out in carved work, beautified with
colours, and set round about tie tep of the stalls
of the quite ; fiom hence they turn to the monu-
ments of the dead, seme they utteily demolish,
others they deface. They login Ttith Bishop
Fox, his eh a PI el which they utterly deface, they
break aU the glass windows of this chap pel, not
because they hi) d any pictures in them, either of
Patiiar(h,I re phet, Apostle, or Saint, lut because
they were of painted coloured glass ; they de-
molish and oveiturn the monuments of Caidinal
Beaufoit, son to John of Gaunt, Duke of Iiau-
caster, by Kathaiine Swinfort, founder of the
hospital of S. Cross, near Winchester, who sate
Bishop of this See 43 years. They deface the
monument of William of Wainfl(t, Bislop like-
wise of Winchester, Lord Chancellor of England,
and the magnificent founder of Magdalen Col-
ledge in Oxicrd, which monument m a grateful
piety, being lately beautified by seme that have
or lately have had, relation to that foundation,
made these rebels more eager upon it, to deface
it, but while that colledge, the unparalleled
example of his bounty, stands in despight of the
malice of these inhuman rebels, William of Wain-
flet eannot want a more lasting monument to
transmit his memory to posterity. Frcm hence
they go into Queen Marie's chappel, so called
because in it she wa^ married to King Philip of
Spain ; here they brake the Communion table in
pieces, and the velvet chair whereon she sat when
she was married. They attempted to deface the
mcnument of the late Lord Treasurer, the Earl of
Portland, but being in brass, their violence made
small impression on it, therefore they leave that,
and turn to his father's monument, which, being
of stone, was more obnoxioas to their fury;
here, mistaking a Judge for a Bishop, led into
the error by the resemblance or counterfeit of a
^uare cap on the head of the statue, they
43tiike oft not only the cap, but also the head too
Thb Cuturs of Farnhax Castle, Mablbobough, and Winchbsteb.
of the statae, and bo leave it. Amongst other
acts of piety and bounty done by Richard Fox,
the 57th Bishop of this See, he covered the
quire, the presbytery, and the iJes adjoining
with a goodly vault, and new glassed all the
windows in that part of the church, and caused
the bones of such kings, princes, and prelates
as had been buried in this church and lay dis-
persed and scattered in several parts of the
cathedral to be collected and put into several
chests of lead, with inscriptions on each chest
whose bones lodged in them. These chests, to
save them from rude and prophane hands, he
caused to be placed on the top of a wall of
exquisite workmanship, built by him to inclose
the presbytery. There never to be removed (as a
man might think) but by the last trump, did
rest the bones of many kings and queens, as of
Alfredus, Edwardus " senior, Cadredus, the
brother of Athelstane, Edwinus Canutus, Har-
decanutus, Emma, the mother, and Edward the
Confessor, her son, Kini^lissus, the first founder
of the Cathedral of Wmchester, Egbert, who,
abolishing the Heptarchy of the aaxons, was
the first English monarch, William Ruf us, and
divers others. With these in the chests were
deposited the bones of many Godly bishops and
confessors, as of Birinus, Hedda, Switninus,
Frithestanus, S. Elphegusthe Confessor, Stiffan-
dus, Wina, and others. Had not the oar-
barous inhuman impiety of these schismaticks
and rebels showed the contrary, we could not
have imagined that anything but the like piety
which here inshrined them or a Resurrection
should ever have disturbed the repose of these
venerable, but not Popish reliques. But these
monsters of men, to whom nothing is
holy, nothing is sacred, did not stick
to prophane and violate these cabinets
of the dead, and to scatter their bones
all over the pavement of the church: for on the
north side of the quire they threw down the
chests wherein were deposit^ the bones of the
Bishops ; the like they did to the bones of
William Rufus, of Queen Emma, of Harde-
canutus, and of Edward the Confessor, and were
ffoing on to practise the like impiety on the
bones of all the rest of the West Saxon Kings.
But the outcry of the people, detesting so great
inhumanity, caused some of their commanders
(more compassionate to these ancient monu-
ments of the dead than the rest') to come in
anurngBt them and to restrain tneir madneai.
But that devilish mAlice which was not per-
mitted to rage and overflow to the spuming and
trampling on the bones of all, did satiate itself,
even to a prodigious kind of wantonness, on
those which were already in their pdwer. And,
therefore, as if they meant (if it had been pos-
sible) to make these bones contitict a posthume
guilt by being now made passive instruments of
more than heathenish sacrilege and prophane-
ness, those windows which they could not reach
with their swords, musquets, or rests, they brake
to pieces by throwing at them the bones of
Bangs, Queens, Bishops, Confessors, or Saints,
so that the spoil done on the windows will not
be repaired for 1000/. ; nor did the livinff find
better measure from them than the deao, for
whereas our Dread Sovereign that now is (the
best of Kings) was ffn&tiously pleased, as a
pledge of his princely ravour to the Church to
honour it with the gift of his own statue, to-
S ether with the statue of his dear father, Kin^
ames of ever blessed memory, both of maaay
brass, both which statues were erected at the
front of the entrance into the quire, these
atheistical rebels, as if they would not have so
much of the militia to remain with the Kins as
the bare image and representation of a sword by
his side, they breake off the swords from the
sides of both of the statues ; they break the
cross from off the globe in the hand
of our gratious Sovereign now living, and
with their swords hiusked and hewed
the crown on the head of it, swearing
they would bring him back to his Parlia-
ment.' A most fli^ritious crime, and that for
the like S. Chrysostome (Horn. 2. ad pcpulum
Antiochjy with many tears, complains he much
feared *the City of Antioch, the MetropoHs,
and head (as he calls it) of the East, would have
been destroyed from the face of the Earth,' for
when in a tumult, the seditious citizens of
Antioch had done the like affront to Theodosius
the Emperour in overturning his statues, how
doth that holy Bishop bemoan ? how doth he
bewail that City? which, fearinj^ the severe
effects of the abused Emperor's ]ust indigna-
tion ' of a populous City, a Mother boasting of
a numerous issue, was on a sudden become a
Widow, left desolate and forsaken of her Ijc^-
habitants, some ' out of the sense and horror
of the guilt abandoning the City and fljrinff into
the desolate wilderness, others lurking in holes
and confining themselves to the dark comers of
their own houses, thereby hoping to escape the
vengeance due to so disloyal, so traiterous a
The CiPTUBB of Farnhax Casti^* Mabi«bokui:oh, and Winchesiek,
fact, * because of this four injury offered the
Emperour's Statue, He (as that Father speakse
was wronged, that was the supreme head of a)
men, and had no equal on earth/ But what
wonder is it that these miscreants should offer
such shameful indignities to the Representation
of his Royal Person and the Emblems of his
Sacred power, when the heads of this damnable
Rebellion (who set these their Agents on work)
offer worse affronts to his Sacred person himseli,
and by their Rebellious Votes and Illegal
Ordinances daily strike at the Substance of
that power of which the Crown, the Sword, and
Scepter are but emblems and shadows, which
yet, notwithstanding, ought to have been
venerable and aweful to these men, in respect
of their Relation. After all this, as if what
they had already done were all too little, they
go on in their horrible wickedness, thev seize
upon all the Communion Plate, the Bibles and
Servioe-Books, rich Hangings, large Cushions of
Velvet, all the Pulpit Clothes, some whereof
were of Cloth of Silver, some of Cloth of Gold.
They break up the Muniment House and take
away the Common Seal of the Church,8uppo8ing
it to be silver,and a fair piece of gilt plate,given by
Bishop Cotton ; they tear the evidences of their
hand8,and cancel theircharter ; in a word, whatever
they found in the church of any value and por-
table they take it with them, what was neither
they either deface or destroy it. And now,
having ransacked the church, having defied God
in His own house and the King in His own
statue, having violated the urns of the dead,
having abused the bones and scattered the ashes
of deceased monarchs, bishops, saints, and con-
fessors, they return in triumph, bearing their
spoils with them. The troopers (because they
were the most conspicuous) ride through the
streets in surplesses with such hoods and tippets
as they found, and that they might boast to the
world how glorious a victory they hadatchieved,
they hold out their trophies to all spectators,
for the troopers, thus clad in the priests' vest-
ments, rode carrying Common Prayer Books in
one hand and some broken organ pipes together
with the mangled, pieces of carved work, but
now mentioned containing some histories of
both Testaments, in the other. In all this giving
too just occasion to all good Christians to com-
plain with the Psalmist, * O God, the heathen
are come into Thine inheritance. Thy holy
Temples have they defiled. The dead bodies
of Thy servants have they abused, and scattered
their bones as one heweth wood upon the earth.
Help US, God of our salvation, for the glory
of Thy name.* "—Psalm 79. It has been said
that *' of the brass torn from violated monuments
might have been built a house as strong as the
brazen towers in old romances." That acute
and indefatigable antiquary Dr. Milner tells us
that prebendaries were regularly instaUed in
Winchester Cathedral until late in the summer
of 1645. The Rev. Laurence Hinton, rector of
Chilbolton, was installed on December 14th,
1G44 ; the Rev. Thomas Gawen, rector of Ex-
ton, dates from June 17th, 1G45 ; and the Rev.
Nicholas Preston from July 23rd, 1645. As the
result of an Act passed in 1643, all crosses,
crucifixes, representations of saints and angels,
copes, surplices, hanging candlesticks, basins,
organs, &c., were carried out of the Cathedral,
and other churches* railings and altars weiv
destroyed, raised chancels levelled, and
according to local tradition cavalry were
during these troublous times sometimes
quartered, together with their horses, in the
Cathedral. It is pleasant to find that a
Whykehamist, who is said to have been Colonel
Nathaniel Fiennes, the brother of Lord Say and
Sele, who having been educated at Winchester
was also one of the Fellows of New College, and
who possessed considerable influence amongst
the Parliamentarians, was the means of saving
from the spoiler Winchester College, together
with the tomb and statue of him ^' whose
rectitude, knowledge of humanity, talents for
public work, and steady industry justify us in
claiming for him a place in history close to, if
not beside, such brightest stars of the time a«
Chaucer, Wycliffe, and Edward the Black
Piince.' * Need we say that we speak of William
of Whykeham, whom all dwellers beneath St.
Giles's Hill love well ? The authority for all
this havoc and destruction in Cathedrals and
Parish Churches was '^ An order from the
Parliament against divers Popish innovations,
dated September 8th, 1641, being Wednesday :
It is this day ordered by the Commons in
Parliament assembled that the Church Wardens
of every Parish and Chappell respectively doo
forthwith remove the Communion Table -from
the east end of the Church, Chappell, or Chancel
into some other convenient place ; and that
they take away the rails and level the chauccllN
as heretofore they were, before t!ie late innova-
tions. That all crucifixes, scandalous pictures
of any one or more persons of the Trinity, and
Thk Captubi of Fabnuaic Cabtlb, HABLBOBOuaHj andWinchestsb.
all images of the Virgin Mary shall be taken
away and abolished, and that all tapers, candle-
sticks, or basons be removed from the Com-
munion Table. That all corporall bowing at
the Name (of Jesus) or towards the oast end of
the Chnrch, Chappell. or Chancell, or towards
the Communion Table be henceforth forbom.
That the Lord's Day be duly sanctified, all
dancing and other sports, either before or after
Divine Service, be forbom and restrained, and
that the preaching of God's Word be permitted
in the aftemoone in the several Churches and
Chappells of this Kingdome, &c."
'* Die Mercurii, Sept. 8th, 1641 :—
*' It is this day ordered by the House of Com-
mons, now assembled in Parliament, that it
shall be lawfuU for the parishioners of any
parish within the kingdom of England and
Wales to set up a lecture* and to maintain an
oi*thodox minister at their own charge to preach
evei*y Lord's Day where there is no preaching,
and to preach one day in the week where there
is no weekly lecture.
Hen. Elsyn. Eler. Dom. Com."
We have already quoted the words of Clarendon,
that the misfortune of the defeat of Lord
Grandison ^* was much lessened by his making
an escape himself, with two or three of his
principal officers, who were very, very welcome
to Oxford."
But similar satisfaction was by no means felt
in London. Vicars charges the fugitives with a
breach of parole, saying, *' About the middle of
this December the Parliament had certaine in-
formation thai those active and couragious
champions, Sir William Waller and Colonell
Brown, and the forces with them forementioned,
having secured the prisoners they had taken at
Winchester, in the strong towne of Portsmouth,
whither they had sent them all, save only the
Lord Grandison and Sergeant-Major Willis, who
had perfidiously, contrary to their engagements
to Colonel Goodwin, made an escape, were now
bent for Chichester in Sussex."
Colonel Goodwin Hiere referred to) had been
one of the members for Buckinghamshire two
years previously. Here is a picture of him and
his troopers from a Cavalier point of view.
Listen to "Mercurius Rusticus":— "On Monday,
the 29th of May, 1643, a bov of five or six
years of age,attended by a youth, was comming
to Oxford to his father, an officer in the King's
army passing through Buckinghamshire, he
fell into the hands of some troopers of Colonel
Goodwin's Regiment, who not only piUaged
him of the cloaths which he brought w^ith him^
but took his doublet off his back, and would
have taken away his hat and boots, if the
youth that attended on him had not earnestly
interceded for them to save them. For one of
the company more tenderhearted than the rest,
moved with the child's cries and affrightment,
and with the youth's earnest entreaty, prevailed
with the rest not to rob the child these
necessary fences against the injury of wind
and weather. Yet tho' they spare him of these
things, they rob him of his horse, and leave the
poor child to a tedious long journey on foot.
This barbaiism to a poor chUd, far from his
friends, almost distracted with fear, so prevailed
with some, that they made Colonel Goodwin and
Sir Robert Pyc acquainted with it,hoping to find
them sensible of so cruel practices on a poor
child, but these great professors and champions
of religion only laughed at the the relation,
without giving any redress to the child's
injuries. This want of justice in the com>
manders animated the soldiers to prosecute
their villanies to a greater height, for that night
they came to the place where the child lay, and
tho poor soul being in bed fast asleep, his
innocent rest not disturbed with the injuries of
the day, they dived into his and his attendant's
pockets, robbed them of all their monies, and
left them either to boiTow more or beg for
sustenance in their journey to Oxford."
'^Mercurius Rusticus,*' savson the other hand
that Colonel Brown in his letter to Isaac Pen-
nington, the Lord Mayor of London, threw the
blame of Lord Grandison 's escape on Colonel
Urrey, who, as we know, repeatedly changed
sides during the war. The colonel, however,
contrived to clear himself of this charge, and
received compensation from the fund originally
raised for the relief of the clergy who liad been
plundered by the soldiera of the Parliament. Let
" Mercurius Rusticus " tell the story : —
'^But Winchester being surprised and the
Lord Grandison taken prisoner, Colonell Brown,
in a letter to famous Isaac Pennington, mag-
nifies the victory and enlarged the glory of it
very much, by that circumstance of taking that
noble Lord prisoner, but what did much eclipse
the honour obtained that day, in tho Letter he
adds, that by the treachery of Colonell Urrey
I he was escaped. Little Isaac had hardly so
' much patience as to read out the Letter, but he
TaE Capture op Fabnuam Castlk, MABLBOiioTrGH, and Wimchbbteb.
suxnmous his Mirmidons, and gives an Alarm to
his Redcoats, the Messengers of his Fnry, and
sends them instantly to plunder Mistress
Urries Lodging; it was no sooner said than
donCf they being as swift to act mischief as
Isaac was ready to command it ; what they had
in charge they pei'form faithfully, and plunder
her of no more but all. Mistress Urrey pre-
sently gives notice to her husband what measure
she found in the City while he was in their
flervice in the Country. The Colonell, upon
the information, hastens to Ix>ndon to expostu-
late for this Injury, and for redress, complains
to the House against the Ringleader Brown
and Rout-Master ' little Isaac' Upon hearing
both parties, the House quits Colonell Urrey
from any conspiracy with my Lord Grandison,
or connivance at his escape, and for reparation
of his losses they order him £400, to be paid
out of the monies collected the last Fast Day
for the plundered Ministers, who by this means
were plundered twice, and so, one Order be-
getting another, they Order, * That a new col-
lection shall be made for the Petitioners the
next Fast Day ;' nor was this the first Debt by
many that have been paid by the abused Charity
of London, the ' great tax-bearing Mule,' as one
justly calls it/'
Leaving the imprisoned Cavaliera in safe
custody at Portsmouth, let us follow Sir
William Waller on his victorious march into
Chapter IV. — Tun Generai-s and their Fori ej?.
Before we speak of the stirring oventb which
followed the capture of Winchester by Sir Wm.
Waller at the close of the year 1G42, it will be
well for us to look at the generals on either side
and at the forces under their command.
Sir William Waller belonged to an ancient
family in this county, and laid claim to the
ownership of Winchester Castle and to the
office of hereditary' chief butler of England.
He had served with credit in the armicH of the
German Princes against the Emperor. When
the Civil War commenced ho was a member of
the Committee of Safety, and raised a troop of
horse for the service of the Parliament. Ap-
pointed to a subordinate command under the
Earl of Essex, he, as we have already seen, made
himself m.ister of Portsmouth during the
autumn of 1G42. obliging Goring, the Governor,
to take ship for Holland.
Winchester, Chichester, Malmc^bury, and
Hereford in quick succession opened their gates,
and a swift and successful night march brouglit
liim to the Severn shore. Flat-bottomed boats
speedily carried him and his troops across the
«tieam. and he at once captured or dispersed a
KDiall Royalist force which had designs against
Gloucester. The Parliament and the city
idolised him, giving to him tlie proud title of
*• William the Conqueror." Effecting a junction
with the Earl of Essex at Re iding, that im-
portant town was taken by storm on April 27th,
1643. Essex loved him not, nor was Waller.
tiTith to tell, tlie most loyal of suborduiates.
Essex wasted his aimy by inaction, whilst
Waller lost his by dcsei-tion, " as the manner of
liim was."
The following letter from Sir William Waller
to Sir Ralph Hopton, his constant and able
opponent, is honourable alike to the writer and
to the recipient : —
" My affections to you aie so unchangeable
that hostility itself cannot violate my friend-
ship to your person, but I must be true to the
cause wherein I serve. I should wait on you.
according to your desire, but that I look on you
as engaged in that part}' without the possibility
of retreat, and, consequently," incapable of being
wrought upon by any persuasion. That Great
God, who is the searcher of all hearts, knows
with what a sad fear I go upon this service, and
with what perfect hate I look upon a war with-
out an enemy. But I look u))on it as Optis
Domini ! Wc are both on the stage, and must
act those parts that are assigned to us in this
tragedy ; but let us do it in the way of houour.
and without pei-sonal animosity !*'
Such was the man who was ere long to lay
siege to Arundel, Chichester, and Basing.
Waller's opponent at Poitsraouth, "the King's*
most able general, Colonel Goring, was au aii^'
Bacchanalian, who on the most critical emer-
gency could not be enticed from the jollities of
the table, slighting every alarmist till the carousf^'
was concluded."' But Lord Hopton was a man
cast in a more noble mould. Eliot Warbnrtoii
says ("Memoirs of Prince Rupert," p. 113).
** Sir Ralph, afterwards Lord Hopi \ heir to
one of the most powerful and ancient faniiliei>
in Somersetsliirc, was born in 1508. Ho was.
early in life, diatinguishcd by an aptness for
study, and for the attainment of languages, to
whicli he joined an ardent and enterpribing
spirit. He was at the battle of Prague, and
aided in carrying off the poor Queen of Bohemia
from her dangers. He was devoted to her as
fervently and after as pure a fashion as the
other heroes whom she fascinated. For her sake
he passed five years of his youth in the wars of
the Low Countries and the Palatinate. He was
knighted at the Coronation of King Charles,
and was elected to ser\'e in ParlLament for the
City of Wells. Like moat men of his disposi-
tion, he inclined at first towards the popular
party, and was selected tf) reid before the King
the * Bemonstraucc* of November, 1641. He,
howcTer, soon came to an opposite opinion, and
henceforth applied himself vigorously to pro-
mote the interests of the Crown in his own
ooonty. He was almost constantly opposed to
Sir W. WaUer."
In January, 1 646, when the King had only two
small armies remaining in the field, the one in
Cornwall, commanded by Lord Hop ton, and the
other on the borders ofWalesundcrJjordAstley,
things were looking serious. The Prince of Wales,
abandoned b}-GoringandGrenvillc,8till held sway
in the west. He sent for Lord Hopton,and offered
him the command of the seven or eight
thousand men who still remained with the
colours. ** My lord," answered Hopton, " it is
not a custom when men are not willing to sub-
mit to what they are enjoined to say that it is
against their honour : that their honour will
not suffer them to do this or that ; for my part,
Icannot atthis time obey your Highncsii with-
out resolving to lose my honour ; but since
your Highness has thought fit to command nio.
I am ready to obey, even with the loss of my
Having shown himself a right skilful general,
bis own men at last obliged him to surrender.
"Treat then," said he '* but not for me," and
neither he nor Lord Capel would be included in
the capitulation. During the Commonwealth
he found an asylum in Spain. He had been
created a peer in 1 643, and married the widow
of Sii- Justinian Lewer, but dying without
children, the title became extinct. Sir William
Waller was the assailant, and Lord Hopton the
protector of the Cavalier strongholds in Hamp-
shiro and the neighbouring counties.
John, the 5th and " Loyal" Marquis of Win-
chester was thrice married. His first wife was
Jane, daughter of Thomas, Lord Savage, by
whom he became father to Charles, the 6tn
Marquis and first Duke of Bolton. He had the
air of one born to command, and was a man of
great determination, as we know from his
answer to the arguments of Hugh Peter<, ^^ hat
if the King had no more ground in EiigLind
but Basing House, he would venture slu ho cid,
and mainUin it to the utteimost." Ho aho
possessed considerable literary ability, ?.nd
translated Quare's Devout £ntci*tainment!) of a
Christian Soul. In 1852 he translated The
ChiUery of Heroic Women, and Salon's Holy
Hirtory in the following year. Having left the
Church of England for that of Rome, his
mansion naturally 1x*came a rallying point for
the friends of the Queen in the south-western
counties. **So early as September 23rd. 1642,
the King wrote to the Earl of Newcastle, not
only to permit, but to order him to enlist sol-
diers without considering their religion, or, in-
deed, anything exoept their fidelity to the Royal
cause. We constantly find Basing described by
its assailants as a Popbh ganisan. At first
Roman Catholics and Protestants fought
shoulder to shoulder, but during the last days
of the heroic defence almost the whole gar-
rison professed the same religion as the Marqub,
who was at this time about 44 yeai-s of age.
" A}Tney Loyaultc, *Love LoffalO/,' not Ifotfaitt/,^'
says Mr. Mudie, '* shows that the Marquis stood
out thus gallantly for the King, not upon
personal groundp, but from regarding liim
as the legitimatu head of the govern-
ment and administrator of the law — that
ho was a loyalist in principle, not a
party Royalist. " 3Ir. Mudie adds : "Colonel
Norton," who is so prominently mentioned in
the diary of the siege, " was also a loyalist,
though a loyalist having different views of the
matter. He took the field, and took it bravely,
for the privilege of the Parliament, which
Charles had unquestionably invaded ; but he
had no hostility to the King aceordmg to law.
It happened in that unfoituiiiito conte.^it— in
which England suffered more tlian in any other
time since the War;* of the Ro.scs —that sunic of
the most loyal men, the men nio«t devoted to
the whole constitution in all its three branches,
were arranged upon each side, while mere
courtiers mingled with the one party and
enemies to )x)th King and Parliament mingled
with the other. Upon the side of Charles
the loyal men stood only for the con-
stitutional authority of the King, while
the courtiers stood for him in disregai-d
of the constitution. The loyalists on the side
of Parliament stood only for its constitutional
privileges, the rest of that party being enemies
to all government. Between the first sections
of the two parties it was merely a misunder-
standing, but between the second it was im-
placable and deadly opposition. The former
were anxious to save both constitution and
count rj', the latter recked not for the ruin of
both. This distinction is an important one,
and necessary before wo do justice to brave and
d^ood men upon either side — to such men as the
Mirquis of Winchester and Colonel Norton —
Tu£ Gbnskals and their Forces.
during tlils distracted and frequently misre-
presented period of our history."
The Lady Marchioness of Winchester at thii
time was the second wife of the Marquis. She
was named Honora, and was the daughter of
Richard, Earl of St. Albans and Clanricarde,
and was the mother of four sons and three
daughters. Clarendon describes her as being **a
lady of great honour and alliance, and sister to
the Earl of Essex and to the Lady Marchioness
of Hertford." She shai^ed in all the dangers of
the siege, and saw her maid killed by a grenade,
she herself having a narrow escape. Together
with the other ladies of the garrison, she aided
in casting into bullets the lead stripped from
the roof and turrets of the house, and it was in
great measure owing to her representations and
entreaties that Colonel Gage was despatched
from Oxford to the relief of her beleagured
husband. Her brother was the celebrated
General of the Parliament, '* the slow-going, in-
articulate, indignant, somewhat elephantine
man," as Carlyle calls him.
Family strife once more ! Colonel Richard
Norton, already referred to, belonged to a family
which had settled long before at Alresford,
South wick, near Portsmouth, and Rotherfield.
His ancestor and namesake had been knighted
at Basing House by Queen Elizabeth, and it was
while Charles I. was the guest of Sir Daniel
Norton at Southwick Park that he received the
jiews of the assassination of the Duke of Bucking-
ham by Felton at Portsmouth.
Colonel Richard Norton resided at the Manor
House of Old Alresford, and is said to have dis-
tinguished himself in the battle of Cheriton by
bringing up a body of Horse through bye ways,
from his knowledge of the country, to charge
the rear of the enemy. With this gentleman
Oliver ('rorawell was on familiar and intimate
tcrniH, distinguishing him in letters to his pri-
vate friends by the appellation of '* Idle Dick
Norton." Clarendon says that the besiegers of
Basing Hoasc wore " united in this service under
thcctommand of Norton, a man of spirit and of the
greatest fortune of all the rest," and speaks of
" the known courage of Norton." He served
under the Earl of Manchester, was a fellow
colonel with Oliver in the Eastern Association,
and became member for Hants in 1G45. Crom-
well addresses lettera to him thus : " For ni /
noble Friend Colonel Richard Norton. These, '
and commences "Dear Dick." Carlyie says
of Norton, "Clivcn to Presbyterian notions;
was purged out by Pride ; came back, dwindled
ultimately into Royalism." A relative of **tho
Loyal Marquis" married Elizabeth, the daughter
of Sir Richard Norton, of Rotherfield.
A few particulars respecting the Cavaliers and
their opponents may not bo without interest.
In August, 1642, the Army of the Parliament
was about 23,000 strong. There were To troops
of horse, each GO strong. The five regiments of
dragoons had 100 in each troop, and 1200 was
the strength of each of the 14 regiments of in-
fantry, whilst 50 l>ra8s guns and a few moi-tars
or " mui-thercrs " formed the train of artillery.
Iron guns had been manufactured at Buxted, in
Sussex, by Ralph Hogge and his covenanted
servant, John Jackson, as long before as 1 543,
but brass was now the favourite metal for guns.
Sussex people used to say
Master Hogge and his man John
Thev did cast the first cannon.
Another version of this important transaction
is as follows : — " Petrus Bande, Gallua Opens
Artifex, worked with Ralph Hogge or Hugget,
of Buxtod, and first made cast iron guns.
Master Hugget and his man John,
They did cast the first can-non.'*
The Earl of Essex wore a buff -coloured scarf,
which gave origin to the colours of the Parlia-
mentarians. Royalist officers wore red scarves,
whilst those serving the Parliament affected
buff or deep yellow. Uniforms, S3-called,
existed but only in name. Buff coats were
used by both parties, but red, orange, grey,
purple, and blue regiments, with flags of the
same colours, were to be seen, whilst John
Hampden commanded a r3gi.nrnt of ** Green-
coats." The best discipline seotns to have been
maintained by the London Trained Bands, each
regiment of which had the City Arms in the
dexter canton of its flig. The Parliamentarian
artilley had no distinctive nniform, and the
cavalry, being Cuiinssiers, required none. At
Naseby the Cavaliers attacked one another,
having no special distinguishing badges. In
each troop of cavalry, or company of infantry,
there was a subaltern officer, who, from the en-
sign which he carried, was styled a ** comet."
£2, defrayed by the Council of State, was the
price of a regimental colour. The officei-s of a
Parliamentarian regiment were a lieutenant-
colonel, captains, lieutenants, ensigns, a quar-
ter-master, a carrij^e-master, a provost-marshal,
a chirurgeon, and often a chaplain. There
were ten companies in a regiment. The present
The Genkrals and jhkir Fobccs.
iuA)o£ wa>^ then styled aergeaut-major, and non-
rommufsioned oflfi jcrs wore then, as now, known
by the names of sergeants and corporals. One
standard bore an arm painted, thrusting a bloody
sword through a crown. They adopted Scrip-
iaral names. Cieyeland alludes to this by a
stroke of humour : — "With what face can they
object to the King the bringing in of foreigners,
when they themselves maintain such an army
of Hebrews V One of them beat up his diums
clean through the Old Testament ; we may
leain the genealogy of Our Saviour from the
names iu his regiment. The mustcrman usch
no other list but the firpt chapter of Matthew."
The following names are given by Jolm
Squire as belonging to men " who joined us at
the »\ege of Lynn, and came riding in full
aimed, and went into our second regiment : and
who left us, manyof them, after Maiston Fight,
on fancies of conscience, and turned Quackers
(Quakers)": — " Hiram, Judah, Caleb, Danyel,
Zachary. Saul, Aaron, Japhet, Jacques, Isaiah,
Simon/ Aminadab, Hezekiah, Chiistian, Zatthu,
Ahimelech, Sheckaniah, Jobias, Jeheil, Selah,
Manna, Eleazer, Ishmael, Yilellius, Zered,
Israel, Amphilius, Gabriel, Promise, Gilead,
Zack, Kesian, Mathias, Pious, Ma lee, Jc'sophat,
Issachar, Shem, &c."
There arc several publications intended for
militjiry ser%'ice penned by ministers: — "Tlie
Soldier's Catechism, by Robert Ram, Minister,
published by authority'' ; another, *' A Spiritual
Knapsack for the Parliament's Soldiers.' The
most extraordinary specimen of the temper of
the times is one entitled *' Militarj)r and
Spiritual Motions for Foot Companies, with the
Kxercise of a single Company as they now
ought to be taught, and not otherwise, by Capt.
Lazarus Howard, 1645."
'*It was a project of drilling and exercising a
company of infantry at the same time by a
double motion of soul and body. This full and
whole exercise of a foot company spiritual and
temporal may make us, like the Israelites, go up
as one man, with one heart and in one form, a
soldier of that Great Captain, Christ Jesus !"
"His scheme is to give the word of command
to produce the military movement, and to every
letter in that word he affixes some pithy and
pious sentence to produce the accompanying
spiritual one." He forms acrostics of
"To the Right About !'*—»' As You Were !"
as thus :—
The Devil is let loose fur a season, to try the patience
of God's Chnrch.
Onr Enemies, O Lord, are near to hurt us, but Thou
art near to help us.
The sword never prevailed, but Sin set an edge upon.
Hasten from the company of the wicked.
Every man shall sit under his own vine, nor hear any
news or noises to affright us.
Religion made a stalking-horse for politics is odious.
It is a grievous judgment upon a nation when teachers
sent fur man's salvation Hhall bc?ome means of
their confusion, drc, d'c.
In the Royal army they had the field- word
given to know their friends in the heat of
battle, "For God and the King," but the Par-
liamentarians Lad no woi*d to recognise their
fellows from the enemy, and several inst nces
occurred of their firing on each other. This
error was no doubt soon corrected. At the san-
guinary battle of Marston Moor the field- word
of the Parliamentarians, in con ti-adisti notion to
the King's, was *'Ood Mith us !" On that day
the soldiers seoni to have depended on the colour
of their coat^ us a signal of recognition ; these,
however, were as various as their regiments, and
it sometimes happened that both parties wore
the same colour. The King had a red regiment,
held to be " the Invincible Regiment," consist-
ing of 1200 men. Among the Parliamentarians
they had also a regiment of red-coats. (Vicar's
ParUamentanj Chronicle, Part 4, 200). There
were regiments of purple, of grey, and of blue.
The Marquis of Newcastle had a regiment com-
posed of Northumberland men, called from their
dress, " White coats." These veterans behaved
with the utmost gallantry, and though deserted
at Marston Moor by all their friends they
formed a ring to oppose Cromwell, and the
White Coats fell in their ranks without the
flight of one man. Whether from the colour
of their coats, or their desperate courage, they
also obtained the title of "Newcastle's Lambs !"
There were 20 regiments of Foot, under as many
colonels, including general officers, and 75 troops
of horse under as many captains. These last
were formed into regiments containing as many
troops as occasion required. The complement of
the regiment of Foot was probably 1000 men.
Each troop of horse was to consist of GO men,
but the numbers were never full. There were
five troops of Dragoons, each of 100, besides
officers, and a troop of 100 Cuirassiers as a body-
guard for the Earl of Essex. The two chaplains
were Dr. Burgess and Mr. Stephen Marshall.
Hampden was colonel of the 20th Regiment of
The Gkncbals and their Forcis.
Foot, with llicUard IngoldHby as his criptain.
Among the captains of Horso were, bcnidos those
who had also Foot regiments. Of the (57th Troop,
Oliver ("romwcll, with John Desborough as his
Quarter-Master ; of the COth, John Fiennes,
third son of Lord Saye, with Oliver's cousin,
Edward AVhally. as his comet ; of the ITith, Sir
Wm. "Waller; of the 8th, liOrd St. John, with
Oliver Cromwell, eldest surviving son of the
member for (Cambridge, as his cornet ; of the
36th, Nathaniel Fiennes. The Parliamentarian
colonels who had regiments appointed them
were generally country gentlemen or students
from the Inns of Court. The Parliament had
recourse to militiry men, who had seen service
in the Netherlands, to discipline their raw levies.
Amongst these were many Germans, and in
some accounts from the country we find noticed
**the honest German*' who drilled them. Crom-
well writes, "Heed well your motions, and
laugh not at Rose's Dutch tongue ; he is a
zealous servant, and we may go farther and
get a worse man to our hand than he is.'* At
York the King raised a body-guard, in which
the young Prince of Wales was a captain, and
which was under the command of Lord Bernard
Stuart, the brother of the Duke of Richmond.
The King used to say that the revenues of
those in that single troop would buy the estates
of my Loid o2 Kssox and of all the officers
in his Army. Oliver Cromwell writes thus :
" Buy those hprses, but do not give more than
18 or 20 pieces each for them, that is enough
for Dragooners. I will give you 60 pieces for
that black one you won at Homcastle, if you
hold to a mind to sell him for my son, w^ho
has a mind to him."
A pair of spurs cost Ss. ** a feather for my
basnet (i.e., helmet), 2 6d."; and **a new staffs
for ye colours, Is. 4d.
By an order made in 1029, the following
prices were fixed for offensive and defensive
arms and armour : —
£ s. d.
A breast of pistol proofe 11
A backc 7
A close ca.skc (helmet) linod 17
A payreof pouldrons 12
A payre of vambraceB 12
A pavre of ji^uiwetB 17
A cullett or guarderino ^^ 7
Agorgetlyncd <• 3
A gaiintlett gloved 3
Soe the whole price of the cuirasaier^s
armour axnonnteth to 3 10
The prices of the parts, and of the whole
corslet or footman's armour ruasetted, viz. : —
i! p. d.
The breast 5
Thebacke 4 6
Thetassets 6
The combed head piece, lyned 4 6
The gorgett, lyned 2 fi
The total of the footman's armour 1 2
If the breast, back, aad tassets be lyned with red
leather the price will be 1/. 48. Od.
The prices of the parts and of the whole
armour for a harquebuzier on horseback rua-
setted. viz. : —
£ 8. d.
A breast of plstuH proofe 1»
A backe 7
A gorgett 3
A headpeece, with great cheeks and a barr
before the face 11
The totall of the whole and all the parts
of a harquebuzier or light horse-
man*s armour is 1 12
A combed headpeece for a muskettier, rus-
setted and lyned 5
Price of the pike : —
Thestaffe 2 li
The head 18
Socket and colouring 1
Snmme 4 6
For a new musket, with mould, worm, and
scourer 16
For a new bandalier, with twelve charges, a
prymer, a pryming wyre, a bullet bag, and
a strap or belt of two inches in breadth ... 2 6
For a pair of horseman's pistols, furnished
with snaphances, mouldes, worms, scourer,
flask, a charger, and cases 2
VI.— Events in Portsmouth. — Colonel Goring Declarks for the Kino. — Skirmishes
NEAR Southampton and in Isle op Wight. — Capture of Southsea Castle. —
Surrender op Portsmouth.
Before proceeding further it will be well for
08 to note a few facts relating to this fratricidal
strife not yet recorded in this o'er true tale. As
early as June 2l8t the Deputy-Lieutenants,
Colonels, and Captains of the County had made
a Declaration in favour of the Parliament, which
was assented to and with great cheerfulness
approved of by the soldiers of the Trained
BeuidB, about 5000 in number, who werespeediy
increased by the addition of numerous volun-
teers, who offered to serve in person.
On August 8th word was brought to the
House of Commons that Colonel Goring had
tendered an oath of allegiance to the King to
the Mayor and Aldermen of Portsmouth, most
of whom took it willingly. But Mr. Peck, a
minister, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Odell, Mr. Good-
fellow, and several others refused it, and were in
ooDsequence obliged to leave the town. The
Mayor took his wife and family to Salisbury,
intending to leave them there, and to return
himself to Portsmouth, after doing his utmost
to raise men and money for the King. Twenty
horsemen were posted at Portsbridge to keep
watch and ward both by night and day. Four
guns swept the approaches to the bridge, which
was also protected by a strong frame of timber.
The guns belonged to the Maria^ pinnace. In
order to encourage the townsmen, Colonel
Goring showed them 3000Z., and a rumour was
current that 6000 French soldiers would speedily
arrive as a reinforcement. The garrison was
by no means unanimously in favour of theKin^.
A certain Captain Wiles tried to win over his
soldiers, but completely failed. After much
discmeion thejr fell upon him and slew him, the
chronicler adding, ** Alas, who knows whether,
vith his body, they slew his soul also !"
On August 2nd, 1642, the date of Goring's
Declaration for the King, there were 300 men
in garrison, 100 townsmen able to bear arms,
and in the remainder of Portsea Island about
100 more. There were about 50 officers, with
their servants. The Governor and officers pos-
sessed more than 50 horses, but there was only
two days* provision in the town, which was
unfortified and very weak in many places. Col.
Goring ordered all men able to bear arms or to
find substitutes to meert in the Bowling Green,
on pain of imprisonment, knowing full well that
only Cavaliers would put in an appearance. The
friends of the Parliament were speedily dis-
armed, and 40 horsemen with pistols and carbines
admitted into the garrison. At three o'clock on
that August afternoon the Colonel addressed
the meeting, urging them to stand fast for the
King, promising money to the Cavaliers, and
leave to depart to the adherents of the Parlia-
ment. The military chest was not empty, for
Goring had receivea 3000/. from the Parliament
for the payment of arrears to the garrison, and
9000/. from Mr. Weston, brother to the Earl of
Portland, the Royalist governor of the Isle of
Wight. At the conclusion of his harangue
some of the soldiers shouted in token of assent,
but others were discontented, and strife ran
high in the town. Col. Goring at once sent out
an officer to enlist recruits in the county, but
only those who professed their willingness to
fight for the King were admitted within the
walls. All the soldiers and every townsman except
three or four declared for the King, but withm
less than ten days more than half of them had
found means to escape. The Parliament acted
promptly. Orders were at once given to the
Earl of Warwick to blockade the harbour with
a squadron of five ships, and preparations for
an attack on the land side were not forgotten.
The Commission of Array was not put in force,
but the Militia was duly embodied, with the
result of making one or two companies of
Skirmishes near Southampton and in Isle of Wight.
trained bands desert the cause of the King for
that of the Parliament.
Many Hampshire gentlemen who had pro-
mised to bring in reinforcements of horse and
foot were stopped en ronte, as was also Sir
Kenelm Digby, one of Colonel Goring's prin-
cipal allies and confederates. Onl^ two days
had elapsed before the County Militia began to
blockade Portsbridge,Tendering the provisioning
of the garrison a matter of difficulty. On
Saturday, August 6th, the supplies of pro-
visions from the Isle of Wight were cut off,
and on Monday, August 8th, the Earl of War-
wick appeared off the mouth of the harbour
with his blockading squadron. The Earl of
Portland, Governor of the Isle of Wight, was
committed to the custody of Sheriff Garret.
His mother and most of his friends were Roman
Catholics, and he was believed to be a member
of the same communion. The Earl of Pem-
broke was duly appointed as his successor, and
the House sent a messenger with orders to
Colonel Goring to surrender Portsmouth to their
The King despatched a gentleman to Ports-
mouth, with promises of help and reinforce-
ments, but the gentlemen of Hampshire at once
raised a besieging force, asking for the authority
of Parliament, and offering to hazard their
lives and fortunes in the maintenance of the
true Protestant religion and the just privileges
of Parliament. One hundred carbines, pistols,
saddles, and much ammunition for the garrison
were intercepted by the forces of the Parliament.
The Bishop of Winchester sent five completely
armed horsemen to Portsmouth, and Dr. Hin-
aham, one of the Prebendaries of Chichester,
supplied the garrison with a load of wheat.
Hackney coachmen were offered commissions, on
condition of using their horses for the King^s
service. On August 11th the garrison was
estimated to be 500 strong ; ** Papists and those
ill affected to Parliament." The Grand Jury at
the County Assizes in August presented a most
loyal petition to the King, asiing for aid against
the Parliament.
On August 10th seven straggling Cavaliers
robbed two Wiltshire gentlemen on the highway,
about three miles from Winchester, of about
80^. in gold and 101. in silver, shooting their
horses dead and riding off. Pursued by two
gentlemen of the county and their servants, they
at length entered an inn in Romsey. Ajmed
assistance having been obtained, they were
promptly secured and imprisoned at Winchester
to await their trial.
On Thursday, August 11th, there was a fight
at Hosdown, a nule out of Southampton. The
High Sheriff of Hampshire, escorted by some
80 men, endeavoured to raise the County Militia
for the Parliament, but was attacked by 60 and
odd Cavaliers and about 100 persons who disliked
his proceedings. The fight lasted about an
hour. Fifteen of the King's party were killed
and nine mortally wounded, with a loss of five
killed and none wounded on the other side. The
country people came in great numbers to assist
the Sheriff, as did also numerous well armed
volunteers from the town of Southampton. At
length many of the Cavaliers were captured,
and put into safe keeping. The Mayor of
Southampton addressed the assembled multitude,
urging them to act only in a strictly legal
manner, but most cautiously guarding himself
from saying anything which might hereafter be
construed to his hurt by either the King or the
Parliament, *^and so, taking his leave of the
Sheriff, he returned home.*' Mr. Parker, a
gentleman living at Upper Wallop, records all
these proceedings with great satisfaction in a
letter to a friend in London.
Meanwhile the Isle of Wi^ht was preparing
to rise in favour of the Parliament, cr' Tiany
of the leading men in it were favouiable to
the King. This was especially the case with
the governors of the fortresses. Captain
Burley, at Yarmouth, the Governor and Porter
of Hurst Castle, and the Countess of Portland,
at Carisbrooke, left no doubt as to which cause
they favoured. Sir Robert Dillin^n tried to
send over corn to Portsmouth, but it was inter-
cepted on the way by one Master Bunckley.
The adherents of the Parliament sent up a peti-
tion for horse and arms, saying that "they
would serve the King in a Parliiunentary way
only." Whereupon 500 foot and two troops of
horse were ordered to march to their aid, and to
besiege Portsmouth. The arrival of the Earl
of Pembroke was anxiously awaited, so that the
malcontents might take active measures against
Goring and his Cavaliers. On August 16th the
Cavaliers made an attempt to secure the Isle of
Wight under cover of darkness. The precise
locality of the attack is not specified, but the
people assembled, and Captain Johnson, "a man
of most puissant courage, sallied from the town
with 300 very well armed men. The assailanta
opened fire, wounding two men, but were at
Blockade of Portsmouth Harboub by the Eabl of Warwick.
'ength obliged to retire. Abont 9.0 a.m. they
began to Jiow themBelves in battle array, and
'^ id^r Bome parley they fell to it like fnriouB
lions, and when they had felt the angry bnlleta
on both sides tiiey rested for the space of two or
three honrs,and tiien fell on again with asmnch
fnry as they did at first."
After a long skirmish the Cavaliers fled,
having many killed and wounded. Only ax or
seven of Gaptam Johnson's men needed the aid
of a snrgeon. The defences of Newport \(ere
but weak, and Garisbrooke Gastle was in sad
want of ammunition and other necessaries.
The Earl of Pembroke was ordered to proceed
thither at once, and he accordingly started from
Wiltshire on Monday, August 2^h. On August
18th there were seven men-of-war, all of great
force, blockading Portsmouth. In this squadron
there were the Paragon, the Ceeiar, the Black
James, and four others. A letter from someone
on board the Paragon says that the greatest
harmony was the thundering of cannon both by
day and night. On the arrival of the anxiously-
expected land forces a general attack both by
sea and land was to take place. Desertions
from the garrison, which the worthy seaman
estimated at 200, were of nightly occurrence.
There were 100 guns mounted upon the works ;
only troops to man them were wanting. One
ship of war was commanded by a Scotch noble-
man, who, throughout the operations, did good
service. On Tuesday, August 16th, he sent out
his long boat and took prisoners Gapt. Tomey,
the Governor of " Gowes Gastle," and two other
gentlemen, one of whom was brother to the
Earl of Portland. They being safely secured,
a body of seamen was landed, who took posses-
sion of ihe Gastle, placing in it a garrison favour-
able to the Parliament. This same Scotch
nobleman kept back provisions from Ports-
mouth, and captured a boat going to the
Island Laden with light horses, saddles,
and equipments for the use of Gavaliers.
The boatman sa3ring that his fare was
nine shillings, this active commander paid
him, telling him at the same time that if he
woidd bring the horses also alongside, he would
give him another freight. This nobleman went
on shore and threatened Gaptain Newland, " a
great, fat tall man of a very heathenish be-
haviour," who had sent some com to the garrison
of Portsmouth, that if he offended again he
should be sent up to the Parliament as a prisoner.
"A captaine that is possessed of a castle near
the Gows" persuaded the countrymen to bring
in their arms for safe keeping against the
Gavaliers. Having got possession of them, he
declined to surrender them until the ubiquitous
Scotch nobleman threatened to batter the castle
about his ears. This threat had the desired
effect. Ships' guns were landed for the purpose
of battering Portsmouth, and a naval brigade,
400 strong, took part in the operations which
compelled the surrender of Gansbrooke Gastle.
The Gountess of Portland, who held conmiand
there during the enforced absence of her husband,
and who, as we have already seen, displayed con-
siderable courage, was permitted to occupy a
few rooms in the castle, and was at length
indebted to the kindness of some seamen for
the means of leaving the island. Golonel Brett,
the Governor of the castle, Master Nicholas
Weston, brother to the Earl of Portland, and
the garrison received free passes to repair to any
part of the island which they might think fit.
Gaptain Browne Bushell was put in charge of
the castle by Gaptain Swanley till further order
of Parliament, and on August 27th, 1642, a
letter from Newport thus ends : —
" So now our whole Island is at peace ! "
Golonel Norton at once raised a force of
musketeers, who took post at his house at South-
wick Park. Some of the trained bands and a
force of cavalry from the county speedily
assembled, and more were expected. Sir
William Waller and Golonel Urrey were each
in command of a troop of horse, and '^ there are
some 20 firelocks that look like desperate
soldiers.'' Golonel Goring made a proclamation
that all women and children who were afraid
should leave the town by noon on the following
Sunday, and good cause had women to quit
Portsmouth when troopers like his held sway in
it. Terrible indeed are the accounts given by
ancient journalistic scribes, too bad, indeed, to
be quoted here I
Of the 200 men said to compose the garrison
on August 15th, it was believed that fully one
half would at once desert if opportunity offered.
One man who went to sell his butter at Ports-
mouth was forcibly impressed, and there were
many similar cases. Lord Wentworth was at
Portsmouth, " and some say Lord Goring; how-
ever his soul is there we may be assured."
Golonel Goring sent an officer to Salisbury
with a party of 30 or 40 horse, in search of
plunder and reinforcements, but on their arrival
they were ail captured and imprisoned.
Pillaging in Portska and Portsmouth.
Orael, indeed, was the pillaging of Portsea
Isle, which had then 2000 acres of standing com
npon it. One thousand cattle and more than
a thousand sheep were cairied off by the all-
devonripg garrison. Bread, cheese, bacon, and
everything shared the same fate, the plunderers
not even leaving half loaves behind them for the
starving population. The owners were obliged
to drive their own cattle within the walls, and
were then themselves retained for military
On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday,
August 10-12, this plundering was at its
worst. To aid the miserable rustics, the Earl of
Warwick landed men from the blockading
squadron at the east end of Portsea Isle, with
two guns. Goring*s horse were thus held in
salutary check, whilst the seamen ferried numer-
ous women and children over to Haylinff Island.
About200sheep and 1 OOcattle were zUso taS:en over
to the same place of refuge, ropes being thrown
over the horns of the cattle to make them swim
after the boats. One hundred and thirty-five
quarters of wheat were bound from Fareham to
Portsmouth, but one Master Allen, of G-osport,
succeeded in stopping the carts upon the road
and altering their destination, by the aid of a
few watchmen. Great was the rage of Goring.
He threatened to bombard and utterly destroy
Gosport with the gunsof Portsmouth,andit was
only after the humble prayer of the Mayor and
others, upon their knees, that he consented to
desist from his purpose for the sake of the
women and children dwelling there. As it was,
he terrified the Gosport people exceedingly.
His gunner, Meader by name, had already fled
from the town, but he summoned **a can-
noneer," and ordered him to fire at Gosport.
Upon his refusal the Colonel threatened to run
him through, whereupon he shot, " but it was
over the houses, and did no harm."
But deliverance was at hand for the un-
happy, plundered dwellers in Portsmouth and
Portsea Island. About 6.0 p.m. on Friday,
August 15th, 1642, twenty soldiers made an
attack upon Portbridge, not knowing what re-
sistance they would meet with. They found
but eight men on guard, one or two of whom
were taken prisoners, the rest making their
escape. One who saw the attack said that it
would make a faint-hearted man a soldier to
see their spirit and resolution. Colonel Hurry
and Sir William Waller behaved themselves
bravely on this occasion. The attack would
have taken place before if the weather had not
been very wet, confining the besieffiag forces
to their quarters at Southwick and Havant.
This success not a little encouraged the friends
of the Parliament, and further measures were
at once taken.
Captain Browne Bushell, a very active com-
manaer, held a consultation with Captains
Martin and Swanley as to the possibility of cut-
ting out the Henrietta Maria pinnace from under
fche guns of Portsmouth. They agreed with
him that the enterprise was feasible, though the
service was desperate and beset with difficulties.
Nothing daunted, and encouraged by the taking
of Portbridge, Captain Browne Bushell the
same night manned some long boats, and under
cover of the darkness pulled for the Henrietta
Maria. She had a crew of 14 men, two of whom
were officers, according to Groring^s account,
and Goodwin, the master, was suspected in the
garrison of Parliamentarian leanings. On the
other hand, the newspaper account says that she
mounted eight brave pieces of ordnance, and
had forty soldiers on board, being fitted for
service. Goring says that the pinnace sur-
rendered without receiving a blow, but his op-
ponents say that the crew were overpowered and
driven below. At any rate the capture was com-
Slete. Sail was at once made, and the Henrietta
(aria began to stand out of the ..arbour.
When out of range of the batteries two ships
were descried, laden with com for the garrison,
which were summoned to surrender, and at
once struck their colours. Four days pre-
viously the blockading squadron had intercepted
a ship, on board of which were several hundred
bari'ds of powder and 41 ''most stately horse.*'
The steeds were forthwith sent to London.
On Saturday, August 16th, Colonel Norton^s
forces marched from Portbridge almost to the
gates of Portsmouth, whereupon Colonel Goring
sent out two guns loaded with musket bullets,
and two gunners to guard one of his guns,
which he had been obliged to leave behind a
mile distant from Portbridge, when he withdrew
his guns on the preceding Wednesday. Watch-
ing his opportunity, a Parliamentary trooper
rode between the guns and the town, his carbine
being charged with two bullets, and shot one of
the gunners, he himself escaping uninjured.
Many now began to desert to the besiegers,
offering to prove their sincerity by serving in
forlorn hopes against the town. A contingent
from Chichester had reached Portsmouth, who
State of Ouiciiesteb.
treated the townsmen with considerable severity.
On Angnst 17th there were said to be only 80
or 90 horses and no great strength of men in
the town, whilst the Parliament had nnder its
command 240 traopers and 500 infantry. The
town was well provisioned, and ammunition was
plentiful. Numerous were the devices em-
ployed to convey intelligence from the be-
leaguered town. A woman was caught at Port-
bridge carrying a bundle which looked like a
baby, in the head of which was a black box full
of letters. About 5.0 p.m., on Saturday,
August 16th, a suit of clothes was intercepted
at Havant, going to Mr. Bellingham, in Ports-
mouth, with ten letters sewn up in the linings.
The man carrying it was detained, together
with his horse. Letters from Lord Wentworth
and others in Portsmouth likewise fell into
Norton's hands.
The Rojalists at Chichester were in the
meantime not idle in seeking to aid iheir
friends at Portsmouth. On August the
19th Sir Tbomas Boyer, Sir William Morley,
Mr. Lewknor, the Becorder, and others
demanded the city magazine for the ser-
vice of the King. Captain Chitty, a staunch
adherent of the Parliament, refused to surrender
it, and placed a strong guard over it. Mr.
Lewknor and the clergy of the Cathedral made
OTertures to Colonel Goring, who asked them
to aid him to the utmost of their power. One
Mr. Bellingham, a young gentleman, rode fully
armed from Chichester to Portsmouth. He
afterwards tried to make his escape from the
garrison, keeping a boat in readiness, for which
he paid 5s. per diem. The Bev. Mr. Bringsted,
parson of Havant, "a most pestilent man," had
sent a light horse to Portsmouth. For this
Colonel Norton made him pa^ dearly. Ton
light horse were quartered on him, " and lately
one of the Scotsmen, being aggrieved with him,
fell upon him, basted him well-f avouredly, and
fain he would be gone ; but they will not let
him. So he is forced to stay, waits upon them
daily, gives them good words, and tells them
that he will gladly lie out of his own bed to
make them room 1"
On August 10th a letter brought in with diffi-
culty from the King, promising relief, had
greatly cheered the garrison, but communication
with the outer world became day by day more
difficult. "Three gallant gentlewomen" tried to
get a boat for Stokes Bay. They failed to reach
their destination, and were brought back in a
friendly manner to Sir Thomas Boyer*s house
in his coach. Having no man with them, they
were strongly suspected to be men in women's
apparel. Those were evidently not times for
ladies to travel alone. At Havant a traveller
was caught with letters from Portsmouth con-
cealed in his boots. The letters were taken from
him and given to Colonel Norton, who sent out
" a few lusty men with muskets " to arrest the
messenger. Another envoy coming from
Chichester to Portsmouth through bye lanes
was met by apparently a most boorish rustic,
who proved to be an officer in disguise, and who
carried him and his despatches to Colonel
Norton, at South wick.
On August 2 ^th Chichester declared for the
Parliament, but the Cavaliers there continued
to intrigue, the Cathedral clergy being especially
active. The power of the pulpit was ener-
getically used on behalf of the King. Parlia-
ment at once ordered that all Popish recusants^
all who should put in force the King's Com-
mission of Array, or any who should furnish
horses, arms, money, &c., to the King should be
disarmed. Dr. Hinsham, a Prebendary of
Chichester, sent a load of wheat to the Ports-
mouth garrison, and there was daily drilling in
the Close of light cavalry raised by the Cathedral
clergy. The Mayor, Mr. William Cawley, firmly
refused to listen to any Boyalist overtures what-
ever made to him by the Bishop and clergy.
On Friday, August 26th, information was
given to both Houses of Parliament of a ship
coming from St. Domingo with a cargo, valued
at 600,000^. Her name was the Sancta Clara,
and she was laden with silver, cochineal, &c.
Prevented from entering Portsmouth harbour
by the Earl of Warwick's squadron she was,
according to Cavalier opinion, treacherously
carried into Southampton by Captain Bennett
Strafford. The cargo was seized by order of
the Parliament and sent up to London, the
silver alone requiring three waggons and a cart
to convey it to the Guildhall, in charge of
Major Burrell and a troop of horse. Don
Alonco de Cardenes, the Spanish Ambassador,
remonstrated, and on January 2nd, 1643, the
King issued a proclamation, warning all his sub-
jects against iUegal handling of the silver, &c.,
in question. The ultimate fate of this prize
money does not appear.
On August 27th the siege works at Ports-
mouth were almost ready to open fire. Strong
forts had been constructed, which commanded
Captukk of Soutiisea Castle.
the town, and from which it woold be easy to
batter the walls. On this day a soldier '^ much
drank" found means to pass the line of the
besiegers' sentries, thinking to take the town
single-handed. With a lantern and candle in
his hand he advanced, the garrison firing more
than 40 cannon shot in the d&ection of the light,
all of which missed him, ** but he approaching
nearer the walls was laid asleep with a musket
shot I" Letters were intercepted showing that
the Chichester Cavaliers were strongly bent
upon the relief of Portsmouth.
On August 29th a messenger from Portsmouth
brought up to the House of Commons a Bomish
priest, two other ministers, and the Town Clerk
of Portsmouth, who were committed to various
prisons until further order.
On Saturday, August 27th, Colonel Goring's
trumpets from withm the town sounded twice
for a parley, which took place on the following
day. Colonel Goring " entertained the Com-
missioners very nobly, and carried himself like a
gentleman.'* He asked leave to send a mes
senger to the Kinff, asking for relief by a certain
day. Failing such relief, he expressed his will-
ingness to resign his allegiance to the King, and
to hold the town for the Parliament, as he had
previously done. He refused to surrender at
once without orders from the Kiuff, and the
parlev closed without result, Goring threatening
to hold out to the last. That night the cavalry
of the garrison attacked the besiegers, but were
repulsed. Their leader was slain, two men
were wounded, two taken, together with three
of the best horses, and the whole party was
chased back to the gates. One estimate con-
sidered the number of soldiers in the town at
this date to be 300. The want of salt and corn
now began to make itself felt in the garrison,
and the Parliament despatched 1000 soldiers
into Hampshire, who as they marched found
profitable amusement in pillaging the houses of
any whom they chose to consider Papists, and
making them ny. Sir John Meldrum gained
considerable credit as an engmeer for his con-
struction of batteries against Portsmouth at
this time. The soldiers of the garrison, dis-
appointed of relief, were on the point of mutiny,
and their discontent was still further increased
when batteries from Gosport, one of which may
still be seen upon the oeach, opened fire on
September 2nd, and continued their bombard-
ment until the morning of Sunday, September
On Saturday, September 4th, after long con-
ference and discussion, Colonel Norton decided
to attempt Southsea Castle, then considered to
be the strongest fort in England for its sice. It
was surrounded by a wall three or four yards
in thickness and about 30 feet in height. The
moat was three or four yards deep and five yards
broad. The Castle mounted 14 guns, all of
which, with the exception of two, were 12-
pounders, besides other smaller pieces of
artillery. '^It hath dainty chambers fit to
entertain a Prince." Another account says
that there were nine or ten guns actually in
position, and as many more ready for mounting.
The Governor of the Castle was Challender, a
suspected Roman Catholic. On this Saturday
night he remained in Portsmouth carousing
with Colonel Goring until 11.0 p.m.
The storming party consisted of two troops
of horse and 400 infantry, who were provided
with 20 scaling ladders. Marching from their
quarters about 1.0 a.m. on Sunday morning,
singing psalms as they went, the garrison of
Portsmouth opened a random fire upon them,
which did no harm. At 2.0 a.m. they arrived
within a couple of bow shots from the Castle,
and halted for an hour. Meanwhile a feigned
attack upon Portsmouth from Gosport was in
progress. Two men were killed in the town,
and in addition ^' we heard a very pitiful lamen-
tation." At 3.0 a.m. the storming party ad-
vanced, and got between the Castle and the sea,
as all the guns were pointed landward. They
then jumped into the moat, some men falling
and hurting themselves. Capt. Buahell and a
trumpeter then went to the Castle, and stand-
ing upon the bridge the Captain ordered the
trumpeter to sound a parley. The parley com-
menced, the assailants offering fair quarter to
the garrison. Governor Challender, '* being
something in drink, and withal newly awakenea
out of his deep sleep" suggested that if they
would kindly defer their visit until the morn-
ing he would take the matter into consideration.
The infantiry then scaled the walls, Challender
begging quarter for himself, lieutenant, ensign,
and small garrison. This was granted, and the
garrison was disarmed, without the loss of a
man on either side. Challender, nothing loth,
at once began to drink tihe health of the King
and Parliament with his new friends, whom he
requested to fire three guns as a signal to Goring
that the Castle was taken.
Goring replied with at least 30 shot, one of
which narrowly missed the leader of the storm-
ing party. Ten men retreated behind a piece
of tmiber npon the drawbridge, which was im-
mediately afterwards struck by shot. No one
was, however, injured. Some 80 men were left
to keep the Castle for the Parliament, and a
mutiny at once broke out in Portsmouth. Tho
Mayor, a lieutenant, an ensign, and many
soldiers fled from the town, and nearly all the
rest of the garrison threw down their arms.
Only some 60 were still willing to fight, most
of whom were gentlemen and their servants,
who were unskilled in the use of muskets and
in the working of heavy guns. Colonel Goring
therefore sent a drummer to solicit a parley, and
surrendered Portsmouth on the following con-
ditions : — Two companies of Parliament troops
were to be posted in the town about ().0 a.m.,
on September 7th, for the prevention of dis-
order and the safety of the magazine. The
garrison to have free passes to any place except
to an army in arms against the Parliament, with
horses, swords, and pistols, but with no other
arms. Twenty days to be allowed for the
journey. All stores to be delivered up un-
injured. Free passes, without arms, to be granted
to those wiihing to proceed beyond sea. Those
belonging to the old garrison of Portsmouth to
remain or depart at their pleasure. An amnesty
to be granted to all except deserters from the
Parliament. The magazine to be 1 eft unin j ured .
Carriages to be provided on payment, if re-
quired, for those leaving the town. The
prisoners on botb sides to be released, except
those that are to be sent up to the Parliament.
The Governor, if he wishes, to send a gentle-
man elected by him to the King. After the
capitulation Colonel Goring, as we already
know, took ship for Holland.
Chapter VII.— -Outrages jn Wiltshire. — Surrender op Farnhah and Winchester.
— Southampton Declares for the Parliament.
Whilst Colonel Goring was fighting at Ports-
mouth, some of his friends had been trying to
aid him by making varions plundering forays
in the neighbouring county of Wiltshire. After
the surrender of Portsmouth, the Earl of Pem-
broke proceeded to deal summarily with these
disturbed of the public peace. We have already
noted his departure for the Isle of Wight.
Having reduced that portion of his government
to tranquillity he returned towards Wiltshire at
the close of September. Cavalier marauding in
those districts was at its height on October Ist,
1642, but was speedily destined to receive a
severe check. The Earl of Pembroke brought
with him from Hampshire three hundred horse
and foot, and was joined on his march by some
of the trained bands. On October 4th, at
some place unspecified by the annalist, he found
himself confronted by Lord Coventry and 1000
Cavaliers. The contest was short, but decisive,
forty Cavaliers being slain and 10 captured,
Lord Coventry himself escaping in disguise.
Ten men were lost by the Parliament, and the
Earl, having "settled that county in a very good
posture and peaceable condition," returned
home to Wilton House on October 13th, with
much honour. A week later the three counties
of Berks, Hants, and Suri'ey were raising troops
of Dragoons, some of which had already reached
Windsor Castle, whilst others wore on their
march thither, intending to fortify it on behalf
of the Parliament. Throughout the war the
excesses committed by those who, rightly or
wrongly, styled themselves Royalist partisans
did much to strengthen the cause of the Parlia-
ment in these counties.
Hampshire men of those days were by no
means devoid of either military spirit or experi-
ence. Only three years before the county had
sent forth, at the King's command, against the
Scottish foe 1000 foot and 100 horse, and in
1640 no fewer than 1200 Ebmpshire soldiers
marched beneath the banner of the Earl of
Northumberland, stout old Sir Jacob Astley
commanding another hundred meanwhile.
These military companies seem to have been
considerably wanting in discipline, for on Octo-
ber 11th, 1642, a letter written to Lord G-rey
by Lord Stourton was read in the House of
Lords, complaining of " the great unruliness of
the soldiers in Hampshire," especially finding
fault with the infantry, who were then on the
march between London and Portsmouth. The
unfortunate nobleman complained that he had
been plundered of his property^ and that the
robbers had threatened him with repeated
visits. He therefore asked for protection to his
house, stating that in Wiltshire also the soldiers
had paid him four most unwelcome visits. On
two occasions he bribed them to depart. Once
they came to the number of 300, hacking and
hewing at his ffates, and vowing that they
would, if refused admittance, cut the throats of
men, women, and children indiscriminately.
The county trained bands were usually about
600 in number, but on October 19th, 1642, those
of London obtained permission to double their
effective strength. The Committee for the De-
fence of the Elingdom wer^ ordered by the
Upper House to afford hapless Lord Stourton all
necessary protection. Soldic. s who had been
woundea or maimed in the service of the Par-
liament used to attend daily at the Savoy Hos-
pital to receive the aid of a physician and certain
surgeons. These sufferers were allowed 8d. per
diem till cured.
On November 6th the Earl of Essex was
ordered to draw out his army at once to check'
the plundering of Rupert and his troopers. On
the 24th of the month Prince Rupert was in bed
suffering from an attack of measles, but squad-
rons and parties of horse were sent every day
Surrender of Farnham and Winchester.
into Hampshire, retarning to Reading and
Oxford with hostages and prisoners. Sheep,oxen,
horses, carts hiden with com, and plunder of
every kind were to be met with in many a
oonntry lane. Chichester was at this time very
weak in defences, but early in November, 1642,
the inhabitants presented a petition to Parlia-
ment expressive of their willingness to fortify
the city. Permission was at once granted, and
the citizens were allowed to retain seven guns
with which they had been furnished by Sir Wil-
liam Lewis, the Governor of Portsmouth. Ten
barrels of powder were also ordered to be issued
from the magazine at Portsmouth for the do-
fence of Chichester. £1000 had been collected
for the payment of the Portsmouth garrison
whilst Goring held command in the town. This
sum was now handed over to Sir W. Lewis to
be paid to his soldiers. A year's pay for the
garrison amounted at this time to 5030/.
On November 18th the Commission of Array,
as attempted to be carried out in Sussex by Sir
Edward Ford, the Royalist High Sheriff, was
declared to be illegal, and he himself was to be
arrested as speedily as possible. The Commis-
sion of Array was declared to be illegal through-
out Sussex, and Captain Ambrose Trayton was
ordered by Parliament to raise and command
200 men, volunteers or otherwise, for the
defence of Lewes. One-fifth of the proposi-
tion-money, plate, &c., collected in Lewes was
to be applied to the protection of the town,
and the security of the public faith was
offered to all Sussex men willing to lend
money or plate to the Parliament.
On Wednesday, November 30th, Farnham
Castle was taken by Colonel Brown and his
Dragoons, in the manner already described in
these pages. Eighty, or, according to another
account, 120 prisoners taken on this occasion
were sent to Windsor Castle, and from thence
to London, in carts which were hired for their
conveyance. Forty of them arrived in London
on December 1st without having suffered the
loss of any of their clothes. Distributed
amongst various prisons, they were released
next day, and every man of thorn had money
given him. Very different treatment to that
received by prisoners on both sides at later
periods of the war I Winchester House, in
St. Mary Overies, Southwark, was taken as
a prison for Cavaliers on November 14th ;
Lord Petrels house in Aldersgate-street, and
the Bishop of London's house, near St. Paul's
being similarly appropriated on January 5 th,
On December 17th, 1642, Winchester sur-
rendered, as we have already seen. Contem-
porary accounts give certain additional details.
On the preceding 18th of November the Corpo-
ration had voted money for " swords, bullets, and
providing the Citie armes." Two Regiments of
Foot which belonged to the King's Life Guard
made a sortie from the city, and were nearly all
captured, and Sir WilliamWaUer reports " we cut
off two regiments, one of horse, another of dra-
gooneers, 600 of which were gallant horse. We
began our fight five miles wide of Winchester,
toward Salisbury way, in pursuit whereof we
took fifty commanders, besides Viscount Grandi-
son, and killed divers, but the number we know
not. The city joined against us, yet. pursuing
them into it, wo took them all prisoners, and
when they wore taken they gave us all the gold
and silver they had, and the city compounded
with us for 1000/." Comet Stcrly, who was
present, writes that Winchostor offered 2000/.
to be saved from pillage. One account says that
Lord Grandison, 65 other oflficers and com-
manders, 1000 foot, 600 horse, 200 dragoons, and
600 arms fell into the hands of Sir William
Waller. Lord Grandison had the rank of
Lieut.-Goneral in the King's army. He was
afterwards mortally wounded at Bristol on
July 26th, 1643. Dying at Oxford on Sep-
tember 29th, 1643, he was there buried beneath
a stately monument in Christ Church Cathedral.
One who took part in the assault says : — " The
most part of our regiment assaulted the city at
one side of it, where the wall was broken down.
The greatest part of the opposition was from
the townsmen, who have since sufl&ciently paid
for it (for they have been the greatest opposorrf
of us), having been plundered by our uniuly
soldiers. We stood in arms all that night."
The writer goes on to admit, with evident
disgust, that the prisoners were despoiled, con-
trary to the articles of capitulation, even of their
clothes, *' four or five pulling at one cloak like
hounds at the leg of a dead horse." Ci old was
given to the soldiers by the hapless Cavalicis by
the handful, and Cornet Sterly says that only
the officers were retained, all the rest being
stripped and sent awav. The writer of the
above quoted letter speaks of " many other dis-
orderly passages," and says that only his zeal
Southampton Declarbb for the Parliament.
for the right cause prevented his quitting the
army. Comet Sterly gives the best list of
prisoners, whose names were, according to him,
as follows : Colonel Lord Grandison, Sir Richard
Willis, Sir John Smith, Major Haybome,
Captains Garret, Honeywood, Barty, Booth,
Brangling, Wren, Beckonhear; Lieutenants
Williamson, Rogers, Elverton, Rodham, Booth,
Cornets Bennet, Savage, Ruddry, Gwrnn, and
Bradlines. The county gentlemen taken with
the Cavaliers were : Sir John Mills, Sir Thomas
Phillips and his brother. Sir Francis Powre ;
Masters Ranford, Saunders, Griflin, Foyle, and
his son, Powlet, and his son. Some of the
?risoners taken at Winchester were confined at
Portsmouth, whilst others were committed to
the charge of Dr. Layton, the keeper of the
Lambeth House Prison. On February 24th,
1645, it was ordered that all standards which
had been or should hereafter be taken by the
forces of the Parliament should be committed
to the care of W. Riley, Esq.« Lancaster Herald
at Arms at the Herald's College.
Winchester Castle, which played no unimpor-
t-ant part in many a Hampshire contest, is said
by Milner and others to have been about 850
feet in length north and south, and 250 feet in
breadth, east and west, becoming much narrower
at its northern extremity, where a wall that
followed the slope of the ditch united it to the
West-gate. The keep was about 100 feet
square, and connected by a wall with the
southern defences of the city. It was flanked
by four towers, one at each comer, and another
tower above the entrance faced the north. The
main gate of the castle faced the west, and
stood near the centre of the west front of the
more modem King's house. Directly opposite,
on the other side of the ditch, was a strouff
barbican or turret, in which a gVLtLrd was posted,
and in front of which wasthe place of execution.
Square towers at intervals looked down into
the moat, which was of varying depth, but
which near the keep must have been at least
100 feet deep and as many wide. There was a
good deal of anxiety felt at Southampton at thia
time. Master G^ter sent a letter to a merdliant
of good quality in Lombard-street, on Dec. 9tili«
1642, from which we learn that Captain Richard
Swanley, an active partisan of the Parliament,
had summoned the Mayor and Corporation to
decide as to their future course, teUing them
that on December 3rd, 1642, he was in posaea-
sion of Calshot Castle, and had disabled Nutlej
(Netley) and St. Andrew's Castles, having also
stopped the boats going with provisions to
Southampton from the Isle of Wight and
Hythe. Calshot Castle had a chief captain in
receipt of Is. 8d. per diem, an under captain,
four soldiers at 8a., one porter at 8d., and eight
gunners at 6d. each per diem. The whole
annual expenditure was 107/. 7s. 6d., whilst St.
Andrew's Point fortress was maintained for
85/. 3s. 4d. per annum. Southampton had been
for the levying of shipmoney assessed at 1952.,
Winchester paying 190/., Portsmouth 60/.,
Basingstoke 60/., and Romsey 30/. The whole
county was required to provide one ship of 600
tons burden, with a crew of 260 men, at a cosi
of 6000/. The Parliament had many friends in
the town, and when Prynne and Burton landed
at Southampton, on November 28th, 1640, after
their release from their prison in the Channel
Islands, they were esoortea in triumph through
the town towards London. The Mayor and
some of the richer burgesses were, however,
inclined to favour the Royal cause, and when
Captain Swanley's letter was read an animated
discussion took place. The result, however, was
that a deputation was sent to Portsmouth to
declare that the town would henceforth submit
to the authority of the Parliament. '' Tet
every man underwrit it not ; it was thought
that Swanley would have come up the river
with his ships, and beat the town about our
ears ! "
Cbaptsb Vin. — ^BiYAL Pakties in Sussex — The Capture of Arundel and Chichester.
— ^Desecration of Churches. — ^Hampshire Defences.
We must now march with victorious Sir Wil-
liam Waller for awhile over the pleasant Sussex
Downs, taking with us as most trustv and
withal right pleasant guides W. H. Blaauw,
Esq., If .A., F.S.A., and G. Hillier, Esq., who have
most successfully investigated the whole sub-
ject Nor shall the Bev.H.D. Gordon be left out,
who has also laboured in the same field. Through
the exceeding kindness of J. Dudmey, Esq.,
Secretary of the Sussex Archieological Society,
and Mr. St. Leger Blaauw, who have aided me
greatly, we need not dread losing our way in
any historic by-road. Sussex had shown its
loyalty in 1640, when the clergy of the diocese
contributed 9851. 16s., and the county sent 640
foot and 80 horse to swell the ranks of the
army which marched against the invading Scots.
But on February 17tn, 1643, there was an
ominous sounding petition sent up to the House
of Commons praying for *' a thorough reforma-
tion of religion " in the county. Arundel and
Chichester took opposite sides. The former,
together with Portsmouth and Winchester, was
in safe Cavalier keeping, but Chichester was
devoted to the Parliament, being considerably
mider the influence of a great brewer, William
Cawley by name, whose memory is still pre-
served by *'Cawley'8Lane,"atBumbold8wyke,
where he possessed certain broad lands. The son
of an Alderman of Chichester, he sat in Parlia-
ment, first for Midhurst, and afterwards for his
native city, steadily opposing the King when-
ever opportunity offered, and resisting all
Boyalist overtures. He signed the King's
death warrant, but represent^ Chichester in the
Convention Parliament of 1660. Being ex-
empted from ^rdon at the Bestoration, he died
in exile in Switzerland, his estates being granted
to the Duke of York. Lewes was represented
in Parliament by Colonel Herbert Morley, who
was a firm Puritan partisan, and possessed im-
mense influence in the county. On November
7th, 1642, the King published a general amnesty
for Sussex, from which Colonel Morley and
Henry Chittey were specially excepted.
On August 28th, 1642, it will be remembered
that a parley took place between the besiegers
of Portsmouth and the beleaguered garrison, in
which Mr. Christopher Lewknor took part. He
was the Becorder of Chichester, and is styled
" the man appointed by his Majesty to take in
money and plate on his behalfe.'' After the
surrender of Portsmouth, Goring was allowed
six days, Lewknor and the other officers two, to
leave Portsmouth. Goring finished his restless
life as a Dominican monk in Spain in the year
1 662. In August, 1 642, Chichester was reported
to be " in a good state of defence, and resolved
to maintain the Protestant religion, but some
ill affected persons had plotted to betray the
town, and some ministers had made seditious
sermons, saying that the irreverent clergie had
preached down the bishops, and the reverend
tradesmen had preached down the clergie."
When the King's scouts, ten in iiumber,appeared
in Hyde Park on November 16th, and his army
was at Brcntf ord,there was a general expectation
on both sides that it would have turned towards
Chichester, and the party in possession prepared
for defence. An ordinance had been passed
for associating the forces in the four counties
of Hampshire, Surrey, Sussex, and Kent under
Sir W. Waller as Major-General, and the
Parliamentary journalist states that a popula.*
dread of the cruelty of the King's army pre-
vailed in Chichester. '* Such was tho fciiro ot
the townsmen ; yea, and of the cathedral men
too (having heard of their plundering at Brain-
ford), that they put themselves in armes, and
out of their subscribed monies mamtaineda
considerable strength." Captain Ambrose
Trayton was, on November 18th, authorised to
Capture of Abundel.
call in 200 men, or more if necessary, for the
defence of Lewes, and to command them. By
an ordinance hastily passed on November 21 st,
Mr. Morley and others were sent down to put
Sussex " into the like posture of defence as is
Kent, and to disarm all such as shall refuse to
join with them in securing the county." In
West Sussex the Royalists mustered strongly,
whilst Colonel Morley was supreme in the
Eastern Division. Several of Colonel Morley 's
relatives, Sir Edward Ford, of Up Park, and
many other gentlemen, were on the side of the
King. It was remarked of Sussex, as of other
counties in the south and oast of England, that
though many of the chief gentry were for the
King, yet the freeholders and yeomen being
generally on the other side, as often as they
attempted to show themselves they were
crushed and their efforts defeated. Sir Edward
Ford had been just made High Sheriff of
Sassex, not three days old in his place, accord-
ing to Vicars, and had offered the King a
thousand men, and to undertake the conquest
of Sussex, though GO miles in length.
The Mayor of Chichester (Robert Eaton) had
been too loyal to please the prevailing party
in the city of Chichester, of which the Bishop
and Christopher Lewknor (the Recorder), with
many of the clergy, were Royalists, and after
publishing the Royal Commission of Array had
fled to join the King, though he afterwards, in
September, made his peace by paying a fine of
150/. His successor, William Bartholomew,
had bsen active on November 2nd in procuring
seven pieces of ordnance from Portsmouth, with
license to introduce 200 men from the County
Militia for the defence of the city against the
Cavaliers, but nevertheless by a concerted move-
ment the Royalists assembled in such numbers
on November 22nd as to seize the cannon and
the magazine, take the city keys away from the
Mayor, and imprison some of the trained bands
of the enemy. The news of this surprisal was
sent up to Colonel Morley in Parliament next
day. The two M.P.'s for Chichester (Sir W.
Morley and Christopher Lewknor) were expelled
the House. "An impeachment was ordered
November 23rd against Sir William Morley,
while Sir John Morley and Sir E. Ford were
voted delinquents and ordered into custody."
The report to Parliament was of course from
a hostile pen. Parliament was then also in-
formed that " the county of Sussex is in a great
combustion, and that there is some thousands of
the Papists and malignants in the county
gathered together in Chichester, it being also
reported that a great number of the Cavaliers
are come in thither to assist the Array men in
opposing the ordinances of Parliament." In
structions were at once given to seize High
Sheriff Ford, to exact money from Papists, and
to take other precautions.
After the surrender of Winchester in Decem-
ber, 1642, Sir William Waller, in spite of
rumours that Prince Rupert had led 20 troops of
horse towards Chichester marched against
Arundel Castle. A few days previously the
forces of the Parliament had gained a consider-
able success. On December 8th news reached
London that the High Sheriff, Sir Edward
Ford, when marching from Chichester to Lewes
in company with the Earl of Thanet, had
ordered all men capable of bearing arms to join
him on pain of death, and of having their
houses burnt to the ground. Some recruits
were obtained by this summary order, but they
were by no means zealous for the Royal cause.
At Hayward's Heath, some two miles from
Cuckfield, the Cavaliers were faced by a some-
what less numerous force. Neither party had
any artillery. The fight began by a fierce attack
by the Parliamentarians, and lasted at least one
hour. "The fight was performed with their
muskets at first, and after some volleys our
horse broke into their van, our footmen just at
that instant charging courageously into their
quarters." The Parliamentarian reserves now
came up, and completed the rout, the Cavaliers
losing, it is said, not less than 200 men. The
countrymen who had been forced into Sheriff
Ford's ranks threw down their arms and ran
away as fast as their legs could carry them to
Hurst, Ditchling, and the neighbouring \ .^ages,
Sir Edward Ford and the Earl of Thanet's
horse '* flying with all speed up to the not dis-
tant downs, and so to Wissum (Wiston ?) to the
Earl's house," and from thence to Chichester.
The victors marched to secure Lewes. The
troops which had taken part in the capture of
Winchester marched from thence to Havant,
many deserting on the i*oad, their pay being in
arrears, and returning to London, intending
there to re-enlist in other regiments. At
Havant Sir William Waller and Colonel
Ramsay joined them at the head of 2000 men.
The prisoners taken at Winchester having been
Captuke of Chichester.
Bafely disposed of at Portsmouth, and at Lam-
beth House, London, the whole force was ready
to march towards Chichester and Arundel on
the morning of Monday, Dec. 17th, when a
sudden order was received from the Earl of
Essex, recaUing Colonels Hurrey, Goodwin, and
Browne, with four regiments. These troops
howeyer, seem to have remained a few days
longer under Sir W. Waller's command. The
march into Sussex was by no means unopposed.
There are somewhat vague accounts of a fight
*^ with a great party of the King's army in a
great field for seven hours very courageously."
At length Sergeaut-Major Skippon came up
with eleven troops of horse, and the Cavaliers
fled, many of them being captured, and some
200 slain. The loss of the victorious army is
said to have been about 40. Sir William Waller
and Colonel Browne, his energetic second in
command, then marched with the main body of
their troops to Chichester, sending at the same
time a detachment of 100 men to make them-
selves masters of Arundel Castle, which had "^ a
garrison, though not numerous or well provided,
as being without apprehension of an enemy, ^'
and which had been during the previous year
abandoned in despair by its owner, Thomas
Earl of Arundel, the friend and patrcn of the
artist Hollar. Whilst the remainder kept the
Boyalist townsmen in check, 36 daring spirits
assaulted the castle, which, if well garrisoned,
would have been impregnable. Their arrival
was unexpected, but the gates of the castle
were, nevertheless, closed. Thereupon *' they
set a petard to the gate^ and blew it open, and
80 most resolutely entered the castle, surprising
all there, amongst whom they took one Sir
Richard Lechf ord and his son, a great Papist,
and one Captain Goulding, raising men and
armes in Sussex to assist the malignants in
Chichester, which said prisoners," being sent up
to London, were speedily placed in durance vile.
Another account styles these prisoners Sir
Bichard Rochford and Mr. Rochford. The
capture of 100 horse, together with aims and
stores, rewarded the victors, who claimed to
have captured this important stronghold with
out the loss of a man. Weapons having been
sent from London, the Trained Bands of
Sussex, who had been disarmed by Sir Edward
Ford, the Royalist High Sheriff, informed the
Parliament that they were resolved '*to legain '
and fetch their arms from Chichester, or else to
lose their lives in*the attempt thereof !" They
were as good as their word.
After the fall of Arundel Castle, the fate of
Chichester was sealed. The newswriter of the
day says of the Royalists: — ** These silly per-
sons, being deluded with expectation of the
Cavaliers to assist them, would gladly submit,
if it might be accepted, with satisfaction out
of their estates." Mr. Blaauw says, '* Although
Clarendon speaks of the city as being encom-
passed with a very good old wall easy to be
fortified (B. vi.), yet soon after Waller and
Sir W. Lewis had blockaded it, they informed
the Parliament that they find it of no great
strength to hold out long." Clarendon thinks
it would not have yielded *'if the common
people of the country, out of which soldiers
were to rise, had been so well affected as was
believed;" but he confesses that the cause was
unpopular, and that in fact *' their number of
common men was so small that the constant
duty was performed by the office: s and gentle-
men of quality, who were absolutely tired
out." Colonel Browne (who is called by Sir
Philip Warwick "a woodmonger," and "a
man of a clear courage and good understand-
ing, and very crafty," and who was after-
wards knighted by Charles II. on account of
his civil usage of his father when a prisoner,
was during the siege withdrawn to resist a
pressing danger at Windsor, leaving Waller
only 1000 horse, 300 dragoons, and six guns;
but Sir Arthur Haslerig was present, and was
both now, and again in 1647 when invited by
W. Cawley, "the especial scourge of the
Vicars has, fortunately for posteiity,preserved
in his Parliamentary Chronicle (pp. 234-240)
Sir W. Waller's own account of the siege as given
in a letter written to the Earl of Essex. From
this letter it appears that Sir William was joined,
on the evening before his arrival at Chichester,
by three troops of horse and two companies of
*^ Dragoneers" under the command of Colonel
Morley and Sir Michael Levesey, making his
troops amount to some 6000. On his arrival
before the town xm December 21st, 1642, the
garrison made a sortie, but were repulsed, one
of their number being slain, and another taken
prisoner. The besiegers suffered no loss, and
secured their position " upon aDowne called the
Broils, the onely commanding ground about the
towne." The guns of the town were not silent,
Gaptube of Chichester.
and the rest of the day was' spent in the con-
stmction of siege batteries. With the approval
of Sir Arthur Haslerig and other officers, Sir
William Waller summoned the garrison to sur-
render. A parley took place. Says Sir William,
« The persons I sent were Major Horatio Carey
and Captain Catre : the hostages from them
were Colonel Lindsay and Lieutenant-Colonel
Potter.'' Sir William Waller demanded an abso-
lute surrender of the city, with the giving up of
Sir fidward Ford, of all Papists and of lUl per-
sons considered by Parliament as delinquents.
The soldiers were to depart without arms ; but
officers were to retain their swords and horses,
giving a pledge never again to take up arms
against the Paniament.
After long debate, the garrison declined to
accede to these terms, but offered to give up
any Roman Catholics within the walls. "Where-
upon the next day our battery played, but our
cannoneers overshot the towne extremely."
Cannonading continued, and towards evening
tiie besiegers received a letter firom the
Earl of Essex, announcing the approach of
Prince Rupert. Scouts were immediately sent
out, and on the following day Waller brought
his guns nearer the town. The suburbs of
the West Gate were occupied after a fierce
struggle, but the burning with wild-fire of
certain houses by the garrison obliged the
besiegers to beat a retreat. The garrison also
fired some houses at the East Gate, " but we
got possession of the Almes Houses, within
half e musket shot of the North Port, and then
planted our ordnance very advantagiously,
which played through the gate up into the
Market Place of the City." Two companies of
foot and two troops of horse which Lieut.-Col.
Roberts had brought from Arundel took post
after vigorous opposition at the South
Gate. The suburbs of the East Ghite were also
occupied by the besiegers, who kept up a brisk
fire upon any of the defenders who showed
themselves upon the walls. A whole culverin
was now placed in position within pistol shot of
the East Gate. The West Gate was also to be
set on fire, and Sir William intended *' to po^^ard
a back gate that issued out of the De:niery
trough the town wall into the fields, and was
walled up by a single brick thick." But whilst
arrangements were being made for the attack a
trumpet was sent out of the city at ten o'clock
at night asking for a parley at nine o'clock the
next morning. This request was granted, and
at the appointed hour Sir William Balnidine
and Captam Wolfe were sent from the garrison
to treat for a surrender. A cessation of anna
was agreed upon during the progress of the
negotiations, but Sir William Waller declined
to grant anv more favourable terms than
" Quarter, and with it honourable usage." This
being refused, *' not without hot indignation,"
the besieged prepared to sell their lives dearly,
and Sir Wuliam "to proceed roundly and
speedily with them." But at the last moment,
before the assault, a trumpet was sent out of
the city desiring a respite until seven o'clock on
the following morning, at which hour a sur-
render was agreed upon. In spite of the
futile opposition of some of Lord Crawford's
Scotch troopers, the city was delivered in
the afternoon to Sir William Waller,
" the gates being set open for ua
and then set fast againe. Then the first thing
we did was to release and fully set at Ubertie
all the honest men of the towne whom they had
imprisoned, who being thus enlarged, we im-
ployed in places of trust in the city." In the
evening a train of powder was discovered near
Sir William Waller's quarters, but the gunner*
on being apprehended, and all the Royalist
leaders disclaimed all knowledge of the matter.
During the eight days that the siege lasted no
rain fell, which greatly facilitated the operations
of the besiegers, but within half-an-hour after
the victors had entered the gates there were
"continual incessant showers." Yicars also
records with exultation that the Furrender took
place at the very time of the observance of a
solemn fast. Sir William Waller at once sent
up to London Sir Edward Ford, who was soon
afterwards released, through the influence of
his sister Sarah, who had married tne Parlia-
mentarian General Ireton. Sir John Morley,
Colonel Shelley, Christopher Lewknor, Colonel
Lindsay, Lieutenant-Colonel Porter, Sergeant-
Major (t.e.. Major) Dawson, and Major Gordon
were amongst the prisoners, with some 60 other
officers and commanders, who were for the most
part Scotchmen, "with all their brave horses,
which were dainty ones indeed." About 400
"excellent dragoneers" and throe or four
hundred infantry laid down their arms. Most
of the humbler captives were sent up by sea
and speedily imprisoned in London.
Dr. King also (" a proud Prelate, as all the
Desecration of Churches.
rest are, and a moBfe pragmaticall malignant
against the Parliament, as all his cater-capt
companions are") did not escape. Seventeen
captains, thirteen lieutenants, and eight ensignB
were f oond in the garrison. Mr. Blaanw sajs,
^* The Parliament accompanied their thanks with
a special charge to the commanders at
Chichester ' to be carefnl of the prisoners ;* and
they were hurried ofE to London, where they
were confined in the deanery of St. Paul's, and
in Lord Petre's house, in Aldersgate-street,
until January 11th, 1643, when some were sent
to Windsor Castle. Ensigns Richard and
Thomas Shelley were in March removed from
Lord Petre's to Plymouth for security. Lewknor
was kept as a close prisoner, and none allowed
to speak to him in private. The prisons often at
this period overflowed, and Colonel Morley was
one of a committee ' to dispose of the prisoners,
either by sending them to the Indies or other-
wise.* Some were kept in vessels at Gravesend,
and Colonel Goring was kept in custody at the
' Bed Lion' Inn, Holbom, even though Parlia-
ment considered it not safe, and wished him to
be removed to the Tower, but it was courteously
resolved that * Lady Goring shall have liberty
to see her son, Colonel Goring, a prisoner to the
Parliament, in presence and hearing of his
keeper.' He was released March 12th, 1644, by
exchange with Lord Lothian.**
Dr. Bruno Reeves, the Dean of Chichester,
was fined 120/., and received no benefit from his
deanery for many a long year. He has left an
account of the damage done to the Cathedral,
which was printed in ^'MercuriusRusticus.*' We
may add that at the invitation of Mr. William
Cawley a party was sent in the year 1647, under
the command of Sir Arthur Haslerig, to finish
the work of destruction, which it was alleged
had been left incomplete, and they did finish it.
Dr. Reeves says that on the day after the sur-
render of the city the Marshal and some other
ofScers entered the vestry, and took possession
of the vestments and church plate, leaving " not
*o much as a cushion for the pulpit, nor a
chalice for the Blessed Sacrament. ... As
ihey broke down the organs and dashed the
pipes with their pole-axes they scoffingly said,
* Hark, how the organs goe !* ** They broke tho
tail and the Communion Table to pieces, together
with the Ten Commandments, and tho pictures
of Moses and Aaron. Prayer-books and music-
books, torn to pieces, were everywhere to be
seen, whilst gowns and surplices were appro-
priated, with a view to their speedy conversion
into shirts. The portraits of bishops and kings
were destroved, and " one of those miscreants
picked out the eyes of King Edward the Sixth's
picture, saying * That all this mischief came
from him when he established the Book of
Common Prayer.* "
On the following Tuesday there was a solemn
thanksgiving in the Cathedral for Sir William
Waller*s victory, and after the sermon "they
ran up and down the church with their swords
drawn, defacing the monuments of the dead,
hacking and hewing the seats and stalls, scratch-
ing and scraping the painted walls.** Sir
William WaUer stood by with his sword drawn,
as if in fear of his own men, whereat Dean
Reeves makes merry. The Sub-Deanery Church
in the north transept was then treated in a
similar manner, the Bible being "marked in
divers places with a black cole,** prayer-books
torn up, the surplices appropriated, and the
chalice broken in pieces as fair and lawful
plunder. Five or six days afterwards Sir
Arthur Haslerig, who had been informed " by a
treacherous officer of the churdi of the hiding-
place of the remaining church plate, entered
the Chapter House at the head of a party duly
provided with crow-bars and ordered them to
break down the wainscot. Sir Arthur*8 tongue
was not enough to express his joy, it was
operative at his very heels, for, dancing and
skipping (pray mark what musick that is to
which it is lawful for a Puritan to dance^, he
cryed out * There, boys, there, boys ; harK ! it
rattles, it rattles, it rattles!' and being much
importuned by some members of that church
to leave the church but a cup for the administra-
tion of the Blessed Sacrament, answer was
returned by a Scotchman standing by 'that
they should take a wooden di^.' **
Mr. Blaauw says : " Before quitting Chichester
it is fitting that antiquaries should especiaUy
lament some of the accompaniments of this
capture, such as the loss of the ancient city re-
cords, and the destruction of the north-west
tower of the Cathedral. After a few years*
trial as a garrison town, part of the time under
the famous Algernon Sydney, as governor, the
Parliament fortunately resolved to disgarrison
Chichester, March 2nd, 1646, and its ordnance
was transferred to Arundel.** The bastion of
the Korth Wall of Chichester between the two
Hampshire Defences.
West Lanes was built at this time with the
stones of the two churches of St. Pancras and
St. Bartholomew, which stood without the walls
Sir William Waller after the surrender re-
quested permission to visit London, he himself
being in bad health and his troops being worn
but with fatigue.
A curious extract from an old register throws
some light on the route taken by Sir William
Waller*s troopers on their way to Chichester
from Winchester. Some few years since in a
shop at Bishop's Waltham an old book was
rescued from destruction, which upon exami-
nation proved to be one of the registers
of the neighbouring parish of Upham.
It contains the following entry, for which,
together with very much valuable infor-
mation, I am indebted to F. Baigent, Esq., of
Winchester : " Item, for cleansing ye church
against Christmas (16i2), after ye troopers had
abused it for a stable for their horses, 2s."
This entry proves that local traditions of some
of our Hampshire churches having been used
as stables are not without foundation. The
old register above-mentioned contains frequent
entries of relief given to sick and wounded
soldiers, and in the year 1647 certain soldiers
were relieved " on their march home." A year
or two afterwards the writer of the entry refer-
ring to the troopers, altered the words " had used
it for a stable" into " had ibused it for a stable."
A slight alteration, but clearly indicative of the
political creed of this rural keeper of the
Churches in Winchester fared no better, for
in 1660 we read *'the little church of St.
Clement having be on much dilapidated while
the soldiers occupied it as a guard-house, was
used as a place to lay faggots in, yea, to keep
hogs in, and wherein to receive oxen, horses,
&c., at times of fairs." On January 1st, 1643,
it was ordered by the Parliament that the Cava-
liers taken at Chichester should be sent to
Windsor Castle, and other prisoners outside the
City of London. Lambeth House was already
BO full of Royalist captives that Lord Pf-^re*8
house in Alderagate-street was utilised as a p i' son
on January 5th, 1643.
On Wednesday, January 4th, 1643, it was
ordered *' bells and expressions of joy this night
to be done as is usual," and on Sunday, January
8th, a solemn thanksgiving for the taking of
uhichester was appointed in all churches within
the City of London. On January 16th Colonel
Herbert Morley received the thanks of the
Speaker in his place in Parliament ^' for the
great service he aid in the taking of Chichester/ '
Other members of the Paulet family, beside the
Marquis of Winchester, had meanwhile been
doing the King good service. On December
10th, 1642, the Earl of Pembroke was, by a de-
claration of both Houses of Parliament, ap-
pointed Lieutenant of Wilts and Hants, ** as the
Lord Paulet, Sir Ralph Hopton, and others, their
accomplices, have gotten together great forces in
the western parts of this kingdom." We already
know that Lord Paulet was with Sir Ralph
Hopton and the Marquis of Hertford at the out-
break of the war, and after the surrender of
Portsmouth by Goring retired with them into
Glamorganshire. In Ireland also Sir John
Paulet gained a great victory over thelrish rebels
near Bandon Bridge, in the county of Cork, on
November 23rd, 1642. After Alderman Gallop
and another burgess had, as we have seen, signi-
fied at Portsmouth the fidelity of the town of
Southampton to the Parliament, Calshot Castle,
which was considered a place of considerable
strength, was duly supplied with shot. Windmill
fortress, near Portsmouth, had a cantain
who received Od. per diem, two soldiers at 6d.,
and eight mariners at 8d. per diem. The
annual cost was 109/. 10s. Portsmouth had a
captain with 13 gunners, the latter receiving
6d.per diem. Annual cost, I (}( ) .'. * ^Sportsmaking,"
a bulwark, had three giinnois, whose daily pay
was 6d. each. Calshot Point had a chief-
captain at Is. 8d. per dioni, an under captain at
8d., four soldiers at 8d., one porter at 8d., and
eight gunners at 6d. each per diem. The annual
cost was 107/. 7s. 6d. Hurst Castle had a captain
at Is. 8d. per diem, an under captain at lOd.,
ten soldiers at 6d., a chief gunner at 8d., one
porter at 8d., and six gunners at 6d. per diem.
Total yearly cost, 264/. ISs. 4d. St. Andrew's
Point fortress cost 85/. 3s. 4d. per annum. At
Portsmouth town and isle there was a new fort-
tress, with a captain whose pay was lOd. per
diem. The daily pay of the 20 soldiers under
his command amounted to 13s. 4d. Sandown
Castle in the Isle of Wight had a captain at
4s. per diem, an under captain at 28.,
thirteen soldiers at 6d. per diem, one porter at
8d., a master gunner at 8d., and seven gunners
at 6d. each. Annual cost, 363/. 6s. 8d. The
Captain and Steward of the Isle of Wight
Blowing up of Farnham Castle.
received 471. ?& 6d. per annum. The town of
Lymington, which contained friends to both of
the contending parties, sent its records about
this time to Hurst Castle for safe custody.
On December 27th the Earl of Portland, the
imprisoned Bovalist Governor of the Isle of
"Wight, was released from custody, and two
days before the close of the year 1642 a terri-
ble explosion announced the partial blowing up
of some of the defences of Farnham Castle. We
say partial, because in July, 1648, it was re-
ferred to the Committee at Derby House ** to
take such effectual course with Farnham Castle
as to put it in that condition of indef ensible-
ness as it may h6 no occasion for disturbing the
peace of the country." A rate was accordingly
levied to defray the expense of this service.
Bishop Morley expenaed 7000/. after the
Restoration in repairing the damage done at
this period.
Chapter IX.— FiGHTiNa at Alton. — Sir William Waller Plunders Winchester and
Defaces Bomsey Abbey — ^Boad Waggons Seized near Basingstoke.
On Tuesday, February 24th, 1643, it was an-
nounced that the counties of Kent, Surrey,
Sussex, and Hampshire had entered into a
mutual agreement to raise and maintain 3000
foot and 300 horse for the service of the Parlia-
ment. On hearing of this project the King, at
Oxford, issued a proclamation, declaring all
such levies illegal, and calling upon all soldiers
already embodied to retire to their homes, under
pain of being considered guilty of high treason.
On Feb. 11th, 1643, it was ordered by the
Parliament that two troops of horse and a regi-
ment of dragoons should be raised for their ser-
vice in and about Hampshire, the cost being
defrayed out of the sequestered estates of
Papists and delinquents. A committee was ap-
pomted to manage this business, of which Sir
Thomas Jervoise, Knight, was the President,
and John Leslie, Esq., the Beceiver. Sir William
Waller was also permitted to raise money for
the maintenance of his army from the four
associated counties of Hants, Surrey, Sussex,
and Kent.
On Sunday, Feb. 5th, "Mercurius Aulicus,'' the
Court Gazette of the Cavaliers, hears at Oxford
that there was much discontent amongst the
soldiers of the Parliament at Portsmouth,
whose pay was considerably overdue, and that
numerous desertions had taken place in conse-
quence. At the end of the month 1500/. was
paid to Sir William Lewis, the Governor, for
the supply of the garrison. Frequent entries
occur dnrlng thistronblons period of large sums
expended for the same purpose.
On Monday, Feb. 27th, a petition from the
Isle of Wight was presented to Parliament. It
stated that the defences of the island were very
weak, and that there was good cause for fearing
a foreign invasion, and adced that all monies
raised in the island for purposes of defence
might be expended within its limits. A supply
of heavy guns, muskets, match, powder, bullets,
corslets, &c., was requested for immediate issue
to the various forts and castles, together with a
guard of ships. The petitioners were also
anxious that the troops on the mainland of
Hampshire might be warned to hasten to their
assistance as soon as an alarm was given. The
subscribers to the fund for the defence of the
island seem to have been numerous, and on
Monday, April 4th, 1643, a Committee was ap-
pointed by Parliament to carry their wishes into
effect, consisting of Sir Henry Worsley, Bart.,
Colonel Thomas Came, John Lisle and John
Bulkley, Esqs., all Deputy-Lieutenants of the
Isle of Wight. Hearing that Sir William
Waller was anxious to march towards the West
Prince Bupert, on Feb. 22nd, rode oat of
Oxford at the head of a considerable force, and
tried to intercept four guns and seven cartloads of
ammunition, which were on their way to join
the Parliamentary Army. Bupert and his
troopers reached Basingstoke, and exchanged
greetings with the stout old Marquis of Win-
chester, but failed to secure their prize, WaUer
having received intelligence of their arrival,
and sent orders to the convoy to halt upon its
march, whilst he himself retreated to Guildford.
Detachments of his forces had already reached
Winchester and Alton, and orders were at once
despatched to recall them. The party from
Winchester retired without molestation, but the
Alton detachment was not so fortunate. It was
200 strong, and was reconnoitring the roads in to
Gloucestershire and Wiltshire, and reached
Alton on February 22nd. Scarcely had the
wearied troopers unsaddled, before 1500 of
Bupert's wild riders beset the town. Thinking
Fighting at Alton.
thai resifltaiice would be fueleas, they eried for
quarter, which was Boomfaily refused, where -
upon they prepared to sell weir lives dearly.
Having a field-piece with them, they loaded it
with mnsket bullets, and calmly awaited attack.
The Cavaliers came boldly within range, the
gan was fired, and when the smoke cleared
away 80 of the assailants were seen to be either
killed or wounded, and the rest retreating in
confasion. Night was falling fast, bnt on came
the attacking party once more. Again did that
mnrderons field-piece scatter its dei^y hail, and
again did 40 soldiers of the King fall hors de
combat Darkness put an end to the strife, and
the Cavaliers deferred their intended capture
until the f oUowing morning, only to find at
dawn that the gallant defenders of Alton had
skilfully e8cape<^ and fallen back in good order
on the main«body during the night. During
the last week of February, 1643, Sir William
Waller was still at Chichester with three or
four hundred horse, some of his ten troops being
but 10 or 15 strong. He was asking for and
expecting reinforcements, as the Cavaliers were
said to be meditating the re-capture of Win-
chester and Chichester, and had nearly the whole
of Wiltshire at their mercy.
On February 28th he had reached Famham,
but was said to have only 400 dragoons, all my
Lord General Essex could spare, and ten troops
of horse, *^ which being put together, will make
three good ones," to oppose the Princes Maurice
and Bupert, who were said to be at the head of
5000 horse, and at least 2000 Welshmen. Poor
Hampshire paid weekly 750/. for the service of
the Parliament, and on Friday, March 3rd we
have reports of much indiscriminate plundering
of friends and foes by Prince Rupert's soldiers.
The county had formerly refused to join the
Association for Defence entered into by Kent,
Surrey, and Sussex, fearing to incur the ven-
geance of the King, whose army had taken post
in and around Beading. The miseries in-
separable from civil war at length turned the
scale, and Hampshire became one of the Asso-
ciated Counties. Prince Rupert was to a con-
siderable extent successful in preventing Waller
from obtaining horses upon which to mount his
infantry, and would probably have given him a
severe defeat had not his scouts, who were
always active and well informed, given him
timely warning of a threatened attack upon
either Beading or Oxford. Reluctantly, there-
fore, he fell back from Basingstoke and Ciren-
cester, and re-entered Oxfora on March 28th.
Acooiding to a letter from Henlejr-on-Thame&
he had on April 7th taken up a position at Bead-
ing. Prince Kupert having retired, Sir William
Waller was now at liberty to make, in company
with Sir Arthur Hasleri^, what Clarendon calls a
quick march through Wilts. The same authority
states that he had under his command a light
party of horse and dragoons some 2000 in num-
ber, belonging to the army of the Earl of
Essex. " Mercurius Aulicus " says that he had
500 foot, a regiment of horse, another of dra-
goons, six field-pieces, and four cart-loads of
muskets to be distributed amongst the recruits
who might join his standard. His banner was
a somewhat singular one. At the Battle of
Agincourt one of his ancestors had been fortu-
nate enough to capture the Duke of Orleans,
who, after a residence in England of some 25
years, paid 100,000 crowns of ransom money.
In memory of this event the Waller family were
granted as armorial bearings a leafy tree, from
which was suspended a shield bearing the lilies
of France. The motto was " Fmctus Vii-tutis"
(the fruit of valoui*). His second in command.
Colonel Brown, had upon his banner a skull and
a wreath of laurel, with the motto "One of
These!" and his constant associate, Sir A.
Haslerig, had adopted the device of an anchor
suspended from the clouds, and the motto " Only
in Heaven !'*
On March 3rd, 1G43, Sir William Waller
marched into Winchester, " and being an inhabi-
tant and a freeman of the city, he promised that
no man should suffer any loss or damage by him,
and he performed it for as much as it concerned
himself, but when ho went away on Saturday
(March 4th) he left behind Sergeant-Ma j or
Carie, with a troop of horse, to levy 600/.
upon the same. A most unreasonable sum to
be imposed upon a town so lately and so
miserably plundered. But say what they could
in theii' own behalf, no less than 5007. would be
accepted, and that accordingly was raised, viz..
350Z. out of the inhabitants of the city, 150/.
on one Sir Henry Gierke, a neighbouring
gentleman." Master Say, a son of a prebendary
of the Cathedral, who probably fared none tho
better on that account, had entrusted his horses
for purposes of concealment to his servant.
Having been betrayed by some of his neigh-
bours, he was brought before Sir William
Seizure of Boad Waggons.
Waller, who questioned him as to the where-
abouts of the steeds. Master Say pleaded
ignorance, and was forthwith handed over to
the Provost Manual, who received orders to
make him confess. This official conducted him
to the ^* George " Inn, which dates back to the
days of the Fourth Edward, and led him into
what is now known as *'the 18-stall stable."
Placing a halter round his neck, the Marshal
renewed his cross-examination. Obtaining no
information, he hoisted him up to the rack,
allowing ^™ to hang until he was almost
strangled, and then gave him a little breathing
space. This process was repeated several times,
until the spectators of this barbarous scene
quitted the stable in disgust. Finding torture
ineffectual, the Marshal with many kicks and
blows dismissed Master Say, who a few days
afterwards was reported to be dangerously ill, a
circumstance scarcely to be wondered at.
On Saturday, March 4th, Sir William Waller
aud his army marched to Romsev, t^here they
ut one began to deface the Abbey Church,
pulling up the seats and destroying the ors^an.
^^ Which was no sooner done, but a zealous
brother of the ministry, dwelling not far off,
got into the pulpit, and for the space of two
hours, in a furious zeal, applauded that religious
act, encouraging them to go on as they had
begun!'' The chronicler laments that this stately
church, having escaped destruction at the time
of the dissolution of the monasteries, had been
reduced to ruin in these dissolute times.
From Romsey Sir William Waller marched
to Salisbury, being constantly joined by numer-
ous recruits. He seized many horses in various
places, and by an ingenious stratagem did con-
siderable damage to the Royal cause. He sent
out orders as if from Prince Rupert to all the
neighbouring Cavaliers for a general muster at
Salisbury. Some 3000 responded to the call,
and were astonished, on March 10th, 1643, to
find themselves unhorsed and disarmed by their
wily opponent. They not unnaturally remon-
strated, but without effect. Sir William politely
requesting the loan of the steeds until the con-
clusion of the war. During the year 1643
horses were valued at 4Z. each, but they had
previously been procurable for 30s. and 50s.
Hay cost 6d. for a day and night, and the price
of oats was 2s. per bushel.
On leaving Salisbury Waller's army had in-
creased to the number of 3000 men, and it was
said that he had with him, strange to say, two
troops of French and Dutch Papists under the
command of Sergeant-Major (t.e.*. Major) Carie
(or Carew) and Captain Carr. Some of these
men afterwards came over to the King's army
and said that when thev were brought over to
England they fuUy understood that they were
to fight for the Kin^, and not against him.
After taking possession of Malmesbury and
making the small Royalist garrison prisoners,
Sir Wuliam Waller marched into Dorsetshire,
putting to flight Sir John Strangeways and the
Cavaliers of Dorset and Somerset.
During the month of March, 1643, some of the
Cavaliers from the garrison of Re^^ding marched
to Basing House, and in the neighbourhood of
Basingstoke (another account says near Woking-
ham) succeeded in intercepting several waggons
laden with cloth) belonging to certain clothiers
of the western counties. The spoil was worth
from 10,000;. to 12,000/., and the merchants
went to Oxford and petitioned the Eong for
redress. Their prayer was heard, and on March
22nd the cloth-laden waggons reached London
in safety. Certain bales, however, belonging to
Mr. Aj^ and his brother, who were both mem-
bers of the House of Commons, were confiscated.
The merchants, who recovered their property,
were obliged to take the new protestation of
allegiance, and to pay their fees, as if they had
been prisoners to Smith, the Provost Marshal
of Oxford. This officer seems to have been
terribly severe, and in fact most brutal in Iub
treatment of the prisoners entrusted to his care.
Frequent complamts were made to Parliament
of his barbarities, and the House of Commons
addressed a remonstrance to the King on the
subject. My Lord General the Earl of Essex
was by a resolution of the House of Commons
passed on March 16, 1643, officially informed of
these proceedings, and also that certain passers
by Basing House had been fired upon from the
windows. The day of trial for "Loyalty
House" was now near at hand.
Chafteb X. — ^Prince Maurice at Salisbury. — ^Fast Day at Southampton and Ports-
mouth. — Colonel Norton Repulsed. — ^Basing House Becomes a Garrison.
On Wednesday I April 19th, 1643) we catch a
passing glimpse of the home-life of a famons
divine. "Ordered that Mr. Dr. Fuller shall
have a pass to carry his wife to Salisbury, and
to return back again."
On Saturday, April 15th, 1643, the Earl of
£8sez sat down before Beading, which surren-
dered twelve days afterwards. The terms of
capitulation were not faithfully observed, which
served as a pretext for excesses on both sides on
various subsequent occasions. On April 2lBt
''Dalbier, a German Engineer,'' was said in
liondon to have been slain before Beading.
Humour spoke falsely, and Colonel Dalbier lived
io do much harm to Basing House, which the
emboldened friends of the Parliament hoped
would speedily share the fate of Beading.
On Thursday, May 4th, the Hampshire
Cavaliers were again raising their heads, but
were once more doomed to disappointment.
Two ships bound from Dunkirk to Ireland, and
laden with ammunition for the King's forces,
were driven into Portsmouth, and were at once
seized by Sir William Lewis, the Governor. An
ordinance of both Houses of Parliament passed
on May 4th provided that the whole of the
King's revenues from the county of Hampshire
should be applied to the repair, maintenance,
|»y, &c., of the garrisons and fortifications of
Portsmouth, Hurst, Calshot, and Southsea
On Wednesday, May 13th, a petition was read
in Parliament which bore the signatures of
most of the inhabitants of Portsmouth, asking
for the appointment of Sir William Waller as
Governor of the town, and declaring their
<< readiness to serve them in the defence of that
place with their last drop of blood." The Earl
of Essex was thereupon recommended to appoint
aller, but from "Morcurius Aulicus" of June
28th we learn that Sir William Lewis having
been superseded ^^ Master Wallop" was tempo-
rarily appointed. Sir William Waller havmg
mardied to the westward from Salisbury, Prince
Maurice, the Earl of Carnarvon, and the Mar-
quis of Hertford reached that pleasant cathedral
city about nine o'clock on the morning of Whit
Sunday, May 20th, with, it was said, 2000 men.
Before the arrival of the Prince, Lord Seymour
and some Cavaliers "took divers well affected
persons prisoners, amongst which Mr. Dutton,
the Mayor, was one." Sir William Waller, Sir
Edward Hungerford, Sir John Homer, and
other friends of the Parliament were preparing
to offer opposition, "so that now this town,
which, under the pretence of standing as neuters,
it is thought hath afforded no small supply unto
Oxford, is now like to speed no better than
Marlborough and other places which have been
utterly ruined by the Cavaliers." Before Prince
Maurice and his army entered the citv procla-
mation was made by the High Sheriff of the
county " that none should be plundered without
order, which it is confessed was indifferently
kept, but we were forced to give them free
quarter." On the following day the Prince,
Marquis, and Earl of Carnarvon dined at Wilton,
and there took two special horses, "and shot a
gallant stallion of the Earl of Pembroke's,
which they could not take, but the horse is like
to recover." On their return to Salisbury an
order was issued that all the citizens should give
up their arms, on pain of having their houses
searched. Many useful weapons having been
thus obtained a collection was made in the city,
to defray the cost of the Prince's table during
the stay of the army. On Wednesday, May
23rd, two g]ans and two barrels of powder were
discovered by the Cavaliers not far from the
Council House, and a party of horse brought in
Fast Day at Sodthampton and Pobtsmouth.
fonr waggons laden with wool and oil from
London, together with several pack horses.
Another detachment found a gun and two or
three drakes or field-pieces concealed at Wilton,
which were likewise secured. Next day two
loads of pikes and corslets arrived, which had
been collected in the neighbourhood by dint of
armed search. The following day was Friday,
May 25th, and Prince Maurice and the Marquis
of Hertford marched out over Hamham Hill to
Dogdean, where a general muster of the county
had been ordered to take place. All partisans
of the King were at once enrolled as soldiers,
whilst the friends of the Parliament were either
disarmed, or, if unprovided with weapons,
obliged to contribute various sums of money.
Two loads of arms were brought back to Salis-
bury in the evening.
On Saturday, May 26th, the Prince's army,
now increased to not less than 4000 horse and
1000 foot, was drawn up in battle array at Dog-
dean, from which place one detachment marched
towards Warminster, whilst another was sent to
plunder the Earl of Salisbury's house at Gran-
borne. About six o'clock on the morning of
Sunday, May 27th, the whole army marched
away from Salisbury towards Dorchester, to the
great joy even of their own friends in the city.
The Mayor, who had all this time been kept m
durance vile, was released when they departed,
but Master Hunt, a Parliament man, and some
others were taken away in safe custody.
On June 6th the Prince, Marquis, and Lord
Carnarvon were once more at Salisbury, intend-
ing to join Sir Ralph Hopton on his march
towards Oxford. A journalist of that day says:
" They would willingly now give him 2000/. to
be gone, who before gave him lOOOZ. to welcome
him. The Canons and Prebends had before
their first coming taken down their organs them-
selves, and hid two hundred of their pipes, for
fear of the Parliament's forces, hoping here-
after to have them up, and play their old tunes,
but now they may take them, and help their
countrymen to play the new tune of * Fortune
my Foe.' " Sir William Waller, who with Sir
Edward Hungerford, Sir John Horner, and
others was striving to keep both the Prince
Maurice and Sir Ralph Hopton in check, was
deficient in cavalry, but was early in June joined
by Sir Arthur Haslerig and a welcome rein-
forcement of 500 horse. Notwithstanding this
accession of strength, Prince Maurice and the
Marquis of Hertford were able to defeat
Waller's army on Monday, June 12th, to which
"Mercurius Aulicus" thus refers: " Friday, June
9th. The rebels had solemn fast at Southamp-
ton, Portsmouth, and Hursley, for the speeding
of Sir William Waller's great design against His
Majesty's forces in the west, where Master
Strickland, that learned, devout Levite, was
pleased to say in his prayer these very words,
* Lord, Thy honour is now at stake, for now,
Lord, Antichrist has drawn his sword against
Thy Christ, and if our enemies prevail, Thou
wilt lose thine honour !' But how God Almighty
was pleased with this blasphemy and treason the
issue of Waller's design hath manifested to the
world 1" On Saturday, June 24th, it was
ordered that two foot companies, 300 strong,
should be raised for the protection of the Isle of
Wight from amongst its own inhabitants.
On July 7th we hear that Sir William Waller
had sent a letter to Dorchester, asking that two
troops of horse and one hundred dragoons
should be sent to Colonel Norton, of Southwick
Park, who was already in command of an equal
number of men, and who was speedily joined
by this welcome reinforcement.
On July 15th, after the complete defeat of
Waller by Sir Ralph Hopton and the Cavaliers
of the west upon Roundway Down, near
Devizes, the House of Commons strongly urged
the City of London and all friends of the
Parliament in the counties of Hants, Surrey,
Sussex, and Kent to send money, men, horses,
and ammunition te the aid of either Fairfax
or Waller, upon the security of the public faith
for repayment. Towards the end of July it
was deemed necessary to raise 7000 men for the
service of the Parliament. London and Middle-
sex were to provide a contingent of 1500, and
the four associated counties just mentioned
were also to do their part, the Earl of Pembroke
being appointed to the command of the cavalry
raised in Hants, Surrey, Sussex, and Berks. Sir
William Waller was to march to meet these
new levies, who wore to muster in London, and
at Windsor, Cambridge, and Bedford.
On Wednesday, July 19th, 1643, "Mercurius
Aulicus" tells us that the Parliament had
ordered all possible aid to bo sent to Sir
William Waller from Portsmouth and other
places of Hampshire. "Colonel Norten of
Southwick, the great incendiary of that country,
being made a Colonel amongst the rebels,
OoLONEL Norton Bepui^ied.
St. Barbe and others having the com-
mand of some troops of horse," marched to
Winchester, and plundered it for the third time
of all arms and horses. From thence he pro-
oeeded to Salisbnrr, where he arrived on Thurs-
day, Jnly Idth, where he also seized all the
horses and arms to be found, and plundered the
houses of the Cathedral clergy, even taking
away their servants' clothes, and confiscating
about 80/., which belonged to an hospital of
poor people, of which one of the prebends
was governor. On his march from Salisbury to
Devizes to join Sir William Waller, hearing of
the defeat of the latter upon Boundway Down,
he retreated to Wardour Castle, and from thence
to Wilton. Preparing to attack Salisbury once
more, he found the citizens, who had heard of
the defeat of Waller,in arms to oppose him, and
thinking discretion the better part of valour
retumed{to Hampshire by a safer way, because,
to him, the furthest way about was the next
way home. Towards the end of July the
Marquis of Winchester, who since the sur-
render of Reading had seen his enemies in-
creasing in numbers, and formiag strong
garrisons in his neighbourhood, found that
Colonel Norton was threatening a visit to Basing
House, ^' as being a place in which he hoped to
find much spoil and little opposition, for to say
truth, he is a very valiant gentleman where he
meets with no resistance." Clarendon, on the
other hand, speaks of Norton as being a man of
undoubted bravery. The Marquis made a
journey to Court, and obtained permission to
have one hundred musketeers of Colonel Raw-
don's regiment sent under the command of
Lieut. -Colonel Peake with speed and secrecy to
Basing. He then returned home, nor did he
reach Loyalty House a moment too soon.
Scarcely had he arrived before " Colonel Norton,
with Capt. St. Barbe, with his troop of horse,
andCapt. Cole, with aragged rabble of Dragoons,
begirt the house and pressed the siege exceeding
hotly." Within the walls there were, besides
servants, only *' six gentlemen, armed with six
muskets, the whole remainder of a well furnished
armoury." • They had already proved their
prowess, for with them the Marquis had done
BO weU that twice the enemies' attempts proved
But now surely, on this Slst of July, 1643,
the odds are overwhelming, for see, two regi-
ments of dragoons, under Colonels Harvey and
Norton, have made their way through the park
pidings, and are bent upon an attack in force.
Another half -hour, and the hopeless struggle
will be at an end. But hark to yonder musket
shots, and listen intently. Surely that is
^' Bupert's call" from cavalry trumpets, and see
how the rebels are flying in all directions. Tes,
aid is at hand. Lieutenant-Colonel Peake has
come from Oxford by forced marches, and is
now beating the foe from Basing village, clearing
house after house. But the King, hearing of
Norton's threatened attack, has, although he
is about to march towards Bristol, and surely
needs the help of every available man, sent
Colonel Bard with some troops of horse to the
relief of beleaguered Basing. The cavalry
arrive just as the musketeers hkve cleared a way
to " The Castle," as Basing House was often
styled by the Cavaliers. iOeut.-Colonel Peake
deservesf nil credit for his victory ,f or Harvey and
Norton's two regiments of dragoons " ran quite
away" from his musketeers. 'Basm^ being thus
at uberty, Colonel Norton and his allies re-
treated that night to Famham, and from thence
to Portsmouth, "plaguing and plundering all
the country as they passed along, for fear it
should be thought that he had made so long a
journey, and lain out so"long, to undo nobody."
A letter was at once written by the Parliamen-
tarian Committee at Portsmouth to the Lord
General Essex, and read in the House of Lords
on September 7th, asking for more troops for
the protection of the town, as the Cavaliers
had succeeded in surprising both Dorchester
and Weymouth. Colonel Norton's repulse at
Basing was doubtless another cause for alarm to
the adherents of the Parliament in Portsmouth.
Colonel Harvey, who aided Colonel Norton in
this attack upon Basing, had formerly been a
captain in one of the regiments of the London
Trained Bands. He had been unfortunate in
business, and is described as a " decayed silk-
man." When the war broke out he was ap-
pointed to the command of a troop of horse and
of a regiment of dragoons. The women of
London presented a petition for peace to the
House of Commons, and, refusing to disperse,
Colonel Harvey, with his troop of horse, was
ordered to charge the unarmed crowd. The
order was rigorously obeyed, and not a few
women were killed or wounded. Col. Harvey's
standard bore the device of a Bible with the
motto " Lex Suprema" (the supreme law !) and
Basing House becomes a Garrison.
below a city, with the motto *^ Salus Patriffi*'
(the safety of onr fatherland). During the
Commonwealth, Colonel Harvey was the tem-
porary owner of Fnlham Palace and of yarions
revenues belonging of right to the See of
London. One who knew him says " He came off
bluely in the end.**
The standard of the Marquis of Winchester was
like those of other contemporary commanders,
square in f orm,bearing a scroll with pendent ends,
on which was the motto '^Aimez Loyaute."
The musketeers, who proved so timely a rein-
forcement to the defenders of Basing House,
belonged to the Begiment of Foot commanded
by SirMarmaduke Bawdon, of whom, and of the
other of&cers of the garrison we will speak more
at length hereafter. Warburton says (** Memoirs
of Prince Bupert,"p. 116): "Dunng the early
part of the Civil War the pikemen held the post
of honour. The pikemen, as well as the
musqueteers, wore a leathern doublet, steel cap,
dotii hose, and square-toed shoes, with a lar|^e
rosette. The pikeman, when he could get it,
wore a back and breastpiece of steel, with an
iron hook on the former, whereon to hang his
steel cap while marching. The musqueteer wore
a * ban^lier ' or broad pelt with charges of
powder hung by little cords. The bullets were
carried in a little bag or in the mouth for im-
mediate use, over the left shoulder; a sword belt
over the right ; his match-lock rest was some-
times attached to his left wrist, while not in
use, and sometimes he had a boy allowed him to
carry this cumbrous piece of artillery for him.
There were locks to the pistols and petronels
(the latter so called ' because it hangeth on the
breast of the Cavalry, but none, I think, to
the Inrantry musket. The f onner were wound
up like a watch by an instrument oBiUed a
spanner, and when let off by the trigger the
mnt was brought against a rough surface
that gave the spark by friction. These
were called * snaphaunoes.' The charges of
powder suspended from the bandolier being often
12 in number, were often styled * the twelve
Apostles.' The pay was 8d. a day for the
Iniantry and 16d. for the Cavalry." Suoli were
the men who manned the walls and towers of
Basing House.
After the repulse of Harvey and Norton,
Basing House *'is then beffunne, according to
the quantity of men now added, to be fortified."
Cav^esB evidently knew how to use pickaxe
and spade, as well as musket and pike. The
whole area of the fortifications was 14^ acres,
and many a now grass covered rampart is still
in existence. Whilst batteries were in course
of construction at Basing, certain ships adced
and obtained convoy from the Earl of War-
wick, who was in command for the Parliament
at Portsmouth. He thereupon ordered Captain
William Thomas, who commanded the Eighth
Whelp, to escort these vessels from Southamp-
ton, Torbay, and Lynn to the coast of France,
the Charity, frigate, being also in company. Off
Brest the men-of-war were attacked by one of
the ships which had gone over to the King's
party. The result of the fight was the spend-
ing of prize money at Portsmouth by Parlia-
ment men-of-war's men. The story is a stir-
ring one, but comes not within our province.
1 rr g - ^ T""'
Chapter XI. — Alarm at Southampton — Cavaliers Fined and Imprisoned — Colonel
PowLET Slain near Winchester — Southampton and the Isle of Wight Fortified.
—Winchester Re-occupied by the Cavaliers.
Captain Swanley having persuaded Sonth-
ampion, not without dread of possible bom-
barament, to declare for the Parliament, the
opponents of the Royal cause took care to
make their power felt, not however without
gome opposition from their fellow townsmen,
and occasional fears for their own safety.
On Saturday, August 5th, 1643, '* Mercurius
Anlicus," at Oxford, had received letters from
Winchester to the effect that ** Legay, Wolfroy,
Mercer, and the rest of the pack of the town
of Southampton have sent their goods into the
Island, and upon the least noise of the Royal
army's approach will fly themselves likewise."
Mnrford, the Parliamentarian Governor, had
serious thoughts of sailing for New England,
and had lately exchanged 500/. worth of silver
for gold, he ** being not worth 5/. when he came
thither." Colonel Nathaniel Fiennes, the
brother of Lord Say and Sele, who had been
educated at Winchester College, and had been
admitted to a fellowship at New College, Oxford,
in quality of founder's kin, had surrendered
Bristol to Prince Rupert on July 26th, and on
the last day of the same month reached South-
ampton, at the head of 80 horse, each of whom
had a woman riding behind him. This arrange-
ment may have been, and probably was, pro-
ductive of mutual satisfaction, but would sorely
wound the sensitive feelings of an adjutant in
this prosaic nineteenth century. Governor
Mniford at once took measures to secure the
election of Colonel Fiennes as a burgess of
Southampton, *' and his (Murford's) chaplain,
in his sermon the day before, like a desperate
wretch, charged the King with dissembling pro-
testations. Murford, fike a brave viUam,"
threatened to imprison a townsman for afi&rming
that " the Queen's Majesty was joyfully enter-
tained at Oxford, for (said Murford) it will
discourage the well affected to hear that the
Queen is beloved in any place." The poor
townsman would most assuredly have been placed
in durance vile had not the wife of the Governor,
who is described as "the hired Governess,"
been induced, by a seasonable gift, to mollify
the wrath of her lord and master. A youth,
who relieved a half-starved Cavalier prisoner,
had a narrow escape from imprisonment, for, in
the opinion of Governor Murford, **if such
were not relieved, there would be fewer malig-
Before supper one evening he assembled some
30 young apprentices, whom he ordered to take
the Solemn League and Covenant. On their re-
fusal he threatened them with imprisonment,
saying that "their refusal disparaged his
Government," and the same night three women
were arrested, merely for saying that "they
thought the King was too wise to be led by
ill counsel."
On the following day Colonel Whitehead and
Mr. Fielder, two of the authorities of Ports-
mouth, came to Southampton, and at once sent
orders to various Cavaliers to pay them largo
sums of money. Sir John Mills was ordered to
contribute 500^., whilst Master Thomas Mills
was assessed at 200^ Mistress Clerk was to pay
200^., Alderman Raymond 1002., and others in
proportion. Those who demurred were im-
prisoned, plundered, or carried away to Ports-
mouth, Colonel Whitehead plavf ully remarking
that " he had been at a great charge to build a
cage at Portsmouth, where many Hampton
bi^ diould sing very suddenly !"
About Augui^ 12th Colonel Powlet, who
seems to have been a relative of the Marquis of
Winchester, attacked Winchester with a party
Cayaliebs Imprisoned.
of horse, who probably belonged to the garrifion
of Basing House. He was at first snccessfnl,
and levied contributions from most of the
friends of the Parliament within the city. He
at length retreated, carrying with him some 40
prisoners, but at a distance of some two or three
miles Arom Winchester was attacked by a party
of dragoons from Southampton. In the
skirmish that followed Colonel I^owlet and two
of his men were killed, 60 others were made
prisoners, and the captive citizens of Winchester
released. "Mercunus Aulicos" loved not the
Governor of Southampton, and learns on Satur-
day, August 12th, that ^'Mudford, alias Mnr-
ford, that infamous Brownisticall Governor of
Southampton,*' had that week shipped off " Mr.
Jones, a learned ingenuous gentleman,'* with
certain others, to New England, " making him
pass his own door, without allowing him speech
of his wife, or necessaries from his
friends.** Another version of this story is that
Mr. Jones, being suspected of having written a
Skmphlet in answer to certain observations on
is Majesty's Declaration, was kept for a long
time in custody at Portsmouth, on an allowance
of a penny farthing per diem for bread and
water, but at length, in company with the
Town Marshal, escaped to Oxford. Colonel
Wliitehead is reported to have said that "Cruelty
to Cavaliers was acceptable work to God,** and
that he need not fear even if the King should
prevail, for that he had secured his lands, had
sufficient to maintain him, and had taken care
to have a friend at Court, who had undertaken
to save his life.
The good people of Southampton were
strongly urged by Governor Murford's chap-
lain to take the Solemn League and Covenant.
Here is a quotation from his prayer : "Bless the
King, O Lord ; mollify his hard heart, which
delighteth in blood ; open his eyes, that he may
see that the blood of Thv servants is dear in
Thy sight. He is fallen from faith in Thee,
and become an enemy to Thy Church. Is it not
he that hath sinned and done evil indeed ? But
as for these sheep, what have they done ? Let
Thine hand, we pray Thee, Lord, be on him
and on his father's house, but not on Thy people
that they should be plagued." Colonel St.
Barbe, after taking the Covenant, said aloud,
before muiy witnesses, that " he had rather see
the kingdom in a flame than that the King
should prevail against the cause they have
undertaken." Governor Murford sent Thorn-
borough, Biggs, and certain other apprentices
to a most noisome dungeon at Portsmouth, and
"the Mayor, a very ancient man,*' was im-
Erisoned for eleven weeks. Colonel Whitehead
ad ordered him to give up the keys of the
town to him for the service of the Parliament,
the good old Mayor answering him, being a
Jerseyman, "Me no hang for you Master
Whitehead, you hang for yourself." When he
was at lenffth released Muif ord, to please Colon^
Whitehead, gave orders to the soldiers on guard
to prevent the Mayor by force from going out
through any of the gates of the town.
" Mercunus Aulicus " remarks : "Aug. 29th a
seditious Levite at Portsmouth, one Tooker,
Master Whitehead's own Chaplain, in a fast
sermon prayed God ^ to open the eyes of five
Lords who lately deserted Him and His cause,
and were gone to the King.* And *tis some-
what strange those Lords should have their eves
shut, and yet should find the way from London
to Oxford. Whitehead last week starved two
prisoners to death at Portsmouth, refusing their
bodies the service or attendance of friends at
their funeral.'*
On Tuesday, Sept. 5th "Mercurius Aulicus,"
whose statements can, however, be digested only
with the aid of a whole peck, if, indeed, a bushel
be not preferable, of salt, is informed from Win-
chester that all ministers in the neighbourhood
of Southampton have been replaced by Murford
with men of his own party. Bobinson, hisown
chaplain, prayed thus the last fast day : " O
Goa, many are the hands lifted up against us,
but there is one God ; it is Thou, Thyself, O
Father, which doest us more mischief than they
all.** Mistress Murford, " the other day a poor
seamstress," is said to be " most devout." Two
of Captain St. Barbe's troopers attempted to rob
a poor labourer near Milbrook, who, however,
although he had no other arms than " a prong
and a good heart," unhorsed them both, fully
armed as they Wjere, beat them weU, and brought
them and their horses into Southampton.
On Wednesday, Sept. 20th, both Houses of
Parliament were informed that Hampshire,
Portsmouth, Southampton, the Isle of Wight,
and the western parts are in great danger, and
may be possessed bv the enemy speedily if
some course be not talen. Sir William Waller
was ordered to march thither at once, leaving
some of his troops to follow, and on Monday,
Winchester Be-occupied.
October 2nd, Sergeant-Major Stmce or some
other Engineer was to proceed at once to the
Isle of Wight, and to fortify in the manner that
the Deputy Lieutenants of the Island shall
think b^t. Eleven culverins or 18 pounders,
and 20 Sakers or five pounders,had already been
provided for these new defences, and the
necessary timber was ordered to be cut in the
New Forest, and transported to the Isle of
Wight. At the end of September Governor
Murford was actively engaged in fortifying
Southampton. He threatened to hang the
tythingman of Stoneham for negligence in
execution of the warrants sent out for the
raising of men and levying of money in the
neighbourhood, and his sub-committee voted
that the King's proclamation forbidding the
payment of rents to those in arms against him
should be burnt by the common hangman.
"The good old Mayor," however, possessed
sufficient influence to prevent this plan being
carried out. The Earl of Southampton's house
was also seized, and made to do duty as a gaol.
On Saturday, November 4th, the Association of
Hants, Sussex, Kent, Surrey, and the town and
county of Southampton was officially announced,
and Thomas Mason, Mayor of Southampton,
was one of the Parliamentarian Committee for
On November 22nd the Parliament was of
opinion that Southampton stood in need of
farther protection, and that it would be well to
raise an additional local force for that purpose.
The cost of so doing was to be defrayed from
certain new excise duties, and by the sequestra-
tion of the estates of Papists, Cavaliers, and
delinquents. The following Committee was
therefore appointed : — Richard Norton, Esq.,
Thomas Mason, Mayor of Southampton,
Richard Major, Esq., and Aldermen Edward
Hooper, George Gallop, Edward Exton, Robert
Wroth, and Henry Bracebridge, Esqs. All
things considered, the year 1643 must have
witnessed some stirring scenes in Southampton.
The Fleming family, who were relatives' of
Oliver Cromwell, and had settled at Stoneham
in the days of Good Queen Bess, were staunch
adherents of the Parliament.
Dr. Milner is of opinion that there was no
garrison in either the city or castle of Win-
chester during the cari^ part of the vear 1643.
But in a history of Winchester, published in
1773, we are told that Sir William Waller left
Lord Grandison and some of his troops under a
small guard confined to the Castle. Soon after
Waller's departure. Lord Grandison, with a few
of his friends, found means to escape, and
joining the Royal army at Oxford, prevailed
with Lord (then Sir William) Ogle, at the head
of his troops to attempt the retaking of the
Castle, and setting the prisoners at liberty.
This enterprise was so effectually performed by
his Lordship that in three days he found him-
self not only in actual possession of the castle,
but also of all the arms, ammunition, and effects
of the enemy. Dr. Milner says that the King's
secure hold upon the western counties at the
close of the year 1643 was a great incentive to
Hampshire and Sussex Cavaliers to exert them-
selves, and that Sir Richard Tichbome, its
owner, was mainly instrumental in gaining
possession of Winchester Castle. But what-
ever was the date of the Cavalier re-occupation
of Winchester, it is certain that Basing House
maintained throughout the year an attitude of
firm and uncompromising resistance. Let us
return thither.
Chapter XII. — The Governor of Basing House and Other Officers of the
Andover was in safe Royalist keeping, as
was also Donnington Castle, near Newbnxy.
These garrisons rendered communication easy
between Kent, Surrey, and Sussex on the one
side, and on the other Abingdon, Wallingf ord,
Oxford, and the west.
"This House hath not onely been a great
annoyance to all the country round about, but
hath been a meanes to stop the trading out of the
west to London by robbing and pillaging the
carriers and clothiers that come from them, it
standing near unto the direct road." So speak
my Loi^ Denbigh and Sir Thomas Middleton.
The Marquis was also able to enforce the pay-
ment of the 180/. demanded weekly hy the
King from each neighbouring hundred of Hants,
Berks, and Wilts. A number of women and
children had found refuge at Basing House,
" wee not having lease then seavenscore uselesse
mouthes," and many Boyalists had stored their
valuables within its walls. Sir William Waller
had hitherto been far too busy to be able to
think much of either the Marquis or his doings.
But having at length returned from his cam-
paign in the western counties, where he had
most assuredly lost all claim to be styled
"William the Conqueror" for the future, he
was at liberty to turn his attention to " Loyalty
House." The "pure and spotless" Lord Gran-
dison, who had formerly done his best to protect
the Hampshire fortress, had lately died of
wounds received at the taking of Bristol, which
surrendered to Prince Bupert on July 26th, 1643.
The garrison of Basing were not taken un-
awares. "Upon report of a puissant army
under command of Sir WiUiiun Waller, to l>e
appointedf or the taking of it in,ColonellBawdon
(or Boydon) with the rest of his Begiment
(being about one hundred and fifty more) is
<:oinmanded thither. The Lord Marquisse taking
forth commissions, as Colonelland Governor, for
the raising of more forces for the defence of the
same." Lieutenant-Colonel Peake was also ap-
pointed Lieutenant-Governor.
The town of Basingstoke favoured the cause
of the Parliament, and on Friday, May 19th,
1643, it was ordered that whenever a fast was
appointed for Wednesday, Basingstoke market
should be held on Tuesdav. In one of the
' volumes published by the Camden Society we
find many interestixig particulars concerning
Colonel Bawdon, the Governor of Basing House.
He was descended from the ancient family of
that name near Leeds, in Yorkshire, and at the
age of 16 was taken to London by his elder
brother Lawrence, who placed him in business
there, and laid the foundation of lus fortunes.
Mindful of his kindness, when in after years his
younger brother died at Leeds he requested that
his nephew and namesake Marmaduke Bawdon,
then a boy of 'sixteen,might be committed to his
parental care.
" When the yoimger Marmaduke became a
member of his uncle's household the London
merchant was in the prime of life, and at the
height of prosperity. He had married a wealthy
heiress, and was the father of a numerous
family. He enjoyed the. reputation of being
one of the most enterprising and successful of
the English mei'cantile adventurers of his day.
His transactions extended to almost every part
of the known world. He traded largely in the
wines both of France and the Penins^ through
agencies or factories established at Bordeaux
and Oporto. From the merchants of HoUand
and the Netherlands he purchased the produce
of the vintages which flourished on the banks
of the Bhine and its tributaries. To encourage
the introduction into this country of tho wine
recently produced in the Canary Islands, he
Sir Mabmaduke Bawdon.
joined in forming an important factory at
Teneriffe. He was among the earliest of the
adventnrers who invested capital in the coltiva-
tion of the sugar plantations of Barbadoes.
This island was first settled under the authority
of letters patent granted by James I. A sub-
sequent grant was made by Charles I/' (See
^^erney raper8,"ed. Camden Soc, p. 193, note.*)
We learn from the " Calendar of State Papers, '
1628-29, that Mr. M. Bawdon was either sole or
part owner of the following ships in the years
1626 and 1627 :— "1626, Sept. 15.— Owners, M.
Boydon, Bowland Wilson and others. — Trans-
jport, of London, tonn, 200. Capt. H. West.
1627, Jan. 30. — Owner, M. Boydon. — Patience,
of London, tonn, 300, George, tonn, 80, Capt.
Christopher Mitchell. 1627, Feb. 21st.—
Owners, M. Boydon and others. — Vintage, of
liondon, tonn, 140, Capt. B. West."
** It is said that he was one of the first who
rigged out a ship for the discovery of the N.W.
Passage. He was a member of the Company of
Turkey Merchants, and he possessed the con-
fidence of the French merchants who traded
with England, and acted as their friendly advo-
cate when negociations with our Government to
them were before the council-table. We are not
surprised to be told that he was much esteemed
by the Boyal favourite Buckingham, and that
he received marked attention from both the
great Duke's masters. King James I. and King
Charles L That Mr. Bawdon was upon terms
of friendly and famOiar intercourse with the
latter monarch is apparent from a letter
addressed by him to the Secretary of State, Sir
John Coke, which happens to be preserved
among the State papers of the year 1627: —
'Bight Honorabr, — ^After his majestic had
read l^at p't of the Spanish letter that is hear
truislated, his majestic saide it was of great
importance, and commanded me and Cap.
Marsh to deliver both the oregenall with the p't
translaited, and this letter from the fathers at
Borne, unto your honneur, till his further
pleasure was known. Thes letters I had wth. a
number of others in a shipp which we tooke at
sea with sugars newly comed from Brasill, and
finding it of consequence I thought it my
dewty to present it to his majestic ; thus
humbly kissing your honeurs hands I wish all
health and g<K>a fortunes may attend you, —
Your honeurs servantte to dispose,MARMADUKE
Bawdon. Tottnam, this 7th Septembers,
1627.*— Addressed— < To the Bight Honorable
Sir John Coke, Knight, one of his majesties
secretaries att Tottnam, thes.' — ^We gather from
this letter that Mr. Bawdon and the Captain of
one of his merchant ships had called at the
palace and been admitted to an interview with
the King. A Spanish vessel freighted with
sugars from Brazil had been captured by the
Englishman, and her papers seized. Among
them were letters which the merchant thought
of sufficient importance to be presented to the
notice of his Sovereign. The King was of the
same opinion,and in the usual manner commanded
them to be laid before his Secretary of State.
In the year 1628 Mr. Bawdon sat in the House
of Commons as one of the representatives of
the commercial and shipbuilding town of Ald-
borougb, in the county of Suffolk, but it does
not appear that he was returned to any subse-
quent Parliament. At an early period of his
career he was made a member of the Municipal
Corporation of the City of London, but upon
being afterwards elected an Alderman he re-
fused to accept the office." He was, under
Major-General Skippon, Lieut.-Colonel of the
Ist Begiment of the London Trained Bands,
the regimental ancestors of " The Buffs." The
standard of this regiment is thus described :
"Gules. The Distinction Argent being Piles
Wavey." As soon, however, as Lieut.-Colonel
Bawdon perceived that " the citizens were in-
clined to the Parliament" he resigned his com-
mission, and in 1643 joined the King at Oxford.
He soon raised a regiment at his own cost, of
which he took command. Having been ordered
to Basing House, he there played a gallant part,
winning for himself the well-earned honour of
knighthood. His banner, square in form, bore
the device of a spotted animal with a long
bushy tail and an elongated snout, and the
motto *' Mallem mori quam tardari" (I'll rather
die than stop my course).
Lord Capel, a relative of the Marquis of
Winchester, who had large estates in Hamp-
shire, had the device of a crown and sceptre,
with the motto " Perfectissima gubernatio"
(Monarchy the best of Governments).
A hostile writer says, " Colonel Hoyden, a
decaved merchant of London, who lived at
Clerkenwell, and went to Basing to recruit being
the Governor of that Garrison." Small wonder
was it if he were " decayed," for the Parliament
loved him not. On Friday, May 9th, 1643, we
Officeeb of Basing House.
hear of ** a ship of rich trafique belonging to
Captain Royden " being taken by the Earl of
Warwick, and on Thursday, September 14th,
we know that his goods and those of others
taken in certain ships from the East Indies
were '^ to be sold by the candle," and that the
first 4000/. of the proceeds were to be devoted
to the maintenance of Waller's army, which
was then meditating an attack upon Basing
House. Lieutenant-Colonel Peake, the Lieut.
Governor of "Loyalty House'* was " sometime
picture seller at Holborn Bridge," according to
Symonds, and " a seller of picture babies" said
his opponents. His name is affixed to numerous
prints and engravings, which are now rare. He
was a man of venerable appearance in his later
years, with a long white beard, like a ball of
cotton, as his portrait, in the possession of Mr.
Sapp, of Basingstoke, gives proof.
Under his orders was another artist, William
Fairthome, his former pupil, who had worked
with him for some three or four years previous
to the breaking out of the Civil War. In the
garrison was also the celebrated ^* Wenceslaus
Hollar," who belonged to an ancient Bohemian
family, and was bom at Prague in 1607. His
parents destined him for the profession of the
law, but his family being ruined and driven into
exile by the capture of Prague, he was compelled
to support himself by a taste and ability which he
had very early exhibited, by the use of the pen
and pencil. In 1636 Thomas, Earl of Arundel,
an accoinplished connoisseur, when passing
through Frankfort, on his way to Vienna, as
Ambassador to the Emperor Frederick II., met
Hollar, and was so pleased with the unassuming
manner and talent of the young engraver that
he attached him to the suite of the embassy.
On his return to England the Earl introduced
Hollar to Charles I., and procured him the ap-
pointment of drawing master to the young
Prince, subsequently Charles II. For a short
period all went well with Hollar, for he now
enjoyed the one fitful gleam of sunshine which
illumined his toil-worn life. He resided in
apartments at Arundel House, and was con-
stantly employed by his noble patron in en-
graving those treasures of ancient art still
Known as the Arundelian marbles. But soon
the great Civil War broke forth ; Lord Arundel
was compelled to seek a refuge on the Con-
tinent, whilst Hollar, with two other artists,
Peake and Fairthome, accepted commissions in
the King's service.
Of Lieut.-Colonel Johnson Dr. Chalmers gives
the following account (abridged) : — " Thomas
Johnson, an English botanist of the 17th cen-
tury, was bom at Selby in Yorkshire, and bred
an apothecary in London. He afterwards kept
a shop on Snow Hill, where, says Wood, by his
unwearied pains and good natural parts he
attained to be the best herbalist in England.
He was first known to the public by some
botanical works, published in 1620 and 1622,
which were the first local catalogues of plants
published in England. He soon after acquired
great credit by his new edition and emendation
of * Gerard's Herbal.' He wrote an account of
the fiora of the southern counties, and was one
of the first to botanise in Wales and on the
slopes of Snowdon. The University of Oxford, in
consideration of his merit, learning, and loyalty,
conferred upon him the degree of M.D. on May
9th, 1643. In the army he had the rank of
lieutenant-colonel to Sir Marmaduke Rawdon,
Grovcrnor of Basing House."
Major Cuffand, Cufand, CufEel, Cuffles, &c.
(his name is variously spelt) belonged to an
ancient family, who dwelt in the old Manor
House of Cuffand or CufPell, which formerly
stood at no great distance from the Vine, and
of which the site is marked by an orchard, which
is encircled by a brick-lined moat. On the tomb
of Simon Cuffand, who was interred at Basing-
stoke in 1619, he is described as " Simon Cufand,
of Cufand, in Hampshire, 500 years the posses-
sion and habitation of gentlemen of that name,
his predecessors." On his mother's side " Simon
Cufand was extracted from the Boyall blood of
the Plantagenets. He was a man of examplar
virtue and patience in grievous crosses, who
always lived religiously." Major Cuffand had
both Tudor and Plantagenet Boyal blood in his
veins, and was in religion a Roman Catholic.
Lieut. Cuffand also did good service. Major
Langley had been *' sometime a mercer in
Paternoster-row." The senior captain in Colonel
Rawdon's regiment had been a cordwainer or
shoemaker I
Major Rose well had been an apolhecary in
the Old Bailey. *^ Captain Rowlet (Rowland),
a scrivener, next door to the sign of the
' George' at Holborn Conduit, and Lieutenant
Rowlet, his brother. Lieutenant Ivory (Emery)
Officers at Basing House.
sometime a citizen of London (a vintner). En-
sign (Ancient) Coram was son of one Coram, a
Papist in Winchester. William Robinson, a
Papist, was surgeon to the Lord Marqnis of
Winchester." Captain Peregrine Tasbury was
a Hampshire gentleman, and of the deeds of
Cornet Bryan we must speak hereafter.
Chapter XIII. — Sir William Waller's Preparations — ^Lord Crawford Defeated at
Poole — ^Necessities of Portsmouth — The Associated Counties — London Trained
Bands Ordered to Basing — Operations near Farnham — ^Desperate Assault on
Basing House — ^Repulse of Sir William Waller at Basing House— Capture of
Lord Saltoun — Advance of Sir Ralph Hopton— Sir William Beaten at Basing
House — ^Retreat to Farnham.
The testing time for Basing House was now
fast approaching. On Wednesday, September
13th, 1643, an ordinance of Parliament was
passed permitting Sir William Waller to impress
as soldiers any persons with the exception of
the servants of peers, assistants, and attendants
of Parliament, and on the following Wednesday
he received orders to march at once with all
available forces, leaving the remainder of his
army to follow as speedily as possible, informa-
tion having reached Westminster that Hamp-
shire, Portsmouth, Southampton, the Isle of
Wight, and the western parts were in great
danger, and might be speedily possessed by the
enemy if measures of defence were any longer
delayed. Sir William had previously declared
to the Committee of Safety that if the sum of
4000/. was paid to him for the support of his
army he would march forthwith. On September
13th it was decided that he should be appointed
Governor of Portsmouth, that important office
being vacant, and winter coining on, it being
moreover necessary to guard against the attacks
of Cavaliers and foreign enemies. *^ Certain
information" had been told on September 13th
that Lord Crawford, who, in the Army List of
1642-3, is said to have been in command of three
troops of horse, had been attacked near
Lymington by a force from Sussex. Lord
Crawford was at the head of three hundred
Royalist horse, but his opponents slew seven
of his men and took 24 prisoners. Had they
followed up the pursuit as far as Christchurch,
it seems probable that Lord Crawford must
have surrendered at discretion. On Monday,
September 18th, there was a force of some 2000
men said to be under the command of Prince
Maurice, Lord Crawford and others reported to
be approaching Southampton with a design of
laying siege either to that town or to Plymouth,
and of afterwards marching into Sussex.
Towards the close of the month Lord Craw-
ford offered a bribe of 2001. for the surrender of
Poole. A letter was intercepted, to the effect
that the attack would take place upon Sunday,
September 24th. Preparations to repel it were
at once made, and the assailants fell into a care •
fully planned ambuscade. Lord Crawford had
200 men killed and 50 wounded, according to
one journalist, but " Mercurius Aulicus " says
that only ten men were slain and four taken
prisoners. Lord Crawford had a horse killed
under him, and he and his party owed their
escape to the fact that the gunners of the town
did not sufficiently depress their guns. Three
hundred arms were taken, and 1407. which had
been paid as a bribe found its way into the
pocket of Captain Sydenham, who did good
service for the Parliament during the siege of
Corfe Castle. Colonel Dalbier, "of name and
reputation, and good experience in war," waa
wounded at Newbury Fight about this time,
but lived to do much harm to Basing and its
stout-hearted garrison. The goods of Sir Mar-
maduke Rawdon and other merchants having
been duly " sold by the candle," as the order of
September 14th directed, the first 4000/. of the
proceeds was paid to Sir William Waller accord-
ing to his request, and his army of 5000 foot,
and between 30 and 40 troops of horse, was
ordered to meet him at Windsor on Friday,
September 22nd, 1643. A regiment of Dragoons
left London for the appointed rendezvous on
Tuesday, September 26. One who saw them
depart writes thus: "The common saying is
Dragooners are a rude multitude, but though
they marched not very soberly, yet we wiUhope
better of them." The same writer adds that
Hostile Preparation's.
Sir Waiiam Waller had 2000 horse and 3000
foot already with him at Windsor, and was in
daily expectation of reinforcements. Governor
Madf ord was fortifying Southampton during
the closing days of September, and Waller was
mustering his army upon Hounslow Heath on
October 12th.
In the regiments of the Parliament the
Coloners company was 200 strong, the Lieut. -
ColoneFs 160, and the Sergeant-Major's (or
Major*s) 140, whilst seven captains had com-
mand of 700 men. Each regiment could muster
1200 men besides officers, whilst those in the
service of the King were 1000 strong. Each of
the Parliament's troops of horse had in it two
trumpeters, three corporals, a saddler, a farrier,
and sixty troopers. Sir William Waller in
1642-3 was captain of the 15th Troop of Horse,
and had associated with him Lieut. Richard
Ncwdigate, Cornet Foulke Grevill, and Quarter-
master Francis Grey.
On Monday, October IGth, Dr. Harris, the
Warden of W^inchester College, represented to
Parliament that being bound by oath to reside
at Winchester, he could no longer attend tho
Assembly of Divines at Westminster, where-
upon Mr. Cawdrcy, of Great Billinghurst, in
the county of Northampton, was appointed in
his stead. Sir William Kingsmill, the Sheriff
of Hampshire, had summoned the Knights,
Baronets, Esquires, and Gentlemen of the
county to meet at Winchester on Monday,
October 30th, to devise measures for securing
the peace of the county, and for checking
depredations. Sir William Waller, who had
lately been appointed Lieutenant of Farnham
Castle, took action at once, obliging the Sheriff
to resign his office a week before the appointed
time, and issuing an order on October 29th,
warning all men not to appear, saying that the
whole business was a plot of the Cavaliers.
On October 28th Parliament was informed
that Portsmouth was in want of a Governor,
and also of men, money, powder, and match.
Either Sir Robert Harley or Sir William Erie
*•* stopped the relation of such things in the open
house * for this is no place to mention the state
of Portsmouth in, for 'tis likely His Majesty
may come to the knowledge of it.' " After long
debate a Committee was appointed to go to
Lord Wharton, ** who hath a commission from
the General (Essex) to be Governor of that
placo," and to ask him to resign. Sir Arthur
Haslerigg, the constant friend and comrade of
Waller, reminded the House that Sir William
Waller had formerly been appointed Governor
of Portsmouth. Nothing was, however, settled,
for fear of offending my Lord General Essex,
between whom and Sir William Waller there
was most assuredly no love lost.
On Saturday, November 4th, a Decree of
Association united in the cause of the Parlia-
ment the counties of Sussex, Kent, Surrey,
Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, and the town
and county of Southampton. Sir William
Waller was appointed Major-General of the
Association, and a Committee was duly formed
to further the interests of the Parliament, of
which Richard Love, of Basing, and Thomas
Mason, Mayor of Southampton, were members.
On Friday, November 10th, we hear of tho
Earl of Essex complaining that tho formation
of this Association would be very prejudicial
to the forces under his command, and saying
that his troops were to the full as much in need
of provisions and money as wore those of Waller.
As wo have already seen, Farnham was the
Parliamentarian base of operations, and from
thence Sir William Waller determined to advance
against Basing. The four associated counties
of Hants, Sussex, Surrey, and Kent paid 2638/.
per week for the support of his army, which
was usually 5100 strong. It was resolved to
occupy Odiham and Alton, and from thence to
proceed by gradual approaches towards Basing,
taking possession of or destroying anything that
might prove of service to the enemy. Some of
the military authorities thought that 1200 horse
and 800 dragoneers (who did duty both as in-
fantry and cavalry) would be sufficient to "give
a good account" of the House. Others advised
that 8 (JO horse, as many dragoneers, and half as
many musketeers should be detailed for this
The Rod Trained Bands of Westminster, the
GreenAuxiliaries of London(ColonelConyngham
was in command when this regiment afterwards
surrendered in Cornwall), and the Yellow
Auxiliaries of the Tower Hamlets, under Col.
Willoughby, were also ordered to Basing, which
had at this time, according to a letter written
by Lord Winchester, a garrison of 400 men.
Through the kindness of the Rev. T. Mil-
lard, D.D., Yicar of Basingstoke, who has given
me very much valuable assistance, we shall bo
able to follow the proceedings of the attacking
On the Makcii.
force without difficulty. Dr. Millard has kindly
sont me the account given by Lieutenant Elias
Archer, who himself held a command in the
force, in his " True Relation of the Marchings
of the Red Trained Bands of Westminster, the
Green Auxiliaries of London, and the Yellow
Auxiliaries of the Tower Hamlets (London,
1643)." On Tuesday, Oct. 17th, 1643, the
Yellow Auxiliaries marched from Well close,
and on Wednesday, the 25th, effected a junction
at Windsor with their comrades (Green) of
London, and (Red) of Westminster. On Mon-
day, October 30th, the wholo force was in
motion, and on their march through Windsor
Forest met by appointment some of Waller's
horse, his regiment of foot, and a company of
blue coats. Sir William Waller had just before
lost 800 men by desertion, and on October 24th,
being Tuesday, 14 others, "belonging to the
regiment of one Duett, a foreigner," followed
the example of their comrades. But let Lieu-
tenant Archer speak for himself. The " Snap-
lian musket" mentioned by him is thus dcacribod
by Mr. Boutell ("Arms and Armour," p. 294.):
*■ The snaphance, snaphaunco, or flint lock, suc-
ceeded towards the close of the 16th century,
probably about the year 1580. Evidently sug-
gested by the wheel -lock, it substituted a piece
of flint for the pyiites, and instead of the wheel
it had a rough plate of steel. The pull of the
trigger caused the flint to strike the steel plate,
and by that same act the pan was uncovered, so
that the priming powder might bo exposed to
receive the shower of sparks that would fall
upon it. It seems to have been a Dutch inven-
tion, and to have by no means a dignified origin,
for this lock is said to have been brought into
use by certain marauders who by the Dutch
were called * snap-haans,' hen-snappers, or poul-
try-stealers. These worthies could not afford
wheel-locks, and the lighted matches were likely
to lead to their detection, so they devised their
own ^snaphance,' little suspecting, doubtless,
that their ingenious invention would bo univer-
sally adopted, and would maintain its supre-
macy during the greater part of three centuries."
Lieut. Archer says : " Oct. 30th, we marched to
a Greene about a mile from Windsor, where we
made Alt and Rallied our men, each Regiment
drawing into a Regimental forme, where like-
wise our Traine of Artillery and Waggons of
warre came to us, and so we marched towards
Farnam through Windsor Forest, where in
the Afternoono we met some of Sir William
Waller's Troopes of horse, his owne regiment
of foot, and one company of Blew-coats with
Snap-han muskets, which guard the traine of
Artillery onely ; all these marched with us."
The whole force halted at nightfall within a
mile of Bagshot. After an hour's rest they
again advanced, reaching Famham between one
and two o'clock on Tuesday morning.
On the following day, Wednesday, November
1st, all the infantry, with the exception of the
Green Regiment, which was quartered at a dis-
tance of two miles from the town, was drawn up
in Famham Park. Including a reinforcement
of four companies belonging to the garrison of
Famham Castle, there were present 29 com-
panies of infantry, besides horse and dragoons.
On the same day a clerk of a company of Sir
William Waller 'sown Regiment of Foot was sen-
tenced to death by a council of war on a charge
of having endeavoured to cause a mutiny in the
army. On the next day ho was hanged on a
tree in the park in the presence of the whole
force. The Londoners were not unmindful of
their kinsmen in the field, sending much pro-
vision to them, which was very thankfully re-
ceived. On November 2nd Waller was said to
have at Famham and Guildford between five
and six thousand men, and had surprised at
Alton 100 Cavaliers under the command of
Colonel Bonnet. The King's forces were con-
centrating near Reading, intending to attack
Waller's army, and on Tuesday, October 30th,
the county of Hants was ordered to pay the sum
of 260/. towards the fund for the relief of the
maimed soldiers of the Parliament and of
widows and orphans who favoured the same
On Friday,- November 3rd, the regiments
marched from Famham towards Alton, and
were reviewed by their General on Bentley
Green. The " field state" showed that there
were present 16 troops of horse, eight companies
of Dragoons, 36 companies of Foot, and a train
of Artillery, consisting of ten heavy guns, and
^^ six cases of small drakes." After an hour*s
halt the march towards Alton was resumed, and
that night Elias Archer's regiment was quartered
at the little villages of East and West World -
ham, two miles distant from Alton. Sir Ralph
Hopton's forces retired f romWinchester towards
Andover and Salisbury at the approach of
Waller's army. The pieces of ordnance men-
Oampaigmng in Hampshire.
tioncd above may have been either demi-colverins
throwisg a 91b. shot, with a 91b. charge of
powder ; culverius, throwing an 181b. shot, with
an 181b. charge of powder ; or demi-cannons,
throwing a BOlb. shot, with a 281b. charge of
powder, bnt were most probably demi-culverins.
We know, however, that Sir W.Wallcr had with
him at least one demi-cannon. The small
"drakes" were light field-pieces, sometimes called
" sakcr drakes," which threw a 51b. shot, with a
51b. charge of powder. Two " drakes'' were
often attached to a regiment.
On November 4th Sir William Waller was
Bald to have with him 4G troops of horse,
numbering in all 2000, whilst 13 troops from
Kent were on the march to join him. He had
foar regiments of foot raised in Kent, Surrey,
and Sussex, and further reinforcements from
the latter county were expected, as was also
Colonel Wems with some leather guns (of
which more hereafter) and a train of artillery.
Ix>rd Crawford with a large body of horse was
trying to assist the garrison of Basing House.
Several skirmishes had taken place, with but
slight loss on either side. In one of these
skirmishes Waller surprised and made prisoners
two troops of Cavaliers bound for Oxford. He
also took 512 head of cattle coming south for
sale, ^*thc property of a great man in Oxford/'
and sent a partv of horse towards Andover to
keep in check Lord Crawford, who was
advancing from Salisbury. Saturday, the 4th
of November, was a day of rain and snow,
which compelled Waller's troops, who had
mustered in force about two miles from Alton
on the road to Winchester, to return to their
The 5th of November witnessed a great muster
in the neighbourhood of Alton, and the army
took the road to Winchester, but towards
evening, when about nine miles distant from
that city, turned to the right, halting for the
night at the village of Chilton Candover,
between ' Alresford and Basingstoke. The
night was bitterly cold, and the Londoners,
unused to campaigning, failed to appreciate their
camping-ground, although at Windsor and else-
where they had been usually quartered in barns
and outhouses.
The Earl of Crawford's army from Salisbury
was in the neighbourhood of Andover, and ad-
vancing to the relief of Basing, so that the
Yellow Auxiliaries,being on the extreme left of
Waller's army, were kept constantly on the
alert. On Monday (November Gth) the reveille
sounded long before the dawn, and about an
hour before daybreak the whole force was in
motion. The fog was dense, the roads were
heavy, and marching difficult, so that it was
past noon before the Marquis saw "Waller
with the expected army (consistmg of 7000
horse and foot) before the house." " Mercurius
Civicus " describes the garrison as consisting of
"the Woodheads, who are for the most part
certaine malignants of the City of London, and
parts adjacent." " The Scottish Dove " says
'^ There are in it divers ladies and gentlemen,
and many citizens, and it's conceived much
wealth." "The True Informer" states "Thojr say
that the souldiers and other persons within it,
being about 500,are very resolute and desperate,
by reason that many of them, being Papists o£
great estates in those parts, have secured the
greater part of their treasures and riches in
that house."
" The souldier's report concerning Sir Wil-
liam Waller's fight against Basing House on
Sunday last, November 12th," says that the
garrison consisted of some 500 men, " all in a
manner Papists," and that considerable treasuie
had been brought thither for safety, Basing
being the only Cavalier stronghold in tho
The writer adds that tho defences of tho
house weie sufficiently strong to resist cannon
shot, and that the house was as large and
spacious as tho Tower of London. The house
was " built upright, so that no man can com-
mand the roof," upon which certain field-pieces
were mounted. These guns were able to harass
the besiegers, without danger to the gunners
who served them. The windows were protected
by the out-works, and earthworks had been
thrown up, upon which the besiegers' guns
failed to make any impression. The garrison
was well supplied with provisions and ammuni-
tion, and had mounted several guns upon and
near the house.
" Mercurius Aulicus" of Wednesday, Novem-
ber 15th, says : — " But that which was the chief
news of the day was an express relation of tho
siege of Basing Castle, given by those who were
eye-witnesses, and behaved themselves too
gallantly in the service to be guilty of a lie,
which was impartially thus. Sir William
Waller, having hovered some eight or ten day»
The First Assault.
about Famham and Alton, came before Baaing
House on Monday, November 6th, and though
his drums, trumpets, and guns proclaimed his
approach, yet the Lord Marquesse and the rest
could not get sight of him through the greatness
of the mist, till about one of the clock, when
the sun, breaking and dispersing the mist, dis-
covered Waller's whole body to the garrison."
A survey was made from "the stately gate
house of the Castle," and the Marquis estimated
the number of his foes at about seven thousand
horse and foot. Warm work was but too evi-
dently near at hand.
One chronicler says that Sir William Waller
sent out a party into the park under the pre-
tence of hunting deer, who placed some of their
number in ambush, and took prisoners about
forty of the garrison, who sallied out upon
them. " Mercurius Aulicus," however, says that
a few rebel horse rode out in front, and that a
slight skirmish took place between them, and
, some cavalry from the house, with no loss on
either side. A forlorn hope of about f.OO
musketeers was then selected from Sir William
Waller's army, Captain William Archer being
in command of the detachment of the Tower
Hamlet Yellows, and was sent to storm the
house. "Mercurius Aulicus" says that the
strength of this forlorn hope was only 100 men.
They boldly advanced " into a lane between two
hedges towards the lower walls, giving fire
amain," and for a while gained ground. They
fought until they had expended all their ammu-
nition, and were then relieved by a regiment of
Dragoons, who continued the attack until " the
edge of the evening."
Meanwhile "the army and train" (i,e,, the
artillery) marched towards Basingstoke, and,
crossing the river there, returned "and came
upon a hill over against the house, upon the side
of which hill our ordnance were planted." " Mer-
curius" says that the enemy took post " on the
N.W. side of the house," and, says Woodward,
" near where now stands the turnpike-gate."
About four o'clock in the afternoon some ten or
twelve shots were fired against the house, where-
upon a parley was demanded. Lieut. Archer
says that the garrison asked for a conference,
but " Mercurius Aulicus" says that Waller sent
a trumpeter to demand a parley and to tell the
Marquis " that Sir William Waller, being there
in person, had sent him to demand the castle for
the use of the King and Parliament, and that
he offered fair quarter to all within the castle."
Whilst negotiationswere in progress two drakes
or field pieces were suddenly fired from the be-
siegers' batteries. Suspicions of treachery were
excited, and the trumpeter was at once arrested
until a satisfactory explanation was given. It
appears that some "scattering powder" became
ignited by accident and fired the guns. Mr.Boutell
says ("Aims and Armour," p. 222) "In order to
fire the cannon the touch-hole was filled with
fine powder that would ignite and bum with
great rapidity, and to this was joined a train of
%lowly-buming powder, which was laid along
the length of the cannon ; this train was fired at
the end most distant from the touch-hole, and
while the fire was passing leisurely along, the
gunners had tmie to retire te a safe distance.
The larger the cannon the longer would be the
train, and the gunners would have a propor-
tionately longer time for their movement out of
Pending explanation, Lord Winchester sent
out a drummer with this answer, " That he
understood very well the words ' King and
Parliament,' that as they were now taken, ' the
King' was one thing and *• the King and Par-
liament' another. That Basing was his own
house, which the law told him he might keep
against any man. That it was now more par-
ticularly commanded by His Majesty, who had
put a garrison into it, beyond which command
he knew no obligation."
Two hours afterwards the drummer returned
with an apology from Sir William, " excusing
the rudeness of his disorderly guns during the
parley," and chivalrously offering free passage
to the Marchioness, with her children, and also
to all women and children within the house.
His guns still fired, and the Marchioness returned
answer " that she thanked God that she was not
in that condition to accept of fair quarter at
Sir William Waller's hands, being resolved to
run the same fortune as her Lord, knowing that
there was a just and all-seeing Judge above, who
she hoped would have an especial hand in this
business, from whom Sir William Waller could
pretend no commission. Whatever befel, she
was not unprepared to bear it, and so thanked
Sir William for his offer of fair quarter."
After the receipt of this answer, the besiegers*
guns ceased their fire for an hour, and their
trumpeter was sent out of the house "by a
Capture of the Grange.
strange way which he knew not," probably in the
direction of the river. " They said that there was
onely one small leap overpartof a little brooke,"
instead of which the hapless " music/' as trum-
peteiB were then styled, found himself stuck fast
in a deep morass. He was obliged to leave his
horse," a very stout one, and of about 20/. valew,"
and with difficulty returned to head-quartera,
considerably bemired.
Orders were given for an attack in force the
next morning, and 36 cannon shot were dis-
charged against the house about ten o^clock that
night, or, as some say, between midnight and
four o'clock in the morning. Then came a lull
until day-break, the guns being protected by a
hastily constructed breastwork. Says Lieut.
£lias Archer, ^' Some wounded, not four slain
At daybreak on Tuesday, Nov. 7th, a very
hot fire was poured into the devoted garrison
from Sir William Waller's batteries, which
were on the north-west side of Basing House,
and which directed their efforts against the
front of the Gate House. There were in
position five small guns and a demi-cannon.
This latter threw a 3Ulb. shot, with a charge of
281bs. of powder. The garrison could biing
only one gun to bear upon those of the
assailants, but it did good service, and slew a
large number of the enemy. No one was as yet
hurt in the house, and the damage done to the
stately structure itself was not considerable.
As soon as it was light the Cavaliers had fired
all the houses which could possibly provide
cover for the assailants, and about nine a.m.
Waller again despatched " a forlorno hope"
against the house, having previously sent a
strong party of horse towards Andover to keep
the Earl of Crawford's cavalry from Salisbury
from raising the siege. Here is an account
from one of the "fcrlorne hope" : — " I sent you
a letter last Tuesday morning, which no sooner
I had done but our forces were drawn into a
body and 500 men commanded (for) the
forlorne hopes. It fell to my captaine's lot,
Capt. Warrene, to be commander. We fought
from ten till six, but two of our company
wounded. Never in the world was there such
desperate service on the very mouths of the
cannon with so little loss."
On the other band, "Mercurius Aulicus'*
states, on the authority of some of the garrison,
that the forlorn hope was sent down the hill to
take the Grange and the New House, ''the
Castle being to defend both." The attacking
force came on boldly through a narrow lane,
but a heavy fire was opened upon them from a
half -moon, and from '* divers holes made in the
walls, so that they were obliged to retreat with
heavy loss. Fresh attacks continued to be made
in the same quarter, and three guns were
brought to bear on the north side of the New
House, whilst other troops were sent to storm
the Grange, the attack and defence of which
have many points of resemblance to the fierce
struggle in and around the chateau of Hougo-
mont at Waterloo.
Captain Clinson, Sir William Waller's Cap-
tain-Lieutenant, a man of groat courage and re^
solution, " took the Grange with very little loss,"
whence having steady aim at the holes, and
sighting from easy places, they much annoyed
the garrison.'' Al lalong the north side of the
fortifications and outworks, some of which were
captured, the fight raged fiercely.
The attacking force was exposed within
pistol shot to the fire of the enemy, and could
find scarcely any cover except the church, most
of the surrounding buildings having been burnt
by the garrison at daybreak. The stormers
were at length obliged to take shelter in such
buildings or ruins as remained standing, from
which they continued to pour in a well-sustained
fire of musketry, Sir William Waller's guns
** battering the Castle and the New House"
meanwhile. So says "Mercurius." On the
other hand, " The Soldier's Report" speaks as
follows : "Our Army had no shelter, not so
much as any village hovill, nay, not very many
trees, save only by Basing Park side some few
young groves, which could not shelter them to
any advantage ; they were constrained to fight
in a champion place, which was a great disad-
vantage to Sir AVilliam's army, yet did nothing
at all discourage their resolutions." In spite of
all disadvantages, however, the forlorn hope
gained a partial success, and, as we have seen,
" gained all their outhouses, wherein was much
provision of bread, beore, bacon, pork, milk,
creame, pease, wheat, oats, hay, and such like,
besides pigs and poultery, and diverse 60i*ts of
household goods,as brasse, pewter, feather beds,
and the like."
Thus did the Grange, " severed by a wall and
common road," fall into the foeman's hands. A
good encouragement, truly ! Some of the assaiU
Repulse of Sir W. Waller.
ants Bat down to eat and drink, whilst others |
continued fighting, **and came unto the very
Sates of the house, beat down the turret and
ivers chimnies." Was this turret part of ^* the
loftio gate-house, with foure turrets, looking
northwards ?" Dire indeed was the destruction
of chimney pots by the besiegers. This was duo
to their anxiety to dismount " certaine drakes
which are upon the roofe of the said house,
wherewith they are able to play upon our army,
though wo discern them not.'* Fighting and
feasting went on simultaneously, revellers and
warriors alike being constantly relieved by fresh
parties, each of which had some men killed or
wounded. Sir William Waller failed to secure
his prize *' by reason of the absence of his Gra-
nadoes, petards, and other engines to blow in tho
gates;" but the garrison were so hard pressed
that they again sounded a parley, and offered to
surrender if they might depart, bag and bag-
gage. These terms were refused, and to it they
went again.
It would never do to allow the Roundheads to
feast on Cavalier stores at tho very gates, and
accordingly, hard as was the necessity, the
Marquis decided to destroy the provisions which
had been intended to feed the garrison during
many a long month. Lieutenant-Colonels Peake
and Johnson determined upon a desperate soi*tie.
Meanwhile the strife continued with unabated
fury all along the line of the defences on the
north side. At least one sergeant (whose
name has not been left on record, but who was
nevertheless a brave man) and a few men were
selected for this dangerous duty. The gallant
old Governor, Colonel Marmaduke Rawdon,
aged as he was, had still a heart of fire, and
sallied forth likewise with the little band of
heroes. Deadly, indeed, was the fire poured
upou them, and desperate were the hand-to-hand
combats that took place. But right gallantly
was the service performed. They " fired the
outhouses and bams adjoining to them, which
were full of wheat and other grain," old Colonel
Rawdon cheering on his musketeers and saying
that **he knew that Waller would not stay it out."
Lieut.-Colonel Johnson, at the head of twenty-
five men, penetrated as far as " the very Grange
yard." ^Here he was singled out as an antago-
nist by Captain Clinson, and a hand-to-hand
struggle followed. Colonel Johnson's life was
only saved " by two or three stout fellows of
the garrison." Overpowered by numbers, Capt.
Clinson was slain, his conuniesion being after-
wards found in his pocket. Lieutenant Archer
says that the manner of his death was as follows :
— ^^ Sir William Waller's Captain-Lieutenant,
a man of great courage and resolution," lost his
way, and was killed, with many men, in a lane by
two drakes, or field-pieces, loaded with case shot.
The lower road to Basingstoke, in all accounts
of the siege, is called " the lane," and, as may
easily be seen, it is commanded by a tower
pierced for guns of small calibre, such as
were then styled drakes, minions, &c. It
i^ possible, therefore, that the present cross-
road was the scene of this slaughter. Lieutenant
Archer states that none of the assailants
were killed during the fight at the Grange,
although some were wounded. "Mercurius"
says, however, that they lost many killed
and wounded, some of them being burnt
to death in the bam. The party in the house
found that retreat was to the full as hazardous
as their sallying forth had been. " The sergeant
which led them was killed, and most of his men,
in the yard between the house and the bam.'
How is it possible to reconcile such a statement
as this with the declaration of the Marquis that
only one of the defenders was killed and another
wounded, or with the statement of *' Mercurius**
that the loss of the garrison was only two slain,
one of whom was " their youngest unner nd
three wounded," or the assertion of the samo
journal that only one of the garrison was
wounded, and not one slain ? At any rate t c
approach of night and tho combined infiuenoe of
'^ fire, sword, and water" compelled Sir William
Waller's men to relinquish their hold upon the
fiercely contested, and now completely destroyed
Grange, leaving behind them some arms, and
many killed and wounded. The assailants once
more bivouacked in the fields, " wherein our
lodging and our service did not well agree, tte
one being so hot, and the other so cold." Their
loss was estimated at Oxford to have been at
least 150 killed and as many wounded.
On the following day, Wednesday, November
8th, Sir WiUiam Waller, who is said to have
meanwhile kept a detachment at Winchester,
drew oSt his forces, and retired to the town of
Basingstoke, which was full of wounded men,
one doctor alone having no less than eighty
under treatment. The Marquis of Winchester
sent into Basingstoke a cartload of Waller's
wounded, and Cavaliers at Oxford asserted that
A BiCH Prize.
Sir William detained both the carter and his
team. But this statement was but too probably
a partisan slander, as such a meanness would
have been totally at variance with the character
of "Waller, who, by the way, had his best gun
broken during the attack. There was urgent
need for wariness on the part of Sir William,
who, rcpulspd at Basing, had now to prevent, if
possible, the advance of Sir Halph Hopton.
On Saturday, November 11th, news had
reached London that Hopton had concentrated
his forces from Salisbury, Andovcr, Malmesbury,
and elsewhere at Winchester, and that Sir
W^illiam Waller, in no wise loth to give him
1>attle, had drawn off from Basing House,
and had quartered his men at Basin g-
i^toke, the Vine, and intermediate places.
The remainder of the week was devoted to rest
and refreshment, but the Roundhead horse were
by no means idle, scouring the country far and
wide, and making raids into the adjacent
counties. The reasons assigned for Sir Ralph
Hopton 's delay in succouring Basing were that
Sir William Waller was both able and anxious
to fight ; that the noblemen and gentry under
the command of Hopton were unwilling to risk
another battle similar to that fought at New-
bury only a few weeks before (Sept. 20th,
1 G43) ; that they wished to await the arrival of
some Scottish reinforcements, and that the
army-was in want of arms and gunpowder.
On Thursday, Nov. 9th, there assembled at
the house of Master Legay, an active adherent
of the Parliament at Southampton, some two
hundred of the townsmen, who had taken the
Solemn League and Covenant, to keep a solemn
fast, and to pray for the success of Sir William
Waller. On the same day there was a motion
made in the House of Commons that ^' all re-
cords and writings of antiquity in Basing and
other places might not be as common plunder !"
On-the day of the retreat from Basing, the
Roundhead troopers secured a rich prize. Lord
Saltonn, or as one writer styles him, Lord
Sultan, in company with a certain Friar King,
his confessor, and several companions, whose
number is variously given as three, twelve, and
thirty, had landed on the coast of Sussex, after
having been successfully employed in Franco as
a collector of monies in aid of the Royal cause.
He had with him a sum of money variously
CHtunated at 300/., 500/., 2000/., 3500/., 4000/.,
5000/., and 6000/., with which he intended to
raise two troops of horse in the western counties.
He was abo the bearer of important despatches
from the French Court. Sir William Waller
had a week*s notice of his intended arrival, and
sent out Captain Gardiner, who was commonly
styled the Mayor of Evesham, with his own
troop and some other horse, who intercepted
him and his party at Newbury, on their way to
Oxford. Captain Gardiner brought his prisoners
to Basingstoke, in which town the present ''Bell
Inn" was the usual place of confinement. From
Basingstoke thev were afterwards transferred
to Farnham Castle, and were at length sent up
to London to be dealt with according to the
good pleasure of the Parliament. After Waller
had retired, the Marquis wrote an account of
the fight to Secretary Nicholas, who writes thus
to Prince Rapert : —
'* Monday last Waller sat down before Basing
House, and Wednesday last he drew off his
ordnance and forces to Basingstoke, a mile
distant, where he now lies with all his forces,
and threatens to return thither to assault the
place again, and hath sont for scaling ladders to
Windsor for that purpose. The Marquia of
Winchester writes cheerfully, saith ho hath 400
men and three weeks victualling, and that he
hath killed divers of the rebels, and lost only
one man and one hurt. Sir F. Berkeley was, on
Wednesday last, at Huntington, twenty miles
on this side of Exeter, with four regiments of
foot, and will, we hope, be at Winchester on
Monday next.'* The Earl of Newport was at
this time Master-General of the Ordnance. He
was appointed on September 2nd, 1G34, and held
office until the Restoration, when he was sus-
pended. He at once despatched the scaling
ladders asked for by Waller, but fortunately for
Basing House they came to hand t oo late for
the great assault, which took place on Sunday,
November r2th, 1643. Concentrating his forces-
from the various positions which they occupied
between Basingstoke and the Vine, and being
now furnished " with new supply and fireworks
from London, '* Sir William Waller, at the head
of from 6000 to 8000 infantry, together with
five regiments of dragoons and ten guns,
marched towards Basing on that November
Sunday morning. He had an ample supply of
petards, grenades, as shells were then styled,
and ammunition, nor had ladders, which Lieut.
Archer says were not scaling ladders, been
forgotten. The cavalry reached Basing about'
The Assault Renewed.
an hoar bafore noon, and halting within musket
shot of the house, began to taunt the garrison,
saying, " Where's your Hopton ? Prince
Rupart hath but throe men ," &c. This martial
raillery continued until a gun, which had in the
meantime been placed in position, opened fire,
not without reply from one of the field-pieces
mounted upon the roof of the house. The
artillery duel was kept up with spirit until
the neighbouring clocks struck twelve, when
the assailants, who had previously formed up in
three divisions well supplied with petards and
ladders, rushed forward for a simultaneous
attack. Lieut.-Colonel Johnson had foreseen
this manoeuvre, and, before the storming party
on the south-west side of the house could enter
the defences opposed to them, ho led out thirty
musketeers into a lane under the half moon.
This little force suddenly appeared, fired a
volley, and retreated. The enemy pursued into
a winding lane, until they came within range of
the half moon, the fire from which proved fatal
to not a few. Thrice was Lieut.-Colonel John-
son successful in thus luring the enemy to their
own destruction.
Sir William Waller sent a party of 500 men
from the middle of the park, to storm '^ the
Castle,'' but a small gun upon the ramparts
loaded with casa shot killed about a dozen of
them, and wounded many others, whereupon
the survivors refused to advance again. The
stormers came sufiiciently close to permit the
women to take part in the fight by hurling bricks,
tiles, and stones from the roofs of the various
buildings. The artillery had by this time made
several Dreaches in the defences, which seemed
practicable, at any rate, so says the chronicler,
but practicable breaches are not usually made in
so short a time with guns of small calibre. On
the north and north-east the enemy having the
protection of a small wood, felt sure of gaining
the New House with casa, and concentrated here
most of their guns and about 2000 men. The
Westminster Trained Bands and the St.
Katherine's Regiment, better known as the
Auxiliaries of the Tower Hamlets, were posted
at this point. For two full hours did Waller's
guns awake the echoes with their deep toned
voices, which must have sounded but grimly on
that Sunday afternoon, until about two o'clock,
when the stormers were seen issuing from the
wood, bringing with them drakes or field-pieces,
**and two load of ladders." They advanced
until they came within a few yards of the Castle,
the circular site of which is still hugely con-
spicuous, crowded into the ditch, forced the
garrison to beat a hasty retreat from a half-
moon, and planted an ensign in the ditch.
Under the eye of Sir William Waller himself,
and guided by two deserters from the garrison,
who had undertaken to point out the weakest
points of the defences, they fixed a petard on
the jamb of the gate, which, however, fortu-
nately for the garrison,was so strongly barricaded
that the explosion did little or no harm. And
now the courage of some began to fail. We are
told ^^that the St. Katherine's Regiment was also
faulty at Basing, especially the officers of those
regiments whom Sir William could not get to
some up so far as the front of his horse, where
he stood in person." They absolutely refused
to relieve their comrades, who gallantly main-
tained the fight until ammunition failed them,
and fixed a petard in the wrong place, " upon a
gate so strongly rampired within that it could
not be stirred. Some of the officers and soldiers
were very valiant." Those belonging to Sir
William Waller's own regiment received especial
commendations for valour, advancing as they
did close to the very gates, and taking aim at
the soldiers of the garrison. All those within
the house are said to have done their duty man-
fully. Colonel Rawdon and his officers armed
with muskets fought side by side with -their
men, and the Marchioness of Winchester, and
all the ladies who had found shelter within the
walls, cast bullets with the lead hastily stripped
from roofs and turrets. At some period or
other of the operations at Basing during the
Civil War, the Chapel of the Holy Ghost at
Basingstoke was also despoiled of its lead,
which was found useful to kill Cavaliers. The
lead from Basing Church also disappeared, each
party in this case laying the blame on the other.
In no wise disheartened by the failure of their
petard, the stormers in the ditch shouted loudly,
" All is our own." But they reckoned without
their host. " An ingenious and vigilant German
in the Castle" was on the alert. Was his name
* * Humphrey Vanderblin, engineer ? ' * We know
that " the foreign engineer" did much to
strengthen the defences of Loyalty House, and
in the list of prisoners taken by Cromwell at
Basing we find the name of ^^ Humphrey
Vanderblin, engineer." Whatever his name
may havo boen, "tho ingonions and vigilant
The Betreat fbom Basing House.
Oennan" saved Basins House that day. Whilst
the petard was being nzed to the gate by the
stommig party, the wily Teuton was busily
knocking a hole in the north end of the build-
ings, with a view of opening fire upon the right
flank of the assailants. His intention was per-
oeired, and he was greeted with a few volleys
of musketry. In no wise daunted, he, with two
or three comradeB, completed the opening, and
returned the leaden compliments with interest
kUliug three or four of the opponents. Encou-
raged by this success, and by the failure of the
enemy's petard, the ffarriaon, by a determined
attack, retook the half -moon, " whereupon the
rebels lose heart, and many men as well." Their
ammunition was beginning to faO, and they
looked in vain for support from their faint-
hearted comrades. Whilst the dragoons and
many of tbe other soldiers fought with ^reat
courage, the TVestminster Begiment is said to
have oeen less eager for tJie fray than were
certain others. Some thought that ''Captain
White, the keeper of my Lord Petre's house"
in Aldersgate-street, then used as a Cavalier
prison, " would not go on for fear of displeasing
his prisoners," his office being worth 1500Z. per
annunv to him, whilst others were of opinion
that the soldiers of Westminster were unwilling
to proceed to extremities, hoping as they did
for the speedy return of the Kmg to hb Palace
at Whitehall.
The Complete Intelligencer^ of November 21st,
1643, says that "the house was extremely well
fortified, and inaccessible for storming. The
Trained Bands offered their lives to Sir WiUiam
Waller in any service against men, but were
loth to venture further against walls. We
must excuse them, they bein^ young and raw
soldiers, and not yet frosted abroad. *'
Small wonder was it, therefore, that unsup-
ported, without ammunition, with an active and
inspirited foe pressing them hard both in front
and an their flank, and perceiving the r^iulse of
the other columns, that Sir Wilham Waller's
men at length fell back in considerable disorder,
and retreated through the little wood in all
haste.. They left behind them their two field
pieces, their ladders, and the colour which they
had planted in the ditch. This latter trophy of
victory " the soldiers wished to take, but were
held back for fear of ambuscade.'' During this
day's fighting seventy or eighty of the West-
minster men were accidentally shot by their
comrades. The front rank fired too soon, and
whilst in the act of retiring had to face a volley
from their friends in the rear, and the garrison,
firing one or two field pieces at the same moment,
iucreased the slaughter. Lieutenant Archer
speaks of the Westminster Trained Bands as
"being designed to set upon the south-west
part of the house through the park, being upon
a plain level ground before the wall without
any defence or shelter."
Sir William Waller himself shunned no
danger, and proved himself on that day, as
indeed he had ofttimes before, a valiant soldier.
Fighting continued until it was too dark to
distinguish the loopholes and embrasures. About
three o'clock in the afternoon of that short
November day the wind began to rise, and
heavy rain fell.
Darkness and stress of weather combined
obliged Sir William to sound a retreat, and
drawing oft his forces to the distance of half -a-
mile he himself lay all night in the midst of his
men upon some straw in the open meadow, in-
tending to renew the attack upon the morrow.
About ten o'clock at night " the London youths
of the Auxiliary Regiment" wore sent towards
the house to bring o& the field pieces, &c., which
had been perforce abandoned that afternoon.
They succeeded in removing the guns and some
petards without loss to themselves, according to
their own account, but "Mercurius Aulicus"
says this bold enterprise cost about twenty of
them their lives. For this achievement the
Begiment was publicly commenced and re-
warded by Sir William Waller. The ** Green
Begiment," of which Colonel Bawdon had
formerly been the lieutenant-colonel, suffered
most of all the regiments engaged, and a lieu-
tenant in Waller's army writes thus : — " Bazing
House ia absolutely the strongest placo in
England, and requires a summer's siege. By
report of some prisoners, we have taken a great
number of their men, and divers gentlewomen
and ladies of great quality. The Green Begi-
ment did bravely at Bazing. Captain Web,
therefore, to be Sergeant-Ma j or (i.e.. Major) ;
his Lieutenant Ma^er Everet to be made a
Captain upon the next opportunity."
It rained all that sad Sunday night, the hours
of which, though comparatively free from war's
alarms, were mournfuUy employed in the burial
of the dead, with the exception of about thirty,
whose bodies were lying close to the defences of
Waller Retires to Farnham.
the house. The garrison made prize of " more
than 120 muskets with rests, two great brass
petards, divers hand granadoes, three barrels of
powder, much match, several heaps of bullet
which lay upon the ground, halberts, half pikes,
and scaling ladders."
One of the deserters who gave information to
Waller had formerly served under that General.
He had been taken prisoner at the battle of
Boundwav Down, and had taken service in the
army of the King, only to desert at the first
opportunitv, but now found a grave at Basing.
One wounded man who lay very close to the
fortifications, with his leg shattered by a cannon
shot, was asked " What the King had done to
him that he should take up arms against him ?"
His only reply was to take his knife and to cut
his own throat. During the first day's fighting
"the youngest gunner'* of the garrison was
killed, and Sir William Waller having reasons
to suspect the fidelity of one of his own gunners,
placed him under arrest, and afterwards hanged
On the morning of November 13th " much
rain " was but too evidently the order of the
day, and it was decided by a Council of War to
retire to Basingstoke and Famham in order ^^ to
refresh the army to receive the western Wood-
heads." This complimentary title referred to
Sir Ralph Hopton and his relieving force, which,
according to the reports of spies sent out in
search of information through by-ways and our
pleasant Hampshire woodlands, was said to be
at least 5000 strong. When Waller's men
reached Basingstoke they found scaling ladders,
grenades, and ammunition from London await-
ing them. Sir William's loss was variously es-
timated, but Lieutenant Archer considered that
it amounted to some 250 to 300 in the three
days' fighting, whilst '' Mercurius Aulicus "
says that he lost 1000 in killed and wounded.
One ' account says that how many of the
Cavaliers " are hurt we cannot tell, nor what
detriment they received, save only one of their
cows, which being frighted with the noise of the
guns, leaped over the wall, by which it seems ta
be of great thickness." It was suggested that
mining would prove more succes^ul than a
direct attack, and such was the expectation of
success in London that wagers were laid upon
the Exchange that Sir William Waller was
actuallv in possession of Basing House. Lieut.*
Colonel Peake was falsely reported to have been
killed, as indeed he was on several other occa-
sions, together with certain other officers and
"malignant citizens."
The Marquis of Winchester says that the
result of the nine days* blockade and three
days' fighting was the retreat of Waller,
"having dishonoured and bruised his army^
whereof abundance were lost, without the death
of more than two in the garrison, and some
little injury to the house by battery."
Monday, November 13th, being a very
tempestuous day, the besiegers, as we have seen,
retired to Basingstoke, and spent the day in
refreshing themselves and drying their clothes.
The next day there was an alarm that Sir
Ralph Hopton was advancing to the relief of
Lord Winchester, and a detachment of Cavaliera
drove in the Roundhead picquets at Basingstoke,
whereupon Waller's army quartered in the
fields two miles from Basing. On Wednesday,
the 15th, the whole besieging force retreated to
Famham, which was reached at two p.m., the
Marquis being by no means sorry to see them
depart, though without any ceremonious leave-
taking. ^*Mercurius"says that Sir William Waller
had 1000 men killed and wounded at Basing,
and that he speedily lost 1200 others by
desertion. So ended the first attack in force
upon Basing House. Upon his arrival at
Famham, Waller established his head quarters
there, and at once asked for reinforcements,
which were readily granted by the Parliament.
He also "began to fortifie the towne with
breast workes and the like."
OP High Treason — ^Afpairs at Portsmouth — Sir William Waller at Farnham —
Advance of Lord Hopton — Occupation op Winchester — Skirmish and Troubles
at Odiham — ^Expedition to Midhurst — ^Fighting at Farvham — How Sir William
Waller was Reinforced.
Leaying Sir William Waller for awhile at
Farnham, we most briefly chronicle the course
of events in other parts of the comity. The
Generals of the Parliament had not been on the
most friendly terms.
In Augnst, 1643, the Earl of Manchester
having been appointed Sergeant-Major-General
or Commander in-Chief in the Eastern Counties,
the Earl of Essex, not without some grumbling,
conceded to Sir William WaUer the chief com-
mand of a force to be raised in London. At
lenffth, on September 28th, Essex assured the
Paniament "that he will begin upon a new
Bcore, and give Waller the best encourage-
ment he can."
On October 7th thirty pieces of ordnance
with their due proportion of shot were ordered
Sthe House of Commons to be sent to the Isle
Wight, and on Monday, October 16 th, in
consequence of a petition numerously signed by
the inhabitants, an order was g^ven that the
Earl of Warwick should send some ships of
strength speedily for the defence of the island.
Mr. Lisle, one of the Members for Winchester,
was directed to bring in an ordinance for the
raising of soldiers to be stationed in the Isle of
Wight and at Hurst Castle. Colonel Came, the
Lientenant-Goyemor of the island, was called
in, and gave an account of several things which
he considered needful to be done, whereupon he
received the thanks of the House for his care
and fidelity, and was ordered to repair to his
command without delay.
On Wednesday, October 18th, an intercepted
warrant for the raising of mone^ which had
been issued by the Marquis of Wmchester was
retid in the House, whereupon it was ordered
^ That the Marquis of Winchester's estate be
forthwith sequestred. That the Marquis of
Winchester be accused of high treason, and
Mr. Browne is to bring in a charge against him."
I On the following day Mr. Lisle was deputed
to request the Earl of Essex to grant Sir
Gregory Norton a commission to raise 100 men
for the defence of the Isle of Wight, and on
Tuesday, Oct. 24th, Sir William Waller was to
be officially informed ot the arrival of some of
the King's troops at Horsham in Sussex.
On Thursday, Nov. 2nd, Mr. Walter Erie,
Mr. Lisle, and Mr. Long received directions to
go forthwith to the Earl of Essex, and to ask
him on behalf of the House of Commons to
consider in what dangerous condition Sir Wil-
liam Waller is in at this present, to acquaint
His Excellency that the enemy has drawn his
main force towards Sir William, and to request
all the assistance which Essex may be able to
give. Two days later my Lord General Essex
reports that most of the enemy having with-
drawn in the direction of Northamptonshire,
Waller is in no immediate danger, and that as
to Portsmouth *^he would Imve the House
settle a constant pay for that earrison, and he
would keep it in his own hands and put in a
sufficient aeputy." He wishes that the present
Committee may continue to be responsible for
the defence of Portsmouth. This was agreed
to, with the addition of three members, viz., Sir
Thomas Jervoise, Mr. Button, and Mr. Lisle.
On Friday, Nov. 3rd, the Earl of Warwick, the
Admiral of the Parliament, was ordered not to
allow anv strangers or aliens, with the exception
of merchants, to land in England, and three
days afterwards 1000/. was directed to be paid
for the supply of the garrison of Portsmouth.
On Tuesday an order was passed ^'for se-
questring the rectory of the parish church of
Alverstoke, in the county of Southampton,
whereof Mr. Boolfe is now rector, into the
hands of Mr. Anthony Prouse, Master of Arts,
a godly, learned, and orthodox divine, who is
appointed to officiate said cure, and to preach
Occupation op Winchesteb.
diligently to tho parishioners, and to receive the
rents ana profits belonging unto it, paying all
duties due unto His Majesty." Tne various
high-constables received orders not to send in
any more mone^ or provisions to the quarters
occupied by Sir W. Waller's army for the
present, and it was settled that 42 ships, viz.,
18 of the £[ing's ships and pinnaces and 24
merchants' ships and pinnaces, ^' be forthwith
sent for as a winter guard for the safety and
security of the Eng&sh, Irish, and Scottish
On Friday, November 10th, Lord Inchiquin
was ordered to be charged with high treason for
having sent troops from Ireland to fight against
the Parliament, and on Wednesday, November
22nd, men-of-war from Bristol and Wexford
were reported as being at Dublin in readiness to
bring over a larger force. We shall meet this
" Irish Brigade" again on Cheriton Down.
On Saturday, November 11th, Sir J. Loe and
Mr. Lisle are to be repaid from the funds des-
tined for the defence of the Isle of Wight all
expenses incurred by them in sending soldiers
thither. On Monday, November 13th, the Com-
mittee of Safety was exhorted to send speedily
the 1400 foot and the horse commanded by Sir
A. Haselrig to Sir William Waller, " and to
consider of a settled way of payment" for his
men. On Wednesday, November 15th, Sir A.
Haselrig and Mr. Trenchard were bidden to
write a letter to SirW. Waller to explain why the
House of Commons has sent 500 of his men to
the siege of Plymouth, and to ask if he can pos-
sibly spare 500 others, who are still to be under
his command, for the same destination.
After his repulse at Basing House Sir Wil-
liam Waller reached Farnham at two o'clock in
the afternoon of Wednesday, November 15th,
and at once made proclamation by drum-beat
that all soldiers under his command snould forth-
with muster in the park. The names of all de-
serters and of men absent without leave were
then duly recorded, and several of the culprits,
being soon afterwards arrested in Westmmster
and Clerkenwell, were ordered to be sent down
to Farnham, there to be tried by a council of
war, or, as we should now say, hj a court-
martial. Lieutenant Archer says, " Li the time
that we lay there (Farnham) we had divers
alarms and other accidents."
Sir William Morley, M.P., who had fought for
the King at Chichester during the previous year,
about this time paid a fine of lOOOZ. to the garri-
son of Portsmouth, and the sequestration of his
estate ceased on September 9th, 1643. Lord
Hopton had meanwhile been doing his utmost
to assist the Hampshire Cavaliers. Towards the
end of the year 1643 the King was in posses-
sion of Bristol and the whole West of England.
The Parliament had no stronghold in Wiltshire^
and possessed only one or two towns in Hamp-
shire, the people of the county being strongly op-
posed to them. Wo learn from Clarendon (6ook
YIII.) that both armies having retired into
winter quarters, great efforts were made in
London to despatch Sir William to the west,
with a powei^id force. Prince Maurice waa
besieging Plymouth, which was expected to sur-
render ere long. The King therefore determined
to oppose Waller's march, so that he might be
unable to raise tho siege of Plymouth. Sir
William, afterwards Loid, Ogle, with the assist-
ance of Sir Richard Tichborne and eight other
Hampshire Cavaliers, secured Winchester Castle
for the Eling, and materially strengthened
its defences, with the idea of making
it a rendezvous for an army then
collecting in the west. Sir William
Waller, who was Major-General of the
four associated counties of Kent, Surrey,
Hants, and Sussex, was not without well-wisher»
in Winchester, to the Castle of which indeed he
laid claim, and thev did not fail to exert them-
selves on his behalf. In his *' Vindication of
the Character and Conduct of Sir William
WaUer, Knight," he savs (p. 202), with refer-
ence to his leavmg England for Holland in
1647, " As for that suggestion that I should
make over or transport with me great sums of
money, it is as untrue as that fiction of the
butter barrels was ridiculous. I acknowledge
the sending of some goods of mine into the Low
Countries to Rotterdam about two or three
months, if I remember not, before I was in-
forced to take that course with myself ; all was
nothing but household stuff; the best part
whereof I had, by the care of a good friend,
saved out of Winchester Castle but a few hoiii»
before the King's party seized upon it, and the
rest I bought at London ; but there was neither
penny of money nor ounce of plate that
travsoled with it. But whatever there waa, it
was viewed and allowed at the Custom House
before the ship went o£E with it, which I hope
may serve to give satisfaction to all reasonable
Skirmish at Odiham.
people that I meant plainly and honestly, and
may shew that there was nothing acted to put
any cheat upon the state." So that the fittings
of Winchester Castle must be sought for
in the homes of the portly burghers of
Botterdam and the Hague. Sir William
Waller speedily frustrated Lord Ogle's plans
by his vigilance and activity. But for a while
things seemed as favourable as the most ardent
Royalists could desire. There is evidence that
the Cavaliers occupied Winchester during the
month of October, 1643, for, in the Corporation
records, which I have been permitted to examine
throngh the kindness of the Mayor, E. D. God-
win, Esq., and of W. Bailey, Esq., the Town
Clerk, the following significant entry occurs : —
« 27th October, 1643. Fifty pounds lent to Sir
William Ogle and Collonell Gerrard." In vain,
however, do we search for any record of repay-
ment of these monies. A history of Winchester
published in 1773, which has been already re-
ferred to, says of Sir William Ogle, '^ His first
care was to strengthen his newly acquired
garrison, and render it as inaccessible as art
could invent, wisely considering that its situa-
tion rendering it the principal kev of the whole
western country, it might be made a convenient
and serviceable rendezvous for his Boyal master.
He, therefore, lost no time in putting this busi-
ness into execution, and happily meeting with
the concurrence and mutual assistance of the
Mayor and citizens, he not only re-fortified the
Castle, but put the city itself into a much better
postxure of defence than it had been in for many
years before; immediately after which the
western army marched into it, consisting of
3000 foot and 1500 horse under the command
of Lord Hopton." Francis Baigent, Esq., to
whom also my best thanks are due, says : — ^* The
defences to the west of the Castle were some
entrenchments thrown up at the spot knoTvn as
Oram's Arbour, which was formerly the train-
ing ground for the City Trained l^nd and the
place where the people assembled for the county
elections. There were traces of these en-
trenchments visible some 30 or 40 years ago,
if not later."
The city was also fortified in a more modem
style towards the east, on St. Giles' Hill, &c.
As Christinas drew near Lord Hopton arrived,
in company with Baron Stratton, at the head of
a force which his influence had collected in the
west, together with a portion of the garrison of
Bristol. "He had in a short time raised a
pretty body of foot and horse." Sir Charles
Yavasour and that veteran soldier Sir John
Pawlet joined him with two very good though
numerically weak regiments, which, together
with a good troop of horse under the command
of Captain Bridges, had been brought over from
Munster to Bristol at the cessation of hostilities.
Lord Hopton now found himself sufficiently
strong to advance first to Salisburv, and shortly
afterwards to Winchester. Here ne was joined
by Sir John Berkeley with two other infantry
regiments which he had raised in Dorsetshire,
making his whole force amount to some 3000
foot and 1500 horse. Winchester was an ad-
mirable base of operations, and ere long became
such a centre of Royalist activity that Waller
was obliged to halt at Farnham on his westward
march, and to request additional reinforce-
ments from London, with which, as we have
seen, he was duly furnished.
Two days after Sir William Waller had been
repulsed at Basing Lord Hopton made an ad-
vance from Winchester, with either the whole
or a portion of his force, and the garrison of
Loyalty House had " the liberty of farther for-
tifying, which thus, as time and number would
permit, made up, is rather strong than regular.''
Lord Hopton was a brave man and excellent
officer, who sought not for preferment at Court,
checked pillage, and protected rustics, " fulfil-
ling what he esteemed the duty of a faithful
subject with all the humanity of a good citizen."
On Thursday, November 16th, there was
despatched an account to the Parliament of the
operations at Basing, and on the same day a
strong force of cavalry and infantry was sent
by Sir William Waller to beat up Lord Hopton*s
head-quarters at Odiham. The hedges were
found to be lined with musketeers, who kept up
a galling fire. The country people, on being
questioned, gave information that the
main bodv of the Cavaliers had fallen back
towards Alton and Alresford, so that "only
some of their straggling, pillaging forces were
taken.'' The quiet little town of Odiham, of
which all men know the broad street and huge
chalk pit, had its full share in the troubles in-
separable from the Civil War. The piesent
Vicar has done much to throw light upon Church
matters during this stormy period. He has
ascertained that the Bev. Bezaleel Manwaring,
Vicar of Odiham, was buried on January 10th,
Parish Registers.
1641. According to local tradition, his successor
was ejected in the depth of winter, and tamed
into the street when the snow lay deep upon
the ground. His wife's sufferings were so great
that some kindly-hearted neighbours were
scarcely able to give her shelter before an infant
made a premature appearance in what was indeed
to its parents a world of sorrow.
The Bey. Mordecai Kaddens, a Presbyterian
minister, occupied the vicarage during the Com-
monwealth, but for what length of time is un-
certain. In the record of his burial, on Oct.
10th, 1703, he is described as "minister." It
is some six times noted in the register that at
this time banns were published in the market-
place. "1654, Nov. — The intent of marriage
between Edward Demole, husbandman, and
Barbara Cope, spinster, both of Newnham, was
published in the market, 11th, 18th, 25th Nov."
It was in those days, even as now, " well to be
off with the old love before you are on with
the new," for we are told : "Mar. 3rd, 1654. —
Received by the hands of Thomas Washam, in
the behalf of Alice Washam, his sister, an
interdiction of publiflhing the intent of marriage
between William Knight, of Upton Grey,
gentleman, and Anne Millingate, upon occasion
of a pre-contract." If, however, the course of
true love ran smoothly on, despite all proverbs
to the contrary, the Magistrates* aid and bless-
ing was invoked : " 1653, Nov. 2nd. — The
marriage between Edward Mills and Mary
Draper was soleijanised by Francis Tylney, Esq.,
Justice of the Peace, according to an Act of
Parliament of the 24th of August, touching
Pariiii registers and other records could be
only imperfectly kept at this time. The con-
scientious Parish Clerk of Odiham made the
following entry : — " There will come a time
that men will come to search in this book (the
baptismal register) for the names of their chil-
dren, and in regard that they cannot find their
names here written, let them not blame me for
it, but look upon their own selves, for since the
wars began in this land there have been many
that have been baptised that I never knew of,
neither have I had timely notice of them;
nevertheless I know that the blame will be laid
upon me. Thomas Hooker, Parish Clerk, 1652."
The parish register of Basing previous to and
during the Civil War has perished, and John
Chase, Notary Public and Chapter Clerk and
Registrar of Winchester Cathedral, blgns his
name to the following entry, dated 10th of
April, 1643 : — " In Domo Munimentorum
Eccliae, Cathis Sctas Trinitatis, Winton. This
should have been placed in the beginning of this
book, being the first time that I began to order
the muniment house after the same was the first
time defaced and spoiled, and divers writings
taken away (14th December, 1642). The muni-
ment house (after I had ordered the writings,
charters, deeds, and muniments found there,
and bound them up according to the table
mentioned in this book, in their several boxes
and places, thereby to find them by the
direction of this book), was the second time by
the army and soldiery broken up, and all my
ledgers and register books taken away: the
records, charters, deeds, writings, and muniments
lost ; divers of them burnt ; divers of them
thrown into the river ; divers large parchments,
they made kites, withal, to fiy in the air, and
many of the old books lost, to the utter spoiling
and destruction of the same muniment and
charterhouse ; many of which deeds and writings
may be supposed to have been kept and to have
been there for many hundred, of years, as by the
dates taken by me, and mentioned in this book,
doth appear." Strangely enough, quiet, peace-
ful Odiham felt also the remote effects of the
great Napoleonic wars. A number of French
officers resided there on parole in the cottages
round the Chalk Pit. A &ie oak on the Winch-
field-road, still known as the Frenchmen's oak,
about a mile from the town, marks the limit of
their permitted walk. Two of them died
here, to one of whom there is a monument in the
churchyard. But to resume our narrative of
On Friday, November 17th, Sir William
Waller was at Famham, and Lord Hopton at
Basing. Cavalier scouts were everywhere on
the alert, and news had reached London from
Portsmouth that some of Hopton 's men having
organised a foray, the country people fired the
beacons, which had been placed in readiness,
rose as one man, and forced the plunderers to
return to their quarters. On Friday, November
17th, Waller on his part likewise sent out
Captain Oakley with 45 men, who made a
march of twelve miles into the enemies' quarters
to a market town, called Methouse (Midhurst),
a few miles from Petworth. Two other troops
of horse had been also detailed for this expe-
The London Trained Bands.
dition, bnt coming late to the rendezvons,
Capt. Oakley inarched without them. When he
and his small detachment were within six miles
of Midhnrst, some rustics informed him that
150 Cavalier horse had visited the town that
morning, but had just left for Petworth, in-
tending to return to Midhurst that same night.
^* It was thought that if we came not (to Mid-
burst) with a very strong party, the town, being
very malignant (i.e. loyfu), and store of Papists
in it, would have risen against us ; yet was this
valiant Captain nothing at all discouraged, but
resolved to march thither.'' On his arrival Capt.
Oakley posted his sentries at all the entrances
into the town, of which he kept possession for
two hours. Three Cavaliers who had been left
in the town by their comrades were made pri-
soners, several horses were seized, ** and some
store of cloth which was taken from Papists
and malignants there to clothe the foot." The
little band then returned unmolested to the
headquarters of the armv.
On Saturday, Nov. 18th, Lieutenant Archer
makes a note : *^ There came to us much provi-
sion of victuals and strong waters to our regi-
ment, which was very thankfully received,
although, thanks be to God, we had no great
scarcity before." On the same day the Com-
mittee for Westminster, sitting at Worcester
House, was directed to furnish a list of all
deserters from the Westminster Regiment, with
a view to their apprehension. A sum of 5000/.
was to be paid to Sir William Waller, to whom
Mr. Reynolds was to write a letter of encourage-
ment, assuring him that as many soldiers as
possible should be sent without delay. The
four associated counties of Kent, Surrey, Sussex,
and Hants were to be warned " to send all the
assistance that may be." Sundry deserters
ere long found themselves in durance vile
at Westminster and Clerkenwell, awaiting the
decision of a Court-Martial. In the armies
of the King it was the rule to execute
deserters immediately after their capture.
Sir William Waller himself was by no means
happy, but was, on the ccmtrary, full of anxiety.
He complained that his men were in want of
pay, ^' and also that they were not so at com-
mand as was to be desired." He therefore
begged for reinforcements from the Committee
of Militia for London, saying that he had only
from 1200 to 1400 foot and 15 troops of horse,
12 of which were from Kent. Colonel Morley's
Sussex Regiment refused to march to join him
until they had received their arrears of pay, and
Colonel Norton*s Hampshire Regiment had not
yet effected a junction' with him. His spies,
whom he had sent out to lie in the woods,
reported that Hopton had at least 5000 men
with him, and some prisoners stated the Cavaliers
were only two or three miles distant, with a
force of 2000 foot and 40 troops of horse. Sir
William, almost despairing of success, adds
'^ that he put himself ' into God's protection!"
The Westminster Trained Bands were anxious
to recover their reputation for valour, which
had been somewhat discounted at Basing ; but
it seems probable that if Hopton had but attacked
in force upon that memorable Saturday, the
result of the campaign in the Southern counties
would have been very different. But the golden
opportunity thus lost never again presented
itself. Instead of pressing their attack home, the
Cavaliers contented themselves with giving an
alarm to Waller's Kentish Horse, who were quar-
tered at Guildford, by means of small recon-
noitring parties who penetrated as far as Pir-
bright and other places in the neighbourhood.
Lord Hopton meanwhile made a leisurely ad-
vance towards Famham. Waller, who was
anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Kentish
Horse from Guildford, drew out the few troops
which he had with him, and boldly faced his foe
on a heath, at a distance of three or four miles
from Famham. Both forces sent out forlorn
hopes, which faced each other for about an hour.
Waller's men then received orders to charge,
whereupon their opponents fell back upon their
main body. Waller,seeing their retreat, advanced
in force, on which Hopton drew off his troops in
good order without fighting. It was generally
supposed that the Welshmen, who were numer-
ous in the Royalist ranks, were much indisposed
to fight at so great a distance from their moun-
tain homes.
Before the dawn of Sunday, November 19th,
the Kentish Horse, 400 in number, had joined
Sir William Waller, who now felt somewhat
more at ease. He, however, sent an express to
London, urging the immediate despatch of the
1500 men which he had been promised as a rein-
forcement, saying that Hopton was within a
mile of him with an army collected from Read-
ing, Oxford, and elsewhere, which was at least
twice as numerous as his own.
During the morning hours the Cavaliers
Fighting at Farniiam.
appeared ^^upon Beacon Hill, a mile from
Iramliam/' or, acoording to another account,
*' upon a hill two miles from Famham," causing
Waller's men to muster in the Park. An artil-
lery duel was carried on at long range, and the
two armies watched one another for some hours,
Lord Hopton fearing to make an attack in force,
as his enemy had received an accession of
strength. At length Sir William Waller sent
out some cavalry U> fire upon the hostile ranks,
and *^ our horse faced theirs until three o'clock
in the afternoon, and sent forth scouts, who
fired upon the enemy Tthe Cavaliers) and killed
some of them, but wo had not one man hurt.*'
November days are but of short duration, and
as yet Waller's scouts had only "slain two
straggling Cavaliers and taken throe horses
besides those who were hurt." Their Bound-
head comrades were becoming impatient, and
towards evening a strong party of horse and
foot, including the red-coated Trained Bands
of Westminster, made a vigorous charge,
and made the Cavaliers retire down the
hill towards Crondall, which was only
a mile distant from the scene of action. As
they retreated they lined the hedges of the
narrow lanes with musketeers, and Waller,
fearing an ambuscade, drew off towards Fam-
ham. During the night a party of Lord Hop-
ton's horse tned to beat up Sir William Waller's
quarters, but the latter, having received timely
warning, sent out three bodies of cavalry with
a total strength of 300 sabres, who took pri-
soners, 30 or 40, or 60 troopers, as chroniclers
variously relate, a sergeant-major (or major),
two captains, with others, and slew some 25
more. But following up the pursuit too hotly,
the victors, when they at length drew rein, were
saluted with volleys of musketry from the hedges,
which " did much hurt, killing some and wound-
ing others ; so that the purchase proved not
much worth, costing some men's lives, a few of
whom being worth many horse." During this
week there was also a skirmish in Wiltshire, in
which Lord Crawford was wounded, losing 12
horses and having several men placed hors de
combat, whereupon he fell back upon a position
nearer to Lord Hopton's main body.
On Thursday, November 16th, all the horse-
men under the command of Sir Arthur Haslerig,
^' being all compleat and experienced soldiers,"
were summoned by be^t of drum, upon pain of
death, to appear on Friday, November 17th, in
the New Artillery Ground, in order to march to
Sir William Waller. Clarendon thus graphically
describes this regiment : — " A fresh regiment of
Horse, under the command of Sir Arthur
Haslerig, which were so compleatly armed that
they were called by the other side the regiment
of lobsters, because of their bricht iron shells
with which they were covered being peif ect
cuirassiers, and were the first so armed on either
side, and the first that made any impression
upon the King's Horse,who,being unarmed, were
not able to bear a shock with them. Besides that
they were secure from hurts of the sword, which
were almost the only weapons the others wore
furnished with."
Invincible, however, as they had hitherto
proved, those bold cuirassiers had been charged
by Lord Byron at the head of his gallant
'^ Blades " on Boundway Down on July 13th of
this same year, and had, after a fierce struggle,
in which Sir Arthur received many wounds, at
length been broken.
The early hours of Monday, November 20tfa,
saw them on the march from London in the
direction of Farnham, where Sir William
Waller was anxiouslv awaiting their arrival, as
well he might, for by nine in the morning a
strong body of Cavalier horse and foot appeared
upon the hill between Crondall and Farnham,
wnich caused a muster of the ParLlamentariana
in the Park. Their guns, which were
originally planted at a distance of a
mile and a-hidf from Lord Hopton's
cavalry, were, in consequence of the advance of
the latter, able to open fire about an hour before
noon, a party of Boundhead troopers having
ridden up the hill and formed up to support
them in rear. The gunners speedily ^t the
range, and,according to the reports of prisoners,
did great execution. Seven men were killed
by the first discharge, and few shots missed their
mark. After a protracted artilloiy duel, the
Boundhead cavalry made a charge, and diverted
the attention of the enemy from a body of
infantrv, who, advancing without molestation,
charged in their turn. Sir William Waller's
men had the field word of 'The Lord of Hosts,"
their opponents having selected " The Prince of
Wales." Thus charged by cavalry and infantry
simultaneously, the Cavalier horse '^ wheeled
about and fled down the hill, and their foot,
being always behind the horse on the side of
the hill, were not drawn up at all, and retreated
Raising of Funds.
while their horse stood for their reserve." In
other words, Liord Hopton*s cavalry covered a
retreat ia good order. Eight Cavaliers were
captared, one of whom was a trnmpeter, or
'* music." Lord Hopton carried off his kOled
and wounded, estimated by their opponents to
be more than 40 in number, " but the next day
we found four of their horse killed, and much
blood." So says the Parliamentarian scribe,
who only admits the loss of one min on his own
side. Oa this eventful Mond y the Kentish
regiment reached Farnhamfrom Guildford, and
five companies of Sir A. Haslerig*s regiment of
foot were also a welcome reinforcement to Sir
William Waller.
** Before suns3t on Tuesday, November 21st,
O>1on^l Richard Norton, the " Idle Dick Nor-
ton" of the hero of Naseby Fight, had reached
Waller's head-quarters from Southampton at
the head of his famous corps of ** Hambledon
Bojrs," and Colonel Morley had arrived from
Kent, his regiment having at length consented
to march, on the understanding that they were
to re<^eive their full arrears of pay on reaching
Famham. The county of Kent had already
sent 500 horse and foot, and was raising 1500
more men for Waller, whose strength was now
estimated at 4000. On this day some of his
soldiers went to a park en lied " The Holt."
abont a mile and a-half from Famham, to kill
deer, and, taking advantage of a thick mist, the
Cavaliers* scouts surprised and captured nine of
Captain Levett's men.
On Wednesday, November 22nd, as various
merchants had been sending frequent requisi-
tions for convoy. Parliament ordered that 19
men-o^-war and 23 merchant ships should be
detailed as a winter guard for the shores of
Great Britain and Ireland. This was the more
necessary, as the Cavaliers were known to have
sixteen ships at Brifitol and Barnstaple, and to
be fitting out others. The House of Commons
passed an ordinance on Wednesday, November
22nd, directing the Governor of Poole to send
np to London the horses captured when Lord
Crawford unsuccesafuUy attacked the town.
The steeds were to be sold, and the pro'^eds
divided amongst the garrison of Poole. Some
rin«rs and tobacco which had been seized en
route for Oxford were likewise ordered to be
sold *' by the appointment and directions of Mr.
Jennonf." The money realised by the sale
was to be spent in sending to Sir William Waller
" those forces that lie on the County of Mid-
dlesex," after the informer had received his
pro niaed reward. **Mr. Trsnchard, Chairman
to th ) Committei of Accounts," w is to send these
men,together with certain arms to Sir William
Waller. The arms in question were in the
custody of Captain Ellingworth, of whom we
read on December 9th, 1643, *< Captain Elling-
worth shall be tried by a Council of War for
cheating the State by false musters, and selling
and pawning, and embezzling his soldiers* arms
allowed by the State."
8aY| Lieutenant Archer, on Nov. 23rd :
" Th*^ came to us at Famham a very fair
regiment of horse, and a company of dragoons,'
consisting^ of 120 out of Kent, under the com-
mand of Sir Miles Lewsy (Livesay)." Sergeant-
Major, or, as we should style him, Major Webb,
who had, as we have seen, earned promotion
before the walls of stubbornly defended
Biising, with some of the green-coated London
Trained Bands was this day sent, together with
other forces, from Farnham, to aid in the relief
of Plymouth, to which Prince Maurice and Sir
Richard had laid siege. Sir William Waller
also wrote a letter to the Parliament, which was
read in the House of Commons two days after-
wards, when it was agreed that 5000/. should
be raised for the supply of his army, " upon the
credit of the Excise," 2000Z. of which waste be
paid to him without delay. This latter sum
was promptly furnished by Alderman Towse,
in consideration of interest at the rate of eight
per cent. Sir William thus writes in his " Vin-
di'Mition," " And foi the payment of arrears I
may say I was for it to the uttermost farthing.
I may not say who were against it, but those
who seemed to bo pillars, or somewhat, whatso-
ever they were itmaketh no matter to me, con-
tributed nothing, nay, gave their flat negative
to it. And, truely, herein I did but discharge
mv conscience, for I was ever of opinion that a
soldier's pay is the justest debt in the world.
For if it be a crying sin to keep back the wages
of an hireling, that doth but sweat for us, it
must needs be a roaring altitonant sin to detain
pay of the soldier that bleeds for us. There is
a cry of blood in it, and God will make inqui-
sition for it I " Well and nobly said. Sir
William t He also stated in his letter that a
battle was imminent, and that he was m great
need of "some able officers." The Earl of
Essex received orders to send him some, and
Military Execution.
Mr. Trenchard was to " take speedy order to
■end onto Sir William Waller Captain Carr*s
There was a report on Friday, Korember 24th
that the Bang had marched to Basing House at
the head of 2000 horse, intending to co-operate
with Lord Hopton in an attack upon Farnham
Castle. Accordingly, about ten oV-lock in the
morning the colours were hoisted on the castle,
and the army was drawn up in the paik, where
it to no purpose awaited an attack. A paity of
horse was on the same day sent from Farnham
into Sussex after Sir Edward Ford, *' to make
tax end of his Sheriff year." After the -mom-
ing*s '* alarm " the Cavaliers retired to Odiham,
and their enemies were able to refresh them-
selves. A r> port reached Oxford that Hopton
luid beaten Waller back to London, and the
Queen, overjoyed at the intelligence, " gave the
messenger 4/. iOs., all she Lad in her purse I"
But the tidings were false, for on Saturday,
November 25th, the Earl of Essex was preparing
to send reinforcements to Farnham, and the
county of Kent was raising a force of 2^/00 in-
fantry, and was likewise fortifying Tunbiidge
and Sevenoaksto cheek the advance of Hopton.
It seems somewhat doubtful whether there was
a skiimish on Sunday, November 26th, in
which Lord Hopton gave Sir William Waller
a few phot, losing, however, about ICO of his
own men, or whether the somewhat vague
account does not refer to the day of the retreat
to Crondall. The Surrey troops having been
withdrawn ftom their homes towards Fainham,
it seemed not improbable that Lord Hopton
.would march upon Guildfoid. To keep him in
check until his own main body could airive
from Farnham Sir William Waller summoned
all the men of Surrey between the ages of six-
teen and sixty to muster at Guildfoid in de-
fence of the county. Entiencbments were being
oonstructed at Farnham, and several challenges
to fight a pitched battle were sent to Hopton
by his old fiiend and ever courteous antagonist
Waller, who also on seveial occasions 1 ung out
flags of defiance at Fainham Castle. Sir Wil-
liam*s own woids are, "The war I abhorred,
though I acted in it as upon the defensive,
whi(£ I thought justifiable, but it was ever
with a wish tluit the sword, as it was fabled of
Hercules his, might be dipped in oil rather than
in blood ; that the difference might end rather in a
peace than a conquest ; that, as it fell out in
the decision between Zenocles and Euripides,
the one party might not have the worse, no. the
other the better, but such an accommodation
might take effect as might be with saving of
honour to King and Parliament, wheroby both
might have the best."
Certain stragglers from Lord Hopton *s force
plundered an ^d woman^s ootta^e near Farn*
ham, and stole her bedding, of whicli the
Parliamentarian newspapers did not fail to make
much stern and satirical mention. Captain
Batloy, a desei'ter from the army of the Parlia-
ment, was taken and condemned to death by a
council of war, and we learn from Lieutenant
Archer that during these operations Bartholo-
mew EUicot, who had formerly been a butcher
near Temple Bar, and who had also been a
captain in the army of the Pailiament, was
taken prisoner, whilst fighting for the King.
He had not only deserted from the army of the
Earl of Essex, out had also appropriated money
intended for the payment of the soldieis. He
could expect no mercy, and on Wednesday,
December 6th, he was hanged in the market-
place at Farnham. He had, in addition to hie
other offences against the Parliament, done his
lest to betray the town of Aylesbury to the
Cavaliers. One who saw the execution has left
on record that *^ he diod in a miserable condi-
tion, justi ying himself in the Acts, and con-
demning t e Councel of Warre which found him
worthy of death."
Lord Hopton 's forces were scattered through-
out Hampshire, and on the morning of Monday,
Nov. 27th, he sent a party towards Farnham
from the direction oc Crondall, which was
greeted by a hot fire from the artillery of the
castle, and from some guns pi iced in position
in the park. Thiee shots killed 17 horses
and 15 men. There was a report that the King
was to dine at Basing House that day, having
brought with him *' 2000 or 3000 horse and some
strength of foot," with the intention of carrying
off the gariison and treasure, and of ^'slight*
ing" or dismantling the fortress, and that a party
had in consequence been, sent out to Crondall in
order to prevent any unwelcome intrusion oa
the part of the Farnham garrison. Thisiumonr
probably arose from the fact that ** divers of
His Majestic 's servants aud attendants" had
lately come "fiom Oxford with the Prince's
(Ruperts) owne regiment to the aid of the Lord
Hopton." Clarendon says that '' Sir Jacob Astley
Skirmish mbar Farnham.
wms likewiw sent to him (Hoptcm) from Bead-
ing with 1000 commanded men, of thatgarrisoD,
W-Jlingford, and Oxford; which supply no
sooner arrived at Wiachester,bnt theLordHopton
TseolTed to Yisit Waller's quarters, if it were
poeiiible to engage ; however that he might
judge by the posture he was in whether he were
U^e to punue his purpose for the West. Waller
was then quartered at Farnham and t e villages
adjacent, from whence he drew out his men, and
faced the eoemj as if he intended to fight, but
after some light skirmishes for a day or two, in
which he always received loss, he retired into the
Guile of Farnham, a place of some strength, and
drew his army into the town." Gilled by this
artiliet yfiro, the Cavaliers were obliged to retreat
towardH Crondail, hotly pursued by the eivalry
of Sir William Waller. Beaten out of the village,
they were soon galloping at headlong speed to wat d
Odiham and B udngstoke, some of them having
only Litclyrjached Farnham ft om Basing House,
to the garrison of whi h tbey belonged. When
the muster roll was called that evening, a Major,
a Lieutenant, and 60 horses were reported as
having fallen into thehandsof the enemy, whilst
thirty me:i weie either killed, wounded, or
missing. The pursuers, who leturned laden with
vaiioas» kindsof booty to Farnham,only admitted
a loss of six men.
Tuesday, November 28th, witnessed the
despatch of a party of horse and dragoons from
Farnham towards Odiham, under the command
of Colonel Van Roese, to beat up the enemy's
quarters^ They slew some Cavaliers and took
a few prisoners. But a whole troop declined to
follow Colonel Yan Bosse, who was dangerously
wounded in the shoulder. The cowards wera
next day deservedly cashiered and disarmed I
Meanwhile Lord Hopton was making a
f ormitiable demonstration in force near Fai uham.
Sir William Waller is said to havehaa withhira
only biz troops of hoi so, the rest of his cavalry
having been despatched to Odiham and other
places, but his scouts weie active and intelligent.
It seems probable that Lord Hopton
only intended to pi'ovent the retreat of
his infantry from being discovered, he
having sent off part of his foot towards
Alresford either on this or the previous d y.
He had also, in a proclamation, in which he
stylos l^imself '* Field-Maishal-G^eneral of His
lla;ssty's Western Forces," summoned all
Hampshire men between the ages of sixteen and
sixty to appear in arms for the King at Win-
chester. . Upon the near approach of the
assaiUnts two guns were fire I, which made ooui-
plete lanes through the Cavaliers, who were
Slid, pr.)bibly with exaggeration, to number
eight thousand. A preliminary skirmish took
pi ice between 300 horse of each party, and
the miin fight was in the park. After a few
shots had been fired the Oivaliers made a retio-
gra le movement. A pursuit was ordered, and
proved very successful, although the retreating
troops ^^rdlied upon a hill neir adjoining."
The Roundtiead newswriter says that Hopton 's
men, aftsr a few hours, became disordered,
that they lost m my officers and horses, and that
about two o'clock in the afternoon they fled,
going for the most pirt towards Basing House ;
that many hundreds were slain, and that pri*
soners reported that Lord Hopton was being
carriado^ the field, as if dangerously wounded ;
that only one of Waller's men was missing, and
that his wounded were not numerous.
But according to ^^Mercurius Aulicus" Sir
Willi im 8 great victory was nothing a iter all
He says that Hopton faced Farnham, and that
Waller, not daring to come forth, fired two
guns from the castle ** over every bodies' head,"
until towards the close of ** that dark misty
day" the Cavaliei*s fell hick, followed by the
Roundhead cavalry, who killed only one dra-
goon, but lost five men themselves. The pur-
suers did not give up the chase until they
reached Hook, on the other side of Odiham, and
Waller despatched a messenger to the Pailia-
m'3nt, who reached London on the afternoon of
Wednesday, November 29th, and found the
mambars of both Houses listening to the Fast
S rmon at St. Margaret's, Westminster. Master
Bridges was the preacher, and his subject was
** Though God do suffer the enemies of His
Church to be great and exceeding many, yjc
Goi will raise up a power to withstand and
overpower them." *' After the sermon was done
the House of Commons went to the Parliament
House, and there sat very late." But in those
*'good old times" Parliament met at nine
o'clock in the morning, and every unpunctual
member was to be fined twelve pence !
On Wednesday, November 29th, the Round-
head hoise penetrated to Odiham and Basing-
stoke, giving divers alarms that day and the
following night, and bringing back five of Lord
Crawford's troopers, together with their horses.
Waller's Vindication.
On Thursday, November S^'th, Hopton with-
drew his outposts from Odiham, Basingstoke,
and Long Sutton, and retired towards Winches-
ter. Loid Crawford with his cavalry took post
at Alton, Lord Hopton himself quartering his
men at Andover, Winchester, Alresford, Peters-
field, and the intervening villap^es. Basing
House was left to take care of itself, but Sir
William Waller was at present in no mood to
try conclusions with the Marquis and his brave
little garrison.
On November 30th the counties of Sussex
and Surrey were ordered by the House of Com-
mons to raise, " either by press or volunteers,
the 800 Foot set upon them/' and Sir William
was to send officers "to receive them as they are
levied." Within three or four days Waller
went himself to London more effectually to
solicit recruits than his letters had been able
to do.
Listen to his own account of the treatment
he received ("Waller's "Vindication," pp. 13-18):
" I confess after that defeat which I received
at the Devizes (July 13th, 1643), upon my
return to London, I found, contrary to my ex-
pectation, a multitude of friends, populum ami-
coTum^ in the Independent party that appeared
for me. In that heat, as the sun is ever hottest
after a cloud, I had an offer from them of a
very considerable army, to be raised and put
under my command, with a constant main-
tenance for it, if I would engage myself to
maintain none but godly officers, such as should
be recommended to me. Unto which I replied
that I desired nothing more than to have such
officers about me as might be remarkable
for that spot, as Moses calleth it ; but I wished
them to consider that there went more to the
making up of an officer than single honesty.
Alia ratio boni civis et honi viri, as Aristotle said
in another case. A good man might make a
good soldier, but there must go the good man
and the good soldier to the composition of a
good officer. I besought them likewise to weigh
my condition, how I stood answerable with my
life and honour, for any miscarriage that diould
fall out in the service, and that it would be a
poor plea for me to say that it was the officers'
fault, when it might be justly retorted upon
me as mv fault that I took such officers. This
I assured them, that where I could find persons
qualified with piety and ability, such faithful
centurions as knew how to oommand, and when
to say go, come, do this, I would prefer them
before all others. But in the want of thom I
looked to be excused if for the aovantaee of
the service I made bold to employ such aa
should appear to be able soldiers, although they
were not otherwise so refined men as I might
wish. And to the end that there might be a
fair choice, and to obviate all exceptions, the
Parliament having voted a considerable body to
be raised for me, I appointed a council of war,
whereof Sir Arthur Uesilrigg was President, to
examine the merits of evexy man that should
stand to bear any office in that army, with
power to cross all such out of the list as should
be judged unfit or unworthy to be employed.
But tlus did not satisfy, and I then founa that
they had it in their design to model and form
an army that should be all of their own paity,
and devoted to their own ends. Upon this we
differed. I trusted not them, nor they me, and
so we agreed. From that time forward I m y
date the expiration of their friendship.
It is true that long after, and so long indeed
as I held my command, I was kept up by them,
but 1 could plamly perceive it was but in the
nature of a stale, in opposition to that noble
Lord the Earl of £ssex, whom they feared, and
therefore hated implacably, and they were
willing enough to foment those differences
between his lordship and me, to the prejudice
of the public service, that they might make
their ends upon us both, and gain the better
pretence to bring on their new model. In what
condition I was maintained may be demon-
strated by the Treasurer, Mr. John Trenchard,
his aocounts, where it will appear that from the
time of my setting forth unto my disbanding I
never received full 100,000/., an inconsiderable
sum compared with what others had, and yet
oot of that stock I was fain to play the good
husband, and to be at the charge to pay for part
of my arms and ammunition Besides this
they would be sure I should never have an entire
body of my own, but so compounded of city
and country regiments that when they pleased
they might take me in pieces like a clock, and
this was the true reason why I could never
improve any successes, because these adven-
titious borrowed forces, having no dependence
upon me, but upon those that sent them, would
not follow me further than pleased themselves,
but would be ready to march home when they
should have pursued their point, as if they had
Hi8 Difficulties.
done enough when they had done anything.
Tet snch were the charities which I met with in
the world, that it was made my tsLuli that, like
Joaah, I gave over shooting sooner than I should
have done, when, in truth, I had no more arrows
left to shoot. From time to time I was put
upon all disadvantages that might lessen me in
my reputation, and expose me to ruin. . . ,
So that, in effect, I was in no better condition
than those gladiators of old among the Romans,
preserved awhile, to perish in the end, and kept
only to be lost. This was the friendship I
parted with 1 '* Thus speaks Sir William
It has been a difficult task to describe these
somewhat confused operations at and nearFam-
ham, owing to certain discrepancies in the
accounts given by the various actors in the
drama, but every statement which I have made
rests, not on conjecture, but on the authority
of contemporaneous records.
CtaAPTBB XV. — ^Dbpbncb op the Islb op Wight — ^Naval E8TImate»--€aptain Swanlby'0
Prisoners — The Sussex Cavalikrs — ^Lord Hopton is Reinforced. — Letter to Prikcb
BuPERT — Forays into Sussex — Fight at South Hartino.
The early days of December, 1643, saw due
Sroyision made for naval mattexs, and for the
efence of the Isle of Wight. On Thurnday
December 7th, the Deputy Lieutenants and
Treasurers of the Isle of Wight were instructed
to pay Captain Soofield the sum of 802.
*' towards his raising and convejring thitier 100
soldiers," and four days later we hoar of 500
men being embodied for the same destination,
in addition to 200 formerly enrolled, and duly
ferried across the Solent. We learn alao that
'* whereas several fortifications are making in
the said Island by Ordinance of Parliament,"
William and Thomas Bowreman and Thomas
Came, Esquires, were to be a standing Commit-
tee for the purposes of defence.
On Satutday« December 9th, the Naval Esti-
mates for the year were discussed in Parliament,
and 5000 men were voted **for next year's
fleet," which was to consLst of 46 ships. Of
these two were to be second rates, whilst the
third rates were to be nine in number. There
were to be 20 fourth rates, 10 fifth rates, and
five sixth rates, 26 of the whole fleet being
men-of-war, and 20 hired merchant ships ;
light ships were to cruise to the westward, 16
watching the estuary of the Severn and the
coast of Ireland meanwhile. The Downs, the
coasts of Scotland,and the northern shore of the
Emerald Isle were protected by three squadrons,
each consisting of eight ships. Three thousand
men were to be employed in BO men-of-war, and
the merchant ships for the next wintor guard-,
which was to lapt for five months, at a cost of
60,000/. Tbe expenditure for 5000 men during
the eight mouths summer guard of the year
1644 was estimated to amount to 130,000/. The
ordinary expense of the whole Navy in haibour
during the year 1644 was to be 18.000/. The
•um of 20,000/. was voted for ''extra-
ordinary and ordinary service in the office of the
Ordnance." The cost of victualling 4000 men
for six months in forty ships '* supposed to be
sent to sea as rep: isals, according to a late ordi-
nance," was to be 24,000/. The " payment of
ordinary for this year, the winter guard now
at sea, the freights of sundry merchant ships
already discharged, arrears, sundries, &c.,*'
amounted to 140,000/., and the whole vote for
naval expenditure for the year 1644 was
Lo.*d Clarendon was horrified to hear that
the Parliament had laid a weekly assessment of
10,000/. upon the City of London, and that their
weekl v revenue from the whole kingdom was no
less than 33.518/., or 1,742,936/. per annum.
He says that 20,000/. was the largest sum ever
raised by taxation in any previous year. What
would the worthy Chancellor think of the Bad-
get for the year of grace 1882 ?
An amusing description of the willingness of
the citizens of London to aid the Parliament
by their contributions is as follows : —
** And now, my Lord, sinoe yon have London left,
Where merchantB* vives dine cheap, and as cheap sup,
Where fools themselves have of their (ilate bereft^
And sigh and drink in the coarse pewter cnp ;
Where's not a silver spoon left, not that ^iven them
When the hrst Cockney was made Christian :
No, not a bodkin, pin-case ; all they send,
Or carry all, whatever they can hap on.
E'en to t.:e pretty picktooth. whose each end
Oft pnri^ed the relics of oontinnal capon.
Nothing must stay behind, nothing must tarty.
No, not the ring by which dear John took Harry."
— Penny Atagatine for 1S44,
Nor were the ladies more backward in behalf of
the cause, for in a satirical ball id, entitled
'' The Sale of RebeUion^s Household Stuff,*' the
following lots are, amongst others, offered for
sale: —
Captajm Swamley*s Prisonebs.
** Hera** the pnne of th«*piibUo fuih,
H«re*t thm moi«l of tbe MqVMtraiion,
Wbmn the good wiT«i.apon thetr ^wtd troti^
Jjent thimMee to reviire the uitioB.
Our old acqnaintanoe Captain Swanley, who
foraarly expected to bombard Soathamp-
ton, was in oommand of one of the ahipe sent
to the coast of Ireland.
A trooo had been made at Sigginatown, in
the Coanty Kildare, on Septeml^r 16th, 1643,
which allowed two regiments of infantry of
excellent quality, though numerically weak,
uder the command of Sir Charles Vavasour
and Sir John Pawlet, and a g.x>d troop of horse
under the command of Captain Bridges, to be
brought over from Munster to Bristol, to the
aid of Lord Hopton, wno, thus reinforced,
adwanoed to Salisbury, Winchester, Basing, and
FaJ^ham, as has been already described.
Speaking of this truce, the Rev. C. P
Meehan says : ** Every creek and harbour sud-
denly became infestea with the Parliamentary
craisers, so much so that it was diffi. ult to send
men or money out of Ireland. The orders
issned by the Parliament to their p irtisans on
the und were only equalled by the Algenne
ferocity of their cruis)is on th ; seas. Out of
150 men, who about this time sailed for Bristol,
and who were taken by one 8wanly, at sea, 70,
bcflidea two women, were thrown overboard,
because they were supposed to be Irish. Nor
did the Irish retaliate, for soon afterwards, fall-
ing in with a ship which had on board 50 Kirk
miniaters deputed to preach up and administer
the Covenant in Ulster, they contented them-
■elves with making them prisoners. This fatal
trace was the source of ail these miseries, and
the co^st, which hitherto had been so watchfully
guarded, was now swarmmg with rebel ships,
wlioae commanders showed no mercy to such as
had the misfortune to fall into their hands.'*
In addition to the troops from Ireland meu-
tioned above, Lord Hopton had also two regi-
ments of infantry under the command of Sir
John Berkeley, who had raised them in Devon-
■hire,80 that his whole force amounted to at least
SOOa foot, and about 1500 horse, with the ad-
vantage of a most .dvantageous base of opera-
tions at Winchester.
For some time the Cavaliers of Sussex and of
the adjacent districts of Hampshire had, accord-
ing to Clarendon, unfortunately, like their
fiends of the same party in other counties,
formed '^ so good an opinion of their own re-
putation and interest that they were able, upon
the assistance of few troops, to suppress their
neighbours who were of the other party, and
who, upon advantage of the power they were
possessed of, exercised their authority over them
with great rigour and insolence."
Accordingly no sooner had Lord Hontem
established himself at Winchester, the castle of
which had been re-fortified by Sir William,
afterwards Lord, Ogle, than he received confi-
dential messages from these fiiends to the King
with offers ** That if he would advance into
their country they would underta e, in a short
time, to make great levies of men for the recruit
of his army ; and likewise to possess themselvet
of such places as they should be well able to
defend, and ttiereby keep that part of the
country in the King's obedience.'*
Clarendon says that the county of Sussex was
one in which ^^ the King had hitherto had no
footing." The Bev. H. D. Gordon says, " This
evidently means no army or garrison, for the
majority of the Sussex gentry, with one or two
marked exceptions, at that time were staunch
Roy lists. T he most notable exception was at
Pet worth, whose owner, Algernon Percy, tenth
Earl of Northumbeiland, was one of the grei^
Parliamentarian leaders, second only to the Earl
of Essex, the Oenend. One Henry Percy, how-
ever, seems to have commanded the ordnance at
Gloucester for the King ('Match — The ordi-
nary rate is 30s. per cent. ; for locks and breets,
Is. a-peece ; for iron shot, 161b. (£) a tonne.
Asher Comper, before Gl mcester, t le 21st Aug.,
H. Percy, General of the Artillery.' — * State
Papers, Domestic,' 1643, No. 336), and afterwards
Oliver Whitby, the Royalist Rector of Petworth,
lay hid in a hollow tree for shelter, as Charles
II. did in Boscobel Oak. With the exception of
Petwoith Hou83 and the famous Mr. Yalden,of
Blackdown Hill, who entertained Cromwell, the
remaining poweis of West ISussex and the
neighbourhood of Hampshire were Royalists.
On the immediate frontier of Hampshire, the
seat of war. Sir William Ford, of Up Park, and
Sir Edward Ford, his son (knighted at Oxford
and made Sheriff of Sussex, and afterwards the
commander of Arundel), and Sir John Caryll,
his son at Harting Place, Parson Caryll, of
Harting, and the Coopers, of Ditcham, near
Petersfield, were the most active and darix^
Cavaliers. If, therefore, the King had *ao
The Sussex Cavaliers.
footing in Snssez/ it was not for want of
friends. Of course, on the seaboard the Parlia-
ment canse was supreme."
Sir Edward Ford was in command under Lord
Hopton of a regiment of horse, in which many
Sussex gentlemen had enrolled themselves.
These all urged Lord Hopton to send some troops
into Sussex, as Waller was not likely to advance
from Famham,so that they might the better be
able to raise men for the King's service. They
undertook also to secure Arundel Castle, which,
" standing near the sea, would yield great ad-
vantage to the King's service, and keep that
rich comer of the country at His Majesty's de-
votion." Lord Hopton finding that he could
not make any further impression upon the gar-
rison of Famham, and having certain informa-
tion that Sir William WaUer had gone to London
to be "feasted and lectured," thought it a fit-
ting opportunity to comply with the importuni-
ties of the Sussex Cavaliers, whose estates had,
since the preceding April, been entirely at the
mercy of certain Parliamentarian sequestra-
tors, one of whom was Colonel Herbert Morley,
who in the following year played no unim-
portant part during the siege of Basing House.
Lord Hopton paid a hurried visit to Oxford
during the month of December, 1643, probably
with a view of urging in person an advance
into Sussex, which he had already recommended
by frequent lettem. He was extremely anxious
to compel Sir William Waller to give battle,
and informed the King that the design was per-
fectly feasible "if he had the addition of a
regiment or two of foot, the quarter of Sussex
he proposed to visit being a fast and enclosed
countrv, and Arundel Castle having a garrison
in it, though not numerous or well provided, as
being without apprehension of an enemy."
The King had only intended during the
winter to stop Waller in the west, and to recruit
his own forces so as to take the field early in
the following spring, knowing that his enemies
meant to be stirring betimes. But Lord
Hopton 's strong position at Winchester and
the oft-repeated solicitations of the Sussex
Cavaliers made many persons think that the op-
portunity ought not to be lost.
The Cavaliers of Kent were anxious to strike
a blow for the Royal cause, and it was thought
that the union of Kent and Sussex might form
the ^ basis of a powerful association of the
gonthem counties on the King's behalf. Lord
Hopton accordingly received permission to
prosecute hii design, if at the same time he felt
sure of being able to check Waller's march
towards the west. Stout old Major-General
Sir Jacob Astley was sent towards Winchester
from Reading with 1000 disciplined troops,
drawn from the garrisons of Reading, Walling-
ford, and Oxford, Colonel Boles, of whom we
shall hear more hereafter, being in command of
the detachment from Wallingford.
Lord Hopton being thus reinforced, and find-
ing that Sir William Waller had concentrated
his army at Farnham under the protection of
the Castle, had betaken himself to London to
solicit reinforcements, determined to march at
once into Sussex. Just then h'^ received a most
unwelcome letter from Prince Rupert ordering
Colonel Gerrard's regiment to rejoin the Prince's
own force, from whi h it had recently been de-
tached. Mr. Warburton gives the reply of
Lord Hopton, which throws considerable light
upon the state of affairs at this critical juncture.
It is as follows : —
" May it please your Highness, — ^Your High-
ness's commands concerning Colonel Gerrard*s
regiment, as all other your command^, I shall
ever be most ready to obey. I shall only offer
to your Highness my present difBcuHy, which
is, that we being here, near the enomy, and our
horse decreasins; much, I am doubt "ul lest, in
sparing a good old regiment, I may f i ve the enemy
too great an advantage upon me in this champaign
country ; unless your Highness will please to do
me the favour to send me some other regiment
that hath hai rest, till this be recreated. The
truth is, the duty of the service here is insupport-
able, were it not in this cause, where there is so
great a necessity either of prevailing through
all difficulties, or suffering them to prevail,
which cannot be thought of in good English,
therefore, if your Highness resume the horse
regiment, I should be glad to give these some
ease as I could. — I rest in all humility and faith-
fulness, your Highness's most humbly devoted
servant, Ralph Hopton. — Alrosford, Dec. 1643.
For a full account of Colonel Gerrard and hit
gallant kinsmen, the reader is referred to p. 79
of the admirable and exhaustive work on ** The
Two Battles of Newbury," by W. Money, Esq.,
The time seemed propitious for an advance
into Sussex, into which county a party of
Cavaliers had already made a raid some few
Fight at South Habting.
weeks previonsly. The Scottish Dove, of
October :^7tb, 1643, says : — " The Oayaliera have
lately been at Pet worth (in Sussex), the Earle
of Morthamberland's houses from whence they
tooke twenty brave horse, and carried them to
From the Perfect Diumall, of Friday, Novem-
ber 23rd, 1 643, we learn that a portion of the
garrison of Basing House had also rein oroed
Lord Uopton, "and the common vote of the
people speak him to be 8000 horse and foot, but
very much unarmed. That they pr< ss hard
towards Kent, and some of them are got as far
as Pctworth, in Sussex.'*
The dct ichment which thus visited Petworth
for the second time was under the command of
Lord Crawford, who was, however, speedily
obliged to retire, and to take post at Alton.
On the night of Thursday, November 23rd,
1643, theie was a fight at South Harting, in
Sussex. The register of that pa.ish contains
the following entry, ^' There were 3 souldiers
buried. Novr. 24th, 1643." The Rev. H. D.
Gordon says, " Following this hint, and assum-
ing ftom the loyalty of the parish that the
* three souldiers' were King s men, I found, on
inquiry, that there was a vague local tradition
that there had been some fight under the Downs
in a field on the east side of Harting, named the
* Culvers,' adjoining Harting Vicarage, and that
Oliver had been in the town. Subsequent
search verified this entry of the register to an
hour, and the exact spot indicated by the old
nien's traditi n. These three soldiers were part
of the Royalist cavalry on their way to Arundel,
detached from Alton or Basing by Ludovic
Lindsay, 15th Earl of Crawford, who was
Ix)rd Hopton's chief cavalry officer.*'
'* The register dates the burial on Friday,
November 24th. On the previous night, Thurs-
day JS'ovember 23rd, there had been, as the 'Mer-
cnrius Aulicus ' or *Court Mercury ' of Sunday,
December 10th, p. 7 7,de8cribe8, a fight at South
Harting. It appears that the Royalist cavalry
entered the village first, very weary from a long
inarch, and took up their quarters. Some 400
of the much despised Parliamentarian dragoons,
under Colonel Norton, accidentaUy, it seems,
caught the King's men asleep in South Hart-
ing. But the six officers of the King's force
who were quartered at Sir John Caryll's house
near the church (Harting Place) were equal to
the occasion, and passing along a lane at the
back of the church, named Typpei-lane, they
cleverly pi iced themselves in the Oulverrs fitJdfl
between the hills and their enemy. Then, rily-
ing on the fact that none are so mui-h exposed
to panic as those who are trying to fiij; ten
others, they charged the enemy, giving the
signal * Follow, follow,' which in t e darkness
would give the impression to the Pariiamen-
tari ns that some Oi^ tie King's forces on the
way to Arundel had been signalled back, and
were coming down the hill liKe an av.ilan he.'*
The following is the text of the '' Mi rcuriui
Aulicus " of fcunday, Dec. 10th, 16-13 (HpoUing
modernised): — **This day I was certain ly in-
formed by an eye-witness of credit of one of
the noblest pieces of cowardice that over at-
tended a bad cause and conscience. It happened
on Thursday, the 23rd of November liibt,i,uat in
the dead of night about six score of the l!^ail of
Crawford's regiment came into a village in
Sussex, calltd South Harting, a pla e suffi-
ciently known by leason it is the c« u^tant seat
of the noble Knight and brave housekeeper Sir
John Caryll. They entered the village very far
spent with travel, want of sleep, and food, and
extremely weather beaten with a rainy, stormj
night. These their sufferings and indisposi-
tions caused them presently to qutrter them-
selves in the several houses of the t wn, only six
of the chief officers and a boy lay in the
Knight's house. Within less than an uour after,
when all of them were now taking their rest|
the famous Colonel Norton, of Hampshire,
enters the village, not knowing till he was in
the town that any of the King's soldiciswere
there, but having notice thereof and of the
assurance, by taking them utterly unpiovided
for defence, that he might safely show a brave
proof of his valour, he caused his men to rank
themselves ten and ten, and so to m ke good
every door and house of the town that none
might escape, which being done, t. e rel els cry
* Horse, horse,' in the street, which tiie King's
soldiers mistaking to be the call of th( ir own
commanders, offered in diveis places to come
forth, but were presently shot or kilhd, so that
seeing no possibility of bringing forth themselves
or their horses into the street, almost all of
them fled by backways on foot to s;ive them-
selve6,leaving the rebels outrageoubly domineer-
ing in the town, shooting into all houses and at
Sib William Waller Reinforced.
•II persons, and barbaronaly nnng such of the
King's men as their valour enableia to make any
" In this hurly-burly word was given to the
nx officers in the Knight's house how the town
and their soldiers were surprised by the rebels.
These six men^ with one boy, took horse, rushing
out by a back lane upon ttie 400 rebels, for so
have some of their own company since protested
to have been their number, and crying out
Follow, follow, follow,* as if they had already
chased them, charged in upon them with so
much fury and undaunted courage that they
routed them, and presently drove them, killing
and wounding them, quite through t' e town,
forcing them over hedges and ditches, killing as
many as the rebels had done of theirs, that is,
•ome half-a-dozen, taking two prisoners, one of
which being the trumpeter, wounding very
many, having but five or six of theirs, and but
one of these much wounded, the Earl of Craw-
ford's own comet, but not dangerously, and
brought off all their own arms and divers of the
rebels' horse, with all Captain Botsworth'a
.luit of arms (probably Bets worth of Milland).
*' The rebels having since been faithfully
acquainted with the truth of their beating, and
how that their 400 horse and dragooners were
so lamentably beaten and chased away by only
six men and a boy (but when they were in their
chase and flight here and there two or three
soldiers btept out of their places where they hid,
and lent some blows to their fellows), one of
the rebels swore solemnly in these true and re-
markable words, * By , we deserve all to be
chronicled for the veryest cowards that ever
lived I ' " Such was the fight at South Harting.
On Friday, December 1 st, we hear of liord
Hop ton's troops being at Andover and Win-
chester, and that Sir William Waller was
receiving reinforcements from Kent. Prince
Maurice was half inclined to raise the siege of
Plymouth, and to march to join Lord Hopton
at or near Basing House. On the afternoon of
Saturday, December 2nd, Sir William Waller
reached London from Famham, and had a con-
ference with the Earl of Essex at his house in
the Strand. He asked for and obtained rein-
forcements, and set out again for Farhham on
the following Monday morning. On Tuesday,
December 5th, Mr. Trenchard, the Chairman to
the Committee of Accounts, was directed to give
three days' pay *' to Colonel Pottley's men that
lie here in Middlesex, to carry them to Sir
William Waller." These troops were to be
sent at once under an officer appointed by Mr.
Trenchard. Colonel Pottley himself meanwhile
writes from Farnham that Hopton's forces had
beaten up one of their opponents' quarters, bat
had done but little harm. On Saturday, Dec.
9th, Mr. Trenchard was ordered to write to Sir
William Waller, requesting him to send officers
to take command of Colonel Pottley's men, each
of whom was to receive a fortnight's pay upon
arrival at Famham. Soldiers refusing to march
were ** to be proceeded against according to the
Law Martial," and Colonel Pottley was to be
ordered to cashier those captains of his regiment
that Mr. Trenchard had certified to be unworthy
of their command.
There was a report that the King had slept
at Basing House on the night of Sunday, Dec.
3rd, having brought with him 2000 horscbesides
foot, and that he had since returned to Beading,
taking with him much plate and treasure from
Basing House, intending to cut his way through
Waller's army,and to march into Kent. Another
statement was to the effect that the King had
sent for " plate and other ornaments for cere-
monies of State from Basing House to Beading,
where HisMajesty intends to keep hisChristmas,"
but the sole foundation for these reports seems
to have been that some of the Royal cooks came
to Basing House about this time with the
Prince's regiment. On Saturday, December
9th, a lieutenant of the Green Regiment of
Trained Bands, quartered at Farnham, says that
for some time past there had been alarms both
by night and aay, and that on Monday, Dec.
4th, he had been sent out in command of a
forlorn hope of 80 musketeers to face the
Cavaliers, who, "after some small firing and
some great gun shot, ran away." On Tuesda;^,
December 5th, a strong regiment joined Sir
William Waller at Farnham from Kent. This
reinforcement was the more welcome, as the
London Trained Bands were now eagerly
desirous to turn their faces homewards. On
Monday, December 4th, a letter from the Earl
of Essex was read in the House of Lords to
the effect that Sir William Waller reports the
King to be advancing towards Basin^r with all
his forces, whilst his own army is but weak, and
is in great want of recruits. The sum of 10002.
was at once voted for the relief of Sir William
Waller, who asserted that Lord Hopton's anny
Lord Hopton's March to Arundel.
was three times as nameTOOs as his own. There
were said to be 8000 men in arms for the Par-
liament in Kent, Sussex, and Surrey, who were
" not willing to have Sir John Culpepper made
Viceroy, nor Sir Edward Deering Bishop of
Canterbury.*' The only road for Cavaliers to-
wards Kent lay through Sussex, " which they
will at this season not be able to do."
Liord Hopton, however, meant to try what
could be done^ and taking advantage of an
exceptionally hard frost, made his way with
great ease over roads which were usually at that
season of the year almost impassable, *^ and he
came to Arundel before there was any imagina-
tion that he had that place in his prospect."
The Rev. H. D. Gordon says '• The cavalry
force of Hopton in this brilliant feat passed •
over the downs to Arundel, vik Petersfield,
Harting, and Marden, and in order to secure
the line of communication, Petersfield and
Harting Place were for the time garrisoned for
the King. Colonel Sir Edward Ford's own
regiment was quartered at Up Park throughout
December to guard the passes in the hills, which
were their chain of communication with Win-
chester and Oxford, and the possession of which
secured their retreat."
" The pleas of Sir William Ford, of Up Park,
and John Caryll,of Harting," at the close of the
war, are to be found amongs^ the Royalist
Compositions, and show clearly the positions
stated above. Caryll pleads *^ That your peti-
tioner being at his father's house, called Harting
in Sussex, which is in the midway direct from
Winchester to Arundel, and the King's forces
having made a garrison in the said house about
December, 164B, Sir Ralph Hopton coming
thither with part of his army, commanded your
Petitioner to. attend him to Arundel, where he
etained your petitioner until the Castle was
taken by Sir WiUiam Waller." Sir William
Ford, of Harting, Knight, complained that
" 2000 coards of wood had been cut down in
Harting Park (Up Park) for satisfaction of
wrongs done to ceiiaine countrey people there-
about by some parties of horse of Col. Ford, his
tonne's, regiment."
Whilst himself on the march to Arundel
Lord Hopton despatched a detachment of
cavalry to attack Lord Lumley*s house at Stan-
stead, in the parish of Stoughton, in Sussex,
*' which was then a ca8*«llated building, with a
tnrreted gateway and a courtyard. As one of
the possessions of the FitzAlans it had passed
in 1580 on the death of the last Earl of Arundel
of that name to Lord Lumley, the husband of
Jane, one of his co-heiresses. It had, however,
since his death been sold to Richard Lewknor."
The Royalists were repulsed with loss by Col.
Morley, or, as some say, by Colonel Stapley, or
by Colonel Norton, of Southwick Park, and
Endymion Porter's son, or brother (accounts
vary) was **8ore wounded and taken prisoner."
Lloyd's Memoirs says '^ Loyal blood like
Harvies' went round the Porters' from the
highest to the meanest, 26 of the name bavins
eminently suffered for His Majesty." Colond
Stapley is said to have faced the assailants with
his regiment of horse, and to have fired guns at
them, killing 250 men and capturing 300 horses
This account, however, lacks confirmation.
Colonel Norton, who was in command, during
the absence of the Earl of Pembroke, of the
cavalry raised in the four associated counties
of Hants, Surrey, Kent, and Sussex, seems to
have been posted at Cowdray House, the noble
mansion of Lord Montague, which was taken by
Lord Hopton, who placed a garrison in it, and
also in Lord Lumley's mansion at Stanstead,
which soon afterwards fell into his hands.
Colonels Norton and Stapley commanded at
Stanstead and Cowdray, but it is difficult to
state whioh of these two commands either of
them held.
Colonel Anthony Stapley, of Patcham, as we
are told by Mr. Blaauw, had in the preceding
September prepared the garrison of Chichester,
of which city he was the Governor, to march to
the assistance of Sir William Waller, who was
then in Dorsetshire. He was in 1640 and 1656
returned both for Lewes and the countv, and in
both instances,sat for the county. AltLough he
had married the sister of the Royalist Lord
Goring he was a zealous adherent of the Parlia-
ment, taking the Covenant on Feb. 5th, 1644.
He was one of the King's Judges, and signed
his death warrant. Clarendon ranks him " in
the number of the bladcest offenders." He
died in 1658.
Yarious preparations were made to check
Lord Hopton's advance, but to no purpose, and
a Parliamentarian officer, who is thought to
have been Colonel Edward Apsley, of Worminff •>
hurst, has left an interesting account of hu
adventures and capture at this period. It is too
long for insertion here, but is given in eseUmo
Arundel Castle Surrenders.
both by Mr. Blaanw and Mr. Hillier. Lord
Hoptoa reached Arundel on Wednesday,
Dec mber 6th. Clarendon tells us that the
position was naturally a strong one, and that
the BO .new hat antiquated fortifications were in
good repair, the moat being both broad and deep.
The garrison of fifty-five men, although not
•nffici?ntly numerous to hold out for any con-
8idera<)lj perL)d, was nsyerthaless strong enough
to r jp d any sudden assiult. But neither pro-
visions nor ammunition, though often demanded,
were abnndant within the walls, and Captain
Capcot had not expected so nnwelcome an
arrival. Accordingly, on Saturday, December
9th, 1643, being the third day after Lord
Hop ton's entry into Arundal, a threat of severity
in case of assault was sufficient to effect the
surrender of the castle. The besieging force
was estimated at fully 2000 men. On December
7th the Committee at Lewes informed Parlia-
ment that the town of Arundel had been taken,
and the castle besieged and in great danger,
" whereupon, on December 9th, John Baker, of
Mayfield, was appointed High Sheriff of
Sussex, and the four associated counties of Kent,
Sussex, Surrey, and Hamps'jire were ordered
to try to relieve Arundel Castle, *'to clear the
County of Sussex," and to secure that county,
consulting to that end with the Earl of North-
umberland, Lieut, of Sussex. Some of the Parlia-
mentarian garrison joined Lord Hopton, others
were made prisoners, and the townsmen of
Arundel, who favoured the Parliament, were
severely dealt with. Sir Edward Ford was
appointed Governor, with a garrison of above
200 men, provisions were collected, and the
B lodes ditch made, as well as an earthwork
connecting the Swanbourne Lake with the works
surrounding the Little Park. Lord Hopton, who
had also left a garrison at Cowdrav, and had
been c ;eckedby Colonel Herbert Money, at the
Bramber Bridge, near Lewes, was only able to
remain six days at Arundel Castle. The Com-
mittee of Sa ety wrote at once to the Earl of
Essex, urging him to assist Sir W. Waller
against the increasing Royalist forces in
Hampshire and Sussex, and a contemporary
Surnalist observes ** no doubt the rot was in
antshire as well as Sussex, for it came thence!"
Waller's journey to London had a successful
issue. He exaggerated the strength of Lord
Hopton^s army, and easily obtained aU neces-
sary supplies and reinforcements. The True
Informer of December 9th, 1643, has the follow-
ing : — " That renowned and unmatcheable en-
gineere, Collonol Wems. Lieutenant-G-enerall of
the Ordinance and Traine unto Sir William
Waller, according to the desire and appointment
of the House of Commons in Parliament, went
down from London on Tuesday ni:]^ht last,
December 5th, with waggons laden with leather
pieces of ordinance, and much other ammuni-
tion, and is bv this time at Famham with Sir
William Waller. Ther^ leather pieces are of
▼ery great uso, and very easie and light of c;ir-
riage. Ono horse may draw a poece, which will
carry a bullet of a pounde and half e weight,
and doe execution very farre. This is the said
Colonel's particular invention, and will be of very
greatservice untoSirWilliam s army , especially for
this winter season." These leather guns were
afterwards captured at Cropredy Bridge,
loided with case shot. '^8000 from Kent,
Sussex, and Surrey are in armes against the
Cavaliers.'* We shall meet some of these
Surrey and Sussex men before Bjising ere long.
The City of London was now requested to
allow *' the longer stay of their forces,'* 5(X) men
of the Windsor garrison were ordered to join Sir
William Waller, t.'ie Kentish Committee wrote
from Westerham to offer assistance, and Sussex
was required immediately to pay 1080^. 5s. 5d.,
and to raise 125 horse.
Numerous Cavaliers of rank had taken refuge
at Winchester, amongst whom we may mention
Bishop Curie and Dr. Peter Heylin. The latter
was Rector of Alresford, and had written a
"History of the Reformation.'* The Presby-
terians hated him for having arranged his
church according to the late injunctions. Chil-
lingw rth, the clever author of " The Relij^ion
of Protestants," accompanied Lord Hopton to
Arundel Castle, and was there left with the
office of what we should call Commanding Royal
The Parliamentarian regiments were re-
cruited by means of impressment, voluntary
enlistment, and also by allowing apprentices to
count their time of military service as if it had
been spent with their masters. But in this
emergency the White and Yellow, two of the
strongest regiments of the London Auxiliaries,
were on December 13th, 1643, by consent of
the City of London, which could re-call them
at pleasure, ordered to march with all speed to
Famham ; officers and men not marching out
Preparing for Action.
were to be fined and imprisoned. Sir William
Balfoar, with 1000 hone, was detached from
the army of the Earl of Essex and placed
under the command of Sir William Waller, who
at once repaired to Famham, and speedily asoev^
taining that Lord Hopton*s forces were qnar<
tered at too great distance from each other pi^
pared to strike a decisive blow.
Chapter XVI. — Colonel Norton's Victory at Bomsey — ^Lord Crawford asks for Sack —
Sir William Waller Attacks Alton — The Church Stormed—Disposal of Prisoners
— Waller's March to Arundel — ^Sieqe of Arundel Castle — Skirmish at Havant
— ^Warblington Castle — ^Arundel Castle Surrenders — Lord Crawford — Traces of
THE Conflict.
Sir William Waller now determined to attaek
Lord Hopton*8 scattered f oroes in two places at
once, ^* as beating up of quarters was his master
piece." Colonel Norton, the " Idle Dick" of
Cromwell, and now Governor of Southampton,
received orders which he was not slow to execute.
His old friend and comrade, Captain Francis St.
Barbe, of Broadlands, had been slain in the first
battle of Newbury, on the 20th of the preceding
September, but he had as his subordinates
Sergeant-Major (or Major) Murford, of whom
frequent mention has already been made, and
Captain Bowen. Major Murford's company was
130 strong, whilst that of Captain Bowen
mustered 96. Another account says Norton had
less than 220 men. An attack was planned
upon the town of Bomsey, which was then
garrisoned b^ Col. Bennet's regiment of horse,
variously estmiated to be both 1 30 and 200 strong,
and a regiment of foot conmianded by Colonel
Courtney, said to number 300, with a view of
keeping in check the Parliamentarian garrison,
which was ordered on Tuesday, November 29th,
1642, to be established at Southampton. Sir
Humphrey Bennet was, says Mr. Money, one
of the Bennets of Pythouse, Wilts. Colonel
Thomas Bennet was Prince Bupert's Secretary,
and the family were staunch adherents to the
Boyal cause. Sir Humphrey Bennet himself was
High Sheriff of Southampton, and commanded
a brigade of horse at the second battle of New-
bury, which was fought on Saturday, 26th
October, 1644. On this occasion his regiment
oonsisted of nine troops, almost full, but having
only two colours. We learn from a letter written
at Southampton, on December 13th, that Colonel
Norton*8 force left that town at three o*clock on
the morning of December 12th. The forlorn
hope was led by Lieutenant Terry, the first
division by Sergeant-Major Murford, the main
body by Colonel Norton, whilst Captain Bowen,
with his men divided into two parties, brought
up the rear. In this order they marched in
suence to Romsey, which was reached about an
hour after daybreak, whereupon the forlorn hope
was sent to force its way over a bridge into the
town. Major Murford, with some of his men,
"fell upon their strong traverse, which was pre-
sently quitted by their sentinels." He at once
followed up his success, fought his way into the
town, capturing the main guard, where-
upon the Cavaliers threw down their arms
and fled. Murford then entered several houses,
and secured various prisoners, one of whom was
" Captain Lieutenant Norton, brother to Colonel
Norton, and a far honester man than himself.'*
Seven Cavaliers were killed in the market-place,
two of whom were captains. "Murford hath
one of their commissions." Colonel Norton
then entered the town with the main body of his
forces, and the Cavaliers fled, most of them proba-
bly taking the direction of Winchester. The pri
soners, either 25 or 40 in number, included three
captains, two lieutenants, one corporal, and
several gentlemen. Nearly two hundred horses,
numerous arms, and the magazines were cap-
tured. Many muskets were broken by the
victors, who also threw several barrels of powder
into the river, and the triumphant Roundheads
returned unmolested to Southampton. On the
same night a party of thirty men sent from
Southampton to Romsey brought back some
Lord Gbawford Askb for "Sack."
plunder withont opposition, and on the follow-
ing day there was a solemn thanksgiving for
G^onel Norton's sncoess at Soathampton.
The news of this disaster was bat u sad
welcome to Lord Hopton, who returned to Win-
chester from Arundel on the evening of De-
camber 26th, but more doleful tidings still were
to follow. It will donbtless be remembered
that Lord Crawford had taken post at Alton.
Our old friend Lieutenant Archer says on Fri-
day, Deoember 1st, 1643, " towards the evening
intelligenoe came that the Lord Crawford was
come to Alton with a regiment of ho»e and
another of foot, and began to fortify that town
with all the speed he could, and that Sir Ralph
Hopton hid quartered many of his men at
Alresford and Petersfield, which was done in
policy to keep our forces from Winchester,
while their main body got into Sussex and
Kent, at which time they took Arundel Castle,
or within a day after." The infantrv regiment
here referred to was largely composed of Welsh-
men and Irishmen, and had been recently sent
from the garrison of Wallingford to reinforce
Lord Hopton. Clarendon says that it was about
500 strong, but the epitaph of its Colonel states
that it was not less than 1300. It was under the
command of Colonel John Bolle, second son of
Sir John Bolle, who died in 1606. He was an
ancestor of the present Warden of Winchester
College, to whom I am indebted for much
information concerning him. This gallant
soldier was a brother of Sir Charles Bolle, of
Louth Hall, in Lincolnshire, who on one occa-
sion concealed himself beneath the arch of a
bridge near the gaol at Louth, whilst the
enemy's troopers galloped unsuspectingly above
his head. He raised a regiment amongst his
tenants for the King, and gave the command of
it to his brother John.
Colonel John Bolle did great deeds at Edge-
hill and other places at the head of his regiment,
whose ranks, sadly thinned bv the ravages of
war and disease, seem to have been afterwards
filled with Welsh and Irish recruits.
On the evening of Saturday, Dec. 9th, most
of Waller's men were drawn up in Farnham
Park, and a party was that night sent towards
Alton, which beat up Lord Crawford's quarters,
and afterwards fell back upon Farnham. But
more stirring work was at hand.
An attack in force upon Alton having been
decided upon, Lieut. Archer says, " Tuesday,
Dec. 12th, most of our men went presently
into the town (Farnham) to refresh and prepare
themselves for the service, where, although they
before save their general consent, many of them
stayed oehind, and went not with their colours.
Nevertheless we advanced without them."
During the morning hours of this memorable
12th of December Lord Crawford had sent a
messenger to Farnham, asking Sir William
Waller to send him to Alton a runlet of sack,
promising to send a fat ox in exchange. " Our
worthy Sir WUliamsentin a loving compliment
to the Lord Crawford half a hogi2iead of sack,
who, mistrusting the matter and the messenger,
caused the messenger and divers others to taste
thereof, and then caused it to be carefully laid
by for his own drinking." Sir William Waller
demanded the promised ox, whereupon Lord
Crawford replied that he would bring it him-
self. Waller *^ fails not at nightfall to go in
search of his ox, and, instead of a beast, brought
away 565 prisoners." His men, 5000 in number,
mustered without beat of drum in the park at
Farnham, and commenced their march about
seven o'clock in the evening, going in the
direction of Basing House. But after advanc-
ing about two miles the cavalry halted for an
hour upon a heath between Crondall and Farn-
ham, and awaited the arrival of the inf antnr,
and thus reinforced continued their marda,
which was favoured by the hard frost, which at
this time lasted for six weeks without inter-
mission. Lieut. Elias Archer says : ^* But
having marched that way about two miles we
returned to the left." Another eye-witness
says that the whole force marched as if towards
Basing until one o'clock in the morning, and
then ** faced south towards Alton between the
hiUs." Lieut. Archer says that they '*in a
remote way between the wood and hills marched
beyond Alton, and about nine o'clock on Wed-
nesday morning, December 13th, came upon the
west side of the town, where we had both the
wind and hill to friend." Sir William Waller's
scouts were vigilant, so that his main force ar-
rived without attracting observation. **Mercurius
Anlicus" admits that the Cavalier scouts had con-
centrated their attention on the main road lead-
ing from Farnham to Alton, not expecting an
attack from any other quarter. Some of Sir
William's scouts were captured, but others
broaght information that Lord Crawford was
quartered in the town with between 300
Waxleb Attacks Alton.
and 500 hone, in addition to the infantry
regiment of Colonel John BoUe. Scarcely
had they made their report before Lord
Crawford and his troopers were both seen and
heard galloping at speed out of the town towards
Winchester, having promised their comrades
of the infantry that they would speedily return
with reinforcements. They quitted Alton on
the eastern side, but being unexpectedly headed
back by the Parliamentaiian horse, tbey galloped
back through t e town, and rode to the south-
ward direct for Winchebter. whilst in their rear,
now sabeiing one, now capturing another, rode
the pursuing mail-clad squadrons of Sir Arthur
Haslerig, known as ** Lobsters," from their
iron shells, and, says the stem Puritan
chronicler, ^* our Foot made the woods ring with
a shout." Three or four Cavaliers were slain
in the pursuit, which was followed for about
half a nule through narrow lanes, and about 30
horses and some prisoners were taken by Sir
Arthur*s men, who then returned and blocked
up all the entrances to the town, leaving Lord
Crawford and his men to make the best of their
way to Winchester.
Nor were the infantry idle meanwhile.
Lieut. Archer says, " Then Sir William's own
regiment of foot, Sir Arthur Haslerig*s five
companies, and five companies of Kentishmen
went on upon the north and north-west side,
and ffave the first onset by lining of hedges and
the like, but could not as yet come to any per-
fect execution, in respect that our London Regi-
ments were not come in sight of the enemy,
and therefore they bent all their force against
those three regiments, and lined divers houses
with musqueteers, especially one great brick
house near the church was full, out of which
windows they fired very fast, and might have
done great prejudice to those men, but that
when our train of artillery came towards the
foot of the hill they made certain shot, which
took place upon that house, and so forced them
to forsake it. In the meantime our London
regiments and four companies that belong to
Famham Castle came down the hill ;then the Red
Regiment aud the Green coats and the four com-
panies of FamhamCastle,set upona half moon and
a breast work, which the enemy had managed,
and from which they fired very hot and des-
perately till the Green Auxiliaries marched on
the other side of a little river into the town
with their colours flying, and being in the wind
of the enemy, fired a little thatched hooae,
and so blinded them that this regiment
marched forwards, and coming in part behind
the works, fired upon them, so that they were
forced to forsake the said half-moon and
breast work, which they had no sooner left
but presently the Green-coats and part of the
musqueteers of the Red, and our Yellow regi-
ment entered, while the rest of our regiment
matched into the town with their colours
flying.*' Another eye-witness, already referred
to, says that the infantry advanced as far as
the Market Place.
Lieutenant Archer continues : '* Now was the
enemy constrained to betake himself and all his
forces to the church, churchyard, and one great
work on the north side of the church, all
which they kept near upon two hours veiy
stoutly, and, having made scaffolds in the
church to fire out of the windows, fired very
thick from every place."
The other account says that the Cavaliers,
being all musketeers, retired to the works near
the church, ' ' where they had double trenches
and a half -moon." The church and a bam
close by were their ** chief est refuge ;" and
there was " a very hot fight near two hours by
reason of a malignant, who wUlingly fired his
own barn and other houses." The smoke caused
much annoyance to the assailants, who lost
about three men ** by reason of which smoke."
The battle word of the Cavalieis was
^^Charles," that of their opponents being *^ Truth
and Victory. "
The fight continued, says Lieutenant Archer,
'* till divers soldiers of our regiment and the
Red Regiment fired very thick upon the south-
east of the churchyard, and so iorced them to
forsake that part of the wall, leaving their
muskets standing upright, the muzzles whereof
appeared above the wall as if some of the men
had still lyn there in ambush, and our men
seeing nobody appear to use those muskets, con-
cluded that the men were gone and consulted
among themselves to enter two or three files of
musqueteei's, promising Richard Guy, one of
my captain sergeants, who was the first that
entered the churchyard, to follow him if he
would lead them. Whereupon he advanced, and
coming within the churchyard door, and seeing
most of the Cavaliers firing at our men from
the south and west part of the churchyard,
looked behind him for the men which promised
The Ghubch Stormed.
to follow him, and there wm only one mns-
qneteer with him.*'
''NeTertholess, he, flonriahing his sword, told
them if they would oome the churchyard waa
their own ; then Symon Hutchinson, one of
Lieutenant-Colonel Willouffhbie^a sergeants,
forced the mosqueteers, and brought them up
himself. Immediately upon this one of the
leigeanta of the Bed B^ment, whose name I
know not, and, therefore, cannot nominate him
as his worth deeeryes, brought in another diyi-
sioD of muaqueteers, who, together with those
which were there before, caused the enemies*
forces to betake themselves towards the church
for safeguard, but our men followed them so
dose with their halberts, swords, and musket
stocks that they drove them beyond the church
door, and slew about ten or twelve of them, and
forced the rest to a very distracted retreat.
Which, when the others saw who were in the
great work on the north side of the churchyard,
they left the work, and came, thinking to help
their fellows, and, coming in a disorderly
manner to the south-west corner of the church,
with their pikes in the rear (who furiously
charged on in as disorderly a manner as the rest
led them), their front was forced back upon
their own pikes, which hurt and wounded many
of the men, and brake the pikes in pieces. By
this time the churchyard was full of our men,
layiog about them stoutly with halberts, swords,
and musket-stocks, while some threw hand
granadoea in at the church windows, others
attemptinf^ to enter the church, being led on by
Sergeant-major Shambrooke, a man whose worth
and valour envy cannot stain, who in the
entrance zeceivea a shot in the thi^h, whereof
he is very ill." Major Shambrooke is elsewhere
said to hiaTe been wounded in the thigh in the
church, by the pistol of a prisoner, to whom he
had given quarter. '* Great hopes there is of his
qpeedy recovery.'* An entry having been forced
into the ohuroh, the exterior and interior of
which ntill bear many a bullet mark, Colonel
Bolle declared with an oath that he would '* run
his sword through the heart of him which first
called for quarter.'* Clarendon says that he
hoped to defend the church ** for so many hours
that relief might be sent to him, but he had not
time to barricade the doors ; so that the enemy
entered almost as soon, and after a short
leaiatanoe, in which many were killed,
the aoldien, overpowered, threw down their
arms, and asked quarter, which waa
likewise offered to the Colonel, who re-
fused it, and valiantly defended himself, tiU,
with the death of two or three of the assailants,
he was killed in the place, lus enemies giving
him a testimony of great courage and resolu-
tion." According to a familv tradition the
Colonel was shot in the pulpit, but, according to
'*Mercurius Aulicus," he was knocked on the
head with the butt end of a musket. The
Weekly Account of Dec. 2uth, 1643, says, *'Iam
certainly informed there were not above fifteen
pieces found in the pocket of Colonel Bolles,
who, until he fell himself, did bravely encourage
and lead on his soldiers.**
This gallant soldier*s epitaph is inscribed on
two brasses, one of which is afi&xed to a pillar
near Bishop Morley's monument in Winchester
Cathedral, and the other is in Alton Church.
It states that the strength of his regimeat was
1300, and that he took refuge in Alton Church
with about 80 of his men ; that the fight lasted
six or seven hours, and that Colonel Bolles
killed six or seven of his assailants before he
was slain, together with sixty of his men. The
author of this epitaph, who claimed kinship
to the gallant Colonel, erroneoasly stated the
date of Alton Fight as 1641, instead of 1643,
and it has been justly remarked ** As no hero
was ever perhaps more deserving of an honour-
able commendation to posterity, so never per-
haps was there an epitaph more devoid of
grammar and orthography than that which is
here erected to his memory.'* It thus concludes :
*^HiB Gratious Soueraigne, hearing of his
death, gave him his high Commendation in ys
pationate expression : —
Bring me a Moorning Scarffe, I have Lost one
of the best
Commanders in this Kingdome.
Alton will tell you of that famous Fight
Which ys man made, and bade this World good
His Vertious Life fear'd not Mortality,
His Body must, his Yertues cannot die.
Because his Blond was there so nobly spent,
This is his Tom be ; that Church his Monument.
Bicardus Boles, Wiltoniensis in Art. Mag.
Composnit Posuitque Dolens.
An. Dmi. ItidS.**
According to Lieutenant Archer, " He
shun, they generally yielded and deured quarter,
Killed, Wounded and Prisoners.
except some desperate villains wMch refused
quarter, who were slain in the church, and some
others of them wounded, who afterwards were
erantcd quarter upon their request.*' The
Lieutenant says that Waller's loss was "not
above eight or nine at the most, besides what
were wounded, and I conceive their loss of men
to be about firty or sixty, most of which were
slain in the church and churchyard after we had
enteied.*' Other accounts say that the
Cavaliers had 40 or 100 killed, and that Waller
lost only five killed, five or fifteen wounded,
" and about six scorched with powder bv reason
of their own negligence." -* Mercuiius Aulicus'*
says that '* 27 of the King's men fell at Alton,
and that only 3 were made prisoners, whilst
Waller had 200 men killed in the church and
churchyard I"
Master Elias Archer says that when all re-
sistance was at an end the prisoners who had
been taken in and about the church were placed
in a large bam " which joyned to the church-
yard, and after the church was cleared of our
men, they were all put into the church, and the
rest which were taken in several houses in the
town were put to them, and there they were
coupled together and brought to Famham, the
number of them being 875, amongst whom were
about fifty commanders besides hoi semen,which
were taken in pursuit of the Lord Crawford,
who ran away from the town as soon as we gave
the first assault upon their works." Archer
thinks that Waller's cavalry ^* made our number
of prisoners near 1100, many of those prisoners
being men of considerable respect in the King's
army." Another account says that there were
700 prisoners taken in the church, nearly 100 in
the barn, near the churchyard, and more than 100
in the field with, " divers Irish men and women,"
and significantly adds that ^^here was greatwrath
against the Irish." Another writer gives the
number of piisoners as 760. From 100 to 200
horses were captured, and 1000 arms, most of
which were given to certain auxiliaries from
Kent, who soon afterwards joined Sir William
Waller, armed only with clubs. Amongst the
prisoners were one Colonel, one Lieut. -Colonel,
one Major, and 13 Captains. Three comets
were taken, one having upon it the letters
" C. P." and the Prince of Wales's arms, another
with the arms of the Earl of StraflFord, together
** with divers other colours hid in the church."
Waller at once employed the inhabitants of
Alton to "slight," or demolish the fortifications
which had been constructed in and about the
town by the Cavaliers. The prisoners were
fastened together in couples with match, " and
are now in Famham Church and Castle, where
they may hear better doctrine than they have
heard at Oxford or amongst the Irish rebels."
Some of Waller*s west countrv recruits are
said to have fought up to their knees in dirt.
"The Weekly Account says, with reference to the
Cavaliers, "I cannot learn of any store of money
they had," but another writer asserts that the
victors took much spoil " insomuch that divers
of our soldiers strutted along with their hands
full of gold and silver, saying " Look here, bovs,
when was it thus with me before !" They also
made prize of good arms and clothes.
Lord Crawford left his hat and cloak behind
him at Alton, and owed his escape to the speed
of his horse. It will be remembered that he
had on the previous day received with due
tasting precautions a present of some wine from
Sir William Waller. This he also left behind
him in his flight, and it was ever afterwards re-
membered against him that he " left his sack at
Alton. By reason of this unexpected company
he was struck with a panic fear, and left the
wine without a compliment for Sir William
Waller's own drinking, who was the right owner
thereof, whose soldiers wanted no tasters of the
same I"
The following characteristic letters from
Hopton and Crawford were read in the House
of Commons on Monday, December 18th, to-
gether with a letter from Sir William WaUer,
whose first messenger, announcing his victory,
had reached London on December 13th : —
" To Sir W. Waller. — Sir, — ^I hope your gain-
ing of Alton cost you dear. It was ^our lot to
dnnke of your own sack, which I never intended
to have left for you. I pray you favour me so
much as to send me my owne chirnrgion, and
upon my honour I will send you a person suit-
able to his exchange. Sir, your servant,
Craford **
" To Sir W. Waller.— Sir,— This is the first
evident ill successe I have had. I must acknow-
ledge that I have lost many brave and gallant
men. I desire you, if Colonell Bolles be alive,
to propound a fit exchange ; if dead, that you
will send me his corps. I pray vou sonde me a
list of such prisoners as you have, that sobh
choice men as they are may not continue long
Disposal of Prisoners.
unredeemed. God give a sadden stop to this
inae of English blood, which is the desire, Sir,
of jour faithf all friend to serve yoa,
Winton, 16th Dec Ralph Hopton.*'
Clarendon adds — **The Lord Hopton sns-
tained the loss of that regiment with extra-
ordinary tronble of mind, and as a woand that
would bleed inward; and therefore was the
more inflamed with desire of a battle with
Waller to make even all accounts.*' A little
more patience, my Lord Hopton, and yoar wish
shall be folly gratified.
It was noticed that Alton was taken at the
▼ery time when the Cavaliers at Oxford were
making ** bon-fyers with much triumph'* for
the death of Pym.
On Friday, December 15th, Sir Arthur Hasle-
rig and Sir Gilbert Crerard were ordered by the
House of Commons " to prepare a letter to be
written to Sir William W<dler to acknowledge
the great service he has done, and how it has
cdeaaed God to bless it with good success." The
Mouse thanked the officers and commanders, in-
dnding those belonging to the city, for their
▼alour and good service, and wished '* to en-
courage them in the perseverance."
One thousand horse-shoes and eight thousand
nails were ordered to be issued from store on
payment to Sir William Waller. Cavalry shoe-
ing smiths now use only six nails per shoe,
whilst civilian smiths still use eight. Three
hundred muskets, bastard muskets, and calivers
(the caliver was a lighter kind of musket), three
hundred swords, one thousand clubs, fifty
barrels of powder, and four tons of match, the
two last items being drawn from the Navy
stores, were to be sent to Waller's army, and 20v>/
was to be spent on arms and saddles for Capt
Savile's troop. About 40 prisoners were taken by
Waller during the week following the Alton fight,
and were secured with their comrades in Farn-
ham Church and Ca&tle. On the third day they
were offered freedom on condition of taking the
GoTenant and engaging to serve the Parliament.
A number of them, variously stated as being
300, 500, and 600, accepted these terms, took the
Covenant in the chancel of Farnham Church,
and during the following week proved the
groundlessness of the doubts which were freely
expressed as to their fidelity by a fierce assault
upon their former comrades at Arundel. About
&00 others, many of whom were Irishmen, re-
fused these offered terms, and were detained in
On Monday, December 18th, the Committee
of Safety was directed to dispose of the
prisoners taken at Alton, ** and if any be Irish
rebels, to consider what is fit to be done with
them." The Committee for Prisoners was to
decide about those who were not exchanged or
who refused to take the Covenant. The London
trained bands now marched homewaids, and the
prisoners, tied together with match, were brought
up to town, some being consigned to the custody
of each regiment.
On Tuesday, December 19th, the trained
bands, with their captives, halted at Hammer-
smith, and on the following day 37 officers, 330
soldiers, and four servants to the principal
officers were marched under a strong guard to
the Royal Exchange. Ten principal officers and
forty others were committed to Lord Petre's
house, in Aldersgate-street, 20 were sent to the
Gatehouse, 5U to the Marshalsea, 50 to Win-
chester House, 50 to Lambeth House, 5 > to the
Fleet, 40 to Bridewell, 40 to Maiden Lane, 30
to London House, 20 to Ely House. Ttiirty-
two others were lying sick and wounded at
Farnham and Alton, and were said to be well
cared for. On the same day the House of
Commons voted that a sum of 26/.. realised by
the sale of some raw hides which had been
seized on their way to the Mayor of Beading,
should be paid ** to a lieutenant in Sir Arthur
Haselrigge's regiment that hath lost a leg in the
service at Alton."
Lady Butler, a well-known courtesan, who
often appeared in public clad in male attire, on
hearing that her paramour. Sir Giles Porter,
had been wounded at Alton, shot herself with a
pistol. The chronicler adds, '* Qualis vita, finis
ita. As was her life, so was her end !"
Thus did Lord Crawford " leave his sack at
Alton I"
There must have been sad hearts at Basing
when news arrived of the disaster at Alton, in
the immediate neighbourhood. Bat misfoi tunes
never come singly, and a more grievous blow
was ere long to be given to the Boyal cause.
On Friday, December 15th, the newspapers in
London stated that the King had marched from
Oxford to Beading, and that the Prince's own
regiment, which had lost a cornet at Alton, had
brought from Basing much money ** in trunks
iron chests, boxes, and the like,'* much plate
Requisitioning Supplies.
Iiavin^^ been there deposited in safe keeping
together with " crucifixes, candlesticks, jewels,
ana Popish trinkets," a large proportion of
which was promptly sent to the Mint established
in loyal Oxford dnring these troublous years.
The Committee of Safety had meanwhile
been ur&rinof the Earl of Essex to come nearer
to Sir William Waller, or at any rate to send
him some infantry, " or otherwise he will not be
able to prosecute this advantac^e which he has
now gotten, for the Kinsf*s forces increase in
Hampshire and Sussex, and divers new regiments
are raising there, which would be very pre-
judicial to the public,unless presently prevented/'
and a news writer observes ^*No doubt the rot
was in Hantshire as well as in Sussex, for it came
thence." The Earl of Essex grumbled on
December 14th, and four days later the Com-
mittee of Safety informed him that Prince
Rupert was marching to join Lord Hopton, with
a view to forcing Waller to an engagement with
6000 horse and foot, desiring him to advance to
Windsor, or to go to the assistance of Sir
William Waller. Another account says that
Rupert was marching southwards from North-
amptonshire, and had with him ten guns, in
adoition to his cavalry and infantry.
This order of the Committee was confirmed
by the Parliament on December 20th, Sir
William Waller having gone towards Arundel,
leaving a garrison at Farnham, " and that Sir
Ralph Hopton, as the Houses are informed,
hath drawn all the forces he can make towards
On Monday, December 18th, also, measures
were taken to reinforce Waller, as the King was
drawing all his forces towards him. 500/. was
ordered to be spent *' for the better enabling and
encouraging dOO men to march to Waller from
Windsor," 600 men of the city regiments being
tent to supply their place.
On December 20tn the answer of the Earl of
Essex was read in Parliament. It was to the
effect that he considered Sir WiUiam Waller to
be in no great danger, since he had such a strong
base of operations as Farnham, which had lately
been regularly fortified, and *^ that the enemy,
especially at this season of the y^ar, will not be
able to do him any harm ;" that he was, never-
theless, sending to Sir William Waller Colonel
Behre with nearly 600 horse, ** and so well com-
manded" that they will easily be able to face
1000 OavaHers. This letter was written at St.
Albans on December 18th, 1643. Sir William
Waller was, however, perfectly capable of secur-
ing his own safety, and of this he speedily
gave proof.
On December 2nth the sum of 300/. was
ordered to be spent in purchasing arms and war-
like stores for the Parliamentarian garrison at
Southampton, and Ludlow records in hiB
Memoirs that lust before the commencement of
the siege of Wardour Castle, of which he was
the Governor, he went to Southampton to buy
all the ammunition which Colonel Norton oould
spars. On Satnrday, December 23rd, 1643, the
Q-ovemor of Poole received permission to com-
pound with the prisoners whom he had taken at
Dorchester, "and also with Mr. Wyatt, that
endeavoured to betray Poole." The money
thus realised was to be expended upon the de-
fences of Poole.
" Mercurius Aulicos" of December 25th has
preserved the following warrant sent to the
tenants of the Marquis of Winchester by
Col. Jones, the Governor of Farnham Castle : —
" These are to give you notice, in regard yon
have made such a return to my warrant, issued
out to the High Constable or your Hundred,
that except you send into Farnham Castle, by
Monday next, without further delay, the several
proportions of wheat, malt, barley, and other
things assessed and charged upon yon, accord-
ing to the said warrant, you are to expect the
same penalty with which the Marquesse of
Winchester threatens you, there being more
reason that you should serve a Protestant before
a Papist. Given under my hand at Farnham
Castle, the 8 day of Novemb., 1643.
Samuel Jones, Collon.
To the Tythingman of Sherfield."
On which the journalist satirically remarks,
"Yes, Master Jones, wee'l call you Master
Colonel when you know how to spell the word;
it is most reasonable such a personage as your-
self should be served before the Lord Marquesse
of Winchester, especially of such as are hit
Lordship's tenants." The women of England
found that the long duration of the war had a
very depressing effect upon the matrimonial
market, and in the Harleian Miscellany are three
witty but coarsely worded petitions purporting
to emanate from the maidens, wives, and widow?
of the kingdom, urging on the Parliament the
desirability of a permanent and lasting peace.
The maidens one and aU express their eager-
A Touching Letter.
to marry at onoe, if only the men would
return f ron tbe wars ; the wires deplore the
absence of their husbands ; and the widows
unanimonslyexpress their determination to marry
at the least onoe more, as soon as the war is
over. As it is now, so was it then. But one
soldier's wife, Susan Rodway by name, lonely
at horns, with a sick child to care for, wrote a
letter to her husband, which is here transcribed,
with the original spelling, as some readers may
like to see how soldiers' wives wrote two cen-
tari'^8 ago : —
"Most deare and loving husbane, my king love
— ^I remember unto yon, hoping that you are in
good helth, as I ame at the writting heareof .
My little Willie have bene sicke this forknight.
I pray you to come whome if e youe cane cum
saMy. I doo marfuU that I cannot heere from
vou ass well other nayberes do. I do desiere to
heere from you as soone as youe cane. I pray
yone to send me word when youe doo thenke
youe ahalt returne. You doe not consider I
ame a lone woemane; I thought you woald
never have leave me thuse long togeder, so I
rest evere pra3ring for your savese returne,
Your loving wife,
Susan Rodway,
Ever praying for you tell deth I depart.
To my very loving husbane, Robert Rodway,
a traine aoudare in the Red Reggiment, under
the command of Captaine Warrin. Deliver
thia with spide, I pray youe."
Alas I poor Susan I Your letter, duly en-
trusted to ^' Robert Lewiuffton, the Hampshire
carrier," was intercepted by a lieutenant of
Lord Hopton's army, and never reached your
buflband's hands. Forwarded to Oxford, it, after
aome weeks' delay, was published for the infor-
mation of the whole kingdom in the columns of
^ Mercurius Aulicns." And it is much to be
feared that there was an ominous reason for
your husband's long silence, for Captain Warren
led OB his men as a forlorn hoper during one of
the fiercest assaults at Basing House, in Nov.,
1643, and your dearly loved Robert may even
then have been sleeping in a soldier's grave
beneath the stately ramparts of " Loyalty
House." We may wonder too what was the
fate of '* Little Willie," who ^' have beene sicke
this forknight," about whom his mother is so
anxious 1 But a truce to moralising.
Sir Edward Ford had been left by Lord Hop-
ton in command at Arundel Castle, and had
under him more than 200 men and '^ many good
officers, who desired or were very willing to
stay there, as a place very favourable for the
levies of men which they all intended, and it
may be that the more remained there out of the
weariness and fatigue of their late marches, and
that they might spend the rest of the winter with
better accommodation." So says Clarendon,
and continues : ^^ The Governor was a man of
honesty and courage, but unacquainted with
that anair, having no other experience in war
than what he had learned since these troubles.
The officers were many without command ;
many whereof were of natures not easy to be
governed, nor like to conform themselves to such
strict rules as the condition of the place required,
or to use that industry as the exigence they were
like to be in made necessary." Amongst them
was '^Colonel Bamford, an Irishman, though
he called himself Bamfield ; who, being a
man of wit and parts, applied all his faculties
to improve the faction, to which thev were all
naturally inclined, n^ith a hope to make himself
Governor." Lord Hopton also left in the
castle the Rev. Dr. William Chillingworth, a
native of Oxford, and a Fellow of Trinity
College in that University. He was a very dis-
tinguished controversialist, and was the author
of the well-known " Safe Way to Salvation, or
the Religion of Protestants." Dr. Calamy,
quoted in " Dalla way's Arundel," says : ^* In the
beginning of the war he was with the Earl of
Essex, and when with him in Cornwall, he
showed himself a person of great strength and
undaunted courage. His commands were as
readily obeved by any colonel in that army as
the General's own. He invented at the siege of
Gloucester engines after the manner of the
Roman ^testudines cum pluteis,' which ran
upon cart wheels, with a blind or planks mus-
ket proof, and holes for four musketeers to play
out of, placed upon the axletree, and carrving a
bridffe before it. The wheels were to fall into
the ditch, and the bridge to rest upon the town's
breastwork, so making several complete bridges
to enter the city." At Arundel Castle he &d
under his charge two small guns, called
*^ murderers," the only ones mounted on
the works. **Some say that he was actively
engaged during the siege in constructing
machines after the Roman method, and that the
vexation arising from their failure greatly
hastened his death. He was a good logician.
Waller's Mabch to Arundel.
and used his logic to some purpose in theology ;
but he left out an important consideration in his
military elenchus when he forgot that the
Romans did not employ " villainous saltpetre"
in their sieges." Lord Hopton laid in a good
store of provisions, and left these orders with
th ) garrison, ** In the first place, setting all
other things aside, to draw in store of provisions
of all kinds, both for the numbers they were
already and for such as would probably in a
short time be added to them ; all which from
the great plenty that country then abounded
with was very easy to have been done." But
Sir William Waller " found that garrison as un-
provided as he could wish. For instead of in-
creasing the magazine of victual by supplies
from the country, they hid spent much of that
store which the Lord Hopton hid provided."
Sir William Waller having determined to
attempt the recovery of Arundel Castle, the
City of London was requested ** to allow the
longer stay of their forces ;" five hundred men
of the Windsor ffarrison were, as we have seen,
ordered to join him ; the Kentish Committee
wrote from Westerham to offer assistance, and
Sussex was required to pay immediately
1080/. 5s. 5d., and to raise 125 horse.
And now, as Mr. Gordon tells us, Sir William
Waller marched in pursuit of the hitherto
victorious Cavaliers, with a larger army than had
entered Sussex since the battles of Senlac and
Lewes. From his own letter we learn that he
marched from Famham on Sunday, December
17th, 1643. and a letter from one of his officers,
preserved by Mr. Gordon, which originally
appeared in the "Mercurius Civicus"of Dec.
21st, of that year, states that the hour of de-
parture was " about two of the clock in the
afternoon, marching towards Hazleworth
(Waller himself says Haslemere), our noble
general seeming to go another way, to amaze
the Papists and malignants, and the better to
prevent intelligence, and abont midnight came
with his whole army to the said town, where the
rendezvous was that night. Monday sunrising,
his honour wheeled about towards Medhurst,
where my Lord Mountacute*s (Montague) house
is (Cowdray), which said lord is a known and
prof est Papist." Sir William Waller, writing
from Arundel, on Friday, Dec. 22nd, said that
the garrison of Cowdray consisted of four troops
of Cavalier horse and 100 infantry. " I deter-
mined to give them the good night." Accord-
^^U^Ji ^'^o regiments of cavalry were sent to
blocK up the various roads in the neighboorhood,
" but they were too nimble for me, and escaped
hither, where I overtook them on Tnesdaj
night." The officer continues, ** The house is
now possest by the Parliament forces,
where we staid that night, and furnished
the said castle, for indeed it may well
be called so in regard of the strength
thereof, with all necessaries for defence to awe
the Papists and malignants, wherewith the said
town IS much infested and infected. Tuesday
morning we marched from Medhurst, sending
out a party of horse to Petwoxth, having
thought to surprise the enemy there, but they
fled before our success, Hoptoqi and the great
ones to Winchester, and the rest to Arundel
with bag and baggage ; all that night we lay on
a heath, within a mile of Arundel." The Par-
liament ordered the goods plundered at Cowdray
to be brought to London and " sold to the best
value." Other contemporary accounts say that
Lord Hopton evacuated Petersfield and Aires-
ford in great haste, leaving many arms behind
him at the former place. Having concentrated
his forces at Wincnester, he was " entrenching
apace," 1000 men being daily employed as a
fatigue party. Forced labour was also exacted
from the country people, and Lord Hopton was
summoning all men between the ages of sixteen
and sixty to join his standard. Five or six who
refused to take service under him were hanged
at Salisbury, as were also certain others in
various places.
Mr. Gordon says, ^* The march of the main
body of Sir William Waller's army over Black-
down Hill must have been an imposing sight, as
it passed the friendly mansion of the Yaldens,
and it is strange that no local records or tradi-
tions remain concerning it. Probably some de-
tachments went south, and leapt upon the
Sussex Weald bv the bowery slopes of HoUy-
oombe and Milland. Medhurst (t.6., Midhnrst,
still so called by our peasants, who never say
Mtcfhurst) found itself the centre of a fiood of
men on that Monday night, and Cowdray Park
must have been full. Would that some of the
old trees now standing could tell us of the camp
fires that they saw that December night."
Meanwhile it was reported in London that
Colonel Norton had surprise and taken 200
Cavalier horse, who were quartered at Twyford,
about three miles from Winchester. Sir William
Arundel -Castle Besieged.
Courtney, of Brambridge, a Cavalier, afterwards
paid a fine of 252. Ss. Id. as a composition for
his estate. Colonel Norton was the son in-law
of Sir Walter Erie, a stannch adherent of the
Parliament, and, according to Mercnrins Aulicns,
of Wednesday, August 16th, 1643, his mother
was as devoted as himself to the Puritan cause.
^* Mercnrins" is, as usual, uncomplimentary, but
jonmalistic satire is by no means of modern
origin: —
**It was also signified from thence (Ports-
month) that the Lady Norton, mother to that
most noble Colonel who hath done such wonders
of late days, and governess for the present of
the town of Portsmouth, for the Committee
dare do nothing without her advice, was very
bnsily employed in making some new works
about Portsey Bridge ; and was not only every
day in person amongst the workmen, whom she
encouraged much bv her presence, but brought
with her also with her every day 30 or 40 maids
and women in a cart (they may live to be so
ooadied hereafter) to dig and labour in the
trenches. To the great honour of her sex, of
her person more, who in a short time will grow
as able to command-in-chief as the good Lady
Waller to possess the pulpit. It was further
signified from thence that the Committee by
her direction had caused a dungeon to be made
(here as dark as hell, that if the liberty of the
snbject should be laid up there nobody should
have hope to find it, intended for such male-
factors, as it now appears, who either do refuse
to take the new oath or to pay their taxes, or
otherwise shall show any good affections to his
sacred Majesty."
On Wednesday, December 20th, 1643, the 17
days' siege of Arundel Castle commenced. Mr.
Blaanw, Mr. Hillier, Mr. Dallawa^, Mr. Cordon,
and others have treated this subject with much
care, and it is only necessary here to rapidly
sketch the course of events, with dne gratitude
to those who have thus facilitated our tisk.
From a letter written by Daniel Border, from
Arandel, on January 9th, 1644, " to a gentleman
dwelling in Mugwell-street," it appears that Sir
WOliam Waller's chief engineer was captured by
the garrison. From the account given by ** Mer-
eorins Aulicus," it seems that Waller must have
despatched a reconnoitring party to Arundel, on
Tuesday, December 19th, in advance of his army.
** Just as Sir William Waller approached Arundel
Castle the Governor had taken in more ammuni-
tion and match from Weymouth, who, going up
to the castle, caused a house to be fired.
Instantly there came staring four or five rebel
commanders, and were seized by the garrison
soldiers, who being asked why they came hither,
answered that Sir William Waller bade them
fall on where they saw fire. Soon after this a
bam was fired, and eight more were taken in the
same manner ; one of them they call * the devil
with one leg,' a famous engineer, but he was too
busy with the fire."
At early dawn on the morning of Wednesday,
December 20th, Sir William Waller surveyed
the enemy's position, and says that he speedily
found a place ^^ to flank their line with our
ordnance. We fell on upon the north side of
the works, which we did so scour a weedy hiU
in the park on the west side of the pond with
our pieces, that we made it too hot for them."
Another account says that an attack on the
north-west and south-west of Arundel com-
menced at eight o'clock in the morning. The
encouraged assailants at once stormed a verv
strong new retrenchment, probably constructed
by Lord Hopton ^^ from the town gate down to
the aforesaid pond by the mill." Another
division simultaneously ** forced a very strong
double work in a narrow passage by the milL"
The outworks, together with some 80 prisoners,
were taken after about half an hour's fighting,
and about ten o'clock the Cavalier horse made
^* a brave sally," but were repulsed. The storm-
ing party '* beat them into the castle, and
entered the first gate with them; the second
they made good and barricaded, and there they
are welcome." A forlorn hope was then ordered
to scour the streets, and captured a captain, a
lieutenant, and several other prisoners. Certain
townsmen having taken refuge in the Church of
St. Nicholas, preparations were made to smoke
them out, whereupon they speedily surrendered
at discretion. The struggle had been severe
though brief, and the beleaguered garrison, which
Waller knew to be in great want of supplies,
kept up a brisk fire of musketry from the castle,
but were not able to command any considerable
portion of the town. Only three or four men
are said to have been killed whildt entering
the town, but one man was wounded in the
thigh upon the bridge, and Captain Butler re-
ceived a shot in the holster as he rode over.
The number of wounded was not large, but in-
cluded Lieut.-Colonel Burcher, wounded in the
The Siege Continues.
Btomach. He, however, speedily recovered.
Lieat.-Colonel BaniBay, who was one of the first
to enter the town, *' whilst casting his eye to-
wards the castle, was unfortunately slain with a
musket bullet from thence ; he was interred on
the following Saturday, six trumpeters going
before the corpse with a mournful sound, his
sergeant-major, to whom his place fell, follow-
ing, and then all the officers of his regiment."
The besieged hoisted a red flag of defiance, for,
says Whitelock, " The Earl or Essex's colours
were a deep yellow ; others setting up another
colour were held malignants, and ul-affecte4 to
the Parliament's cause. So small a thing is
taken notice of in the jealousies of war I"
The prisoners taken at Alton, and who had
joined Sir William Waller here, proved their
fidelity by a vigorous attack upon their former
comrades, and great praise was bestowed upon
the blue-coats, who ran up the enemy's works,
and beat them off with the butt-ends of their
muskets. One of Widler's men, actuated either
by anger or treachery, tried to shoot him, but
his musket missed fire, and the would-be assas-
sin was hanged without delay. Sir William
Waller says, " I am very weak in foot, and my
horse so hacknied out that they are ready to
lie down under us. I expect Colonel Bayne
here this day, and Colonel Morley." The first-
named officer was, it will be remembered,
bringing up the cavalry reinforcement, 600
atrong, sent to Waller by the Earl of Essex.
That night most of Waller's infantrv were
quartered in the town of Arundel, whilst a
regiment of cavalry was on the alert to check
any attempt to relieve the castle.
On Thursday, December 21st, Colonel Morley
arrived with his regiment, and some of the
adherents of the Parliament in the neighbour-
hood, hearing of scarcity in Waller's army, sent
in as a present six loads of provisions, an ex-
ample wnioh was speedily followed by others.
The besieged ref us^ either to give or to take
qaarter, and the long frost, which had aided the
operations alike of Hopton and of Waller, at
last ended in a thaw. Jacob Travers, writing
from the army, says that the weather was cold
and the nights long, and that the soldiers were
axposed to "high winds and extraordinary
showers of rain." In order to check the fire of
musketry from the castle, Major Bodley, '* per-
ceiving divers in the castle look forth in a bal-
cony," posted himself and twelve musketeers
" in a private place of advantage," and by a
well directed volley " slew and wounded divers
of the enemy."
That night two " saker drakes," or light field
pieces, together with certain musketeers, were
placed in the tower of the church, from which,
on the following day, a heavy fire was directed
upon the upper portion of the castle. Many of
the garrison were captured whilst endeavouring
to escape. Sir Miles Livesay arrived with a
regiment of horse from Kent, and Sir William
Springate brought up his regiment of Kentish
infantry. Preparations were made to draw off
the water of the Swanboume Lake, which
supplied the wells of the oastle. There were
lOU prisoners in Arundel Church, who had been
captured when Waller entered the town. A
certain Richard Smith, a deserter from the
army of the Parliament, " for twenty shillings^
whereof he had twelve pence in hand, by them
hired to go to Hopton for aid," was ariested ai
a court of guard four miles distant. When
questioned by the captain of the guard, he said
that he had lost the letter addressed to Lord
Hopton. Having been proved to be ** an arch
spy in our army," he was hanged on the bridge,
within sight of the castle. He said that ''Uie
enemy's strength in the castle was 1000 foot
and 100 horse, but no provender for them.
That they had store of oxen, but no beer or
wine, save water only, which was in the castle
well ; that the common soldiers with him had
that day half a pound of bread weighed out to
On Saturday the draining of the lake was
completed, and many fugitives let themselves
down from the castle walls by ropes, but were
for the most part captured. "The besiegers
strengthened their guards, and Sir Henry Hey-
man came with his regiment from Kent.
On Sunday desertions from the garrison were
frequent and a heavy fire was directed against
the castle from the guns in the church tower.
Colonels Head and Dixie arrived with two
Kentish regiments, which, together with
'* divers regiments from Sussex," made Waller's
force amount to not less than 10,000 men. A
number of starving horses were turned out of
the castle, and one of Waller's men, in his
anxiety to secure one or more, ventured too
near the castle and was slain. About noon on
Monday,Deoember 25th, about thirty Cavaliers
attempted to make a sortie, but upon Waller's
Lord Hofton'b Bbuevino Army.
dmnis beating and his tnunpeta aoondii^ to
aims they hastily retreated. Sir WilEam
Waller refused to exchange prisoners) and to
promise quarter to the garrison if they snrren-
dered the castle. On Ti^aday, Deoember 20th,
some gnns were planted in **a new place,"
whic'i made the besieged garrison afraid to show
themselves, and other meaimres to check the
advance of any relieving force were also taken.
Lord Hopton was meanwhile most anzions to
relieve the beleaguered Cavaliers. But there
were, unfortunately, sad dissensions in his army.
The English — Irish who had come over to rein-
force the Cavaliers — constantly staled the Cor-
nish men, who were numerous m the army,
Cornish Choughs, Puritans, and Roundhead
rogues ; whilst the men of Cornwall in return
retaliated with the epithets of Irish Kernes and
Popish dogs. From words they came to blows.
Several Comishmen were killed, and many of
their comrades, variously estimated at 500 and
1500 in number, deserted their colours and
returned to their homes.
Whitelock in his " Memorials" says that 800
native Irish landed at Weymouth in January
1644, under the command of Lord Inchiquin,
to aid the cause of the King. They were
attacked bv the garrison of Poole, and suffered
considerable loss in killed and wounded. Two
of their guns were also captured, and their
magazine of gunpowder was blown up. White-
lock remarks, on March, 1644, " Divers of the
Irish, about 1500, were cast away at sea coming
to serve His Majesty. It was observed that
these bloody Irish coming over hither never did
any service considerable, out were cut off, some
in one place, some in another. In aU places the
vengeance of God follows bloodthirsty men.'*
Determined, however, to make an effort to
relieve Arundel Castle, Lord Hopton ordered
the county to send one hundred carriages to
Winchester for the use of his army, and on
Tueadav, December 26th, news had been received
in London of his having sent an armed force to
break down the bridge over the Test at Bed-
bridge, thus cutting off the town of Southamp-
ton from supplies from the New Forest, in the
hope that Sir William Waller would send troops
from Arundel, if he did not altogether raise the
nege. This proceeding had, however, only the
effect of stimulating Sir William Waller to
greater exertions. The two Houses of Parlia-
ment ordered necessaries for the supply of South-
ampton to be furnished by the Isle of Wighty
and Lord Hopton's men retired to Winchester
without gaining any advantage, except kiUing
three or four of Colonel Norton's men.
Lord H^ton himself now marched across the
county to Petersfield, which he reached on Wed-
nesday, 27th, with 2000 cavalry and 1500 in-
fantry. Waller's scouts at once reported the
approach of this relieving force, and stating
that they had actually seen it upon the march»
** On the news of this the besieged began to hope
again in Winchester and Oxford, and came
forth to the balcony again,'* only to be shot
down by certain musketeers who had been
posted in the ruins of an old chapel. An oxhide
f>oat was discovered in the river " which run-
neth near the east side of the castle," which
had been used to ferry over a messenger sent to
Lord Hopton with a request for immediate relief.
No sooner had the royalist general marched
out of Winchester towards Arundel than the
ever active Colonel Norton, with the garrison of
Southampton, boldly advanced to within two
miles of Winchester, and made prize of more
than fifty fat oxen.
On Thursday, December 28th, there were
further desertions from Arundel Castle. A flag
of truce was hoisted, and an application was
made by the garrison to Sir William Waller for
a supplv of sack, tobacco, dice, and cards, in
return lor which they offered beef and mutton.
They complained of a want of both bread and
water, ana sent numerous oxen out of the
castle that night. On this day *'a party of
His ExceUency 's horse encountered with a party
of Sir Balph Hopton's near Petersfield, and
took prisoners two Quartermasters, one sergeant,
and two common soldiers."
At seven o'clock on the morning of Friday,
December the 29bh,Sir William Waller recovered
possession of Chichester, which, partly through
the influence of Sir William Ford, of Up Pane,
Sir Edward's father, had been secured for the
King on the 22nd of the preceding month. The
constables and tythingmen of Singleton and
West Dean were ordered to impede Lord Hop-
ton's march by every possible means, and the
besiegers removed some ammunition from Mid-
hurst to Arundel for safer custody. As the
CavaUers were now dose at hand Sir William
Waller left 1500 men to continue the siege, and
marched to meet them. The two armies faced
each other on North Marden Down and at West
Dean. A few shots were exchanged, and three
or four men killed on each side, whereupon
Lord Hopton retreated nine miles to Heaveon
(Havantr). Another acdonnt says that the
scene of this skirmish was only three miles from
On Saturday, Dec 30th, notwithstanding Sir
W. Waller's proclamation that no quarter would
be given to deserters, fugitives continued to quit
tite castle. One of them was a sergeant, who
complained of a scarcity of food, with the excep-
tion of "powdered beef" and "a few live beeves."
Beef was plentiful to the last, but no bread was
served out to the garrison after Christmas Day.
Among the State Papers (Domestic), 1643, is
one dated 28th December, written by a Royalist
of the name, real or assumed, of Harrison, to a
" Mr. Jean Bradley, English gentleman, of the
CoUege of Toumay, Paris."
It is quoted by Mr. Gk>rdon, and is as fol-
lows: "28, lObr, 1643, .... Sir William
WaUer was bravely repulsed and soimdly beaten
from Basing about five or six weeks ago, with
the loss of the best part of 1000 of his men and
the diminution of his credit with the citizens.
But since it hath been his foHune, he being four
or five thousand strong, and the other but weak
for number, to surprise at unawares, and, after
firm fight, with the slaughter of more of his
side, to take two or three hundred of my liord
Crawford's men, who were brought to this town
(Famham or Guildford ?) in triumph about a
week ago from South Harting, as I think the
place is called in Sussex."
This account evidently refers to a skirmish
between SirWilliam Waller's forces and those of
Lord Hopton about the time of the march of
the former general to Arundel, where he com-
menced the siege of the castle on December
20th, 1643. Mr. Gordon is of opinion that it
has reference to the retreat of Lord Hopton
after the failure of his attempt to reueve
Arundel Castle, and that Colonel Norton was
the victor in this encounter; It may well be
that " Idle Dick Norton" was Lord Crawford's
antagonist, but as Lord Hopton did not retreat
from Arundel until DecemlMr 29th, this engage-
ment must have taken plaoe some eight days
On Saturday, December 30th, relief was
urgently r equ eued by the Parliamentarian
grrison of Wardonr Castle, of which Colonel
idlowywhom we shall hereafter meet at Basing
House, was the Gk>vemor. In the journals of
the House of Commons of this date we find
mention of " the British Army" in Ulster, so
that this much used phrase can boast of aa
existence of nearly two centuries and a half.
The Earl of Essex was also ordered to march
either to Windsor or to some place from which
he would be able to assist Sir William Waller,
as Lord Hopton was knowfi to be in motion.
On January 2nd, 1644, Colonel Norton wrote
a letter givinff an account of a successful brush
with the Cavuiers on their retreat from Arundel.
From this letter it appears that on Saturday,
December 30th, he marched to join Sir William
Waller, but could obtain no intelligence of the
whereabouts of Lord* Hopton 's arm^. Stress
of weather obliged him to quarter his troopers
less than a mile distant from the enemy, who
were " upon a hill undiscovered." Scouts, how-
ever, speedily brought word of the proximity
of a hostile force, and Colonel Norton prepiu:ed
to repel an attack. After facing the Cavaliers
for some time, he saw that their numbers were
hourly increasing, and accordingly began to
retire in the direction of Chichester, covering
the retreat in person with fifty men of his own
troop. The pursuers attacked in force, striving
to cut off the rear guard, whereupon Colon^
Norton "was fain to make a stand," and to
retire so as to form up on an adjacent heath.
After some manoeuvring, his men continued
their retreat in good order, but on reaching
Havant met " the two regiments of Dragoons,
so they say, of Lord Crawford and Colonel
Ennis, coming out of a cross lane. Some of
them faced us, while the rest marched by,"
wearing red uniform. At once Colonel Norton
charged them, heedless of superior numbers, and
as soon as he came within half pistol shot the
Cavaliers broke and fied. Not many of them
were killed, except a captain and a captain
lieutenant, " but I think few escaped without
broken pates." Several prisoners were secured,
with a loss of two or three of Colonel Norton's
men, who were kiUed. Their victorious com-
rades safely escorted the prisoners to Chichester,
and Colonel Norton proceeded to Portsmouth,
from which place, on January 2nd, 1644, he
despatched the letter from which we have learned
the foregoing particulars.
Between Saturday, December 30th, 1643, and
Thursday, January 4th, 1644, there were con-
tinual desertions from the garrison of Anmdel
Warblinoton Castle.
Oartle, and those who still held oat were anzions
to treat for a Barrender, bat Sir William Waller
ie(|iiiring them to sarrender "at meroy/' the
negotiations proved froitless. On January Ist,
1644, Mr. Niooll was directed by the Parliament
to request the Earl of Essex to grant SirWilliam
Waller a comnussion as major-general to com-
Biand tiie forces of the four associated ooanties
of Hants, Surrey, Sussex, and Kent, " socord-
ing to the ordinance for that aasodation," and
the storekeepers were directed to fumish Sir
William Waller with aay necessaries which were
not in store in the Tower of London. The
eonunission was at once granted by the Earl of
Essex, but not without an energetic protest,
and was deliyered to Sir William on January
3rd. On the same day it was ordered that the
xegiment of horse ^hich had been ordered to be
raised for service under Sir Richard Grenvilie
should be completed by the Committee of the
four associated counties, and that Mr. Trenohard
should pay on account 40/. to Lieut. -Colonel
Cooke, 40/. to Colonel Van Hust, and 20/. to
Oaptaiu Smith, " to fit and despatch them away
to the service of Sir William Waller."
On January 5th we read of a skirmish near
Petersfield between 200 Cavsliers and 80 of the
cavalry lent by the Earl of Essex to Sir WiQiam
Waller. The latter were victorious, and, with
a loss to themselves of six men, captured five
Boyalist officers. A day or two before a body
of 500 or 800 (accounts vary) well-armed
soldiers, whilst on the march from the western
counties to join Lord Hopton, suddenly mutinied,
and, marching to Poole and Lyme Begis, enrolled
themselves as soldiers of ihe Parliament.
Lord Hopton himself tried to aid the garrison
at Arundel by laying siege to WarbHngton
House, between Chichester and Portsmouth,
which Colonel Norton in the early days of
January occupied with a garrison variously said
to number 40, 50, 60, and 80 men. Of this
castle, the ruins of whidi are well worthy of a
visit, Mr. Moody says that it " appears to have
been built with brick, faced on the outside with
hewn stone, and wss originally a square pile of
about 209 feet, surrounded by a quadrangular
court, but the only part now standmg is a gate-
way and tower, fast mouldering away. The
whole was surrounded by a fosse ten feet deep,
and included about an acre of ground. Before
tiie northern angle appears to have been an en-
trenched camp of five acres, now overgrown
with wood, surrounded by a bank nearly eight
feet high, and a ditch of a similar depth to that
around the castle.'* ('* Antiquarian Sketches of
Hampshire," p. 340.)
The Bev. W. Norris, M .a., to whose kindness
I am much indebted, says : ** Henrv yill. con-
ferred Warblin^on on Sir Bichard Cotton, the
Controller of his Household. To him I am dis-
posed to attribute the erection of the present
castle, oi which the tower remains, the style of
the architecture of which is tibat of a Tudor
rather than of an earlier age. It remained in
the hands of the Cottons till the Civil War.
Sir Bichard Cotton received King Edward YI.
in it in the year 1552, and, according to a terrier
of the manor, it was in perfect repair in the
year 1633. After that we know only of a ruined
tower, a broken arch, and a few nondescript
mounds, and remains of a moat ; but the story
is soon told. The Cottons were Boyalists, the
Civil War broke out in the year 1642, and those
who adhered to the Boyal cause suffered for their
loyalty." ** The church as well as the castle
must have been battered in the Civil War. A
fragment of a tomb now in the vestry was once
built into the south-west wall of the chancel,
showing only one flat side, on which was engraved
a cross in a circle. Some thought it was a
Saxon altar, some that it was the dedicatory
stone of the church. When restoring the
church in 1860, and tryin^f whether there were
any remains of a window m that place, I had it
taxen out, and it turned out to be part of a
broken monument of about the age of Queen
EUeabeth. So it appears that the Bepnblicans
were not behind the Bef ormers in destructive
seal. The church, like most other churches at
the Bestoration, was imperfectly repaired. Much
was done in the year 1800 to remedy the evils it
had suffered, which considerably facilitated the
still further restorations which were made in
1859, 1862, and 1864."
A contemporary writer says that Lord Hopton
" after lon^ siege and loss of more men than
were there m garrison," took Warblington Castle,
and another remarks, ** Sir Balph Hopton has
.spent his time frivolously against Warbleton
House, betwixt Winchester and Portsmouth,
where we leave him till divine justice finds him."
On Saturday, Jan. 6th, 1644, ihe Pariiament
ordeied 1002. to be given to Major Scott, and
Captain Oochram, the Mayor of Bye, ^* in
testimony of their good services to the State."
Abukdel Oastlb Surbknders.
The GommisBionen of Ezoiaewere alao directed
to advance 4000Z. " in regard of the great ex-
tremitieathat Sir William Waller's army was in.*'
Sir William had now a force of 10,000 men
under his command, and had received either
four or six heavy guns from Portsmouth, which on
Thursday, Jan. 4tb, opened fire upon the castle.
Discord reigned within the walls, and Clarendon
says, " By some of the soldiers running out to
him, he found means to send in again to them ;
by which he so increased their faction and
animosity against one another that after he had
kept them waking, with continual alarms, three
or four davB, near half the men being sick and
unable to do duty, rather than they would trust
each other longer they gave the place and them-
selves up as prisoners of war upon quarter, the
place bemg able to have defended itself against
all that power for a much longer time.''
On Friday, January 5th, the defenders of the
castle, reduced to extremities, were extremely
anxious to come to terms with Sir William
Waller.* A message was sent out by a drummer,
who, being hungry and seeing abundance of
food in the besiegers' lines, surrendered himself
as a prisoner, whereupon a second drummer was
sent out of the castle. Three commissioners
were appointed on either side to draw up
articles of surrender. The Cavaliers named
Colonel Bamfield, Major Bodville or Bovill, and
a captain, Sir William Waller nominating Col.
Wems, Major Anderson, and a Kentish captain.
He invited the Cavalierofficersto dine with him,
as he did also Lady Bishop, the daughter of the
Earl of Thanet, with her two daughters, one of
whom, Diana, only fifteen ^ears of age, was the
young wife of Henry Gkirmg, the only son of
tiady G-oring, who, with her daughters, met her
here. No definite agreement was come to, as
tibe Cavalier demands to depart unmolested
were refused by Sir William Waller. That
eveninff the Commissioners returned to the
castle, out the ladies with their maids were pro-
vided with quarters by Sir William Waller.
" The soldiers and Governor himself were in a
miserable distress and perplexity all the night."
The youthful Mrs. Henry Goring returned
to her husband, and soon afterwards a drum was
sent out with Colonel Rawlence and Major
Mullins, who promised the speedy surrender of
Sir Edward Bishop and Sir Edward Ford. The
drum was sent back to the castle, but returned
fter midnight "with a letter of simple de-
mands.'* The guards around the castle were
at once trebled to prevent anyone from escap-
ing, and the drum was sent back, with an order
that the two hostages were to come forth at
once if they desired a further cessation of hos-
tilities. They gave themselves up about two
hours after midnight, and the fortress was
formally surrendered about nine o'c lock in the
morning of Saturday, January 6th, 1644, upon
the following conditions : —
" Propositions made by Sir William Waller to
the besieged in Arundel Castle,
First — I require the Castle of Arundel to be
delivered into my hands by to-morrow morning,
ten o'clock.
Second, — That all Colonels of horse and foot,
and all horse, arms, ammunition, and military
provision whatever be then delivered to me en-
tire and unspoiled.
Third, — That all Commanders, officers, and
gentlemen have fair quarter and civil usage.
Fourth. — That all soldiers sh ill have quarter
for their lives.
Fifth, — That for securitv of performance, Sir
Edward Bishop and Sir Eaward Ford be imme-
diately delivered into my hands.
One. — By fair quarter, I mean giving life to
those that yield, with imprisonment of their
persons; but civil usage, which is sufficient
security that they shall not be plundered.
TiDo. — Concerning the place they shall be
sent to, I will not determine, but will be left to
mine own freedom, without further capitulation.
Three. — The ministers are included in the
articles, and are prisoners, as well as the soldiers.
Four. — ^When I send away the officers, I shall
take care that the^ shall not want horses to
carry them, but will not be bound to let them
have their own horses."
The condition as to ministers was added with
a view to securing the person of Dr. Chilling-
worth, who was in the castle. Seventeen
colours of foot and two of horse were taken, and
more than 1000 prisoners, besides 100 taken at
the capture of the town, and those who were
caught whilst escaping from the castle. An
eye witness says : " I never saw so manv weak
and feeble creatures together in my life, for
almost all the common soldiers were half starved,-
and many of them hardly able to set one foot
before another." There were amongst them
about 100 officers, 50 country gentlemeui and
Stanstead House: Taken.
about 800 soldiers, fiye hundred of whom joined
Sir William Waller. The rest were sent np to
London guarded by f onr troops of horse, some
in carts, some on foot. Three days were
required for the journey, and on arrival the
Committee of Militia assigned the captives to
▼arioos prisons. A Committee consisting of
Mr. Downes, Mr. Bavenscroft, and Colonel
Alexander Popham was ordered to decide the
fate of those who refused to take the Solemn
Ijeagae and Covenant. Sir William Waller was
empowered to determine the amount of ransom
to be paid by the *^ gentlemen, not soldiers,"
who had been captured, and was to send up to
the Parliament a list of the ransoms paid.
A complete list of the officers and gentlemen
who thus became prisoners of war will be found
in Mr. Dallaway's "History of Arundel." Sir
Edward Ford and Sir Edward Bishop w)re
declared by Parliament incapable of any empliy-
ment. Sir John Morley was allowed to com-
pon nd for a fine on Oct. 23rd, 1644. On Sir
William Waller's letter describing the taking of
Arundel Castle being read in the House, on
January 8th, it was ordered that Mr. Cleere,
Burgeon, should be recommended to the Masters
and Governors of St. Thomas Hospital as the
snccessor of Major Mullins, who had been taken
in arms at Arundel. On Saturday, January
27th, the governing body of theHospital claimed
their right of free election. Their petition was
referred to the Committee f orHospitals, who, on
January 30th, ordered the election of Mr.
Cleere. It was also ordered on January 6th
that Dr. Chillingworth, Master of the Hospital
at Leicester, having been taken in arms at
Arundel, should be deprived of his office, which
was to be conferred upon " Mr. Gray, Minister,
brother to the Earl of Kent." Vexation, incle-
ment weather, privations, and the harsh treat-
ment of the Puritan ministers did their work,
and before the end of the month Dr. Chilling-
worth breathed his last at Chichester. The cir-
cumstances of his death are graphically described
by Mr. Dallaway.
About 200 horses, 2000 arms, many oxen both
alive and dead, 20 barrels of powder, and 40002.
in money rewarded the victors. Great was the
Bubsequent destruction. The north-west side
of the castle was dismantled, and the great hall
with the adjacent buildings were destroyed.
The College of the Holy Trinity was also greatly
injured, and its windows, which contained a
series of portraits of the Earls and Countesses
of Arundel, were irretrievably ruined. Sir
William Waller now sent ''2000 horse and foot
and two drakes to besiege my Lord Lumley's
house in Sussex.*' This was at Stanstead, and,
as we have already seen, had been garrisoned by
Lord Hopton when he made himself mast^-r of
Arundel Castle. It surrendered at once, and
the ironworks in St. Leonard's Forest, where
the Boval ammunition had been made, and
which belonged either to the Crown or to
Boyalists, were destroyed at the same time.
Amberley Castle is also said to have been dis-
mantled at this pciiod of the war. Sir William
Waller now resolved " that if Sir Ralph Hopton
will not find out him, he will find out Hopton,"
and asked the Parliament to at onco send him
the City Regiments, under Major-General
Browne, as he was anxious to give battle to the
Cavaliers, who were still at Havant, leaving
these regiments to garrison Arundel, under the
command of Colonel Morley and Colonel
On January 8th, 1644, Sir H. Yane, jun.,
and Sir Arthur Heselrig were directed by the
House of Commons to prepare a letter for Sir
William Waller, which was to be signed by Mr.
Speaker Len thai, '*to congratulate him on his
great and good success, and to encourage him
according to his intentions to prosecute the ad-
vantages it has pleased God to bless him with."
The Committee of Safety was to consider how
to improve the advantages which Waller had
gained, and Mr. Downes, Mr. Ravenscroft, and
Colonel Alexander Popham were ordered bv
the Parliament to proceed to Arundel to thauK
both the victorious General and his officers and
men, and to inform them that the Parliament
would do its utmost to enable them to advance
against the enemv.
On Januaiy 6th Colonel Potley, who held a
command underWaller, was maliciously wounded
by one of his own men, who was of course
hanged forthwith.
On January 8th Sir William Waller, having
been reinforced by the London Brigade, wroi^
from Broadwater to the Parliament reporting
that a large vessel named the St James, of Dun-
kirk, having been chased by a Dutch man-of-
war, and bemg unaware of the surrender of the
castle, had entered the river Arun for safety,
and had taken the ground "at Heene, near
Arundel Castle." She mounted 24 brass g^uns,
Lord Gbawford.
And had on board about 100 barrels of powder,
'*with good store of arms for the Engliah-Irufti
that make havoc in Cheshire," said to be 2000
in number, besides other valuables. Several
Oavalier officers were also on board. She was
ordered to be detained, and the cargo was stored
in Arundel Castle till the question of prize
money should be decided by the Court of Admi-
ralty. If she should prove lawful prize, the
soldiers were to profit by the capture.
On January 15th another letter was witten
by Sir William Waller from Arundel, asking
that the ship might be sold, so that his men
might receive their arrears of pay. This letter
was referred to the Committee of Safety. A
lar^e picture of St. Ursula found in this ship,
which had been painted for the Church of St.
Anna at Seville, was exposed to view at West-
minster, and pamphlets were written to prove
that it represented Queen Henrietta Maria
urging Eling Charles to surrender his sceptre to
the Pope I
Mr. Green and Sir A. Heselrig wore directed
to iivrite to thank Sir William Waller for his
oare in this matter. The Spanish Ambassador
interfered, and various merohants claimed the
oargo, and at length the St James^ of Dunkirk,
was released on August 24th, 1644. Colonel
Morley, as Governor of Arundel Castle, was
ordered to paj 40002. salvage to Waller*s army
as compensation, and to account to the claimants
for wliat hud been already sold or usod. Colonel
Stapley, the Governor of Chichester, objected
to quarter some of Sir W. Waller's troops in
that city, but on January 10th the Earl of Essex
ordered him to obe^ Waller in all things, as
being his commanding officer.
On Tuesday, January 16th, Mr. Trenchard
received instructions to provide 1000/. worth of
shoes, stockings, and boots for Waller's army,
the value of which was to be deducted from
their pay. Three hundred muskets and three
cartloads of ammunition for the same army
passed throuffh Lewes on January 8th. Sir
William Waller in his "Vindication" says, '*A11
that I got in the war by way of purchase or
booty was one month's pay, as a Colonel of
Horse, upon the surrender of Chichester. . .
I had likewise 7002. for my part of tibie salvage
of a ship that was driven on ground near
Arundel when I lay before the castle, of which
I gave the House a dear information when I
d^ivered in my account. Besides this, of gift
at several times 1 received 1002. from Mr-
Dunch, of Pewsey, as I take it, who with a great
deal of kindness sent it to me, though a stranger
and utterly unknown to him, when I lay at
Kewbridge, and 502. 1 had presented tb menom
the town of Lewes, in acknowledgment of my
poor service at Arundel, which I likewise
reported to the House ; and in plate at Glouces-
ter, Hereford, and Poole, to the value of 1001.,
or 1502. at most. And this is the utmost reckon-
ing I can make, if it were my last reckoning,
except I should put to account every horse
gotten from the King's party upon the service,
'and bring in a little painted cabinet and some
toys, worth 122. or 142., presented to mv wife
by the merchants of that forementioned dhip,
as a token of their thankfulness for the care I
had shewed to preserve their goods."
Mr. Hillier, in his admirable *^' Sieges of
Arundel Castle," gives some congratulatory
verses presented to Lady Waller after her hus-
band's signal success in Sussex.
Much mention has been made throughout
those operations of Lord Crawford. A few
particuhrs concerning bun will, therefore, not
be out of place.
Ludovic Lindsay, 15th Earl of Crawford,
joined Charles I. at the raising of the standard
at Nottingham. He " was made welcome and
created commander of the volunteers." He
was with his regiment at Edgehill, on October
23rd, 1G42, and at Chichester, on December 29th,
in the same year. Colonel, Major, and Captain
Lindsay, of his regiment, together with about
sixty other officers, chiefly Scotsmen, were taken
and sent up to London. Yicars says that their
horses " were verv dainty ones !" Lord Craw-
ford speedily ma^ good this loss, and took part
in the battle of Lansdown, on July 5th, 1643.
Soon afterwards, having been sent to bring up
some powder, he was intercepted by Sir WilBam
Waller, and lost one or two troops, besides the
ammunition. He, however, played a distin-
guished part at the great battle on Boundway
Down, fought at the first battle of Newbury,
on September 20th, 1643, and had, as we have
seen, a very narrow escape at Poole, only five
days afterwards. At Alton, on December 13th,
he had " got out with his troops," but being
overpowered, was obliged *' to get away with a
few," leaving his **sack," hat, and cloak behind
him, and owing his safety to the speed of his
horse. He went north with Montrose, but soon
Tbaces of the Conflict.
returned to England, and held command as a
major-general at Marston Moor, on Jnlv 2nd,
1644, " incurring the greatest hazard of any."
Captured when the town of Newcastle was
stormed, on October 9th, 1644, he was sent to
Scotland, and condemned to death. Reprieved
for a short time, the victory of Montrose, at
Kil^th, where his regiment suffered terribly,
set him free once more. After Montrose's
defeat at Philiphangh, on September 13th, 1645,
liord Crawford took refoge m France and Spain.
He was at Badajoz^in June, 1649, and took part
in Paris in the tnmnltsof the Fronde, gnarding
Cardinal de Betz, in his citadel of Notre Dame,
in company with fifty Scottish officers, who had
seen service under Montrose. He is said to have
died in France a childless man, in the year 1653.
Such was the stirring life of " a steadfast
Scottish Cavalier, all of the olden time !"
Gladly, did space permit, wonld we insert the
Hev. H. D. Gordon's description of the (entrench-
ments htill plainly visible at South Harting,
but we can only note that Harting Place, the
residence of the Caryll family, was plundered
several times, and the church converted into a
stable or hospital. On the summit of the
downs are several mounds immediately facing
the park palings, near Two Beech Gate, from
which several e^rietons have been disinterred
and carefully laid to rest in the churchyard.
Mr. Gordon tells us that a lane in the neigh-
bouriiood is still euphoniously styled " Kildevil
Lane," and says ^* There is a large green mound I
south of Up Park House, in which tradition
says a number of horses were buried, and there
is a similar tamulus further to the south at the
fern-beds between Compton and East Marden,
called "Solomon's, alias Baverse's Thumb."
Some years ago a man grubbing a fence near
Compton Down pulled up an ash stump that
disclosed a nest of silver pieces of the time of
Queen Elizabeth, no doubt hidden there before
some local fight. In fact, that the fighting
spread far and wide over tbis portion of the
Downs is shown from the circumstance that the
Bev. A. Locke, Vicar of Chalton, recently
picked up some cannon balls of the period of
the Civil War in digging the f^und for his
school. An axe-pike of the period, and other
relics, point to the same conclusion ; these were
found, together with a skeleton, at S toner wood,
near Petersfield, by the Bcv. G. Taswell, in
making a garden. Tho axe-pike is 22 inches
long. It is handled like a modem spade, so
that the wooden shaft was enclasped by the
iron, the older pikes were driven into their
wooden handles like modem hay-forks. Some
skeletons were also discovered at Bepton, in the
neighbourhood of Midhurst, by Mr. Eames, who
found that the skull of a very large specimen
had been fractured as if by a sword-cut or shot.
In South Harting Church there is the follow-
ing inscription : — "Major John Cowper lost his
life in Winchester Castle in the service of Eling
Charles the First ; he was plundered and
sequestered of all he had by the rebels.'*
Chapter XIX. — ^Bival Parties at Winchester — H.M.S. ** Mayflower" — Captain Ball
AND Tobias Baisley — Colonrl Ludlow taken — Calenture — The Isle op Wight
NEAR Southampton — Outrages at Winchester — Preparations for Battle — ^Fioht-
iNQ at Basing House and Bomsey — Sir John Oglandrr.
The ** Perfect Dinmall," of January 8th,
1644, announced that Lord Hopton was hemmed
in between Chichester and Winchester, and
that it would be difficult for him to escape from
Sir William Waller's army. Despite all predic-
tions to the contrary, the Boyalist Commander
*< made a nimble retreat to Winchester," whither
Waller prepared to follow him, leaving Colonel
Norton to hold Cowdray House, so that we
read in February, 1644, of ^' the garrison of
Colonel Norton in Cowdray House, which lies
indeed as a forlorn hope between them and their
The city of Winchester certainly contained
some friends to the Parliament, for in a Boyal
Message addressed to its citizens in December,
1642, the King declared with reference to the
capture of the city by Sir William Waller, that
<< you have openly declared yourselves enemies,
and evil entreated those whom you had cause to
entertain with all love and respect, flatly oppos-
ing our authority, and betraying those to ruin
tl^t were the instruments of our preservation,*'
oonduding with a threat of forgetting that they
were his subjects in the severity of his chastis-
ing them. The citizens justified their conduct,
which they declared was sanctioned by all laws,
human and divine, saying that " we cannot be
justly blamed for endeavouring to secure our
lives, and to keep our wives and daughters from
rapine and inevitable destruction," and conclud-
ing by asserting at one and the same time both
their loyalty and their resolution to continue
the same course of action.
But on December 30th, 1643, we find the
following entiy in the Corporation records : —
*< Taken out of the coffer, plate delivered to Mr.
Jasper Cornelius, appointed to receive the same
for His Majesty^s use, by virtue of an ordinance
sent by His Majesty to the Mayor and Alder-
men of the City for the loan of money or plate
for the maintenance of the Army, by the con-
sent of the Mayor and all the Aldermen of the
City, one silver ewer, weighing 32oz. 4-loz. ;
three silver bowls, 31oz. 4-loz. ; two silver wine
bowls, 15oz. 4-3oz. ; one gilt bowl with the
cover, 31 oz. 4-2oz. ; one great silver salt, weigh-
ing 28oz. : one silver tankard, 19oz. l-2oz. ; one
silver basin, 74oz. ; total, 225oz. 4-]oz., at 5s. an
ounce, amounting to 58/. 168. 3d." A loan never
destined to be repaid I Mr. Jasper Cornelius
was an attorney by profession, and was a firm
supporter of the Boyal cause.
At the end of the year 1643 and during the
spring of 1644 there were four Parliamentary
armies in England, besides garrisons and local
forces — ^Essex's own main arm^ ; Waller*s,
raised, or to be raised, also for action, chiefly in
the south and west ; Manchester's, of the seven
Associated Eastern Counties ; and the Army of
the Fairfaxes in the north.
One ofthe King^s ships, named the Jfa^oioer,
which had been flagship at Falmouth, was taken
by the Parliament's ship, t?te Eighth Whelp^
and brought as a prize to Portsmouth. On
Januaiy 8th, 1644, the storekeeper at that port
was ordered to deliver to ^* Henry DoUing, part
owner of the ship Ark of Poole, appointed by
the House to lie before that town for defence
and saf e^fuard thereof, six pieces of ordnance,
with carnages, ladles, emptions, shots, and other
gunner's stores," forming part of the armament
of the MayifloweTy allowing Captain Dolling to
select his own guns. Alderman Towse and
Captain Ball and Tobias Baisley.
other Oommiiisionera of Ezciae had advanced
500/. from their own pDrsea " for supply of the
pnssing necessities of the town of South-
ampton," paying the money to George Gallop
and Edward Exton, Esqs., M.P.s for the town,
at the time when Lord Hopton had broken down
the bridge at Redbridge. They were now
reimbaraed from the Excise duties.
But we must return for a moment to Basing
House, which had steadily held its own, doing
as it hid done after the first Battle of Newbury,
'when we read ^* the Marquesse of Winchester
urith his forces at Basing hath also gathered up
many stragglers, whereof some are officers.*'
Sut now some within the walls began to lose
lieart, and on Jan. 11th we are told of various
C ivaliera with their horses coming from Basing
House to Major-General Browne, who was in
command of some London Trained Bands at
Croydon, saying that they had been forced to
take up arms, offering to serve the Parliament,
and being enlisted accordingly. The Marquis
had not only to contend with open enemies and
faint h&irts, but he also had some trouble in
controlling the lawleas spirits of certain of his
own partisans, who thought that loyalty and
plunder were synonymous terms. A certain Capt.
Hall (omplained that he had been deprived of
luH horses by Major-General Astley, after he had
at his own expense raised a whole regiment for
the Kiig. Warburton, in his Memoirs of Prince
Bupert and the Cavaliers (p. 212). gives the
old General's letter to Prince Rupert, with the
oriffin il spelling, which does not make Captain
Biul appear to much advantage. Mrs. Ball s ems
to have been a help-meet for her husband :
" May it pleas your Highnes, — As conseminge
one Yt cales himselfe Capne. Ball, yt hath
oompiiyned vnto yr ELighnes yt I hive tacken
awaie hia horsses from him, this is the trewth.
He hati livedo neare this towns ever since I
came heather, and had gotten not above twelve
men together and himselfe. He had so plundered
and oppressed the pepell, pajdng contributions
as the Marques of Winchester, and the Lord
Hopton complayned extreamly of him ; and he
went under my name, wtch he vsed falscely, as
givinge it out he did it by my warrant. Off
this he gott f aierly offe, and so promised to give
DO mor canes of oomplavnt. Now, ewer since,
he hath continewed his old coures in so extreame
a wale as he and his wife and sone, and 10 or 12
horsses he hath togeather, spoyles peepell,
plunders them, and taekes violently thear goodda
from them. As vpon complayntes of the contrite
and the Committie hier, I could do no lose then
comitt him, and took awaie som nine or ten
horsses from him and his, for he newer had mor,
and these not armed ; which horsses ar in the
custodie of Sir Charles Blunt. Divers (persons)
claims satisffaction from him for thear goodee
he hath taken from them : as one man 30
powndes worth of hoppas he took from thorn
vpon the high waie. And this dav t e Comittie
heir hath given warninge that both he and hie
compliynt shall be heard ; all wtch shall be
amplie informed hereafter to yr Highnes yt yr
Highnes may se no w rouge shall be don him.
Yr Highnes most humbell and obediant scervant,
Jacob Astley. Beading, this 1 1th Jan., 1 644.*'
After Ciptain Ball had thus been rendered
harmless, the Marquis, feeling sure that he would
not be long left in peace, was anxious to obtain
accnrate information as to the state of affairs in
London. He selected as the fittest man to act
as a spy a certain Tobias Baisley, who, a norter
by occupation, had formerly served the Parlia-
ment, bat had deserted their cause, and taken
service under Prince Rupert, who left him at
Basing. He was employed *' at 5s. a week with
meate and drinke in Basing House to make
bullets,*' and was now and again sent foi-th to
gain intelligence. In this he was so far succese-
ful that he had ** betrayed divers c rriers with
their waggons too and carriages to the Cavaliers!"
Poor Tobias paid dearlv for his visit to town.
He was arrested in London as a spy, and " Mer-
curius Civicus,'* from whence this true and
veracious story of Tobias is taken, tells us the
result. ** A Covncil of War" assembled on
Thursday, February 6th, 1644, and Tobias was
condemned to die. On Tuesday, February 18th,
he was taken to Smithfield, *' guarded by Mr.
Quarterman, the Marshall, and divers others of
the City Officers, and a company of the trained
bands." Arrived at the place of execution the
Marshall appeared in a second capacity, vis ,
that of Chaplain, and catechised the prisoner
at length as to his religious belief. This done,
** and thereupon the people being satisfied, the
executioner, Brandon (who is said to have after-
wards beheaded the King), was commanded to doe
his office, whiche he did, though the porter shewed
much unwillingnesse to go off the ladder."
All things considered, tne reluctance of poor
Tobias is not greatly to be wondered at.
Colonel Ludlow Taken.
Wardour Gastlei of which Colonel Ludlow
was GoTemor, had long been besieged by the
Cavaliers, and about the middle of January Sir
William Waller assured the garrison that if they
would hold out for another fortnight he would
either relieve them or lay his bones under the
castle walls. Poole and Southampton were
strongly garrisoned for the Parliament, and
between these two towns Colonel Ludlow's
troop had taken post, with the double object of
harassing the enemy, and if possible raising the
siege. The troopers fell into an ambuscade, and
Cornet, afterwards Major, William Ludlow's
horse was wounded in two places. A bullet
passed completely through the Cornet's body,
notwithstanding which he recovered, to the
astonishment of every one.
Colonel Ludlow having discovered a consider-
able amount of treasure concealed in the Castle,
offered the garrisons of Poole and Southampton
700^. or 800/. if they could succeed in raising
the siege. All efforts and offers, however, were
in vain, and Lord Hopton having reinforced the
besiegers with a strong detachment of Mendip
miners, commanded by Sir Francis Doddington
and an engineer, Ludlow was obliged to sur-
render on February 18th, 1644.
He was conducted by his captors that night
to the house of Mr. Awbery, at Chalke, and
from thence was sent to Oxford by way of
Salisbury and Winchester. At the latter city
Lord Hopton strongly urged him to desert the
service of the Parliament for that of the King,
as did also " a relation of mine, Colonel Richard
Manning, who, though a Papist, commanded a
regiment of horse in the King's service." But
all solicitations were fruitless. His captivity
was not of long duration, and on the 17th of
April the House of Commons was informed of
his release by exchange. He was soon after-
wards appointed Sheriff of Wiltshire, and
accepted a commission as Major under Sir
Arthur Haselrig. During the month of May,
1644, he did good service under Waller, who
blockaded Oxford on one side, whilst Essex took
post on the other.
Before Friday, January 12th, Lord Hopton
had been reinforced by 28 colours, or 500 men,
and five days later he was reported to be planning
with the advice of his cavalry to place guns and
a fixed camp in a commanaing position upon
" Warhill," or WeyhUl. One fortified post was
to be established at Winchester, another at
Weyhill, and a third at Beading, at a distance
of 15 or 20 miles from each other, so as to main-
tain an easy communication with Oxford. On
January 19th Hopton's forces were in motion
towards Salisbury and Andover, but operations
were greatly impeded by a hard frost and a
deep fall of snow. Sir William Waller was
in London on January 24th, and five days after-
wards Colonel Turner's regiment of horse, which
had lately been under the command of the
Earl of Essex, was ordered to join his army, in
which, since the capture of Arundel Castle,much
sickness, especially calenture, had prevailed.
Mr. Blaauw says, '^ Calenture needs a dose of
archeology now-a-days, though formerly an item
in the London Bills of Mortality. This fatal
fever especially attacked those who lay exposed
to unwholesome night air. In the delirium
peculiar to it, surrounding objects assumed the
aspect of verdant meadows to the eyes of the
sufferer, who when at sea would madly throw him-
self into it,as if seeking the refreshment of a cool
walk upon land. Dryden and Swift have made
fine poetical use of this delusion. Probably
Falstaff died of it, for Mrs. Quickly, describing
his last symptoms, after lamenting that he was
* so shaked of a burning quotidian tertian,' says,
* after I saw him fumble with the sheets and
play with fiowers, I knew there was but one
way, for 'a babbled of green fields'. Hen . v.,
Act 2nd."
Amongst the victims was Colonel Springet,
who was joint Governor of Arundel Castle
with Colonel Morle^, and on February 3rd, 1644,
he was buried at Rmgmer, hb native place.
On January 17th the Parliament ordered the
sum of 300/. to be paid to Colonel Norton, the
' Governor of Southampton, for the purchase of
arms, and about a week afterwards several
letters from Thomas Came, Esq., the Deputy-
Governor, and from several Deputy-Lieutenants
of the Isle of Wight, were read, asking the
Parliament to allow the Charles, man-of-war, to
remain at her present station for the protection
of Burst Castle and Lymington Fort. They
also asked that Parliament would provide for
the defence of the island, and place a strong
garrison in Hurst Castle, as 800 native Irian
rebels, under Lord Inchiquin's command, had
landed at Weymouth and were plundering Dor-
setshire. Five hundred others were expected.
During the following month a party ox them
plundered Lady Drake's house in Dorsetahin,
The Isle op Wight and Lymington.
baming it to the ground. She herself escaped
to Lyme, wearing, indeed, a pair of shoes, but
otherwise almost naked. On January 24th the
Ijords at a conference desired the Commons
to provide for the safety of the Isle of Wight.
The Charles was ordered " to reside where she
18 now/' for the period for which she was yic-
tnalled. The Earl of Warwick was ordered to
send ships to lie off the Isle of Wight and all
the western coasts for their protection. The
Committee for the safety was to provide for
Hurst Castle and L^mmgton Fort, for the
Btrengthening of which 500Z. wis voted on
February 17th. The necessary funds were
advanced by the Commissioners of Excise, of
whom Alderman Towse was one, together with
200/. for Newport garrison.
Some extracts from the '-Lymington Records,"
which are given by Mr. Wise in lus book on the
'* New Forest," throw light upon the condition
of the country at this period. They are as fol-
lows : — " 1643. Quartering 20 soldiers one daie
and night, going westward for the Parliament
Service, IBs. 2d." . ** 1646. For bringing the
towne chest from Hurst Castell, 2s." ^^ Watche
when the allarme was out of Wareham, 4s." ^Tor
the sending a messenger to the Lord Hopton
when he lay at Winton with his army, with the
townees consent, 14s." Notice here that there
were evidently two parties in the town, " with
the towne's consent." ** 1646. For keeping a horse
for the Lord GeneraFs man, 38. lOd." " 1650.
Paid to Sir Thomas Fairfax, his souldiers going
for the Isle of Wight, with their General's passe,
128." ''1643. BUletingof seamen, 4/. ''1645.
For cheese and beer for the souldiers, 10s. lOd."
" 1646. Warning the Watch when the alarme
was for Watch and Wards, and Beer, 7s. 5s.,
5fl. 6d., in all 17s. 6d. For 21b powder, 2s. 8d."
^* 1650. For quartering of souldiers at the Mayor's
bouse, 48. 6d., and grasse for their horses, 4s. 8d."
We learn also from Woodward that there were
also influential Cavaliers in the town. The Dore
family made great sacrifices both for Charles I.
and for the Duke of Monmouth, and when in
1648 Prince Charles (afterwards Charles II.)
appeared off Yarmouth (Isle of Wight) with
2000 men and 19 ships, in the hope of rescuing
his father, he was aided by Barnard Knapton,
the Mayor, and certain burffesses of Lymington.
'* Merourins Aulicus " tella an amusing story
OD October 2nd, 1643 :— " One John Stanley,
who was Purser to a ship, was pleased to send
his powerful warrant for venison in these very
words, ' These are to will and require you upon
sight hereof to kill, or cause to be killed, one
fat buck of this season, and send him to the
" George," in Limmington, to be sent aboard our
ship, and this shall be your warrant. Per me
John Stanley. To Mr. George Rodney, Master
Keeper, or to any of his Under Keepers.' "
Did the Purser get his vemson after all ?
On February 5th, 1644, a very interesting
letter was written to Captain Thomas Harrison,
who was afterwards one of the regicides, by Mr.
Peter Murford, who had been Governor of
Southampton, but had been superseded by
Colonel Norton, under whom he was now
acting as Sergeant Major, or, as we should now
say. Major. As his name frequently occurs
about this time in connection with South-
ampton affairs, a few notices of him may be of
interest, albeit they are drawn from the hostile
" Mercurius Aulicus." Mr. Murford was a tailor
by trade, as plainly appears from this extract,
be iring the date of Wednesday, Sept. 30, 1842 : —
" And the members may well think to tax all
the world when Mui^ord, the pretended
Governor of Southampton (nine of whose pro-
fession make one man), hath power to fine that
town as seemeth best to his greatness. For as
by letters from Winchester we were this day
certified. Colonel Morley, the Sussex rebel,
having at Bingwood surprised two or three
straggling soldiers of His Majesty's forces and
brought them into Southampton, was as a
grateful welcome entertained with a banquet at
the Councell House of the town by that imperial
seamstris Mistris Murford, and after dinner
was created burgess of Southampton by Mur-
ford himself. But the poor townsmen paid for
all ; it so pleasing this mighty Governor that he
assessed tne town to 650^, which they were
forced to pay suddenly to avoid plundering,
which he threatened, especially the old Mayor,
who was constrained to ransom his goods with
40^. And m the same letters it was further
signified that this infamons Governor puUed
down the picture of Queen Elizabeth from over
the north gate of that town (called the Bar
Gate), saying that the Queen was the occasion
of all these troubles, for if she had made a
thorough reformation all this fighting would
have b^n spared. But if nothing but religion
Iiad stirred this good man's spirit, he might
^ill have governed the shears and thimble and
let corporations alone."
On October 2nd, 1643, we hear of stirring
joenes at Southampton. ** The good Governor
this last week, as this day we were certified, had
a full commission to exercise marshall law, and
therefore made the Earl of Southampton's house
ft common gaol, on such delinquents as His
Mightiness shall think convenient. By virtue
whereof he sent abroad his strict warrant com-
manding all villages near unto Southampton to
ftssist him with men and money in fortifying the
town, among whom the Tythingman, of
Stoneham, was convented before him for neg-
ligence in executing of his Worship's new
warrants, whereupon Murford said unto him,
' Sirrah, if the King send to vou, then you can
presently go, run, and ride ; but when I send,
you will not step a foot, but) Sirrah, when I
speak the word hereafter. 111 make you fly, or
vou shall hang for it." In imitation of whom,
Lis own Sub-Committee, Richard Major, Paul
Mercer, Peter Legaye, and others, moved very
eagerl^rat the meeting in Southampton, that
the King's proclamation for non-payment of
rents to rebels might be burned by the hand of
the common hangman at the market-place, but
were prevented by the good old Mayor of that
town, who hath sufficiently smarted for his
Once more, on Tuesday, October 14th, 1643,
we are told " Nor is the city of Coventry only
happy in a good servant, the town of Souta-
ampton being able to match Purefojrs with her
famous Governor, Master Murford, one who,
thoughl know not the man, is resolved still to
trouble me with his weekly actions. For
having, as we told you heretofore, decreed to
make the Earl of Southampton's house a prison,
this week he sent in fifty prisoners to take pos-
session, and to show his mightiness, he assembled
his Committee, viz., Mercer, Legay, Major, and
the rest, at their meeting place in Southampton,
where, after a serious debate, it was concluded
that all the coal in Netley House, a house
belonging to the Lord Marques of Hertford,
now Clumcellor of the University of Oxford,
should be removed to Southampton by some of
the rebels of Master Murford s garrison, which,
in obedience to the just authority of this rebel-
lion, was quickly performed ; whether they will
f etdi coals so eamly from Newcastle we shall
see ere long, but if they do not they tell us tha^
they will cut down all the woods within three*
score miles of London." Governor Murford**
chaplain was the Rev. Nathaniel Robinson, a
friend of Oliver Cromwell, who, in 1649, was
settled in the Rectory of All Saints' Church,
Southampton, and who negotiated betweea
Oliver and Richard Major, of Hursley, concern-
ing the mirriage of Richard Cromwell and
Dorothy Major. Murford and his friends,
Legay, Mercer, and others, towards the end of
the year 1643 announced t le discovery of ^a
real or pretended plot to betray the town to the
Cavaliers, ** but the offenders were only the
inhabitants of the town, and such only as had
somewhat to lose, as appeared by a good round
assessment levied on them within few hours alter
breaking open of the plot."
From Murford's letter of February 5th, 1644,
we learn that after destroying the bridge over
the Test at Redbridge, Lord Hopton's troops
retired to Winchester. On the following day
a letter reached Mr. Robert Mason, a merchant
of Southampton, from Mr. Jasper Cornelius, a
Royalist attorney at Winchester, asking him to
persuade Murford to betray the town to Lord
Hopton. Murford talked the matter over with
Colonel Norton, who ordered him to send a
favourable reply. Mr. Jasper Cornehus offered
him 1000/. in money, a better office than that
which he then held, a pardon under the Great
Seal, and an assurance of the King's favour.
Bv Colonel Norton's secret directions, Murford
asked for either the 1000/. at once, or else 500L
and the Royal pardon. Colonel Norton mean-
while informed the Earl of Essex and Sir
William Waller of the offers made by Cornelius.
The pretended treaty was protracted, in order
to gain time, in the hope that Lord Hopton
woidd blockade Southampton, and be defeated
by Sir William Waller on his return from
Arundel. The promised pardon was at length
sent, but no money. The r jward was only to
be paid when the work was done. A month
went by, and eight letters passed between the
negotiators, Mr. Robert Mason being bound to
secrecy by oath. At length Murford told him
that Colonel Norton knew everything. Masoa
made an earnest appeal for mercy, for the sake
of bis wife and large family, but in vain. Hs
was, however, allowed to return to hia own
house, three doon distant from Murford's, and
profiting by the opportonity, before he could be
Skirmishes hear Southampton.
Rireated he made hia escape to Winchester,
where he was welcomed and employed in a con-
fiddnfeial position. Lordfiopton now despatched
troops to blockade Southampton, and several
flkirmiahea took place, in ail of which the sol-
diers of the Parliament had the advantage. On
January 31st, 1644, a comet, five soldiers, and
their horses were taken prisoners. Two days
Afterwards two men of the town were captured
with their horses and arms, three or four being
wounded. One of the latter, a captain, was on
February 5th dying of hia wounds, at Uomsey.
On a previous occasion we find the Mayor and
some of the richer burgesses favoured ^*the
Madgnants," or Cavaliers. On February 6th
the Liord Admiral, thefiarlof Warwick, seat the
Maria pinnace to Southampton Water, to guard
the town, which was then threatened by the
BoyaUsts, LiordHopton's men having committed
Curtain depredations on tae land side, so that
there was in tae waole county '' nardly anything
left for mxn or beast." Lord Hopton was
expecting to be reinforced eitaer from Oxford or
the Wost. Major-General Browne wiJi the
City Brij^e was fortlfymg Petworth, in order
to prevent a Cavalier inroad into Suiuex. Lord
Hopton 's army was about 7000 strong at Win-
chester, and was recmiced with Irishmen, horse
raised in the western counties, and pressed men.
The persons and estates of t.iose refusing to
serve the King were alike liable to be seised.
Tae Cavaliers at Winchester were now ^'fortify-
ing apace," but mmy of them, who were Fro-
test uits, declared that they woold not serve with
the Lrish troops, who had either arrived or were
daily expected. In one of the skirmishes near
Boathampt n, a Parliamentarian officer was
taken phs jner. flis men followed the retreat-
ing Cavaliers, and brougbt them to action again
at tha Tillage of Twyford. The prisoner was
placed in the front rank, but the Parliamen-
tarians fired hotly, killed eight of their oppo-
nents, pat the rest to flight, and rescued their
oflloer. On February l^th the counties of Kent,
Sarrey, Sussex, and Hants were raising bOO^
men to check the movements of Lord Hopton,
who had formed the plan of aiding CoL Massey
in Gloacestershire and Wiltshire.
Sir Benjanun Tichbome, M.P for Peters-
fieldy a staunch Cavalier, dwelt in the old
moated, oak-panelled family mansion at West
Tisted, which is fnll of interest to the
ardusologist. His home was, howeveri seised
upon by Sir William Waller, who established
there a cavalry outpost. This circumstance
would have teen forgotten if a casualty had
not occurred, which was duly recorded in the
paruh register. For the following entry, which
speaks for itself, I have to thank the Kev. Mr.
Stewart : —
'' A soldier, one Leiftenant Vernon, under a
gentleman, one Captayne Gibbon, of a Kentish
re/iment of Horse for the Parliament against
tne King, in the tyme of ye Civill Warre
betweene King Charles and his Parliament,
being quartered at Sir Benjamin Tichborne's
house, was buried in the Charnell of West
Tisted, on the north side, directly under the
little window. He was unfortunately killed by
his Captayne's Groome of his horse in the
kitchen standing by the fire on the Monday
before, being February the 10th, bemg aboat
9 of the clock at night. Shott into his left
shoulder through the bare (breast ?) bone, with
a pistoU charged with two bnlletts. The Cap-
tayne's man that did it was tried by a Conned
of Warre as a thing of inf ortnne, and not of set
purpose maliciously. The Colonoll of the
Kentish regiment was one Colonel Lacy, Feb.
12, 1644. A memorable accident I "
** Mercnrius Aulicus*' tells us that the good
people of Odiham were sadly disturbed whilst
at church on February 11th. Some of the
garrison of Farnham Castle rode into the
church during the service, and " presented their
jpistols at Master Holmes, the minister, paying
with a loud impudence, * Sir, you must come
down, for we do not allow of such kind of
preaching.' " One trooper fired his pistol in
the church ; a number of women fainted, *^ and
one Bushell's wife fell down dead."
On Thursday, February 15th, it was known
in London that two troops of Hopton 's men
had reconnoitred Southampton. Colonel Norton
sallied out upon them, and "many were wounded
in their wheeling." No less than 80 of them
were killed and taken, the fire on both sides
being w«f 11 sustained. One hundred good horses,
120 arms, and other plunder rewarded the
victors, whose loss is not stated, and the rest of
the Cavaliers fled in disorder. Hampshire men
were ordered either to supply Lord Hopton't
cavalrr with horses, or to pay 10/. per man in
lien of each horse. A weekly payment of 25s.
per week was levied **upon such as are bat
meanly landed." Imprisonment and plunder
Outrages at Winchester.
awaited those who refused payment. Almost
all the sheep, not omitting pregnant ewes, are
said to have been devoured by the Cavaliers,
who were charged with having eaten up 3000
sheop within twelve days at Odiham without
On the 19th of the following month a petition
was presented by " the Master and Almesf oik
of the Poore Hospitall of St. Mary Magdalen,
neare Winchester, to the Bight Honourable
Ralph, Lord Hopton, Baron of Stratton, and
Field Marshall G-eneral of His Majesty *s
Western Forces.'* The petitioners stated that
they could not live without charitable additions
to their endowment, and that 16 acres of barren
arable land and dry common for 120 sheep was
all the land they possessed, which they dili-
gently cultivated. That about Christmas, 1643,
Lord Hopton*s men had killed 36 of their sheep,
necessitating the removal of the rest to a dis-
tance of sixteen miles. Of this they had made
uo complaint. *' But your petitioners do farther
shew that within four nights last past the
soldiers keeping their rendezvous there have not
only devoured nine quarters of their seed barley
for this season, being the full provision for the
same, and have broken down and burnt up the
great gates, all doors, table boards, cupboards,
gyses, timber partitions, barnes, and stables
there, but have also used violence to the house
of God, burning up all the seats and pews in the
church, also the Communion table, and all other
wainscot and timber there that they could lay
hands on, and have converted the said house of
God into a stable for horses and other profane
uses, to the great dishonour of God and grief
of soul of your poor petitioners, being very aged
and impotent persons, and thereby made desti-
tute of the means of having either temporal or
spiritual food." Lord Hopton endorsed this
petition with an order that Henry Foyle, Esq.,
and Commissary Fry should protect these dis-
tressed almsfolk.
About the middle of February, 1500 of Lord
Hopton*s cavalry were at Salisbury marching
to the westward. Having been suddenly recaUed
to Hampshire, some 500 of them deserted their
oolours. The rest were " badly armed, not
worth much, as were many Cavaliers elsewhere."
Lord Hopton had ordered some dozens of maps
of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey to be sent to him
from London, for the use of his officers. His
■apply of ammunition was now fast failing him.
On Saturday, Feb. 17th, Sir William Waller
was quartering his army near Chichester and
Arundel. The London Brigade was at Petworth.
Its officers maintained strict discipline, and on
Feb. 20th, '* a corporal was to be tried by a
Council of War for revealing the watchword in
the night time." Some of Colonel Norton's
men were in garrison at Cowdray House, near
Midhurst, five miles from Petworth. Detach-
ments of Cavaliers from Winchester were hover-
ing about Alton, and giving constant alarms to
the garrisons at Cowdray and Petworth, but
inclement weather prevented any m:iportant
military operations.
On February 20th, the Parliament passed an
Ordinance for giving an allowance of 12,000/.
per month to the Scottish Army, to commence
on the Ist of March, and two days afterwards
news reached London that Lord Hopton and
Sir William Ogle were discussing the advisability
of demolishing the fortifications of Winchester,
and evacuating the city, for the double reason
that it was difficult to provide for the wants of
4000 caval^ as well as infantry, and that Sir
William Waller was threatening a personal
advance in force. ** Mercurius Aulicus," on
February 23rd reports a mutiny of some of
Waller's troops, and that Captain Guthred and
some others had come over to the Cavaliers.
Waller was expecting to be reinforced by 3000
foot, 120 horse, and 500 dragoons, which had
been lately raised in the four associated counties
of Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and Hampshire.
On February 27th Hopton was impressing
men, many of whom deserted at the first oppor-
tunity. Of 600 men thus forced into his ranks
100 deserted at once, and 200 more were missing
when the detachment reached Winchester,
despite the exertions of a guard of horse. Many
country gentlemen were said to bepreparing to
abandon Hopton, and to welcome Wal^r when-
ever he shomd advance into Hampshire. The
29th of February brought news that Sir WilliAm
Waller's rendezvous was to be at Chesterfield,
and that he would march towards Winchester
after another ten days. The Kentish men were
to be there, also 1200 foot, 400 horse, and 200
dragoons, Sussex and Surrey sending their due
proportion under "that valiant soldier Sir
Ridiard Grenville."
And now the greatest disaster of ail for the
King's troops was at hand. After the oaptnrt
of Arundel Castle and his victory at Alton,
Pbeparations for Battle.
Sir William Waller was eager to proceed on
kia inarch into the western counties, more
especially as the 1000 horse which, nnder the
command of Sir William Balfour, the Earl of
Essex had been obliged, sorely against his will,
to lend his subordinate but rival Waller, might
be withdrawn at any time. Besides, the Auxi-
liary Regiments of London were anxious to
return home, their period of service having
nearly expired. Accordingly, as an old writer
observes, '^ Sir William Waller, after his reduce-
ment of Arundel Castle, marched to find out
my Lord Hopton, to cry quits with him for his
ddEeat at Roundway Down" (near Devizes).
Lord Hopton, on his part, was nothing loth,
especially after the disaster at Alton, which
"inflamed him with desire of a battle with
Waller to make even aU accounts. '* The King,
having heard of the strong reinforcements
granted to Sir William Waller, sent a large
force of volunteers from Oxford to reinforce
the army under Hopton. They were under the
command of the Earl of Brentford, a man whom
Clarendon says had been a very good ofiQcer and
had seen mnch service. His courage and boldness
no man doubted, but long- continued and heavy
drinking bouts had weakened his mental powers,
which never had been very great, *' he having
been always illiterate to the greatcdt degree that
can be imagined I" Being an intimate friend
of Lord Hopton, and wishing to pass the winter
in active service rather than in repose, he asked
permission to march to Winchester, which was
very readily granted by the King, On his arrival,
Hopton gave him a most cordial welcome, and
offered him the supreme command of the whole
force. This offer, however, he refused, but
promised to aid in all expeditions to the best of
his ability. If the fortune of Cheriton fight
had been different, the two generals would have
marched together to the aid of the Cavaliers of
Sussex and Kent, and would have made the
King supreme in those t'v^o counties.
Sir WiUiam Waller was massing troops near
Famham, meaning to seek the Cavaliers, and
^'they cheerfully embraced the occasion and
went to meet him." A contemporary account
■ays: ''Both armies were near one another a
good space, for my Lord hovered about Win-
chester and those parts."
On the Ist of March, 1644, Hopton was said
to have barely 6000 men at Winchester, and
deaertions from that garrison were frequent.
Sickness was decimating both armies, but the
Cavaliers were the greatest sufferers. The town
and garrison of Portsmouth were distressed for
provisions, as Hopton 's outposts were in occupa- «
tion of Southwick, Bishop's Waltham, Fareham,
and other places in the neighbourhood. One
hundred barrels of powder were ordered to be
stored in Arundel Castle for the supply of
Waller's army, and on March 7th orders were
given that forty other barrels from the powder
mills, near Guildford, should be sent for the
same purpose to Famham Castle, the garrisoning
of which at this time caused some anxiety to
the Parliamentary Committee of both kingdoms.
All the officers of cavalry and infantry regi-
ments raised in Kent, and the Governors of all
the garrisons in the four associated counties of
Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and Hants, wore to obey
the orders of Sir William Waller as Major-
General of the Association. Sir William himself,
when present in the House of Commons about
this time, obtained authority to make a summary
levy of horses in three days in West Sussex, so
as to complete the proportion of cavalry to be
provided by the county for the regiment then
being raised for Sir Richard Grenville. The
Committee of Militia wrote " to encourage the
City Regiment, now in continue for yet
longer upon the service, the necessity for it at
this time being so important." Sir John Trevor
was raising money in Sussex for Sir William
WaUer, and on Thursday, March 7th, the Com-
mittee of Militia and Mr. Molins, Comptroller of
the Ordnance, delivered to that General's army,
" One demi culverin, called Killcow, three
drakes at Leaden Hall, one demi culverin
drake, and one sacre drake, upon shod wheels,
with their carriages, and for carriages, with
provisions for sixty shot round." Hampshire
and Sussex Puritan recruits were coming in
apace, and Kentish Volunteers nearly 5000
strong destined for the same service were being
maintained at the expense of their county. On
Sunday, March 10th, eighteen loads of ammu-
nition left London for Waller's army. Sir
John Evelyn and other Hampshire gentlemen
had promised allegiance to the Parliament, and
had taken the Covenant, but on March 2nd it
was debated whether or not they were again
eligible for seats in the House.
Colonel Harvey, who was beaten at Basing
House, in company with Colonel Norton, on
August 2nd, 16&, was now sent with his regi-
Basing House and Bomset.
ment of horse to join Sir William Waller at
Famham, and our old acquaintance, Captain
Bwanley, the terroi* of Southampton, ahout this
time m ide prize of a ship of Bristol, laden with
arms and ammunition for the King. On or
about March 9th some of Lord Hopton's cavalry
from Winchester faced Southampton. Colonel
Norton sent out a party to skirmish with them
until some other troops who had made a long
and circuitous march could attack them from
an ambuscade in their rear. The result was
most disastrous to the Cavaliers. One of the
sons of Sir John Stawell was killed. This
family was constantly active on the side of the
King. The Cavaliers are said to have carried
off five cartloads of their dead, and the slain and
prisoners are variously estimated at 80 and 140.
^tween 6 ) and 80 horses were brought back to
Southampton, together with two cornets and
other officers. Colonel Norton lost only three
men, according to one writer ; but all concur
in stating that his losses were but slight.
Sir William Balfour, Major-General of Horse
under Sir William Waller, was now in Hamp-
shire with 4000 horse and dragoons, and on his
march from Beading to Devizes took a few
straggling Cavalier horsemen, who were billeted
at Andover, and immediately afterwards occu-
pied Newbury, which now had a garrison of
5000 horse and foot, and from whence Captains
Dolbery, Turner, and Thompson were sent with
about 2 horse to face Basing House. " The
foxes and wolves there cams out," and followed
the retreating Boundheads as far as Odiham,
plundering meanwhile and capturing a waggon-
load of provisions. Thereupon they halted and
retired towards Basing House, their strength
being almost the same as that of their oppo-
nent<4. Now, in their turn, did Balfour^s men
advance to the attack, killing twenty Cavaliers,
routing the others, recapturmg the waggon, and
taking many prisoners, or, according to two
chroni lers, capturing **many troops of horse and
provii-ion carriages," or ** six waggons of beef,
malt, and bacon going to Basing House."
Sir William Bufour's troopers then advanced,
somewhat to the alarm of the garrison at Win-
chester, but ** that good knight, Sir John Smith,
beat up the rebel quarters at Bramdean, Peters-
field, and Alton." recapturing the provisions,
and making the unwelcome Parliamentarian
Intruders retire. On Tuesday, March 12th,
Lord John Stuart, one of the Duke of Bich-
mond's brothers, who was in command of Lord
Hopton's cavalry, led a party of Sir Edward
StawelFs horse and foot **to a place near Alres^
ford." The same day a party of Cavaliers
marched out of Bomsey, and when approaching
the New Forest met a party of their comradesy
who did not recognise them, and shots were
exchanged. This mistake having been rectified,
the whole force returned to Bomsey, which
some of Colonel Norton's men from South*
ampton, led by Captain Thomas Evans, had
that evening occupied, " where they had but a
short night's rest." Early in the morning of
March 13th the Cavaliers entered the town,
Burpiised their opponents, who were about 120
in number, and veiy well armed. From 80 to
100 prisoners were taken, the rest by different
ways escaping. Captain Evans had in his
pocket a commission as Governor of Bomsey.
Six of the prisoners were found to be deserters
from Lord Hopton's army, and were summarily
hanged, at the especial request of their own
Meanwhile things were by no means going on
smoothly in the Isle of Wight. On Tuesday,
March 12th, the petition of Captain Scofield,
John Baskett, and Bichard Bury, gentlemen,
and others against Col. Came, *' the present
Deputy Governor of the Isle of Wight," was
read in the House of Commons, and referred to
the Committee for the safety of the Isle of
Wight. Another petition was in course of
signature in the Island, which the Committer
received orders to supjiress. Colonel Came,
who was accused first of discountenancing the
friends of the Parliament, and secondly of
countenancing those of the King, was to be
summoned to appear in London to answer these
charges. The Earl of Pembroke, the Governor
of the Isle of Wight, wrote to the standing
Committee there ** to take care of the safety of
the Island, especially of Cansbrooke Castle and
Sandown Fort. And that James Millis and
Captain Hunt may be secured, or sent out of
the Island by the Committee, that they may do
no prejudice to the safety of the Isle." On
Friday, March 22nd, a petition of the knights,
gentlemen, snd inhabitants of the Isle of
Wight was read, and the Earl of Pembroke
received further orders to take care of the
Island until the matter should be decided by
Sir John Oolandsr.
authority. Colonel Came was afterwards
acqaitted of the two charges brought against him
by a majority of 21 and 20 votes respectively.
Notice was also taken on March 22na of '* the
demeanour and carriage of one Oglander iu the
Isle of Wiirht." On this point " Meronrins
Anlicns" enlightens nson Monday, August 14th,
**Thi8 day also we received intelligence that Sir
John Oglander being in the Isle of Wight, one,
who is a safficient brother, said to him that the
King's ships were goodly ships. *Yes,' said
Sir John, ^ but they woald be better if they
were restored to their true owner,' meaning
His Majestv. The Roundhead replied, * Why,
what wonla you gain if the King had them
all?' 'No matter for gain,' said Sir John.
* I would I had given 50O/. of my own purse
so as the ships were in the right owner's posses-
sion.' 'And verily,' said the other, *it shall
cost you 500/.,' and so presently informed
against him, and caused hun to be fetched to
prison, where now the good knight is kept close
only for discovering a good wish to His
On Tuesday, March 19th, 1644, two letters
from the Earl of Warwick, dated, one, three
days previously, and the second the day before,
were read in Parliament, enclosing "extracts of
Captain Jorden's letter and Captain Thomas,
his letter from Portsmouth and Stokes Bay," to
tbe effect that they had chased the Earl of
Marlborough, "and had taken four prizes of
good value, the one of thirteen guns, belonging
to Lyme."
On March 25th it was decided that the Sum-
mer Guard should consist of eighteen merchant
ships. The two second rates and one third rate
men-of-war previously ordered to be sent to
sea were countermanded. A strong escort was
to be provided for certain ammunition carts
which were to be sent to Sir William Waller.
But all these matters of detail were in the
following week to be dwarfed by the great
struggle which has been variously styled the
Battle of Cheriton, Alresford, Brandon Heath,
Brandon, Bramdean, and Winchester, as well as
Cheriton Down Fight and Cheriton Fight.
Truly manifold are the appellations of this
dread and stem reality !
Ohapteb XX, — ^A Battle Imminent — Sir William Waller's Advance — ^Lord Hopton's
Entrenchments — ^West Meon Occupied— Cavaliers at Albebford — Skirmish at
TiSTED — Ciieriton Pight — Struggle in the Wood — The Tide Turns—Hopton
Retreats — A Cavalry Charge — Keen Pursuit — Trophies op Victory — ^Losses on
Both Sides — The Earl of Forth — ^Winchester Surrenders — Lady Hopton taken
Prisoner — ^Rejoicings in London.
Encouraged by the presence of the Earl of
Forth, his firm friend and superior officer, and
sorely grieved by the late disasters at Alton
and at Arundel, Lord Hopton, having been aldo
reinforced from Oxford, was anxious to try
oondusions with Sir William Waller. He and
Lord Forth intended, if successful, to advance
into Sussex and Kent, in which counties Rush-
worth says " they were like to find manv to join
them. * ' The same author sajrs that the Cavaliers
were 13,000 or 14,000 strong, and that Sir Wil-
liam Waller, Sir William Balfour, who com-
manded the cavalry. Sir Michael Livesay, who
had brought up a force from Kent, and Major-
Genehil Browne, who led the London Brigade,
had upwards of 10,000 men. But most authori-
ties give the numbers on each side as being from
8000 to 10,000. The Parliamentarian Generals,
especially Sir William Waller, " who wished to
cry quits with Lord Hopton for his defeat at
Roundway Down" on July 13th, 1643, were by
no means reluctant to stake the issue of the con-
test upon the result of a battle. Waller was
elated by his previous victories gained at Alton
and Arundel, and knew that his London Brigade
was exceedingly anxious to march in the
direction of the metropolis. Moreover he feared
the speedy recall of the cavalrv which had
lately been lent to him by the Earl of Essex.
According to a letter from Petworth we
learn that the White and Red Regiments and
the Southwark Regiments, which composed the
London Brigade, were to advance on March 16th
from Petworth to Midhurst, at which latter
town they halted for five days. Lord Hopton,
who on March 19th was said to have under his
command 10,000 men, the majority of whom had
been impressed, was now concentrating all his
forces from the western counties, preparatory to
a general rendezvous on Tichbome Down. Many
of his pressed men were expected to desert, if
opportunity offered, and there was a report that
10,000 arms had been landed at Weymouth from
Dui^irk for the Cavaliers. Sir William Bal-
four, who was in command of 4000 horse and
dragoons, was on March 18th, says *' Mercnrina
Britannicus, ' ' "betwixt Winchester and Romaey.
and the rebels in Oxford are betwixt fear and
despair.** Sir William Waller was on his march
from Sussex with six or seven thousand horse
and foot, the county of Kent having sent him
500 cavalry and 1200 infantry. The armies were
nearly equal in number, and Lord Hopton waa
busily fortifying Winchester, and <* building a
great fort about one mile thence, to keep off all
approaches thereunto, but the hills so command
that city that his labour will be lost, and his
great sconce " or redoubt *' prove useless.** Is not
this great fort or sconce the well-known earth-
work, with its clump of fir trees visible from afar,
known to all men as Oliver's Battery, so callea
probably from having been occupied by that
stern soldier, Cromwell, in October, 1645 ?
On March 18th, Sir William Waller reached
Chichester with his train of artillery, and on the
following day a solemn fast was observed by
his army, just one week before the appointed
time, as the following week was likely to prove
somewhat eventful. All the farmers' teams
were impressed by Waller for the transport of
his baggage and guns. Sir William Balfour had
also taken up a position nearer to PortsmouUi,
Sir Wiluam Waller's Advance.
And on March 2(Hfa tlie whole army was to
advance towards Winchester. On the 21st Sir
William Waller himself was still in Ghiohester,
but some of his forces had marched to Cather-
ington, and others were quartered at Havant.
The London White and Tellow Regiments,
under Major-General Browne, were at Midhurst,
and the horse and foot from East Kent, under
Sir Michael Livesay, had effected a junction
with the rest of the army. Sir William
Balfour's 4000 horse and dragoons were '* at
Portdiester, Portsmouth, Petenfield, Lippocke,
Ac." The Surrey forces of the Parliament
were on the march towards G-odalming, and a
traveller reported that for nineteen miles
together all the towns and villages were filled
with the soldiers of the two (^posing armies,
each of which was said to be 10,000 strong. On
March 2l6t, a solemn Day of Humiliation was
observed at the Qhurch of St. Martin's in the
Fields, for the success of Sir WiUiam Waller,
who was even then expected to act upon the
defensive, as he was advised to do by the Parlia-
ment. He had appointed Tichborne Down as
a rendezvous for the London Brigade, and also
for the cavalry force under Sir WiUiam Balfour.
When it was known in London that Waller was
actually on tbe march towards Winchester
through Petersfield, ** two gallant pieces of
ordnance, fit for battery, with divers carriages
and ammunition," were at once sent to him.
Lord Hopton and the Earl of Forth had pre-
viously chaUenged Waller to fix the day and
place for a battle, and by the night of Saturday,
March 23rd, some of the troops on either side
were within six miles of one another. Some of
the Cavaliers were posted on the downs a mile
distant from Winchester, whilst others were con-
structing entrenchments upon Tichborne Down.
Mr. Duthy says (*' Sketches of Hampshire," p.
194) : — " There is a tradition that when Aires-
ford was oecupied by the Royal Army under
Hopton, before the battle of Cheriton, some of
the outposts were on the ridge of Ovington
Down, where the present turnpike road now
skirts Sir Thomas Dyer's park, and a field, which
is still known by the name of Butcher's Close, is
pointed out as the spot where the Commissary
collected and slaughtered cattle for the use of
the King's Army. Marks of entrenchments are
viable, or were lately so, which were probably
thrown up at the same period." Other entrench-
ments are also to be traced upon Gander's Down,
apparently intended to protect the old road from
the Four Lanes, Beauworth, to Winchester. But
Lord Hopton 's soldiers were mostly *'young boys,
forciUy taken from their parents and masters,
who also want arms and military exercise I "
For information as to the manoeuvres on both
sides W6 are much indebted to Mr. Duthy's
''Sketchesof Hampshire," Woodward's "History
of Hampshire," and other sources. Major-
General Browne was in command of the London
Brigade, and in an account of the battle, *^ pre-
sented to the Bight Honourable the Lord
Mayor" by one " imployed in the service of the
City and State to attend the London Brigade,"
we are told that " upon Thursday, the 21 of
this instant, March (oar Brigade being quartered
at Midhurst), our major general received orders
from Sir William Waller to advance towards
Winchester, to a town called Traford, which
accordingly he did with incredible speed, almost
at an hour's warning, and that night arrived
there, which we found to be a small village, not
above seven or eight houses to quarter all our
men. There we met with much hardship."
No long halt was made in the village, for from
"an account published three days after the
battle, as sent in a letter from an intelligent
officer in the armie to his friend in London," we
learn that " on Monday last, March 25, we (the
writer was one of the London Brigade) were
drawn forth from a town called Traford into
a heath appointed by Sir William Waller for the
meeting of all his forces." Traford is evidently
At this rendezvous three disorderly soldiers
of the London Brigade were executed. One
was tied to a tree and shot for killing his com-
rade. Another, who belonged to Sir WUliam
Waller's own regiment, was hanged as a deserter,
as was also the third for mutiny, and for level-
ling a musket at his captain in order to rescue
an offender. Towards evening on Monday,
March 25, the London Brigade approached West
Meon, which village they were informed was
five miles distant from Alresford, six miles
from Bishop's Waltham, and nine from Win-
chester. This brigade, f oiming the advance
guard of Waller's army, also ascertained that
the Cavaliers were assembled in force only some
five miles off. Lord Hopton 's outposts had
already occupied the village, and *^asthe quarter-
masters came riding in, with a piece of a trooo for
their guard," a bri^ skirmish took place, which
Oavauebs at Albesfobd.
resulted in the retreat of the Cavaliers, leaving
behind them in captivity their commanding
officer, ** with a good horse under him, and good
store of money." Soon afterwards a rumour
was circulated that 600 Cavaliers were entering
the villa^^e, which caused the Londoners to
evacuate it. Some few j^ots seem to have been
exchanged, but Captain Robert Thompson
bravely led on a forlorn hope of musketeers,
and secured the possession of West Meon to Sir
William Waller. Lord Hopton, being duly
informed of this brush with the enemy, quitted
Winchester on Tuesday, March 26th. on which
day Sir William Waller and his staff had reached
Petersfield, from whence he advanced as far as
East Meon. During the day six troops of his
cavaliy encountered sixteen troops of Royalint
horsemen near West Meon. Three of Lord
Hopton *s men were made prisoners, and the rest
retii'ed, having probably accomplished their
object of ascertaining the strength of the enemy.
On Wednesday, March 27th, Sir William
Balfour, who had under his command Sir Arthur
Haslerig's cuirassiers, known to fame as ** The
Lobsters," ftom their iron shells, was sent by
Waller with a large force of cavaliy to occupy
the town of Alreaford. But Lord Hopton was
too quick for him. Putting himself at the head
of 8uO horse and dragoons, and ordering the
infantry to follow with all f<peed, he hastened
to secure the town. His force and that of Sir
William Balfour marched in full view of one
another nearly all the way, but the Cavaliers
were the first to ariive, and Balfour and his
troopers reluctantly fell back to quarter them-
selves in the neighbouring villages.
On Wednesday, March 27th, the Cavaliers
received a considerable accession of strength,
and made an attack in force, hoping to surprise
the enemy, whom they expected to find at
church, the day having been set apatt for a
solemn fast. But in this they were disappointed,
for the Londoners had taken advantage of their
halt at Midhurst to keep the fast during the
previous week. **Thus the Royalists found
them prepared for their reception, full of confi-
dence instead of humiliation, under arms instead
of at prayers." The assailants, however, suc-
ceeded in capturing some stragglers, and
*< appeared in a great body upon the hill on the
left hand of the town,** or, as we should rather
call it, the village of West Meon. On the same
day Major-General Browne, in obedience to
orders received, marched out of West Meon
towards Cheriton, the enemy meanwhile
threatening an attack in force. Some tumuli
called " The Devil's Jumps," West Tisted Com-
mon, which are said by local tradition to be the
graves of soldiers, perhaps cover the remains of
those who fell on this day. " We drew our men
into a body near the town (West Meon; and
marched as forlorn," in hourly expectation of
an attack, until at length they were obliged to
halt **a mile or more from the village in extreme
danger." So writes one who styles himself **aa
Eye- Witness.** This gentleman had been sent
by the Lord Mayor and the Committee of the
City MiUtia to foUow Sir William Waller's
army, and to report the proceedings of the
London Brigade, and seems to have been the
first specimen of a war oorrespondent on record.
Unfortunately, his excessive modesty has buiied
his name beneath the obscurity of two centuries,
and to us modems he can only be a nameless
»» Eye- Witness.**
At length Sir William Waller brought up his
brigade trom East Meon, and the united force
advanced until they ** came near to Cheriton,
to a place called bv some Lamborough Fi. Id,** a
name which it still retains. There and on the
adjacent common they quartered for the night,
** the enemy lying upon Sutton Common, and
some part of them nearer to us, so near that the
sentinels could hear one another talk.** On
Wednesday and Thursday nights Waller's
troops ** lay in the open field about three miles
from Alsford, where the enemy kept a garrison.*'
On the morning of Thursday, " a commanded
party sent to view the enemy ** met with a
Cavalier forlorn hope of considerable strength.
The tavalry fought desperately, and two heroes,
whose n:imes are unfortunately not recorded,
gained for themselves great renown.
Then spur and sword was the batUe word, and we
made their helmets ring ;
Shouting like madmen all the while ** For God and
for the King ;**
And though they snnflBed psalms, to give the rebel
dogs their due,
When the roaring shot poured thick and hoi, they
were steadfast men and true.
(THE Old Cavalibb).
At length a gun, which did great execution,
was brought to bear upon the Royalists, who
thereupon retreated somewhat hastily. ^* Mer-
Chebtton Fight.
CQiios Aulicns *' gives an account of this day's
proceedings, which Mr. Duthj thus admirably
summarises : —
*'It would appear from the accounts pub-
Eshed by the Cavaliers, in what may be termed
their Court Gazette, that Lord Uopton made a
partial attacic upon Waller during his march
from West Meon, and having driven him from
an eminence on which he was stationing his
troops, sent Colonel George Lisle with a body
of men to retain possession of it, which that
officer gallantly executed, bivouacking there all
night. If this be correct, it must have been
W^aller*8 original aim to have occupied ground
nearer Alresford, on the ridge extending fiom
Tichborne to Bramdean Common, and the
less elevated swells to the south ol it between
the wood called Sutton Scrubbs and East Down
Farm, and that he was driven from his position
and compelled to take up his quartera farther
off, in the vicinity of Cheriton. On these
eminences Colonel Lisle was probably posted,
for on the mommg of Thnrsd^iy, the 28th, it
was discovered that his post was commanded by
still higher ground, to which the enemy had
retired. Skirmishes now ensued, and each
party seems to have claimed the advantage.
The Cavaliers assert that, notwithstanding the
strength of Waller's position, which was such
as he usually chose, a spot inters3cted with
hedges and trees, behind which his men were
strongly posted, and from which they poured
such tremendous voUies as few soldiers had ever
experienced before, yet the gallant Colonel
Appleyard, being ordered to drive them from it,
* so led up his men, and they so followed their
leader, that the confident rebel, with all his odds,
was forced from his seat, and made give place to
his betters.' If this was the case, he certainly
recovered it again, for here he was posted on the
ensuing morning. In their account of the trans-
actions of the 28th, the Roundheads state that
parties of theirs, in making reconnaissances,
were attacked by the enemy, who were received
^ith great gallantry by their horse, and on a
considerable body of the Royalists coming to the
relief of their comrades who were engaged, a
gun was brought to bear on them, which did
considerable execution, and caused them to
retreat in disorder." Appleyardwas wounded,
either on this or the following day. He was
taken prisoner at Naseby, in 1645, together with
the following officers of his regiment, some, if
not all, of whom fought at Cheriton : — Captaina
Triwhit, Masters, Sanderson, and Hubbart,
Lieutenants Middleton, Thompson, Lewen, and
Baker." They wore yellow uniform."
It is evident that the skirmishes on this day
were by no means of a decisive character.
Whitlocke's memorials say that the armies for
" two or three days faced each other, and had
some light skirmishes with the horse, and Sir
William Waller's men took about thirty of the
enemy, and slew one captain and an Irish rebel."
Councils of War were held this day in both
camps, and on either side it was decided to fight
on the morrow, the setting of whose sun many
a brave soldier both of King and Parliament
was fated never to behold.
Early on the morning of Friday, March 29th,
Sir William Waller's men were seen to be
strongly posted on the high ground which
extends from the neighbourhood of the village
of Cheriton to the farther end of Cheriton
Wood, which lay in the front of their extreme
right, at which part of the line the London
Brigade was posted. Lord Hopton's regiment
took advantage of the numerous lanes leading
fiom Alresford and the neighbourhood of
Bishop's Sutton to crown the eminence that
extends ftom Tichborne to Bramdean Common.
Before the battle began, the Cavaliers
employed " a subtle device, such that none could
fathom," which was the announcement of a
victory over the Scotch anny by the Earl of
Newcastle, at the very time that the Scottish
warriors had defeated the Earl, and also of an
exaggerated account of Prince Rupert's success
at Newark.
The contest is variously said to have com-
menced at eight, nine, and ten o'clock in the
morning. The "Fi< Id Word * was the same in
both armies, **God with us," which Sir William
Waller discovering, substituted for his own men
** Jesus bless us," which towards the close of
the struggle was exchanged for ** Glory to God
The gaining of Chenton Wood ** was con-
ceived to be of extraordinary advantage," and
four files per company of the London Brigade
were formed up lOOu strong as a forlorn hope,
and were sent to occupy it under the command
of an officer who is variously styled Captain,
Sergeant Major (i.6., Major), and Colonel
Thompson, or Tompson, and who, it will be
remembered, had commanded a forlorn hope at
The Tide Turns.
West Meon on the previons Monday evening.
The attack proYed snccessful, in spite of the
efforts of the forlorn hope of the Cavaliers, who
fought hand to hand, and from tree to tree.
Lord Hopton had foreseen this attack, and had
Elanted some drakes or field pieces upon the
igh ground at the north-eastern side of the
wood which commands the rest, ''which thev so
furiously discharged that we were forced to
retreat,'* and although reinforced by musketeers,
the Londoners did not hold the wood for more
than an hour, durinj; which time their casualties
were numerous, and they lost Captain-Lieut.
Milton wounded and taken. Was he a relative
of the poet ? A map of this neighbourhood
still gives the name of Gunner*s Castle to some
houses at a cross road close to the position said
by the contemporary historians to have been
■elected by the Boyal artillery. Colonel
Thompson's leg was so badly shattered by a
cannon shot as to render amputation necessary.
After the retreat of the Londoners Lord
Hopton 's cavalrv began to charge, *'and our men
bravely received their first shock.and answered
them blow for blow, and bullet for bullet."
Nevertheless, although they had the support of
a large force of musketeers, who, posted in
coppices and enclosures kept up a heavy fire,
the Parliamentarians were forced to give ground.
But the country was unfavourable for cavalry
manoeuvres, being of a heathy nature, and a
Parliamentaiian writer remarks that "the ground
where the enemy's horse stood was so uneven
that they could not march in any order.*' This
circumstance, together with the warm greeting
which they had met with, no doubt damped
their ardour in this " sharp battle."
Clarendon says, "The King's horse never
behaved themselves so ill as on that day, for
the main body of them, after they had sustained
one fierce charge, wheeled about to an unreason-
able distance, and left their principal officers to
shift for themselves," and he speaks in another
place of ** the few horse that stayed and did
their duty."
On the other hand Sir William Waller's horse
" did little for the space of an hour after their
The ''foot regiments on both sides fought
stoutly on both sides, and came up to push of
pike ; the London forces aud Kentish men with
Waller, and Sir Arthur Haslerig and Balfour
did brave service." Mr. Duthy says, " The posi-
tion originally occupied by each army was
strong. The ground rapidly descending in front
of the Parliamentarians formed a regular
escarpement, and before the Royalists it was
equally but more irregularly steep, while the
wood and detached hedges and coppices lay
between them both. It was necessary, nowever,
in order to come into contact, that one party at
least should descend from their vantage ground^
and it seems as if the Cavaliers, encouraged by
the success of their first onset, at which time
the Roundheads acknowledged ' that the day was
doubtful, if not desperate,' pushed forward
with more valour than prudence across the
broad valley which separated the armies, up to
the rising ground, where Waller's men la^
entrench^ behind hedges and thickets. This
took place chiefly on the left of the Parlia-
mentarians soon after the discomfiture of their
horse, and the vantage ground which they occu-
pied enabled them to throw their enemies into
confusion and to become assailants themselves.
They drove the Royalists from hedge to hedge
till they forced them to the top of the hill, pro-
bably to the edge of Tichborne Down." The
fighting on the right and in the centre seems
to have been less severe than it had been on the
But now Major-General Browne collected 100
musketeers from the hedges, and led them in
person to attack the wavering, but not as yet
routed Royalist cavalry. It was now about one
hour past noon, when " the London regiments
drove the enemy from the hedges, which they
had lined with musketeers, and gained a. paasaf^e
to a wood, which stood the Parliament's forces in
great stead. ' ' They ' ' falling unexpectedly upon
the enemy's horse, gave fire so bravely on them
that they were forced to wheel about, and there-
upon our body of horse came on again, and gave
them so hot a charge that they were forced to a
disorderly retreat." These London musketeers
fought " most gladly and courageously. They
charged quite through the enemy's body, and put
them to a rout, so that they were forced to
retreat to the top of the hill where they first
appeared." This hill was probably Tichborne
Down. Seeing that the fortune of the day was
going against him. Lord Hopton, who, by the
admission of his enemies, "managed his forces
soldier-like " on this and many other occasions,
sent off his baggage and artOfery and a portion
of his infantry towards Alresf ord, so that ** only
The Bist&eat.
the hone and a few of the foot were left to fight
OB," and to cover the retreat of the main body
of the army. 300 Roondhead musketeers now
left the shelter of the hedges, and advanced at
■peed, so that the Royalist foot, " who all the
day till then had stood to it, perceiving their
horse begin to fly, do seek for shelter by
flight themselves, and throw down their arms."
To make matters worse, Sir William Balf oar,
with his 4000 well-armed cavalry, including Sir
Arthur Ebislerig's iron-clad ** Lobsters," who
had been repulsed in the earlier part of the day,
ODce more charged the disheartened infantry,
oomnleting their discomfiture. Sir William
WaUer, as this living torrent of cuirassiers
swept past him, making the very earth tremble
beneath with the trampling of their chargers,
*' bravely encouraged them to second the example
and courage of their leader, and they did notably
serve to increase the victory. The Kentid^
regiment of horse, assisted witb Col. Norton's
regiment, stood manfully to it, and never lost
ground." Colonel Norton, who had lived much
at Alresford, was well acquainted with every
lane in the neighbourhood, and ia said to have
brought up his renowned troop of Hambledon
Boys, and charged the Cavaliers in the rear, thus
not a little contributing to the victory. The
Kentish regiment gave no quarter to the Irish,
"who first ran for it, and threw down their
arms. They were mostly red coats of Lord
Inchiquin's regiment, led by his brother."
Another account says, ** The first of the Eling's
men that are said to run away were two regi-
ments of Irish." The officers did their best to
rally the fugitives, " beating and cutting them
with their swords," but to no purpose. ** There
was a hollow betwixt both bodies, which each
endeavonring to gain, manv men found it for
their graves* on lK>th sides. * This is probably
the lane leading from Sutton Scrubbs towards
Cheriton, which, on that fatal day, according to
village tradition, ran with blood. The victory
was complete. Those who followed the
pursuit found nearly 2000 arms under the
bedgee^ and many of Lord Hopton's newly-
raised Hampshire levies made the best of their
way to their homes without opposition from the
victors. Lord Hopton in person did his best
to cover the retreat with a body of cavalry
composed of the regiments of Colonels Butler,
NevUl, and Howard. Colonel Butler received a
wound in the leg, but. reached Oxford in safety.
Sir W. Balfour and Sir A. Haslerig were ener-
getic in the pursuit, and, in spite of the efforts
of the Royalist cavalrv, succeeded, after a chase
of between two and three miles, in overtaking
the i-etreating infantry, who, according to rustic
report, shouted to their mounted comrades
" Face them, face them once more ; face them I "
Thus urged, the cavalry made a final charge,
only to be broken and chased until the infantry
were a second time overtaken and attackeo,
losing many men. It was five o'clock in the
afternoon before the battle was at an end, and
neither army was sorry to perceive the coming
on of night. As the Cavaliers retreated through
the town of Alresford they set fire to it at both
ends, probably in revenge for the Parliamentary
politics of some of its principal inhabitants.
The soldiers of the victorious army, however,
speedily arrived, and aided the inhabitants to
extinguish the conflagration, which only
destroyed four or five houses. Sir William Bal-
four, who commanded the cavalry, in his
account, written on the following day, said that
the pursuit was kept up till Winchester was not
four miles distant, and informed the Par-
liament that he was drowsy for want of sleep,
which he considered a sufficient reason for cur-
tailing his official report. Misled by unfriendly
rustics, and seeing that most of tne infantry
were retreating in the direction of Winchester,
Sir William Waller urged on the chase towards
that city, and so failed to secure all the fruits
of his victory. "Mercurius Aulicus" asserts
that Lord Hopton took three colours from him,
carrying them off in triumph. The same
newspaper says that Hopton lost neither guns,
colours, nor carriages. Another account says that
Waller captured seven guns, but Roshworth
says that only two guns fell into his hands. It
is expressly stated by one writer that two hours
before the defeat became general, Lord Hopton
sent away nine guns towards Winchester, with
an escort of 300 men, leaving only two on the
field, which were afterwards captured. Six of
the nine guns were buried in a place of security,
and the other three were conveyed in safety to
Basing House. One hundred loads of com, meaL
and provisions, two waggons omveying fiela
pieces and muskets, and 30 other conveyances
are said to have rewarded the victors.
Favoured by the darkness Lord Hopton,
" with his horses and carriages, it being in the
I night, wheeled about through a narrow lane, and
Mutual Losses.
80 went anperceived to theii garrison at Baaing
Hoase/' which he himself reached in company
with the Earl of Forth and fourteen other
officers. The line of retreat seems to iiave been
through Avingtou, and thence towards Basing
House, which a considerable body of troops
succeeded in reaching in good order. All
through the night did the disheartened Cavaliers
march in haste, exclaiming as they hurried
towards Alton, Basing, and Winchester, *' The
kingdom's lost I the kingdom's lost I'* and kill-
ing more than 200 horses in order to block up
the narrow lanes with their bodies so as to
impede pursuit.
The slaughter was considerable, most of the
Irish neither giving nor receiving quarter. The
number of the killed and wounded is variously
stated, but the most reliable estimate gives 900
as the loss on the side of the Parliament, and
1400 as that in Lord Hopton's army. Few men
of note fell in Waller's army. Major Bosville,
or Bovill, who had been one of the Commis-
sioners to arrange the terms of surrender at
Arundel, received a mortal wound in the
stomach, and Colonel John Meldrum, who in
1642 had been Lieutenant of the 2nd Troop of
Horse, was shot in the arm and wounded in the
head. In his will he is described as being ** very
much wounded.'' After the Restoration his
remains, in common with others, were exhumed,
and thrown into a common pit in St. Margaret's
ohurch-yard. Colonel Dolbeir, or Dalbier, here-
after to prove a foe to Basing House, was
wounded, and Colonel Thompson lost his leg, as
we have already seen, during the attack upon
Cheriton Wood. Captain Fleming was also
wounded, but recovered. On April 17th, two
members of the House of Commons were sent
to visit him, and to present him with, thirty
pieces of gold, promising him at the same time
further supplies of money.
The losses on the King's side in killed,
wounded, and prisoners were indeed grievous.
'The death of Lord John Stuart, second brother
to the Duke of Richmond, who commanded
Lord Hopton's cavalry, was especially lamented.
He was '* a young man of extraordinary hope,
and whose courage was so signal in this action
that too much could not lutve been expected
from it, if he had outlived it, and he was so
generally beloved that he could not but be very
generally lamented." He was little more than
twenty-one years of age, and was far more at
home in the camp than he was at Court. Lloyd
tells us that he * not only led a vanguird of
light horse, charging the enemy most gallantly,
but also discreetly composed a difference
arising in the command and service with these
words, 'Lot us dispute the main with the
enemy, and we shall have time enough to dis-
pute punctilios between ourselves.' " He was
wounded in six places during the action, and
had two horses killed under him, and is thought
to have received his death wound in the hollow
way before referred to, from Colonel John
Meldrum, who was,like himself, a gallant soldier.
Sir John Smith, brother to Lord Carrington,
and Commissarv-General of the Horse, was also
mortally wounded. He belonged to an ancient
Roman Catholic family, had seen much service
in Flanders, and had long been celebrated as an
experienced cavalry officer. He had done many
deods of valour during the war, made a daring
escape from his prison in Windsor Castle, and
recovered the Royal Standard at the Battle of
Edge-hill. This exploit is thus described by Mr.
Warburton : " Then Captain Smith, an officer
in Lord Bernard Stuart's * Show troop,' resolved
to rescue it or die ; there were none to second
him but Robert Walsh, an Irishman, and one or
two more, and the stoutest b.igade of cavalry
could scarcely penetrate that serried line otf
pikes, through which the musketeers still kept np
a continuous fire. Smith and his comrades
snatched some orange scarves, the hated bad|^
of Essex, from the dead, and easily mingled m
the confusion among the enemy ; so they
approached the Lord G-eneral, whose secretary,
Mr. Chambers, was waving the standard m
triumph above his head. Smith rode up, and
unceremoniously told him that a penman had
no business to carry such a standard in a field
like that. So saying, he snatched It from him
and moved quietly away until he had a clear
course before him to the hill ; then galloping
off with his precious prize, he restored it in
triumph to the King. That evening he was
knighted under its shadow, the first knight
banneret made in England for one hundred
years. He afterwards received a gold medal,
with the EZing's portrait on one side and the
banner on the reverse. * He wore it by a ^reen
watered ribbon across his shoulders until his
dying day.' " Both he and Lord John Stuart were
carried off the field to Reading, and from thence,
on the following day, to Abingdon, ** by the few
The Eabl of Forth.
horse that stayed with them and did their duty,
hut they lived only to the second dressing of
their wonnds, which were very many npon both of
them. The death of these two eminent officers
made the names of many who perished that day
the less inqnired into and mentioned." They
both fonnd soldiers' graves at Oxford. The
number of Royalist gentlemen slain on this
fatal day is said to have been four hnndred and
eighty-five, of whom two-fifths were Roman
Catholics. It is noteworthy that Sir Richard
Tichbome, the second baronet, probably took
part in this battle, as did also his brother, Sir
Benjamin, and his son, Sir Henry. On the
other side fonght Robert Tichbome. a zealous
adherent of Cromwell, who was afterwards
Lord Mayor of London, and who was afterwards
one of the regicides. He was at the Restora-
tion arraigned, bnt was never brought to trial.
Sir Benjamin Tichbome was M.P. for Peters-
field, and after Cheriton Fight retired to the
family mansion at West Tisted. Some troopers
were sent to arrest him, but he escaped by con-
cealing himself in a hoUow oak, which still
stands in an adjacent field,, and to this day is
known as ^^ Sir Benjamin's Oak." Sir Henry
Tichbome, the son of Sir Richard, who is repre-
sented in Tilbourg's celebrated picture of the
Tichbome Dole, was a staunch Cavalier. He
recovered his sequestered estates at the Restora-
tion in 1660.
In ** England's Black Tribunal" we read: —
** Colonels Sandys, Scot, and Manning, persons
of great worth and eminency, whose valorous
minds scorned danger, and hated no man so
much as a coward, these gallant sons of Mars
were all slain in the battle between ray Lord
Hopton and Waller, on Cheriton Down, March
29th, 1644. Colonel Phillips, slain near Win-
chester (Gentlemen Yolnnteers.) Mr. Sands,
slain at Alresford." Lord Powlet, of Somerset-
shire, and Sir George Wilmot were erroneously
said to have fallen. Sir John Powlet reached
Basing with Lord Hopton. Colonel Sandys
was &ther-in-law to Sir John Mill, then of
Newton Bury, and representative of Sandys of
Estwaite Fumess and Sands of the Vine. The
Ron of Colonel H. Sandys of the Yine, himself a
Cavalier, was obliged to sell the estates in 1653.
Sir William Balfour says that Colonels Gray
and Butler were also killed, but Colonel Butler
at any rate escaped to Oxford, although he
received a wound in the leg. Colonel Manning,
a Roman Catholic, also fell. Of him the " Brief
Chronicle" says that he was '* father to the
person who betrayed the King to Cromwell
while he resided at Colen, in the design of
Colonel Penruddock, for which he was shot to
death in the Duke of Newburgh's country."
Colonel Phillips was probably one of the family
that resided at Stoke Charity.
The Earl of Forth, who, it will be remem-
bered, had come to the assistance of Lord
Hopton, was confined to his quarters at Aires-
ford by an attack of gout, probably brought on
by his notorious intemperance. When word
was brought to him that the London Brigade
had been driven from Cheriton Wood with
great slaughter, and with the loss of a thousand
prisoners, he called for a pack of cards. At
length a messenger came in haste to tell him
that the Royal horse was routed, and that his
presence was imperatively necessary, upon
which he went at once to the scene of
action. He was wounded, but in company with
Lord Hopton and fourteen other officers
reached Basing House in safety. Mr. Money
says that ^* he had seen service in Sweden under
' Gustavus Adolphus, in Denmark, Russia,
Livonia, Lithuania, Poland, and Prussia. In
England alone the number of his wounds had
equalled that of the battles in which he had
exposed himself. At Edge-hill, says Lloyd, he
modelled the fight. He was at Brentford and
Gloucester, was shot in both the fights at New-
bury, at Cheriton, and at Banbury. He had
been shot in the head, in both arms, the mouth,
leg, and shoulder, and, as if all this had not been
enough for his scars and his story, the catalogue
was finished by a fall from his horse that broke
bis shoulder. He survived to wait upon Charles
II. in exile, and, returning to his native country,
was buried in 1651 at Dundee."
There were on the King's side ^^ divers other
persons of quality wounded, among whom was
Sir Edward Stawell, eldest son to Sir John, and
Sir Henry, now Lord Beard." They were both
taken prisoners. The former was " a Major-
General of a brigade, a man of a great estate,"
and is said by Sir William Balfour to have been
dangerously wounded. Colonel Sir Henry Beard
was '^ Colonel of a reffiment of horse, and of
a regiment of foot," and had been in the service
of the Parliament in Ireland, which country he
had only recently left. Four days after the
fight he was brought up to London as a prisoner
Winchester Subbendkrs.
by Sir Arthur Haslerig, and was confined in
Lord Petre*s house in Aldersgate-street. He
was soon afterwards exchanged for Captain
Hacker and Mr. Stanley, who liad been captured
by the Royal army.
'* Colonel Gary, a Renegado " from the service
of the Parliament, was a prisoner with a severe
wound, and Colonel Seymour shared his
captivity. The prisoners taken during the
fignt and in the course of the next few days
were said to be 120 officers and 560 soldiers.
Much anmiunition was also taken during the
pursuit. The retreating Cavaliers were reported
to have carried off several cartloads of dead, in
addition to others interred at various places.
There is a large mound in Lamborough Field,
near Cheriton, which is the last resting-place
of many of the slain. When it was opened a
few years since, a layer of black earth alone
remained of what had once been valiant soldiers.
In Cheriton Wood also there are some mounds
on the rising ground, wherein rustic tradition
says that three generals were buried, and which
probably cover the remains of the London
Trained Bands and their opponents who fell^
during the struggle for the possession of the*
wood. These mounds are overgrown with
brambles, but are easily recognisable, the more
BO as the neighbouring underwood was cut away
last year (1880).
Lord Hopton^s army released fifty of their
prisoners, one of whom, who was left behind in
a wounded condition, reported that not more
than 20 of his comrades were detained after the
battle was at an end. Lieutenant-Colonel
Kingston, Captains Price, Chidleigh, Jackson,
Au(fley, and ^ymour. Lieutenant Kite, Ensigns
Cowper, Mellis, Marsh, and Midley, Comets
Constable and Ducket, Physician John Morsey,
and a nameless priest, all fell into the hands of
Sir William Waller, and " a captain left behind
at Alresford sorely wounded, doth swear the
devil is in the Koondheads, they are such
firemen." Lord Hopton^s comet for his troop
of guard was a standard gules, bearing for
device a cannon or ; above, tlus motto, Et sacris
compescuit ignibus ignes."
Only one day did Lord Hopton remain at the
friendly garrison of Basins House, for on Sun-
day, March 31st, leaving nis wounded behind
him, he continued his march to Reading, pro-
ceeding from thence to Oxford. The late Mr.
W. Cooper, of Cheriton, had in his possession a
cannon ball weighing about nine pounds, and I
now have anotner of smaller calibre. Such
relics of the great fight are of late less frequently
upturned by the plough than they formerly
were, but not many years since some of the
dwellers at now peaceful Cheriton utilised them
for the game of bowls, and the late T. Lipscomb,
Esq., of Alresford, exhibited at Winchester in
1845 a basket-hilted sword, which was found on
the battle-field. Captain Wickham, of Tichbome
Park, also has a 12-pounder shot, cast like a
A week before Cheriton Fight, the King had
issued a proclamation at Oxford that sll holders
of office under the Crown should repair to that
city by April 2Cth at the latest^ on pain of for-
feiture of office, intending to commence the
campaign early in the season. But these hopes
were now blighted. Clarendon says, " This
battle was fought on the 29th day of March,
which was a very doleful entering into the
beginning of the year 1644, and broke all the
measures and altered the whole scheme of the
King's counsels. For whereas before, he hoped
to have entered the field early, and to have
acted an offensive part, he now discerned he was
wholly to be upon the defensive, and that was
like to be a very hard part too !**
The London Brigade halted at Alresford, but
some of Waller's men marched fourteen miles
beyond that town in pursuit of the fugitives.
Some of the prisoners gave information that
detachments of the Queen's and Prince Maurice's
regiments had taken part in the fight, and that
a Council of War had decided upon the destruc-
tion by fire of the town and castle of Famham,
if Lord Hopton had gained the day. Sir
William Waller himself marched towards Win-
chester, which he reached on the day after the
battle. A messenger whom he despatched to
Major-General Browne, at Alresford, was
"interviewed" by the " Eye- Witness," and
informed him that there were not 200 of the
Cavaliers left together, and that Sir William
Waller would atUtck the city, from which he
was only a mile and a-half distant. Lord
Hopton having retreated to Reading and Oxford,
there was no longer any hope of defending the
entrenchments constructed at Winchester with
so much skill and labour, and Sir William Ogle
was satisfied with keeping possession of the
castle itself for the King. Accordingly,
leaving about one hundred soldiers, most
Lady Hopton a Prisoner.
of whom were Iriahmen, to hold that important
fortress, most of the Cavaliers who had taken
refoge in the city marched from thence to
Andover. Sir William Waller, who claimed
Winchester Castle as his own by right of
inheritance, expected that his success at Cheri-
ton would give him immediate possession of it,
bat on reaching the city he found the gates
closed against him. Bishop Milner says that
the inheritance of Winchester Castle cer-
tainly belonged to Sir Richard Tichbome,
who had married Waller's sister. Waller's
second wife was the daughter of the
Marquis of Wmchester. As soon, however, as
he had summoned the garrison, the Mayor and
Corporation came out and presented him with
the keys of the city, declaring their adherence
to the cause of the King and Parliament, '* and
desiring to be preserved from violence, which
they were accordingly. "They doubtless shared the
opinion that " the battle near Winchester is the
greatest wonder that hath happened in our days."
Colonel Norton was meanwhile scouring the
country at the head of his troopers, and captured
without resistance 160 horsemen, who had taken
refuge in a wood the night after the battle.
Sir William Balfour chased the retreating
Royalists as far as Andover, for which town
Waller himself was one of the members, and
took post there. Tbe officer in charge of the
prison at Winchester was so terrified by the news
of the disaster at Cheriton that he opened the
prison doors and released the eighty prisoners
who had been taken at Romsey a few days
Sir William Waller, not thinking it worth
while to spend time in the reduction of Win-
chester Caistle. merely halted to refresh his men,
and then hastened towards Salisbury in pursuit
of the Royalist cavalry. On his arrival there he
found that he had again failed to meet with
Lord Hopton, but he " made all the Cathedral
men run for it." Sir William Bidfour, who
was at Wilton on April 4th, and Waller then
sent out detachments on all sides, and thus
captured numerous prisoners ^'in woods and
by -houses every day," sometimes securing a
whole troop at a time. Sir William Balfour
whilst at Andover was informed that Lady
Hopton had reached Newbury on her way to
join her husband, who having received rein-
forcements from Oxford, was now engaged in
rallying his forces, and was at Marlborough on
April 6th. Sir William Balfour promptly
despatched a party of horse to Newbury, wh<
succeeded in surprising Lady Hopton, together
wjth her escort of 200 men, two coaches, and
twelve coach horses. "Order was given to
treat the lady with the respect due to her
quality, and she was quickly dismissed, and
conveyed to Oxford, being permitted to take
with her what plate and jewels properly
belonged to her or her attendants, but the rest
was made prize of."
Sir William Balfour's letter to the Earl of
Essex, describing Cheriton Fight, was read in
the House of Commons on Monday, April 1st,
1644, and James Pitsome, or Pattison, and
Ralph Norton, the two scouts, who brought the
intelligence to London, received 10^. each. On
the following day Sir Arthur Haslerig gave a
full account of the matter to the House of
Commons. The Lord Mayor of London, John
Wollaston, had already directed that Sunday,
March 31st, was to be observed as a day of
solemn thanksgiving by " every minister within
the City of London, liSerties, lines of communi-
cation, and bills of mortality," and the House
of Commons now ordered that Tuesday, April
9th, should be a day of public thanksgiving for
the victory in all churches and chapels in
London and Westminster, and within the lines
of communication. April 14th was to be the
Day of Thanksgiving in all provincial churches
and chapels on the south side of the Trent,
whilst on account of the difficulty of communi-
cation, April 28th was to be the Thanksgiving
Day in all parishes north of the Trent. '* The
printer to bring a convenient number of notices
to the members of the House to be sent into
the several counties." It was also ordered that
on Tuesday, April 9th, being the Day of
Thanksgiving in the metropolis, every minister
should publish the resolution of the Parliament
"to draw all their forces together to pursue
this victory, and to put it to a day, and to
fight with the enemy," so as to put an end to
the war. They were also " to exhort the
people to contribute to their utmost for the
sending forth what possible strength can be
had." A collection was to be made on behidf
of " poor maimed soldiers."
The Rev. Obadiah Sedgwick, b.d.. Pastor of
Coggeshall, in Essex, preached the thanksgiving
sermon before the House of Commons at St.
Margaret's Church, Westminster, in the mom-
Bejoicinos in London.
ing, chooBiiig as the motto for his disoourae
I. Sam.y Yii.| 12 : ** Hitherto hath the Lord
helped us;** and selecting as his text Psahn
iiL, 8: "Salvation belongeth onto the Lord.
Thy blessing is upon thy people. Selah I"
"Master Thomas Case, Preacher at Milk-
street, London, and one of the Assembly of
Diyines," occupied the same pulpit in the
afternoon. The motto chosen hy him was
Psalm iz., 10 : " And they that know thy
name will put their trust in thee ; for thou,
Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee !"
and his text was Daniel xi., 32 : " And such as
do wickedly against the covenant shall be
corrupt by flatteries; but the people that do
know their God shall be strong, and do exploits."
On the same day the preachers received the
thanks of the House of Commons at the hands
of Sir W. Brereton and Sir W. Massam, for
their sermons, which were ordered to be printed.
We learn from Bushworth that on the evening
of this eventful April 9th there was a great
meeting in the city, " to whom repaired a Com-
mittee of Lords and Commons." Speeches were
made by the Earl of Warwick, Sir H. Vane,
the Earl of Essex, the Earl of Pembroke,
Colonel Hollis, and Mr. Becorder, who all con-
curred in urging the speedy raising of men and
money for the service of the Parliament, in
order that the advantages gained at Cheriton
miffht be improved to the utmost. But Colonel
Ludlow subsequently wrote as follows : — " We
were not yet so happ^ as to improve our advan-
tages, by which negligence we got little more
than the field and the reputation of the victory.**
Chapter XXI. — ^De. FriXER and Army Chaplains — Traitors at Basing House — The
Associated Counties — ^Waller*s Success at CiiRiSTcnrRCH — Thk Isle of Wight in
Danger — ^Waltham House Taken — RECRriTiNG in London — Opposition at Win-
chester — Affairs at Southampton, Odiham, Basing, and Salisburv — Opkmng of
the Campaign of 1644.
The Battle of Cheriton would , of itself^ have
eoicxuitted Sir William Waller irretrievably to
the cause of the Parliament, but long before, in
a proclamation of ** grace, favour, and pardon to
the inhabitants of his county of Southampton,"
publiahed at Beading on November 28th, 1642,
the King had spoken thus : '^ Except Sir Thomas
Jarviae, Sir William Waller, Knights, and
Richard Norton, Esquire, against all which we
shall proceed according to the Rules of the
In this hour of their disaster and defeat,
Baidng House was of great service to the
Cavaliers as a rallying point. The ^* Weekly
Accompt," published on Wednesday, April l()th,
1644, thus speaks of the retreat from Cheriton :
*' We shall find that Sir William Waller, with
as much courage as successe, hath pursued his
advantages, and forced the Lord Hopton from
Winchester to Basing, who cannot but lament
his nnhappinesse ; oar men still pressing on him
and gaining ground as he fled back, until they
had routed the army of his men, and sent ,out
many of his men from the world."
Sir John Pawlet retired with Lord Hopton to
Oxford. Many of the wounded were probablv
left at Basing House to receive surgical aia.
This is the more likely, as Lord Hopton left in
the garrison his own Chaplain, who was no other
than Dr. Thomas Fuller, the author of ** The
Worthies of England.'' He joined Lord
Hopton in the capacity of Chaplain to the
Forces in 1643, preachea every Sunday to the
troops, and wherever the army went made care-
ful personal inquiries, to the no small benefit of
literature. He was present at Cheriton Fight,
and was, aa we have said, left at Basing House
when the Royalist forces retreated to Reading
and Oxford. He animated the garrison to
repulse the assaults of a portion of Waller *s
army, and seems to have remained some months
under the hospitable roof of Lord Winchester,
writing of ^* the troutful streams'* and '' natural
commodities" of Hnmpshiro, and confessing to
some slight interruptions from the noise of the
cannon. He] thus speaks of Basing House and
Bramshill : —
*' As for civil structures. Basing, built by the
first Marquess of Winchester, was the greatest
of any subject's house in England, yea, larger
than most (eagles have not the biggest nests of
all birds) of the King's Palaces. The motto,
^^ove Loyaltie' was often written in every
window thereof, and was well practised in it
when, for resistance on that account, it was
lately levelled to the ground.
**Next Basing, Bramsell, built by the last Lord
Zouch in a bleak and barren place, was a stately
structure, especially before part thereof was
defaced with a casual fire."
In Russell's memorials of Dr. Fuller we are
'told : '* Lord Hopton came to Oxford in Dec,
1643, having already distinguished himself, both
in and out of the field, as one who could com-
mand not only others, but himself. Amongst
his chaplains were Fuller and Richard Watson,
of Cains College, also an author of several
curious collections." Fuller's anonymous
biographer observes of the Lord Hopton :
''This noble Lord, though as courageous and
expert a captain, and successful withal as any
the King had, was never averse to an amicable
dosnre of the war upon fair and honourable
terms, and did therefore well approve of the
Traitors at Basing House.
Doctor, and his desires and pursuit after peace.
The good Doctor was likewise infinitely con-
tented in his attendance on such an excellent
personage, whose conspicuous and noted loyaltj
could not but derive the same reputation to his
retainers^especially one so near his conscience as
his chaplain, and so wipe off the stain which,
the mistakes of those men (the zealots, who,
with Heylyn, were not satisfied with Fuller's
measure of loyalty) had cast upon him."
Dr. Fuller afterwards rejoined Lord Hopton
and when that general was driven into Cornwall
obtained permission to take refuge at Exeter,
where he resumed his studies, and preached con-
stantly to the citizens.
The army chaplain played no unimportant
part in the Civil War.
John Vicars informs us ("Jehovah Jireh," p.
200) that at Edge-hill "the reverend and
renowned Master Marshall, Master Ask, Master
Mourton, Masters Obadiah and John Sedgwick,
and Master Wilkins, and divers others eminently
pious and learned pastors rode up and down the
army through the thickest dangers, and in much
personal hazard,moBt faithfully and courageously
exhorting and encouraging the soldiers to fight
valiantly and not to fly, but now, if ever, to
stand to it and fight for their religion and lawsl"
In 1639 chaplains attached to the Lord General's
train, or as we should now say, to the Staff,
received 6s. 8d. per diem, but the pay of the
preacher to the train of Artillery was only 3s.
per diem. Amongst the officers general of the
norse we read of a preacher with a daily stipend
of 4s. On Monday, May 6th, 1644, the House
of Commons increased the pay of all chaplains
serving with the armies of the Parliament to
8s. per diem, but on February 27th, 1669, we
learn that "the preacher was one of the field and
staff officers of a regiment of Foot," and was
paid 6s. 8d. per diem.
The defeat at Cheriton sorely discouraged
the little garrison at Basing, some of whom
grew weary of further resistance. A plot was
formed within the walls to surrender the
fortress to Sir William Waller, with whom a
correspondence was carried on by " the Lord
Edward Pawlet, brother to the Marquis of Win-
chester, and then with him as unsuspected as a
brother ought to be." Everything was arranged,
and Sir Richard Granville, who nad been after
Cheriton Fight appointed by Waller to command
his cavalry, " was sent before with a body of the
horse, that all things might be well disposed and
prepared against the time Waller himself should
come to him. He appointed a rendezvous for the
horse at Bagshot, and the same day marched
out of London only with his equipage, which
was very noble, a coach and six horses, a waggon
and six horses, many led horses, and many
servants. With those, when he came to Staines,
he left the Bagshot-road, and marched directly
to Reading, where the King's garrison then
was; and thence, without delay, to Oxford,
where he was very graciously received by the
King, and the more because he was not expected.
He communicated then to the King the whole
design of the surprise of Basing ; upon which
the King sent an express immediately to the
Marquis with all the particular informations ;
who thereupon seized upon his brother and the
other conspirators, who confessed all, with
all the circumstances of the correspondence
and combination. The Marquis prevailed with
the King that he might only turn his brother
out of the garrison, after justice was done upon
his complices. This very happy and seasonable
discovery preserved that important place, which
without it had infallibly been lost within few
days." So speaks Clarendon. Lord Edward
paid dearly for his share in the plot, and the
name of Edward has never since been borne by
any of his family. The Marquis seems to have
been stem enough in his punishment of his
brother, having apparently compelled him to
act as the executioner of his accomplices and
of all criminals belonging to the garrison, for in
the most complete list of the prisoners taken at
Basinff House which has been preserved, we
find this terrible entry, ** Edward Pawlet, the
hangman." The subject is a painful one, and
nothing but stem duty as an impartial chroni-
cler induces me to refer to it.
On Saturday, March 30th, 1644, the day after
Cheriton Fight, the House of Commons ordered
that 3000 foot, 1200 horse, and 500 dragoons
should be raised and maintiuned f or SirWuliam
Waller in the four associated counties of Kent,
Surrey, Hants, and Sussex. Hampshire, in
which the Isle of Wight was on this occasion
not included, was ordered to pay a weekly
assessment of 680/. 16s. This payment was to
begin from the 10th of February, 1644, and to
continue for four months at leaist. The ordi-
nance states that a considerable portion of these
troops had been already raised, **and whereas
Waller's Success at Christchurch.
the said counties have bonght many arms and
ammunition, and must buy many more, and
most be at great charge in raising, maintaining,
and recmiting the said forces, making and
erecting of fortifications, magazines, courts of
ffuaid, &c.,'* it was ordered that all monies
leyied in Hants and Sussex on the estates of
Papists and delinquents, and two- thirds of all
monies paid to the County Treasurer, were to
be devoted to the discharge of these liabilities.
The whole weekly amount to be raised in the
four counties for the raising and maintenance
of the Association forces was to be 2638/. Is. 6d.
Kent was to pay a weekly sum of 930/. 16s.;
Surrey, with the exception of South wark,
and the lines of communication, as the defences
of London were styled, paid 345/. 13s. 6d. per
week, whilst the contribution of Sussex for the
period was 6S0/. 16s. The Committee charged
with the sequestration of the estates of delin-
quents was urged to be active and diligent in
the good work of raising funds at the expense
of the friends of the King. Sir William Waller
was styled Sergeant-Major-Q-eneral under the
Earl ofEsscx. t£s weekly assessment was,in point
of fact, continued for a much longer period than
the four months during which it was originally
imposed, and was renewed on :^aturday, June
15th, 1644. All officers and men belonging to
the associated forces of the four counties were
to subscribe the Solemn League and Covenant on
enlistment. Officers were to make good
any horses or arms which might be
embezzled or lost in any» way except in
actual warfare. No free quarter was to be
permitted, and the Association regiments were
not to march beyond the limits of the four
counties without the consent of Sir William
Waller and of a Committee. A liberal scale of
pay was laid down, but with the understanding
that all officers whose pay amounted to 10s. per
diem were only to receive half that amount until
the close of the war, whilst those whose pay
was 5s. per diem were likewise obliged to look
upon is. 8d. of that amount as deferred pay.
Leaving Winchester Castle with its small
Cavalier garrison unassailed for the present,
Sir William Waller, accompanied by Sir Wil-
liam Balfour and his victorious 40 )() horse and
dragoons, made a rapid southward march from
Cheriton and Alresford. He was reinforced
from Poole and by the garrison of Southampton,
under the command of Colonel Norton, and on
his arrival at Salisbury '^made all tho
Cathedral men run for it." Steadily follow-
ing up the pursuit, Waller and Bal-
four tell upon , a regiment of Cavalier
horse and 100 foot, who had attempted to rally
near Whitchurch, in the neighbourhood of Dor-
chester, routed them, and chased them as far as
Weymouth, with the loss of niany killed, some
of whom were men of note. Three hundred
prisoners were taken, 70 of whom were officers
and gentlemen, together with 500 arms. Kent
was sending to Waller 200 horse and 300 foot.
Other troops were to follow these, not only from
Kent but also from the other associated
counties. Continuing his westward march. Sir
William WaUer despatched a body of 1000
horse and dragoons, with orders to relieve the
towns of Poole and Lyme Regis, which were in
danger of capture by the Cavaliers, to clear the
county of any hostile force, and afterwards to
inarch and occupy Weymouth. These orders
were successfully executed by this force of
cavalry, which, according to another account,
was 2000 strong. It also gained an important
success at Christchurch.
Sir John Mills, the Governor, had summoned
several Royalist Commissioners of Array to
meet in consultation as to the best means of
recruiting Lord Hopton*s army. Waller's
cavalry arrived unexpectedly, and, as he himself
stated, in his letter to the Parliament written
from Ringwood on April 5th, 1644, captured
the whole of the assembled Cavaliers ** without
striking a stroke." One hundred horses, 400
infantry, and more than that number of arms
rewarded the victors. The prisoners were sent
under escort to the town of Poole. One hun-
dred of them are said to have been gentlemen
of position, and ''a valiant Lady Captain," who
is elsewhere styled " the cornet or captain of
theovster women petitioners to Parliament,'*
was detained in custody.
One writer says that " twenty-two Commis-
sioners of Array for Hopton, and Royalist
ffentlemen of Hants and Wilts, as well as 280
brave horses," were captured. Amongst the
officers were Colonel Sir John Mills, Sir John
Stowell, Mr. Coventry, Lieut.-Colonels God-
dard and Paulet, Sergeant-Major (i.e.. Major)
Tumey, Captains G<>gill, Mill, and Barrow ;
Captain-Lieutenant Sheiling ; Lieutenants
Wulis, Hitchcocke, Jenkins, PhUpott, Harver,
two Lewins, Cockeram, and Sculkrd ; Comets
Isle of Wight in Danger.
Lane, Johnaon, Bally, and Thomeburgh ;
Qaartermasters Complin, Crofts, Egerley, and
Legate ; Marshall Richard Michael ; Dr. Thom-
baiy ; Mr. Todd, Captaine ; Gentlemen in
ranks, Messrs. Worsleys (two), Thombumes
(two), Lovell, Jenkins. Fitch, Hencocke, and
Cockes ; also, ^* Mr. Imber, minister, who was
plundered and imprisoned." Mr. Todd is, in
another account, said to have been not a captain,
but a chaplain. Two centuries ago the respec-
tiye duties of captains and chaplains were often
easily amalgamated.
Christchurch Castle, near the church on the
N.E., close to the Avon, was probably built by
Richard de Redvers. Some ruins of the keep,
and also of a stone building about a hundred
yards to the eastward still remain. The latter,
the walls of which are of considerable thick-
ness, was probably the hall of the Constable or
Governor, whose yearly fee in 1559 was 8/. 0s.9d.
The keep stood upon an artificial mound about
twenty feet in height. Portions of its eastern
and western walls remain. The walls of the
castle are in some places twelve feet in thick-
ness, but the whole structure was probably dis-
mantled about the year 1656, when Sir Henry
Wallop, second of the name, had been
High Constable. The havoc wrought in the
Priory, of which, as elsewhere, Cromwell bears
the blame, may perchance have been wrought
by Waller and Balfour's troopers after this
victory at Christchurch in 1644.
The Isle of Wight now gave proofs of its
devotion to the cause of the Parliament, sending
abundance of com, butter, cheese, and other
provisions to Southampton for the supply of
Waller's army, and refusing to receive any pay-
ment for them. A welcome reinforcement of
300 men was likewise sent to swell the Puritan
ranks. Mr. Lisle, the well-known member for
Winchester, was, on April 8th, directed by the
House of Commons *' to bring in a letter of
thanks to be written to the inhabitants of the
Isle of Wight for their forwardness in sending
provisions to Sir William Waller's army." On
the same day the Lieutenant of the Ordnance
was directed to forward to Waller " one hundred
barrels of powder, match, and bullet propor-
But on April 17th the Earl of Pembroke
addressed a very strong remonstrance to Par-
liament, stating that the Isle of Wight was in
great danger, the town of Wareham, in Dorset-
shire, having been taken by the King's forces.
He complained also that Colonel Came, the
Deputy-Governor, was detained in London,
awaiting examination as to whether he had not
discountenanced those who were well affected
to the Parliament, and countenanced the Malig-
nants or Royalists, and asked that the Colonel
might be either acquitted or sentenced, and
that in any case precautions might be taken
for the defence of the Island.
This remonstrance was supported by a numer-
ously-signed petition from the inhabitants of
the Island, dated at Newport, on April 20th,
which declared that Colonel Came was wanted
at his post at once. The House of Commons
thereupon took the matter into consideration
on April 24th. with the result that Colonel
Came was acquitted of the two charges brought
against him by majorities of 21 and 20 votes
respectively. The Isle of Wight petitioners
further requested that monies might not be
collected in the Island by strangers, *' but by
some of our own honest country gentlemen, '
that the Island Militia should be reduced to
j three companies at most, and that '* the present
I officers, who are much beloved," might retain
their commands. They asked that the new
excise duties levied in the Island might be
expended upon the local forces and garrisons,
as they were in dread of an invasion on behalf
of the £ing from Spain and elsewhere. They
begged for an issue of at least 200 barrels of
powder, warlike stores, and more especially
swords, there being none of these weapons in
store. They were also urgent that the Earl of
Pembroke, who was the Lord Lieutenant,
should pay them a visit, *' though it was bnt
for one week, for the better establishing of
peace and quietness."
The Island can scarcely have been in the
spring of 1644 a desirable sea side residence !
On Friday, April 5th, Colonel Jonas Yan
Dmschke, " colonel over a regiment of horse,
under Sir William Waller," of whom we have
heard before, presented a petition informing
the House ** of his long sickness by reason of
his great wounds." He had, however, recovered,
and was '^ desirous to go again to his charge if
he had part of his arrears." His request was
granted, and on April 17th it was also ordered
that a sum of 30/., belonging to a person named
Brasier, which had been seized bytneCommittee
for Examinations, as being intended to be con-
Waltham House Taken.
▼eyed together with other property to Oxford,
Bhonld be paid by Sir Arthur Haslerig and Sir
Philip Siapleton to Captain Fleming, who
probably belonged to the family at North Stone-
ham, and who had been wonnded at Gheriton
Fight. From this grant being paid throogh Sir
Arthnr Haslerig and Sir Philip Stapleton,
who were both distingnished cavali7 officers, it
ia probable that the recipient was Christopher
Fleming, Esq., afterwards captain and adjutant
Smeral of horse, who fell during the siege of
xford in 1644. Another Colonel Fleming was
appointed Governor of Pembroke Castle in 1647,
and Sir Oliver Fleming was on November 2nd,
1643, appointed by the Parliament as their
Master of the Ceremonies. Mr. Brasier, how-
ever, stoutly denied the justice of the confisca-
tion of his 30Z., and he was ordered to be com-
Sensated if he succeeded in proving his case,
ir William Waller about this time bought in
London 300/. worth of confiscated Royalist pro-
perty, which he afterwards conveyed to Holland,
and on which, as he in his *' Vindication" takes
great pains to prove, he paid all lawful tolls
and excise duty.
Even before the great day of Cheriton Fight
the London Brigade under the command of
Major-Gkneral Browne had been anxious to
return home, and after the defeat of Lord
Hopton, the Londoners refused to serve any
longer for the present. Clarendon says, in his
account of Cheriton Fight, ^'There could not
then be any other estimate made of the loss
Waller sustained, than by the not pursuing the
visible advantage he had, and by the utter
refusal of the Auxiliary Begiments of London
and Kent to march farther, who, within three
or four days left him, and returned to their
habitations, with great lamentations of their
friends who were missing." These Kentish
Auxiliaries were probably under the command
of Colonels Head, Dixie, and Sir Miles Livesay.
The Londoners, before they returned home,
did good service for the Parliament. They
marched under the command of Major-General
Browne, from Southampton, intending to pro-
ceed to Wareham, in Dorsetshire. But they seem
to have first proceeded to the eastward, through
Botley, to the little village of Wickham.
Intelfigence reached them there that Colonel
Whitehead, M.P. for Southampton, with a force
of 200 men, was besieging an equal number of
Cavaliers, commanded by Colonel Bennet, at
Bishop's Waltham, in the stately palace belong-
ing to the Bishop of Winchester, then known
as Waltham-house, and of which the stately ivy-
grown ruins now arrest the attention of even
the most heedless passer-by. Bishop Robert
Poynet, the successor of Biflhop Gardiner in the
see of Winchester, surrendered the palace and
manor to John, first Marquis of Winchester,
who in his turn was obliged in the reign of
Queen Mary to restore the property to its
former episcopal owner. Hearing of the
proximity of the London Brigade, Colonel
Whitehead asked for and readily obtained
assistance from its commander. Major General
Browne marched from the village, wherein
William of Wykeham was bom, to destroy the
stately palace in which, in a good old age, that
never-to-be-forgotten prelate gently breathed
his last. On his arrival he placed bis guns in
position, and local tradition asserts that they
fired many rounds before the beaeged consented
to treat for a surrender, which'' they at length
did when they perceived that every prepara-
tion had been made for an assault.
The duration of Colonel Whitehead's opera-
tions against the garrison is unknown, but the
London Brigade reached Bishop's Widtham on
April 6th, and the capitulation was signed on
April 9th. The conditions agreed to were
" That the commanders and officers then in the
house might pass away with their horses, and
their swords by their sides, and the common
soldiers only with a rod or staff in their hands."
The garrison left all their arms and ammunition
to the victors, who permitted their soldiers to
treat the whole contents of the palace as com-
mon plunder. One writer says that one hundred
of the garrison were detained in captivity.
'^Mercurius Aulicus" says that the rebels
obtained only 42 muskets, no pikes, powder-
barrels, guns, or baggage, and not much besides
soldiers' clothes, to secure which they stripped
the garrison to their shirts in a field near
the palace.
On the other hand, we have it on record
that the articles of surrender were so strictly
observed that a soldier who had taken a poleaxe
from Colonel Bennet, who commanded the gar-
rison, received orders from Major-General
Browne to immediately restore it. Local tradi-
tion says that Bishop Curie was in the palace
during the siege, and succeeded in escaping in a
cart, a layer of manure being placed over him.
Recruiting in London.
Prosser says that a folio black-letter Bible,
printed in 1613, with the arms of King James I.
on the cover, and having a manuscript inscrip-
tion that it had " come out of the Place-house,"
was formerly preserved at Bishop's Waltham.
Much bacon was found by the victors, who
asserted that the place ^' had been a plundering
garrison.'' After the division of the spoil, the
London Brigade marched away, leaving ^^Colonel
Whitehead to pull down the house if he chose."
On Thursday, April 11th, we read '' Waltham
House in ashes. Poor England, the glory of
the nations, now growing into a wilderness !"
The Manor of Bishop's Waltham was
sequestered, and in the year 1646 was sold by the
Parliament to Robert Reynolds, Esq., for the
sum of 7999Z. 14s. lO^d. Mr. Moody, in his
antiquarian sketches of Hampshire (p. 307^ says
Grose, the antiquarian, who visitea Waltham
soon after the Restoration, thus describes the
palace : — '^ Its area was in its figure a right
angled parallelogram, the four sides nearly
fronting the four cardinal points, its ea^t and
west sides measuring 300ft., and its north and
south sides 180ft. It consisted of two courts, one
of which, the outer or northern court, was con-
siderably the laigest. The entrance was near
the northern end of the west side. Through
this lodge were the servants' of&ces and lodging
rooms, with the gate leading to the second or
inner court. On the west side was a great hall,
lighted by five noble Gothic windows ; its length
was 66ft. by 27ft., and its height was 25ft. At the
south end of this room were niches for seats
or statues. Near this spot was a double row
of pilasters, now almost covered with rubbish,
which seem to have supported some arches.
Opposite, on the east side of the court, was a
chapel of the same dimensions as the hall. The
north aisle had probably a cloister, and over it
lodging-rooms, or a Ions gaUery. The south
aisle was seemingly the IxSy of the house, the
rooms of which are said to have been from 20 to
22 feet high. On the angles, made bv the con-
currence of this side with those of the east
and west, were two square towers, part only
of one on the south-west angle is remaining.;
the other is entirely down ; each of its sides
measures 17 feet. AU the outer walls were six,
and the inner walls four feet thick. Most of
them have been pulled down and carried away
for the sake of the materials. On the west side
ran a ditch 25 feet wide, between which and the
wall was a walk. About 40 feet of the ditch
formed a large pond, which is said formerly to
have been nearly half a mile long and a furlong
broad ; and to the east of the house are tw
Large gardens, walled around with brick, and the
remains of two lodges."
Mr. Moody continues : " For two centuries
these interesting remains have suffered equally
from the ravages of time and the cupidity of
man, but they still arrest the eye of the stranger
and afford contemplation and study to the
antiquarian. A portion of them, supposed to
have been the offices, is now used as a bam.
The great hall, in the second or inner court, the
front wall of which remains almost entire, was
65 feet in lengtii, 27 in width, and 25 feet high,
and was lighted by five large windows of mag-
nificent proportions, now mantled with ivy.
Besides the hall, there are the remains of a
tower, 1 7 feet square,in the southern end of which
mav be discerned traces of the minstrel gallery,
and at the south-west comer a curious corbel
remains, which supported its part of the framed
timber roof. In tne front of the building there
is a large sheet of water, artificially formed for
the necessary supply of fish at the palace in
Catholic times ; ana into it several small streams
pour their water, and from it issues the river,
which, passing through Durlev and Botley, dis-
charges itself into the Southampton estuary
near Bursledon."
Great exertions were made in London to fill
up the gaps made in Waller's army by disease,
battle, and the departure of the London and
Kentish auxiliaries. On Saturday, April the
6th, the Committee of Both Eangdoms received
orders " to send away such forces as now are,
or speedily may be ready, to Sir William Waller,
as the King is drawing all his forces against Sir
William WaUer, and is going in person with
them." Two days afterwards it was decided that
the Conunittee of Militia of the City of London
might send out to any destination or recall the
Trained Band Regiments at pleasure, imposing
" reasonable fines" upon officers or soldiers who
mfnsed to march, the Parliament undertaking
to give the men when on service the pay of
regular troops. On Saturday, April 13tn/Mr.
EUis reported that the Committee of Militia
had sent the two City Regiments to reinforce
Waller, that the Westminster Regiment was to
follow, that three other regiments would reach
the rendezvous at the appointed time, and that
Opposition at Winchester.
even then ihere would remain "three more
regiments to be drawn forth as a reserve.'*
These London Begriments were each abont 1000
strong, and had already displayed great courage
and endurance at the first Battle of Newbury,
which was fought on September 20th, 1643.
The county of Kent had sent 400 additional
horse and a regiment of foot to reinforce Waller,
and Colonel Harvey, the former assailant of
Basing House, was, with hia regiment, to receive
a month's pay and to march in the same direc-
tion. The train of artillery was likewise to
receive a month's pay and to march, as were
also Lord Gray's Begiment of Horse, and the
Hertfordshire regiment, which was 700 strong.
The Earl of Manchester's horse had already set
ont for the rendezvous, so that Essex, Man-
chester, and Waller were all expected speedily
to be in a position to act with vigour. A sum
of 1700/. was voted for powder for the army of
the Earl of Essex. This force was to consist of
7500 infantry, besides ofi&cers, forming in all
seven regiments. The GeQeral's own regiment
was to 1^ 1500 strong, and the other six 1000
each. Every regiment was to be composed of
eight companies and no more. Essex's cavalry
was to muster 3000 men besides officers, arranged
in six regiments of 500 each. Six troops made
up a regiment. The Colonel's troop was to be
100 strong, and the remaining five were to be 80
in number. There was to be also " a suitable
train of artillery." The cost of maintaining
this army was to be 35,504/. per month, and was
to be provided by means of Excise duties.
Essex, whose headquarters were alternately at
Windsor and St. Albans, was now recruiting
Sir Wil
Sir William Waller was about this time dis-
playing considerable personal activity. On
March 29th he gained a great victory at
Cheriton, on April 5th he was at Bingwood, and
a day or two afterwards at Bomsey. On April
Bth he was meting out chastisement to the city
of Winchester, and on the following day we
hear of him at Andover. On the 11th he was
at Bishop's Waltbam urgently demanding stores
from the Committee of the West, and on the
17th we find him at Famham.
It will be remembered that after Cheriton
Fight the safe keeping of Winchester Castle
had been entritited by Lord Hopton to a slender
garrison, who were for the most part Irish-
men. Lord Hopton was reported to have
reached Oxford, suffering from a bullet
wound in the back, received either at
Cheriton or during the subsequent retreat.
But early in the month of April, 1644,
information reached the loyal Mayor of Win-
chester that the King in person was marchins
towards the city at the head of a large force, and
that Lord Hopton 's army had been largely
recruited. The loyal citizens flew to arms,
attacked, disarmed, and imprisoned the 100 men
whom Waller had left to observe the movements
of the Cavaliers, who occupied the Castle. News
of these proceedings speedily reached Bomsey,
where Sir William Waller then was, together
with the intelligence that the Cavalier garrison
of the Castle *' were received into the town and
billeted there." The Parliamentarian General,
who, in the opinion of his own party, had
hitherto treated Winchester too leniently, at
once marched thither from Bomsey with a por-
tion of his army on Monday, April 8th, 1644.
On his arrival he found the gates closed against
him. After marching round the city, and being
denied admission at aU points of ingress, he blew
open one of the gates, the position of which is
unfortunately not stated, with a petard, and
*^ entered by force, which occasioned great
damage to the inhabitants, by the unruly soldiers,
who could not be restrained from plundering."
They also released their comrades who had been
imprisoned by the citizens, took 1000 arms, as
well as 100 Cavalier prisoners, both officers and
men, and refreshed themselves at the expense of
the city. On the following day Sir William Wal-
ler had reached Andover, from which place he
marched by way of Bishop's Waltham (April
11th) to Famham.
On Tuesday, April 16th, an ordinance was
read in the House of Commons, for the associa-
tion of Wilts, Hants, Berks, and some of the
western counties. '^ Mercurius Aulicus " two
days previously stated that at Southampton two
of the Parliamentary Committee in that town,
named Mercer (a native of Dunkirk) and Legay
(a Walloon), having seen some boys playing at
being Hoptonians and Boundheads, haa ta^en
measures to have the urchius well whipped, and
afterwards sent to the workhouse. It is some-
what remarkable that Messrs. Mercer and Legay,
who were both active assistants of Governor
Murford at Southampton, are mentioned as being
foreigners by birth, and that " the good old
mayor, a very ancient man," was a native of
Jersey. Sir Arthur Haslerig was now Govemor
of Soathampton, and Colon^ Norton was acting
as Major-General of Horse nnder Sir William
Waller. On April 26th, 1 644, he was at the head
of 800 cavalry, whom he had himself raised, bat
on the 15th of the following month he presented
a hnmble petition to Parliament, ** desiring pay
for his soldiers, who have received very little since
their first entertainment." A sum of 2000/.
was granted ont of the revenues of the
Conrt of Wards towards the payment
of these arrears. On Thursday, April
25th, money was sent by the Parliament to
Major Beare, who was at the head of 400 horse
in the neighbourhood of Southampton. This
officer, who is elnewhere styled Colonel, and not
Major, had been lent with the force under his
oommand by the Earl of Essex to Sir William
Waller, who, before April 17th, had reached
Famham, where he was joined by Lady Waller,
who seems to have sometimes preached to the
soldiers, if the satirical remarks of the Cavalier
journals are in any decree founded on fact.
Some of Waller *s troops were posted at Odiham,
and others at Alton, with a view to check the
forays of the garrison of Basing House.
On April 16th a party of his cavalry attacked
a Cavalier outpost at Sonning,in the neighbour-
hood of Beading, taking prisoners two lieuten-
ant-colonels, three captains, divers other officers,
twenty-one soldiers, together with their arms,
and forty horses. In his letter, describing this
affair, which was dated from Farnham, on
April 16th, 1644, Waller begs for a supply of
money and stores. He renews this application
on April 27th and 29th, and also on May 2nd,
until at length on May 5th a Committee of
Parliament assembled to devise means for the
regular payment of his army, and to order Cols.
Stroud, Pyne, and Popham to join him at once.
On April 17th Waller said that the City Begi-
ments were quartered in and about Farnham,
and that he expected four troops of Kentish
horse to effect a junction with him on the
morrow. On April 20th a muster of his whole
force near Famham showed that he was at the
head of 10,000 men.
On April 20th ten troopers were towards
evening sent to Odiham, whereupon a partv of
Oavaliers, stated by a hostile writer to have been
100 strong, fell back upon their main body,
which had taken post nearer to Basing House.
The Boundheads pursued them, capturing "one,
who was the worst horsed."
Some of Prince Maurice's troops were said to
be in the neighbourhood of Salisbury.
On Monday, April 22nd, Mr. Boats, one of
the 'Master Shipwrights of Portsmouth, was,
with certain others, placed on the list of " the
Commissioners and Master Shipwrights for the
felling of the timber of Delinquents for the use
of the Navy," and three days afterwards the
House of Commons granted " 100/. worth of
books out of the particular and private study of
the Archbishop of Canterbury" (Laud) to
Chaplain Hugh Peters, whom we shall meet
hereafter at Winchester and Basing House.
On Wednesday, April 24th, Sir William
Waller having received intelligence of a large
convoy of provisions and much cattle destined
for Basing House, sent out a party of horse, who
intercepted it, and captured a master gunner,
three sergeants, three corporals, forty soldiers,
*' one thousand sheep and other fat cattle,"
and some contribution money intended for the
pay of the garrison.
Waller was by no means inclined to leave
Basing House in peace. The Diary of the
Siege says : —
"The ensuing spring (1644) the rebels, ae
well consulting the importance of the place
as the injuries suffered by it both in their trade
and force, resolve, having before assayed it by
surprise and storm, to try bv starving it, to
which their armies' six weeks quartering at
Farnham, Odiham, Grewell, and Basingstoke
was a preparative, harrowing the country round
about until their march to Oxford." This plan
of operations was similar to that pursued in the
following year.
About the middle of April the King, believing
that Waller intended to march into the western
counties, mustered an army in person at Mkrl-
borough, consisting of 6000 foot, and more than
4000 horse, which remained inactive for some
weeks, vigilantly observing Waller's every
Finding, however, that recruiting in London
was going on vigorously, and that neither Essex
nor Waller would be able to march until they
were strongly reinforced, the Royal army
advanced to Newbury, where it remained for
nearly a month, observing the enemy's motiona.
and ready to sacconr either Beading or Walling-
f ord, in case of need.
On Friday, May 3rd, Sir W. Waller received
a welcome supply of 3000^, and four days
afterwards he cut off some stragglers from
Baaing House, recovering some contribution
money which the Cavaliers had collected from
the neighbourhood,and making prisoners of about
twelve horses and their riders, most of whom
were officers, one being "Captain Bosewell,
sometime apothecary in the Olci Bailey."
Captain Bosewell was speedily conveyed to
Famham Castle, where he fared but badly.
"Mercurius Aulicus" says on July 6th, 1 644, '"Tis
true the rebells are most revengeful against
Basing, as appears by their usage of Captain
Bosewell, who (because he belonged to the
garrison of Basing) was clapt up in prison in
Famham Castle, ana there lodged m so noysome
a hole (the rebels made it so^ as 'tis not
conceivable how a man should oreathe in it
above two houres."
On May 9th the Speaker wrote to the Sussex
Committee, requesting that the county regiment
of the Association might march to reinforce
Waller. Military arrangements were not always
perfect even in " the good old times.*' All
London had long been preparing for the expedi-
tions of Essex and Waller, but it was at the last
moment discovered that " provision was wanted
for ronndshot,f or demi-culverin,sacre and minion,
hand granadoes and granadoesfor mortar-pieces."
The U-eneral of the Ordnance was not unreason-
ably called upon to state his reasons in writing
'* why in all this time notice was not given to the
OfKce of the Ordnance to make this provision."
On Friday, May 10th, Waller's men had
another skirmish with foragers from Baaing
House, with unrecorded result, and on the same
day Salisbury was the scene of strife.
Either two troops or four hundred horse (so
greatly do accounts vary) of Prince Maurice's
army were known to be at Salisbury, and 120
horsemen from Southampton, many of whom
were natives of Salisbury, and, therefore, well
acquainted with the posts of the various
sentries, reached the city between two and three
o'clock in the morning of Friday, Ma^ 10th.
There were only thirty or forty Cavaliers left
in Salisbury, the rest having gone on an expedi-
tion to levy contribution money from the neigh-
bourhood. A sentry gave the alarm, and killed
one of the assailants, but the attack was never-
theless a complete success. A captain was
roused from his slumbers to find himself a pri-
soner, together with fifteen of his comrades,
some of whom were men of considerable posi-
tion and influence. The rest of the Cavaliers
beat a hasty retreat from the city. The victors,
who secured a good deal of valuable booty,
losing only the one man who was killed by the
sentry, retired unmolested with their prisoners
to Southampton. On Tuesday, May 14th, Col.
Jephson, M.P. for Stockbridge, was appointed
Lieutenant-Governor of Portsmouth under the
Earl of Essex, and five days previously an ordi-
nance of the House of Commons had directed
the Tower Hamlets, Westminster, and South-
wark regiments, amounting in all to 4200 men,
to march with arms, guns, ammunition, and
carriages to join Sir William Waller. Three
other regiments, *' raised in London and the
liberties," also numbering 4200 men, were to be
placed under the orders of the Earl of Essex.
Whilst on service they were to be paid by the
Parliament. On Wednesday, May 15th, the
Parliament ordered these regiments to be ready
to march at two hours' warning, and, in fact.
Sir William Waller in the course of the daj
marched with them to Famham, where his
army, which until a few days had been posted
in detachments extending from Farnham to
Chichester, was now concentrated. Deserters
from the City Begiments were ordered to be
arrested and to be forwarded to their respective
corps for punishment. Careful watch and ward
was to be maintained in London after the
departure of the troops. On Monday, May
13th, a supply of '* knapsacks, shirts, shoes,
and coats" was ordered by the Parliament to
be sent to the garrison of Gloucester. So that
the knapsack can claim a respectable antiquity
of two centuries at least. It is also about thu
time called a **snapsack," which, perchance,
throws eight on tl.e etymology of this useful,
but, on a long march, ponderous article.
The BoyaJ army had now been quartered at
and about Newbury for more than three weeks,
without having received any accession of strength
since the King had reviewed it at Marlborough,
about the middle of April, when it could muster
6000 foot and more than 4000 horse. Finding
that the Earl of Essex had marched out of Lon-
don with his army to Windsor, and that Waller
had proceeded to the parts between Hartford
Bridge and Basing, without any purpose of going
The Campaion Begins.
farther west, the King's army inarched to Bead-
ing, and, in three dafs, His Majesty being pre-
sent, they slighted and demolished all the works
of that garrison, and then, which was abont the
middle of May, with the addition of those sol-
diers, which increased the army 2500 old soldiers
more, very well officered, the army retired to the
quarters about Oxford, with an opinion that it
would be in their power to fight with one of the
enemy's armies, which they longed exceedingly
to do. Thus speaks Clarendon. The friendly
garrison of Reading being thus dismantled, and
Waller, his old adversary ,cloBe at hand, there was
indeed need for the Marquis of Winchester at
Basing House to stand upon his guard. How
weU and gallantly he did so must, however, be
told in another chapter.
The fortifications of Beading were demolished
by the evening of Tuesday, May 1 4th, and on
the following day the Boyal army retired to
Caversham, the King proceeding to Oxford. On
the following day. May 16th, Lord Hopton had
under his command at Newbury 5000 horse and
foot, and other detachments of the King's troops
were stationed at Witney. Either on this or
the previous day Sir William Waller had
reviewed his troops at Famham. His army had
been largely reinforced from London, Kent, and
Sussex, and consisted of about 10,000 men. He
had eight regiments of horse, and eight of foot,
sixty baggage and ammunition waggons, and
twenty-four guns of various calibres. He had
also a considerable number of guns made of
leather, which had the advantage of lightness,
and were, strange to say, effective, throwing
case-shot to a considerable distance.
The Earl of Essex, whose reputation as a
general was inferior to that of Waller, his second
m command, now marched to Windsor with
10,000 men. These were his former army, which
had wintered near St. Albans and in Bedford-
shire, and which had been lately reinforced by
four regiments of the Trained Biand and London
auxiliaries, which were 4200 strong. The day
after the Boyal army evacuated Beading Essex
sent troops from Windsor to occupy the town,
and without difficulty persuaded the City of
London to place a garrison there. Essex and
Waller henceforth conducted their operations
with a view to their mutual defence and support,
though they never actually united their armies.
The King, at Oxford, was anxiouedy, but with
indifferent success, striving to ascertain their
probable plan of operations. His cavalry were
posted at and about Wantage and Farrmgdon,
whilst his infantry occupied Abingdon, as to
the defence or evacuation of which town specific
instructions were given to Lord Wilmot, wbo
was in command of the garrison. Sir William
Waller marched from Famham in the direction
of Wallingford, on Saturday, May 18th, and
had an interview with the Earl of Essex on the
following day at Henley on Thames, from
whence he returned at the head of a body of
cavalry to Basing House. He spent several
days at Basingstoke, having at the same time
posted a detachment at Andover with a view of
checking the advance of any relieving army
from the west, but the relation of his proceed-
ings must be deferred for a while.
On May 21st Essex was still at Henley, bat
four days afterwards he had gained possession
of Abingdon, which Lord Wilmot had disgrace-
fully abandoned in a fit of ill-humour. Essex
had marched from Henley by way of Beading,
where he arrived on May 23rd, on which day
Colonel Popham, with his regiment of horse,
received orders from London to report himself
to Waller for duty. Sir William, with his
army, then occupied Wantage, so that the
whole of Berkshire was now in the possession
of the Parliament, and the Eling was almost
besieged in Oxford.
Lord Hopton was despatched to Bristol,
where Waller had many friends, and on Mon-
day, the 3rd of June, the King, with all his
effective cavalry and 2500 infantry, succeeded
in escaping from Oxford.
Sir William Waller, '' who had the lighter
ordnance and the less carriages," was ordered to
follow the Boyal army, which he did in a
most irate mood ; whUst the Earl of Essex,
'*who had the greater ordnance and the heavier
carriages," marched westwards to Blandford,
made himself master of Weymouth, and pro-
oeeded to Exeter.
Clarendon says rSk. VIII.), " The Earl of
Essex, by slow ana easy marches, and without
any opposition or trouble, entered into Dorset-
shire, and by his great civility and affability
towards all men, and the very good discipline
in his army, wrought very much upon the
people. Insomuch that his forces rather
mcreased than decreased It can
hardly be imagin'd how great a difference
there was in the humour, disposition, and
The Earl of Essex.
manner of the army onder Essex and the
other nnder Waller in their behayioor and
hnmanity towards the people ; and, conse-
quently, in the reception thej found among
them. The demeanour of those under Waller
being much more ungentlemanly and barbarous
than that of the other ; besides that the
people, in all places, were not without some
affection, and even reyerence, towards the
Earl, who, as well upon his own account as
the memory of his father, had been always
nniversally popular."
Another writer says : — '^Essex's popularity
was equally great with the common soldiers,
who familiarly called him ^ Old Bobin/ and
never saw him off duty without throwing up
their caps and crying out, ' Hey for Bobin I' "
These details, although not strictly relating
to the Civil War in Hampshire, are neverthe-
less necessary in order that we may be enabled
to understand the subsequent events of the
year 1644.
Henceforward the strife assumes a new
and changed character. The great armies whid^
have so long been traversing the country have
now, for a time at least, passed off the scene,
and we shall henceforth be able to concentrate
our undivided attention upon the sallant defence
of Basing House, by the heroic Marquis of Win-
chester, and our narrative will really and
actually be the story of Basing House.
Chapter XXU. — ^Waller at Basing — Cavaliers Repulsed at Odiham — A Siege
Imminent — ^Hostile Preparations— Basing Village Occupied^Destjltory Skir-
mishes—Watch AND Ward — Sir Marmaditke Rawdon — Night Attacks — The Siege
Continues— Cropredy Bridge— Relief a Necessity— Buff Coats and Mortars-
Rival Preachers.
We learn from ^* Mercarins Ciyicus" that on
Sunday, May 19th, 1644, Sir WiUiam Waller
was at Henley-on-Thames in consultation with
the Earl of Essex, and that he returned from
thence with some troops to Basing House.
** Whether he hath any intention to set upon the
house we cannot say. The place is considerable,
and worthy some pains in the taking, but the
field service is now principally to be looked
after." " The Parliament Scout" of the same
date says, *' It is affirmed with much confidence
that Sir William Waller is before Basing
House ; we wish him good success, but we fear
the contrary." The proceedings of the detach-
ment sent towards Basing are described as
follows, in '*A True Relation of the Progress of
the London Auxiliaries since their joining with
Sir William Waller until their return home-
wards " : —
" On Tuesday, the 21 (of May), we marched
(from Bramley) to Basing House, where we
oame about 3 or 4 of the clock in the after-
noon. They welcomed us with 2 or 3 pieces
of Ordnance, and hung out 3 or 4 several
Colours ; the Ordnance did no hurt, only scared
our under marshal ; the blast blowing aft his
hat, our horse went round, faced the house ; the
enemy charged upon them, slew 2 horse and 1
man of ours, we saw 2 of their men fall on the
breast work, but no more to our view. There
we lay until evening, and it not being thought
convenient to lay siege to the house, we niarched
round the park to Basingstoke. The enemy
thinking we had an intention to beleaguer the
house, burns all the houses, and 2 mills near
adjacent, because we should have no shelter there.
We lay at Basingstoake three nights, and had in-
different good quarter for our money, but the in-
habitants were fearful they should be ill dealt
withall after our departure for entertaining us ;
they pay 40L per week towards the maintenance
of the house, and that morning before we came
in they had payed that week's money. On
Thursday, the 24th, we marched towards
Abington, and making a halt two miles onward
in our way, there were brought unto us 20
prisoners or thereabouts, horse and foot. That
night we lay at Aldermaston."
The 20 prisoners were probablv a party belong-
ing to the garrison, sent out to observe the move-
ments of the retiring Parliamentarians. Waller
wrote to the Parliament from Basingstoke on
May 23rd. There were faint hearts still among
the Cavaliers, for Waller, as he marched away
to join the Lord General (Essex), as above
described, asked for " some power given him to
receive such into mercy as would come in. It
will add much to the service of the Parliament,
and to the diminution of the Eing*s forces, and
that he had good grounds to make that motion."
At the end of May Sir William Waller was
in the neighbourhood of Abingdon. On Satur-
day, the 1st of June, as we learn from a pam-
phlet entitled " A Victory obtained by Colonel
Norton and Colonel Jones," " Colonel Norton's
Watch of Horse faced Basing House." The
Diary of the Siege, says, '* At what time Colonel
Norton drawing some forces from the adjacent
garrisons, by order of their pretended Parlia-
ment is to block up the house."
" Whereupon," continues the pamphlet and
other accounts, " as it was certified by prisoners
since taken, Colonel Royden, a decayed mer-
chant of London, who lived at Clerkenwell and
Defeat at Odiham.
went to Basing to recruit, being the Govemonr
of that garrison with the Lord Marqnis of
Winchestir, a known Papist, called a Oonncil of
War in Basing House, by which Council of War
it was thus agreed : —
I. That forces should be drawn out and sent
forth to fall upon Colonel Norton and Colonel
Jones, their quarters at Odyam.
n. That they should give no quarter, but put
all to the sword.
III. That two men should go along with
them, one with a dark lanthom, and the other
with torches to fire the town of Odjam.
IV. That they should have all the plunder
of the town for the same.
Y. That they should have each man five
shillings before the march.
By these and other proceedings of the enemy
we may easily see the danger of their cruel and
bloody counsels."
But there was a traitor within the walls of
Baling. Scarcely had the Council broken up
before the result of its deliberations was con-
fided to the enemy. The Diary says : — " (By
the treachery of a soldier giving intelligence
two days before) — Thus forewarned, Colonel
Jones, the Governor of Farnham Castle, drew
forth 200 men from that garrison on Thursday
last (May 31st) to Odiam, within four miles of
Basing House, where, it is said, Colonel Mor-
ley, the Governor of Arundel Castle, was to
meet him, and so to have straightened that
place, which exceedingly annoys the country
thereabouts, but by reason of other emmergent
occasions, Colonel Morley came not thither,
whereupon the enemy thought to have taken
Colonel Jones in a trap." Unaware that their
opponents were upon the alert, ** they drew out
all their horse and most part of their foot
which was able to march (80 horse and 200 foot),
about eleven of the clock at night, none being
left in the house, only those which were upon
the guard or not able to march by reason of
sickness. Prisoners say that for their
better encouragement herein the Marquis of
Winchester came part of the way with them, and
at his return back gave the common soldiers five
shillings a piece." They thought "before morn-
ing not to have left a man to have brought
ti(fing8, for the town was unfortified, and many
ways into the same, and the street very broad."
^* About two of the clock on Sunday morning,
a gentleman of Colonel Norton*8 troop, being
I sentry, hailed them at Walnborough (Wam-
boroagh) Mill, being about half a mile from
Odiam, who giving an alarm to the town, the
Watch of Horse drew out, who faced them, and
fought with them in the lane above the mill. It
pleased God to put such courage and resolution
into the hearts of Colonel Jones and his men,
that when the alarm was given they resolved
to bandy with the enemy and to try whether
they would fight without Basing walls." " They
(the Watch of Horse) being forced to retreat,
with the loss of one man only, who died
valiantly ; afterwards the enemy sst upon the
foot in their guards, who were all ready to give
them an answer, and accordingly defended
themselves very valiantly. Colonel Norton, in
all this losing no time, had by this got most
J>art of his horse and drew them into the field,
eaving the rest for the town, and marching
close to the enemy very furiously, fell upon
them with great valour, which caused the
enemy presently to retreat, so that when
Colonel Jones fell on the front with his foot,
the horse came in on the rear, at which the
enemy's horse fled, and all the foot with their
arms were taken, and the horse pursued almost
to Basing House."
" Upon their retreat were taken as f olloweth :-
Major Langley, sometime a Mercer in Pater-
noster-row, was taken prisoner, wounded, but
being in poor habit, more like a tinker than a
gentleman, was let go again.
Captain Bowlet (Rowland),a Scrivener, next
door to the sign of the *' George" at Holborn
Conduit, also is taken, and Lieutenant Bowlet,
his brother, two superstitious cringing malig-
nants. Lieut. Ivory, sometime a citizen of
London, Ensign (ancient) Coram, son of one
Coram, a Papist in Winchester (Boger Coram
was a gentleman residing at Abbot Barton, and
was a parishioner of the Church of St. Thomas,
in Winchester. He held Cranbury, and, dying
in 1683, was buried in St. James' Cemetery, at
Winchester), William Bobinson, a Papist, sur-
geon to the Lord Marquis of Winchester, also
three Gentlemen of the Arms, three sergeants,
five drums, and three drummers, seventy-five
(72) common soldiers, whereof some of them
are such as have formerly run from the Parlia-
ment service, and are likely to receive their just
reward. One quartermaster, five corporals, and
one sutler to the Army."
" There were also taken 100 (150) foot anna
Warlike Preparations.
beside horse and arms, every man keeping what
horse he took himself.
Four found dead upon the place, many
wounded, some ver^ dangerously.
We lost on our side only one man (2 men)
and about 7 or 8 shot, which was all the loss we
had, one being a Lieutenant of those that were
hurt of our men.
The enemy's word was * Honour' ours, * God
with us.'
They that are taken prisoners report that
they were encouraged to come forth of Basing
House against Colonel Norton's forces, to take
from them their buff coats and new shillings
which Colonel Norton had newly paid the men,
but they were disappointed of their hopes ; we
showed them half-crowns as well as shillings
after they were taken prisoners."
*^ About 4 of the clock in the afternoon.
Colonel Norton's horse marched asrain up to
Basing, and four of his trumpeters sounded first
a challenge, and afterwards 2 or 3 levets
flourishing before the enemy, but the enemy
appeared not." (A levitt or levite was a sound
of mirth. H. Teonge says, in 1676, "Our
trumpets sounding merry levitts all the way.")
The Diary speaks briefly thus of Colonel
Norton: " By the treachery of a soldier giving
intelligence two days before, defeating a party
of the Garrison drawn out to Odiam, and takiuff
divers prisoners, upon the fourth of June faced
the House with a Regiment of Horse and
Dragoones, and after some hours stand quartered
in Basingstoake." Three troops of Colonel
Norton's horse were present on this occasion.
Captivity at Basing House must have been
somewhat unpleasant, for we read, " The same
night 10 of our men, which they had formerly
taken prisoners, and used them barbarously, and
stripped naked to their very shirts from their
backs, having an hop bag in their prison, with
the same made means by cutting mto slips to
lengthen it, to let them down, and made an
escape, and came to our forces to Odyam, one of
them beinff a Kentish Corporal, and most of
the rest taken when Sir William WaUer was
before Basing, who teU us that there is but 7
of our men prisoners in Basing left." Colonel
Jones sent a report of Odihun Fight to the
House of Commons. This akirmish was fought
near a spot whereon a gallant deed had been
done four centuries before. Camden says,
I* Whose castle (Odiam) in the reign of John
was gallantly defended for a fortnight by
thirteen English soldiers against Louis, Sling of
France, who had closely beleaguered it with his
whole army, and surrendered at ladt (in the
year) 1216."
Colonel Norton sent the prisoners taken at
Odiham, who were estimated by their captors
to be half of the whole garrison of Basing
House, to Southampton, from whence they
were a few days afterwards sent up to the Par-
liament in London. The closing days of May
saw great preparations for an attack in force
upon the Marquis of Winchester and his strong-
hold. Colonel Sir Richard Onslow, Colonel
Jones, the Governor of Farnham Castle, and
Colonel Norton, with their regiments, were all
destined for this important service, and were t<»
be further reinforced by some horse from Kent.
On June 8th a letter from Guildford says that
" the country came in very freely and cou-
rageously. There met many gallant trooper men,
stout soldiers ; they were never known to go
out before so heartily and freely, and they
carried themselves so civilly in the town as ever
any gentlemen did, and on Sunday morning, at
flve of the clock. Captain Cufly, an honest godly
minister of Gilford, who goes out with them
upon this design, preached unto them, and after
sermon they marched towards Farnham, and so
for Basing." The four associated counties of
Hints, Surrey, Sussex, and Kent had raised
3000 men, most of whom were now on the
march towards Basing. The same number
were to be held in readiness as a reserve in the
event of the Earl of Essex's ordering the besieg-
ing force to effect a junction with his own army,
with which he was about to march to the relief
of Lyme, in Dorsetshire, which Prince Maarice
was unsuccessfully besieging.
Colonel Richard Onslow was to be in chief
command of the Surrey forces at Basing House,
and his officers were Lieutenant-Colonel Jordan,
High Sheriff of Surrey, and his son. Captain
Jordan, Sergeant-Major (i.e. Major) HUl, of
Guildford, Captain Cufly, Captain Wesbrook,
of Godleman (Godalmiug), Captain Perham,
Captain Warren, who had already commanded
a forlorn hope during Sir William Waller's
attack upon Basing, and others. Lieutenant-
Colonel DunscomlM remained at Guildford to
raise the 3000 men of the reserve, and Colonel
Richard Norton commanded the men of Hanta,
who formed two regiments, one of foot and the
The Siege Begins.
other of horse. The Marquis of Winchester
was leTying contribntions in the neighbourhood,
and in consequence we read of ** Those
plunderers who have cessed the country at
BOOL or 10002. presently to be brought in unto
them." The "Kingdom's Weekly Intelligencer"
ezultingly saysi^Hampshire hath shewed a good
example. They have agreed among themselves
to maintain forces to keep in those thieves and
robbers at Basing This service
wiU be of great advantage, for there is nothing
to hinder the trade of the clothiers in Wiltshire
to London except lihat garrison/' which did often-
times, as we shall see, lay violent hands upon
goodly bales of broadcloth destined for the
metropolis. Other Hampshire men were at the
same time doing their best to harass loyal
Oxford, under the command of Major-General
Browne, who laid siege to Greenland House,
near Henley-on-Thames, the capture of which
was considered to be of more importance than
even that of Basing. It was surrendered after
an heroic defence, together with all the arms
and ammunition, on June 18th, 1644, the
garrison marching out with all the honours
of war.
The Marquis of Winchester thus describes
the week ending June 11th: "Colonel Norton
(his foot not yet come up), keeping his guards
of horse upon our avenues to stop the fetching
in provisions."
On June 15th Colonel Jones, the Governor of
Fambam Castle, camo up to London, accom
panied by a gentleman who was the bearer of a
letter, which duly appeared in the " Weekly
Account" on June 25th, and from which we
glean much information concerning the com-
mencement of the siege. After the disaster at
Odiham, the garrison, which was thought to be
either about 140 or 200 in number, pressed
yeomen's sons and others as soldiers, and sent
out parties of horse to levy contributions in the
neighbourhood. Tbe Parliamentarians at
Basingstoke, hearing that a party of the garrison
had marched towards Beading, sent out about
50 horse and 20 musketeers to cut o£^ their
retreat. Chased to a broken down bridge which
probably spanned the Ldddon, the Cavaliers
oaahed through the stream, but left in the
hands of the enemy nine horses which had stuck
iut in the mud. Colonel Norton himself was
on June 15th daily expected to return to Basing,
having gone with his regiment of horse a week
previously to Andover, which was said to be
occupied by the King's forces.
But his subordinates were nevertheless active,
for we read : " Colonel Norton hath possessed
himself of the town of Basing, and seized on
many cattle and much come, which theMarquis of
Winchester, a grand Papist, but nevertheless one
whom His Majesty employs for the good of the
Protestant religion, had provided to be sent to
him at the garrison of Basing House, but it will
now be better employed." The town, or as we
now call it, the village of Basing, is said to be
" within half musket shot " of the House, the
garrison of which was much harassed when in
search of provisions or forage. Two companies
of Roundheads had occupied " a great house on
the east side " of Basing House. Colonel Jones
was at Odiham with three companies, and Colonel
Onslow held Basingstoke with four companies
of his Surrey regiment.
On June 11th, Colonel Norton received his
expected reinforcements of infantry. Colonel
Morley, who possessed great influence and many
friends in Sussex, appeared at the head of
" sixe Colours (or Companies) of Blew'* from
that county, Sir Richard Onslowe's Regiment
of Surrey Red-coats was five companies strong,
and Colonel Jones contributed two White com-
panies from Famham. Colonel Norton's regi-
ment was also strengthened by the addition of
three fresh troops of horse.
The whole force was ** drawne up before the
House upon the south of Basingstoake." At
the approach of night the companies of white
coats, with one troop of horse, marched to Sher-
field. Sir Richard Onslowe. with his troop of
horse, to Andwell House, " near the ruins of
the Priory," whilst "Morleye's Foot and
Norton's Horse quartered in Basingstoake."
This state of things lasted for the three
following days. The Parliamentarian troopers
faced the house daily, challenging the Cavaliers
to sally forth, and try the issue of battle.
Nothing loth, as soon as the enemy showed
signs of retiring to his quarters, the Royalist
troopers dashed through the garrison gate, and
harassed the rear guard to some purpose, with
but little loss to themselves.
As a party of Roundhead troopers were
patrollinff the neighbourhood they received
information from some countrymen that about
30 horse from Basing House had gone towards
the Vine. Pursuit was ordered, and the two
Watch and Ward.
parties met upon a heath. The Cavaliers halted,
and formed up, but eventually, perceiving their
opponents' preparations to charge, wheeled and
galoped off, with the Roundheads close in
their roar. One horseman suddenly rode back
to the pursuers, sayin? that he was one of their
own army, who had been captured that morn-
ing. His statement was at first doubted,
'^ thinking that knowing himself to be badly
horsed, and so in danger to be taken he used
that policy to escape," and he was placed under
arrest, until recognised as being an officer of the
Parliament '*whc was carelessly out of his
quarters." On June 14th it was reported in
London that the besieged garrison was in great
want of a mill to grind com, the two mills
having been burnt on the occasion of Sir Wil-
liam Waller's visit about three weeks before.
Salt and other necessaries were also in great
request within the walls.
On June 15th there was a sharp skirmish.
" To see the countenance of the enemy, fifty
foot are sent towards Basingstoke under covert
of a mill and hedge," [Was this Eastrop mill,
or the mill nearer to Basmg?] ** whilst our horse
forced theirs into the Town." The Round-
heads are reinforced, and the Cavaliers retreat
in good order, drawing on their pursuers until
the infantry can pour a volley into their ranks
from the mill and hedge. The Parliamentarian
foot soon come up, and sevei*al vollies are
exchanged, until the Royalist infantry "are
commanded in."
Two days after this skirmish, as two teams
were fetching provisions for the houE6 from
Sherfield, the enemy's horse made a sudden
dash and carried them ofiF, making prizes like-
wise of three horses grazing in the Park, at no
great distance from the house. That night
the two white companies from Famham
venture to quarter in the village of Basing,
attacking the garrison, doing good execution,
and forti^ng the Church. They only admitted
the loss of one man killed, and another wounded,
and placed marksmen in the adjacent houses,
from whence they on the following day picked
off two of the garrison.
"Idle Dick Norton," who had returned to
Basing by June 17th, was evidently very much
in earnest. A friendly journalist says : " valiant
Colonel Norton sits cloce upon Basing House,
and hath possessed himself of the town, they
of Hampshire have agreed to ynftin^jn a
regiment of horse and foot for the service of
the State under that Colonel ; it is pity such
spirits should want instruments to work with,
it is pity such good workmen should not have
good tools."
Meanwhile the Earl of Essex, on his march to
relieve Lyme Regis, sent out scouts, who,
^* having discovered the Queen's regiment, neai
their quarters, a party of horse was sent out
towards them, which caused them to fly further
westward, and so Hants is rid of those
plunderers." This account is amplified by the
following statement, which bears date June
17th: ^' liis Excellency is advanced in his march
beyond Amesbury, leaving Salisbury on the loft
hand, and hearing that there were 300 of the
King's horse in Salisbury, sent two regiments of
horse thither, under the command of Sir
William Balfour, but they were gone an hour
before they arrived. They pursued them seven
miles, but could not overtake them."
The Royal army having retreated towards
the west. Basing was now indeed in danger,
and, says the Diary of the Siege, " We divide
our men into two parts, leaving two thirds on
duty, whilst the other rest, appointing to each
Captain and his company a particular guard,
dividing the quarters of the garrison to the Field
Officers. The works adjoining to the park
^* were entrusted to the charge of Major Cuf&nd.
Major Langlev, whom we have seen captured
at Odiham looking like a tinker, was responsible
for * the works in the gardens. The dispoee
(or arrangement) of the guns' was superintended
by Lieutenant-Colonel Peake, the printseller,
before referred to, some of whose musketeers
were to act as a reserve for supply of all places
as any need required. The troopers were
supplied with muskets, and no one was exempt
from duty. *The Lieutenant- Colonels and
Majors being Captains of the Watch, Colonel
Rawdon only in this excused, by reason of his
Colonel Rawdon, the Governor of Basing
House, had not long before received a visit from
his son Marmaduke, whom he had at the com-
mencement of the troubles in England sent
with a cargo of valuable merchandise to the
Canary Islands, and with a letter recommending
him to the care of his own nephew, Marma-
duke Rawdon, who was a thriving and prosper-
ous merchant there, and who caied not to take
part in the fierce fratricidal strife then
Sib Makmaduke's Visitor.
racking in his native land. He, however,
welcomed his young kinsman most warmly,
and entertained him in a most hospita-
ble manner until the end of the year 1643,
when he sent him back to England, says an
interesting volume published by the Camden
Society, with a cargo of wine, *' for both their
accounts, desiring him when he was in England
to go and see his father, who was then Gover-
nor of Basing Castle, and to present him. as a
token of his love and duty, with a curious gold
hatband of goldsmith's work and a gold chain,
and that of 500/. be carried with him, he should
show it to his father to take it all or part, as
he should best please. He arrived safely at
Monnt*s Bay, in Devonshire, I would say,
Cornwall, and, according to his cousin's request,
went straight to his father at Basing, having a
convoy from my Lord Hopton. When he came
to his father his father asked him how he
left his nephew. He told him very well, in
good health, and that he had sent him a small
present of a gold hatband and a gold chain,
with order likewise that of 500/. he bud there of
Barbary gold he might take part of it or all, if
he had occasion for it. He said, ^ Let me see
your gold,' so his son poured it out of a great
silk network purse upon the table, which look-
ing npon, ho bid his son pick him out half-a-
flcore of the best ducats of the finest gold, and
told him, * This I take to make the King's pic-
ture to wear with the chain of gold your
cousin hath sent me ; for the rest, put them up
and carry them with you; it may be my
nephew and you may have more occasion
for them than I shall.' Here (at Basing) he
stayed some few days with his father, and then
went to Oxford, where Le coined part of his
gold (King Charles I. had hiA mint at Oxford
for several years during the Civil War), and
from thence went to London to meet the ship,
where he disposed of his wines and gold in com-
modities proper for the main of Spain."
But troubles were in store. He was arrested,
and on June 18th had reached London in cus-
tody. A contemporary journal says that " he
makes himself -a stranger in England, and pre-
tends that he was a merchant or factor in
foreign parts, yet when he came over he could
find the next way to Basing House before he
came to London, and, as hesaith, was going now
for Spain. So he was committed to custody,
till farther examination." He seems, however,
to have been speedily released, and to have
sailed for Seville, where he sold his merchan-
dise, and, lading his vessel with oil and other
things suitable for the Canary Islands, returned
home about the middle of the year 1644, a con-
siderable gainer by his expedition, and took no
further part in the CivU War.
Thomas Bawdon, the eldest son of Sir Mar-
mad uke, was a colonel in the Royal army,
"f ought in both the Fights of Newbury, and
accepted many dangerous commissions for the
service of the King. Having thus become a
marked man, he fled from tho persecution of
the ruling powers, and took refuge with his
kinsman and younger brother in the Canaries.
By them he was cordially received and enter-
tained for a considerable time with princely
hospitality. In the * Catalogue of lords,
knights, and gentlemen who have compounded
for their estates,' printed in London in 1655,
are these names — ^ Rawdon, Thomas, of Lon-
don, merchant, 400/. ; Boyden, Marmaduke,
D.C.L., per Edmund Hardman and William Green,
559/. 38. 2d.'"
On June 18th, a day hereafter to be memo-
rable for a fight at Waterloo as well as at Basing,
the blue-coated regiment from Basingstoke
relieved the white companies who had occupied
the church, which they converted into a stable,
breaking open the vaults, and casting the
coffins of Lord Winchester's ancestors into
bullets, as was clearly proved a few years since
by actual observation.
Just as the new comers had '^ taken over"
their quarters, and the church clock had struck
the midnight hour, there was heard the clash
of steel and a hurried rush, and then
a jet of flame made the old tower
stand out in bold relief. The Cavaliers
had fired one of the neighbouring houses, from
the windows of which their comrades had been
shot. Next evening there was a terrible hurly-
burly. The garrison set fire to all the build-
ings between Basing House and the church, and
the blue-coats themselves fired some of those
beyond. Half Basing was in a blaze, and the
Roundheads abandoned their works in a panic
to sheliier in the hedges, others continuing their
flight to a considerable distance. But now,
al^ve the din, rang out the church bells, and
help came from all sides. The Cavaliers
retreated, and their opponents spent the night
and the whole of the next day under cover of
Daily Skirmishes.
the hedge and palings of the park. Firing
continued, one nentry was killed and his comrade
wounded. On June 20th the besiegers took
heart, and leaving the protection of the park
palings, returned to their works.
But Colonel Norton was ill at ease. On
Thursday, June 19th, he wrote to the House of
Commons, asking for money, and was granted
2000Z. from the Revenue of the Court of Wards.
He likewise asked for and obtained from the
Committee of the four Associated Counties of
Hants, Sussex, Surrey, and Kent, to whom his
letter was referred, a much needed supply of
saddles, pistols, swords, and muskets. He said
that he expected reinforcements from South-
ampton, and at his request an ordinance was
passed *^ to remove malignant priests and clergy-
men that do much infest the country there-
about." Colonel Norton also complained that
**the gentry nf that county did not second
his expectations, and that to the great discou-
ragement of his soldiers they received but little
favour or assistance from them." Mr. Lisle, M.P.
for Winchester, was directed to reply to this
letter, and to give the thanks of the House to
Sir Richard Onslow, Colonels Norton and
Morley, and Lieut.-Colonel Jordan, the High
Sheriff of Surrey, ** for their good service at
On June 20th a strong guard of Colonel
Norton's men was posted at the church, but
Lord Winchester's cavalry was not idle. Some
of Norton's officers were descried riding along
the lower road from Basingstoke, which they
thought perfectly secure. A dozen rausque-
teers were posted behind the hedge at the
corner of this road, which was then known as
"the Lane," and greeted them with a well-
directed volley. Some of them were wounded,
and the whole party turned their horses' heads
and galloped at their best speed towards Basing-
stoke, the Cavaliers in fierce pursuit meanwhile.
Well was it for the f ugritives that Colonel Norton
had posted ** a guard of horse on Cowdreye's
Downe, who perceiving it, troop to the rescue,"
or none of the fugitives would have escaped
that day. The Cavaliers drew rein, and wheel-
ing to the right, gallope«l up to the besiegers'
works near the Grange, took them by a sudden
dash, set them on fire, and carried off a prisoner
to the House.
Colonel Came, the Deputy-Gk)vemor of the
Isle of Wight, Colonel Whitehead, M.P. for
Southampton, Colonel Button, Captain Jervoise
(the son of Mr. Jervoise, of Herriard), and ''one
Master Graves, a kinsman of Colonel Graves,
now rode through the lane to the entrench-
ments, our men being then at the burial of one
of our soldiers." The Royalist musketeers
behind the hedge were still at their post, and
felt sure of their prize. But one of them fired
too soon, **and shot Master Grave's horse,
which gave warning to the rest." Master Graves
was captured, but the rest of the party escaped,
and rode off towards the west. Two hours
afterwards Colonel Norton sent in a trumpeter
with a flag of truce 'Ho demand his liberty, being
a traveller," but the Marquis sent back the
messepger with a proposal for an exchange of
On the following day (June 21st) there was
a skirmish in the Park. Two of Sir Richard
Onslow's Surrey redcoais were captured, and
another was killed. Colonel Norton himself
towards the end of June marched to join Sir
William Waller. Let **Mercurius Aulicus"
speak once more ; *' Norton himself is gone to
Sir William, and left the work to others, think-
ing it ill manners to attempt that for which his
general was so handsomely bcuted^ who found
it as difficult to enter Basing as to get into his
Worship's own Castle at Winchester I" Basting
House was a title often given by rejoicing
Cavaliers to the brave little garrison. The two
foi-tresses of Basing House and Donnington
Castle completely commanded the great road
from London to the western counties, and on
June 20th there were no less than 2000 horse
and foot employed in besieging Basing House
and keeping the roads open for traffic. A convoy
of 80 waggon loads ot cloth and other mer-
chandise reached London in safety on Monday,
June 17th, but on the following Sunday the
garrison of Donnington Castle, of which stout-
hearted Sir John Boys was Governor, sallied
forth, and made prize of two waggon loads of
merchandise and six heavily laden packhoraes,
which were going from London to Marlboroagh,
and carried them into the Castle. In spite of
protestations that these goods were the property
of Cavaliers residing in the neighbourhood, they
were declared to be lawful prize,and were turned
to good account by the garrison.
But during the evening of the day on which
the waggons in question were seized, Colonel
Norton, on his way from Basing to join Sir
Besiegers in Earnest.
William Waller, at the head of two troops of
horse and thirty dragoons, made a sudden
attack npon Donnington Castle, killing a sentry
and securing eight horses in an adjacent stable.
Unable to effect anything further, owing to his
having no infantry with him, he and his party
continued their march without the loss of a
man, and reached in safety the army of Sir
William Waller, with whom Sir Arthur Haslerig,
at the head of his bluecoats, and Major-General
Browne, with the London Brigade, were also
expected to effect a junction.
The King and Sir William Waller had been
manoeuvring throughout the month of June.
His Majesty had been enabled to return to
Oxford, and from thence to pass into Bucking-
hamshire and Northamptonshire, and at length
succeeded in forcing WaUer to fight at Cropredy
Bridge, which spans the Cherwell. Colonel
Norton took pa rt in this battle, in wliich Waller
lost hi:} leather guns, of which mention has been
already made. The strength of his army was,
on June 28th, ordered to be 7000 foot, 3000
horse, with field and other officers, and *^a
train of artillery proportionable." Carlyle
says (Letters of Oliver Cromwell, vol. 1, p. 172),
^^ Wfldler*s last action was an undecisive, rather
unsuccessful fight, or day of skirmishing, with
the King, at Cropredy Bridge, on the border of
Oxford and Northampton shires (29 th June,
1644), three days before Marston Moor, after
which both parties separated, the King to follow
Essex, since there was now no hope in the
north ; Waller to wander London wards, and
gradually lose his army by desertion, as the
habit of him was." Henceforth the stur of his
glory grew dim, and he was no longer known
by the proud title of *^ William the Conqueror."
Colonel Norton, after the fight at Cropredy
Bridge, returned to Basing.
On or before June 24th two companies from
Portsmouth had joined the white-coats from
Farnham, and now the siege began in grim
earnest. Colonel Morley*s pikes and muskets
were quartered in the park, while on his right
was Colonel Onslow, who took charge of " the
Lane and the Close towards Basingstoake,
where, having forced their quarters, they pre-
sently breake ground, shutting us up on three
fddes with their foot, and on the other side their
guards of horse keeping on Cowdreye*s Down
at night, busying themselves with spade and
pickaxe to secure their quarters." Colonel
Norton repaired the dismantled works which
had been thrown up by Sir William Waller,
erected fresh batteries, and dug and delved until
his men might well in their love for Scripture
parallels, compare themselves to the workmen of
Nehemiah, who laboured with a tool in one hand
and a sword in the other. There were still
faint hearts in Basing House, and ** three of
ours runne to them."
On the 26th Boyalist musketeers find full
occupation. They wore iron pot helmets and
swoi^s with curiously curve-shaped hilts, many
of which were forged in Holland, and were of
the value of 7s .6d. each. Every man s musket cost
18s.6d.,whil8t the rest for the somewhat un wieldly
piece was valued at lOd. Bandoliers for powder
could be purchased for 3s., gunpowder was sold at
ISd. per lb., match at 1/. lOs. per cwt., and
bullets (called musket shot) at IBs. per cwt.
Thus equipped, the musketeers were sent
forth ''by the point of Basingstoake (a bul-
warke) to view their lodging in the Lane, and
to cut downe some Trees, climbing a ruined
mill, from which they played on us, both which
are done, and divers of them killed, with losse
of two of ours." " The lane" is the lower road
to Basingstoke, and the mill here spoken of stood
nearly opposite to the conical tower in the
garden, which is now a dove-cot. In the " True
Relation of the Progresse of the London
Auxiliaries" the garrison are said to have burnt
" two mills neere adjacent." But darkness
favoured the besiegers. '* At night they run a
Line (i.e., a trench) towards the mill, where we
had galled them the day before," and the
defenders of '' Basingstoake bulwarke" have to
keep themselves under cover for the future.
But with true English tenacity of purpose
Colonel Norton still holds his own, trusting to
the help of a powerful ally within the walls,
to whom men give the dread name of — ^famine !
No foraging parties are able to scour the country ;
the hay in the meadows is stacked not for the
benefit of Royalist, but of Roundhead chargers ;
the stores in the cellars and vaults are sadly
diminished, and the sentinels of the garrison
fear that none of the com which harvest-
men will soon be busily reaping just beyond
Colonel Norton's lines will find its way to the
Basing House bams and granaries. A message
must be sent to Oxford at all hazards, and on
the night of June 27th "a Party of horse.
Firing upon their SentineUs upon Cowdreye*B
Buff Coats and Mortars.
Dowae, much amase th^ir guards whilst others
of them are sent by to Oxford," to ask that a
relieving force may be despatched to Basing.
Clarendon thus graphically describes *• a party
of horse'* (Book VI.) : " Among the horse the
ofi&cers had theic full desire if they were able to
procure old backs and breasts and pots (iron
sknll caps), with pistols and carabines for their
two or three first ranks, and swords for the rest ;
themselves (and some soldiers by their example)
having gotten, besides their pistols and swords, a
short pole-axe."
Lacy the player says, '* The honest country
gentleman raises the troop at his own charge ;
then he gets a Low-Country Lieutenant (one
who had served in the Low Countries) to fight
his troop safely ; then he sends for his son from
school to be his comet ; and then he puts off his
child's coat to put on a buff coat : and this is
the constitution of our army." (Note to Scott's
" Rokeby," Canto iv.)
" In the reign of King James I," says Grose
in his "Military Antiquities," "the buff coat or
jerkin, which was originally worn under the
cuirass, now became frequently a substitute for
it, it having been found that a good buff leather
coat would of. itself resist the stroke of a sword ;
this, however, only occasionally took place
among the light-armed cavalry and infantry,
complete suits of armour being still used among
the heavy horse."
These buff coats were nsuallv lined with silk
or linen, secured before with buttons or by a
lace, and were often richly decorated with gold
or silver embroidery. Th3 owner of one of
these coats, just after the Restoration, says, " I
would not have taken 10/. for it." Cavalry
corslets, consisting of back, breast, gorget, and
head-piece, were valued at 22s. each. Some of
Colonel Norton's men were probably armed only
with Danish clubs, 1000 of these primitive
weapons having been issued from store to Sir
W. Waller's army in December, 1643.
"Mercurius Aulicus" and other Cavalier
journals were beginning to make merry at the
expense of Colonel Norton's fruitless siege of
Basing House, and the Parliament was deter-
mined to take the Hampshire fortress at all
The "Weekly Account" has the following para-
graph : — " Two mortar pieces went this day
(June 29th) also to Basing, and divers grana-
does, which we hope will prove good instru-
ments in gaining Basing House, for we are
certified that the besiegers have intrenched
themselves, and hope to render a good account
of that service."
The brass mortar pieces ranged in calibre
from 18| to Ai inches, those of iron being from
12^ to 41 inches in calibre. In 1620 it is ordered
that " The twentie pieces of great ordinance
before mentioned, two mortar pieces for fire-
works must be all mounted upon field carriages
with fonre wheels, and lymmers (limbers) ready
compleate, and to be furnished and attended
with spare carriages and wheeles, blocke car-
riages, copper ladles, furnished with spunges
and rammers, and with all other habilaments
and utensells of warre, and with many other
small provisions which are soe necessary for the
trayne of artillery, that without them they can-
not march nor be used." (" Scott's British
Army," Vol. I., p. 391.)
In the year 1639 an establishment of a train
of 30 pieces of artillery consisted of one Master
of the Ordnance, one Lieutenant of the
Ordnance, one Comptroller, four Gentlemen
of the Ordnance, one MasterGunner, 30 Gunners,
and 40 Matrosses. These last (then first men-
tioned) seem to have been of lower rank than
the Gunners. In 1618 we read of " One General
of Artillery, 25 Conductors of Artillery, one
Petardier, one Captain of Miners, 25 Miners,
one Captain of Pioneers, one Surgeon, and one
Surgeon's Mate ;" and in 1620 mention is made
of " Three Master Gunner's Mates and three
Constables, or Quarter Gunners." (" Duncan's
Hist, of R. ArtUlery," Vol. I.)
These "mortar pieces" thus forwarded to
Basing were intended to fire shell " gemadoes."
Some of these were 801bs. in weight, as we
learn from the Diary of the Siege, the accuracy
of which is attested by numerous fragments
recently discovered. They were also styled
Granada shells.
" The first shells were cast in 1543 (in which
year iron guns were made by three foreigners
at Buckstead in Sussex), for mortars of 11 inch
calibre, described as 'certain hollow shot of
cast iron, to be stuffed with fireworks, whereof
the bigger sort had screws of iron to receive a
match, and carry fire to break in small pieces
the same hollow shot, whereof the smallest piece
hitting a man would kill or spoil him.' " (Dun-
can's Hist, of Royal Artillery, vol. I.)
Hand grenades have also been found during
Artillery Practice.
the progreas of the excavations. These are
small iron shells, about three iaches in diameter,
filled with powder, fitted with a time fuze, and
either thrown by hand, or projected from a
hand>gan or '^musketoon^' fired from a rest.
These missiles are said to have been first used
in the year 1594. The grenadier was orignally
armed with these deadly missiles, hence his name.
On June 29th, hereafter to be famous for the
Restoration of " The Merrie Monarch," whilst
the ponderous mortars were slowly making their
way towards Basing, Colonel Morley, who was
now in command of the besiegers, had brought
a sconce or detached fort in the park ^* to some
perfection," and by noon the watchers on the
walls can see that '* cannon baskets" (i.e.,
gabions, or' hollow cylinders of basket-work,
varying in size from a diameter of 20 inches to
six feet, with a height of from two f eei* nine
inches to six feet) have been ranged in order,
indicating that a culverin has been placed in
position. The culverin weighed nearly 36c wt.,
had a bore of 5^ inches in diameter, threw an
181b. shot, and required a charge of 181bs. of
powder. They are not mistaken, and during
the afternoon six 181b. shot came crashing into
the House and works. " Next day being Sunday
(their Cause allowes not now for Sabbath),
doubling their diligence throughout the
Leaguer (or siege works), the besiegers are
busy all day in completing the Redoubt at
Morley*s Quarters in the Park, and on the
Towne (Basing) side towards a Mill, drawing a
Line from the Church." This latter operation
seems to have been designed to prevent the gar-
rison from communicating with Pyat's Hill and
Sherfield. Nor was Colonel Onslowe idle in the
lower road from Basingstoke, his red-coats
^* raising a platf orme in the Lane with so much
speed that the next morning a Demy Culverin
playes from it." The Demi Culverin weighed
about 27cwt., with a bore of 4^ inches in
diameter, and threw a 91b. shot with a charge
of 91b8. of powder.
There was not much sleep on the following
night. A messenger from loyal Oxford makes
his way through the besiegers' lines under cover
of the darkness. He is the bearer of glad
tiding? ** informing us of His Majestie's suc-
cess against Waller at Cropready" (only two
days before). ** We Ecchoe it to our neighbours
with Yolleys both of small and great, they
answering with their Guns, battering onr
Kitchen and Gatehouse, till a shot from our
platforme spoyling the Carriage silenced their
Demi Culverin " (in the lane.)
It will be remembered that some of the guns
were mounted on the House en barbette. The
Gatehouse stood at the entrance of the circular
citadel, and this nocturnal artillery duel seems
to have been principally fought on the northern
side of the garrison.
In Sir Sibbald Scott's British Army (vol. I. p.
464) there is an amusing description of artillerv
practice in 1642. " A man upon his tower, with
a flag in his hand, cryed them airaa whilst they
discharged their cannon, saying " Wide, my
lord, on the right hand ; now wide two yards on
the left ; two yards over, my lord, &c." Some
few events of importance took place during this
month of June, 1644, in other parts of the
country, which claim brief notice at our hands.
On the last day of May the Speaker issued
his warrant ''■ for pressing a bark at Portsmouth
to go upon special service " to l4ype Regis, then
besieged by Prince Maurice. This naval rein-
forcement probably contributed to the subse-
quent raising of the siege.
On Tuesday, June 5th, ever zealous Captain
Swanley received the thanks of the House, and
a gold chain, of the value of 200/., " for good
service at the Isle of Wight, Pembroke, and
Caermarthenshire," Captain Smith, ** his Vice-
Admiral," being at the same time presented
with a gold chain worth 100/. Both these
officers also received medals, a fact which is
specially noted, these honourable badges of dis-
tinction being then far less common than they
are at pr€;^ent.
The Ekrl of Warwick, Lord Admiral of the
Parliamentarian fleet, having captured 2000
stand of arms at sea, 200 of them were sent
forthwith to the Isle of Wight, as 10,000 had
been ordered to be distributed ^* a])out Hants
and those parts."
On June 3rd it was ordered by the House of
Commons, that Sir Thomas Jervoise, Knight,
Robert Wallop, Richard Whitehead, Esq., should
be directed to take steps within one month, for
the sequestration of the estates of Papists and
delinquents of a less value than 12,0002., within
the cities of London and Westminster, and to
apply the proceeds to the liquidation of the
8000/. due as arrears to the garrisons of Ports-
month, and of Hurst, Southsea, and Calshot
Castles. On Saturday, June 22nd, an ordinance
Rival Preach ebs.
was brought forward for the appointment of
John Lisle, Esq., M.P. for Winchester ,a8 Master
of the Hospital of St. Gross, in the place of
William Lewis, who had shown himself a stannch
adherent of the King. Two days previously
Captain Baxter, Mr. Matthews, of Newport, Mr.
WUliam Maynard, and Sir Gregory Norton, were
added to the Parliamentarian Committee for the
Isle of Wight, five members of which were to
form a quorum. The weekly assessment of the
Island was not to exceed 502., and Mr. Lisle was
directed to write to the Committee requesting
them ^^ to give countenance and encouragement
to the godly* ministers sent into that island."
On Saturday, June 22nd, it was known in
London that the Rev. Aaron Crosfield had been
brought before the Committee of the Isle of
Wight, for saying that ^^ he that would not join
with Prince Kupert against the Parliament was
a traitor and a rebel." Parson Cros-
field had been shut out of his own
church by some of his parishioners " who desired
to hear an honest godly man sent to them by
the Parliament, but this Crosfield was cross
indeed." and, sending for his surplice, he
preached to a small congregation in the church
porch, whilst the "honest godly man" addressed
a numerous audience in the school house. Lady
Norton, the wife of Sir Gregory Norton, " had
repetition of sermons in her house," which so
greatly enraged the adherents of the Rev.
Aaron Crosfield, that they were ready to
demolish the knight's mansion. Sir Gregory
Norton, Mr. Edwards, and Mr. Lisle were firm
friends to the cause of the Parliament in the
island, "countenancing good ministers there,
such as Bellars, &c.," and also sending 300
bushels of corn to supply the wants of some
scantily supplied troops.
On Thursday, June 27th, Hugh Peters, whom
we shall meet again, as a chaplain at the sack
of Basing House, and who had already received
a grant of books to the value of lOOZ. from
Archbishop Laud's " particular private study,"
was presented by Parliament with the volumes
still remaining there, which were valued at 401.
more. It would be interesting to know the
nature of the 1402. worth of books which filled
the shelves of Laud's " particular private stnd^ !"
On Sunday, June 30th, a party of Cavaliers
in the neighbourhood of Andover took posses-
sion of sixteen waggons laden with cloth on
their way from wStshire to London. The
same detachment on another occasion seized 40
pack-horses which were going to the west from
London, and only released them on payment of
401. Thus ended the month of June, 1644.
Chapter XXIII. — Forays in Hants — Winchester Castle — The **The Golden Sun" —
Affairs at Basing — The Siege Continues — Summons to Surrender — Bombard-
ment — ^Messages to Oxford— Attack and Defence — Salisbury CathedraIj — A
Xight Attack — Defence of Isle of Wight — Stubborn Basing — Expected Sur-
render — Successful Sorties — Hopes of Relief — Cornet Bryan Captured —
Hostilities Continue — ^Essex Surrenders.
On Monday, Jnly 1st, 1644, the House of
Commons ordered "500 mnsqnets to be lent with
their equipage to the Basing House forces, and
200 musquets with their equipage, borrowed of
the gentlemen of the Isle of Wight, to be
returned to them." A man-of-war equipped by
certain London merchants had lately brought
into Cowes a ship having on board 3000 stand
of arms and much ammunition, aU of which
were supposed to be '* going to Exeter." The
aforesaid 700 muskets were now ordered 'Ho be
taken out of the prize ship at Cowes,". and if
the ship should not prove to be lawful prize, the
merchants who claimed to be the owners of her
cargo were to receive compensation '* out of the
S^ovia wools brought from Weymouth."
The Cavalier garrison of Winchester Castle
still held out, and ^'Mercurius Aulicus " says on
July 2nd, -'Since Alresford Fight (March 29th),
the rebels have often faced Winchester Castle,but
have still been repulsed, and never went off
without their errand." But on the following
day a journal of opposite politics asserts that
the Cavaliers were plundering the neighbour-
hood of Winchester, had cut the throat of a
miller, had outraged women, and were carrying
about a petticoat upon the point of a sword,
exclaiming, *' This is the Parliament's colours I"
On Wednesday, July 10th, Lord Hopton was
said to be raiding in Hampie^ire at the head of
1000 horse. Colonels Popham and Ludlow, the
latter of whom is described as ** that faithful
patriot, Colonel Ludlow, High Sheriff of Wilt-
shire," being unable to keep him in check as
Colonel Norton had done, more especially as the
mass of the people were but ill-affected towards
the Parliament. On the same day the Com-
mittee for Hampshire, three of whom consti-
tuted a quorum, were ordered by Parliament to
be diligent in raising both men and money, so
that a force of 600 infantry, 100 horse, and 100
dragoons might be ready to march on July 20th,
for service near Oxford, and at the discretion
of Parliament. This contingent formed part
of the 10,000 foot, 1700 horse, and 13o()
dragoons then being raised in several counties
for the service of the Parliament.
During this month the House of Commons
ordered the sum of 250Z. to be paid of Lord
CapeFs woods " to the widow of Colonel Mel-
drum," slain in their service (at Cheriton), and
601. to another like widow." Great must have
been the havoc wrought by the order in the
pleasant woodlands at Abbot's Worthy.
Although Colonel Norton was actively besieging
Basing House, Sir Richard Norton, of Bother-
field, who had been created a baronet on May
23rd, 1622, was a staunch Cavalier, and
one of the Commissioners of Array for
Hampshire. He was now ordered to appear
before a Committee of Parliament, and on July
15th, 1644, a letter, written by the Committee
at Basingstoke four davs previously, was read in
the House. It stated that Sir Richard had
been sent up to London under arrest, where-
upon he was "committed to Lord Petre's
house during the pleasure of the House." This
loyal and persecuted baronet paid a fine of
10002. for his estate on March 6th, 1645, and
died in 1652.
On Thursday, July 18th, a hostile newspaper
tells us that Sir William Ogle, the Governor of
The Golden Sun."
Winchester CaHtle, *'a great plunderer," had
Bome fourteen days previously sent out a force
consisting of 60 horse, 60 musketeers, and 40
pikemeu. The cavalry entered the town of
Andover. the infantry having meanwhile halted
at a distance of some three miles. A convoy
was intercepted, and sixteen waggons, laden
with cloth, cheese, oil, &c., GO (or 94) oxen, and
36 horses, coming from the western counties,
were captured. With this plunder, which was
valued at more than 6000/., the Cavaliers retired
unmolested to Winchester. Sir William Ogle
had taken from ^'the Master of Winchester
College fifteen oxen and three hogsheads of
beer, upon suspicion that he was a Roundhead."
The College authorities sent a complaint to
Oxford, whereupon Sir William Ogle compen-
sated them with fifteen oxen which he had
taken in a foray, thus *' robbing Peter to pay
On July 22nd '^Mercurius Aulicus" says
" Winchester Castle is made fit by Sir William
Ogle for entertaining Sir William the Conqueror
(Waller), and the enemy often face Winchester
Castle, and are still repulsed." Mercurius
Britannicus also admits *^ by the same token
they about Winchester Castle have not yet
recovered it." The ever active Colonel Norton
was on July 20th reported to be attacking
Donnington Castle, near Newbury, and five
days afterwards to be watching with bis cavalry
to hinder the garrison of Winchester Castle
from plundering. On Wednesday, July 24th,
we hear that the garrison of Portsmouth had
been largely reinforced, and was in future to be
maintained at a cost of 500/. per month from
the excise duties levied throughout Hampshire,
with the exception of the town of Southampton,
and the Isle of Wight.
A ship belonging to the King of Denmark,
named the Golden Sun, and under the command
of Captain Nicolas Ruter, had been detained at
Portsmouth on suspicion of having been
chartered by the Cavaliers. On Saturday, Oct.
5th, 1644, it was ordered that '' Lieut. -Colonel
Roe do deliver from store to the Committee
of the West 500 Danish Forks, Clubs, or Round-
heads taken on board the Danish ship." On
December 4th, the ahip was reported to be
leaking, and the House of Commons authorised
the caretakers to break open the hatches and to
remove the cargo to a place of safety, to be
appointed by the Committee of the Navy. The
ship and cargo were, after long delay, eventually
released by order of Parliament. After the
battle of Cropredy Bridge, which was fought
on June 29th, Sir William Waller lost half his
army by desertion, and " had been roaming
about Oxford with his rapidly decreasing forces
in a very unoffensive manner." Writing from
Famham he asks for supplies, and '* expresseth
his forwardness to assist the Lord General
(Essex), and calls the God of heaven to witness
it is not his fault, and wisheth the blood and
infamy may rest on the heads of them that lay
obstructions in the way, averring that if money
cannot be had he will march without it. That
he desires nothing more under God than to be
able to march, and that no fault shall be found
in him."
But let us return to BasiuGr House. On
Wednesday, July 3rd, the garrison was said to
be well supplied, especially with corn and bacon,
although malt and beer were somewhat less
plentiful. The besiegers had captured ten
foragers from the House, and from the " "Weekly
Account" of the same date we learn that the
siege works were already within pistol-shot, or,
accoiHiing to the " Diary of the Siege," " within
half mnsket-shot." The enemy kept up a con-
tinuous fire, and two or three of the garrison
were killed or wounded daily whilst on duty
within the House. *' They shoot the Marquisse
himself through his cloathes. The carriage of
their piece being now repaired, they now renew
their battery on the House, unto the detriment
and topping of our towers and chimnies."
On Tnuraday, July 4th, there was *^ stinking
beef thrown over Basing Walls," owing to a
deficiency of salt. The "Weekly Account"
contains a letter written about this time in the
besiegers' lines : — " Sir, — I doubt not but you
would gladly heere how things stand with us,
for this House hath not onely been a great annoy-
ance to all the country round about it, but hath
been a meanes to stop up the trading out of the
West to London by robbing and pillaging the
carriers and clotheers that came from them. It
standing near unto the direct road, and there-
fore, both for the subduing of those that are in
it in arms against the Parliament (which are
Papists and Arch-Maliffuants^, and for the pre-
vention of the f oresaia miscnief s hereafter, we
have closely besieged the same, and are intrenched
within Pistol shot of the House, bo that none
can enter in or out. Since our throwing up a
Summons to Surkendek.
trench againBt them the Enemy are very stilly
which before were laviflh in their Powder,
though to little purpose. Captain Warn came
lately from Plimmouth unto us, and we hope
they cannot long hold out.
From before Basing, July 5th, 1G44."
Force having hitherto failed, the besiegers try
the effect of stratagem, and on the morning of
the 8th of July '' they assay to draw us forth
by making an alarme to themselves (leaving
their piece neglected without a guard), but,"
says the Diary, ^^faile." In the evening a
Cavalier prisoner makes a bold dash for free-
dom, and escapes to the house under fire of a
hundred muskets. This " so chafed them that
they continue firing untill midnight, and shot
two of our men." Next morning Colonel
Onslowe's Surrey redcoats are reinforced by
four companies of their comrades. The new
comers advance somewhat heedlessly. At once
there is a flash and a sharp report, followed by
two otbers in quick succession as they ** have
three shot placed amongst them from our
minion, making them change their march to
troop at further distance." A minion was a
gun weighing nearly lOcwt., with a 3^in. bore,
throwing a ^\h. shot with a 4^1b. charge of
On July 11th a company from Southampton,
seven score strong, marched up from Southamp-
ton to join Colonel Morley, by way of Hack-
wood, **unto Hollowaye*s Mill" (the site of
which is not easily to be fixed with ceriainty).
Having been thus strongly reinforced. Colonel
Morley thought fit to summon the Marquis to
surrender the stoutly defended fortress. Colonel
Norton being absent, he would, if successful,
obtain much credit by gaining possession of the
The besieged were keeping a fast on July 12th,
when he '* sends by a drum this harsh demand,
written with his left hand, for which he was
afterwards marked in the shoulder, which
q>oiled his Clearkship ever since : " —
** My IiOBD,-To avoid the effusion of Christian
blood, I have thought fit to send your Lordship
this summons to demand Basing House to be
delivered to me for the use of (the) King and
Parliament ; if this be refused the ensuing
inconvenience will rest upon you (yourself e).
I desire your speedy answer, and Rest, My Lora.
Your humble servant,
Hebbbbt Moblsy."
The messenger had not long to wait. *' The
Marquisse upon small deliberation returned Mr.
Morley this answere." (*^ And had this sodain
answer "). To this my Lord Marquis sent a
speedy answer, which not long after he sealed
with a bullet, which seemed to relate to these
his Lordship's words sent to Master Morley : —
" Sir, — It is a crooked Demand, and shall
receive its answer suitable. I keep this House
in the Right of my Soveraigne, and will do it
in despight of your Forces. Your Letter I will
preserve (reserve) in testimony of your Rebellion.
*' This is returned by a drum, with directions.
* Hast, hast, hast, post hast ' upon the letter.
Morley speaks his choller from his guuns, which
now and some dales following played on our
Things were getting serious in Basing House.
The *' True Ini'ormer" states on July 15th that
the besiegei*s numbered some 3000 horse and foot,
who '*■ have planted two pieces of battery against
it, which hath beat down divers of the chimneys
and made some breaches in the bouse, They are
in some distress for want of salt and wood, with-
out which they cannot long subsist, so that they
are in great expectations that the house will be
surrendered, or otherwise they are resolved to
batter and storm it."
The " Scottish Dove" of July 12th is jubilant :
^* Greenland House is taken, and it will not be
long before Basing House be in the same case
to beg for a Parliamentary passe."
Greenland House was surrendered after a
brave resistance of six months. Clarendon says
(Bk. YIII.) : <* Greenland House could not pos-
sibly be longer defended, the whole structure
being beaten down by the cannon." With
playful sarcasm it is recorded on July 12th : —
*'Colonell Onslowe's men courteously permitting
eight of our foot to fetch six beasts grazing
before their workes. At night Coronet (Comet)
Bryan and some troopers passing a messenger by
Cowdreye's Downe (to Oxford) bring in two
prisoners." This capture was of great service
to the besieged, for it was announced in
London on July 15th that an assault would
have been made upon Basing House had not
^Hwo men through negligence taken prisoners,"
given information to the garrison. A letter
written at Basing on July 15th alluding to the
construction of mines, says that Colonel Norton
was then quartered in Basingstoke, and that
Mbbsages to Oxford.
Colonel Jones, the Governor of Famham Castle,
occupied Basing Chnrch, whilst Colonels Onslow,
Morlej, and Whitehead were entrenched ronnd
the House. The besiegers were 3000 in number.
Some of the chimneys of the honse had been
battered down, and a few pmall breaches had
been made. The garrison was very qniet, and
a prisoner reported a scarcity of meat, and
that there was ** only puddly and bad water to
On Jaly 18th a flaring bonfire in the park and ■
two volleys along the whole line proclaimed a \
welcome to the Parliamentary Committee sent
to Basingstoke to urge forward matters at
stubborn Basing.
Clarendon says that the weather at the end
of June was very warm, and heat now began to
increase the distress of the defenders. The
" Court Mercuric " of July 20th has the follow-
ing : — " The Seidge at Basing House still con-
tinues, as wee are credibly informed (however the
Malignants may pretend the contrary), the
besiegers have planted some pieces of battery
against it, and made divers breaches through
the house, and are resolved in case they refuse
to surrender it speedily to storme it, the
besiedged say that they have plenty of meat,
but so tainted by reason of the weather and for
want of salt and seasoning, that it is very
infectious, and many of them have dyed lately
through the extremity of the disease it has bred
among them." The water supply seems at all
times to have been abundant, though not always
of good quality.
Foreign engineers had done their best to
strengthen Basing, for in *' A Looking Glass
for the Popish Garrisons " we read : — " Could
those tall walls, bulwarkes, and forts that were
oast up by the subtiU art of the forraign
engineers be scaled without a fall ? " Having,
however, been thrown up in haste they were ** in
many places slender, and nowhere finished."
On July 20th a party of musketeers sally out,
and do some execution in the lane before they
are ordered to retire, and at the same time a
captain of Colonel Morley's regiment is killed
by a shot from the works. Two hours after-
wards a drum is sent into the garrison with
letters for the exchange of prisoners, but reaUy
to inform the Cavaliers that Colonel Norton
had returned in safety from the defeat of Sir
William Waller at Cropredy Bridge, and to gain
time to draw one if not two mortar pieces
secretly to the trenches, from which as soon as
the drum had returned, a shell of 801b. is fired
daring the evening into the house, " concluding
their devotion and the day with thundering
from their culverins, two (shot) passed through
the quarters where our sick men lay, but with-
out hurt."
At Donnington Castle, the friend and ally of
Basing House, there were fired *^ a 500 and odd
bullete, most of them 361b., some six, some 12."
Mr. Boutell says (Arms and Armour p. 231 ) :
" Until about the middle of the 17th century
mortars were invariably discharged by double
firing. The process of loading, while this system
of firing prevailed, was very slow and tedious.
After the powder had been placed in the
chamber of the mortar it was closed in by a
wooden board or shutter made to fit the bore of
the piece; then this board was covered with
turf, and, over the turf, again, earth was placed ;
and, finally, on the earth the shell with its live
or lighted fusee was made to rest in such a
manner that it was only partially enclosed
within the mortar. All this required time.
The gunner lighted the fusee of the shell with
one hand, while with the other hand he fired the
mortar from which it would be discharged."
The morning of the 22nd, says the " Diary of
the Siege," saw the enemy's lines much advanced,
and a sconce or redoubt finished, which was
intended to prevent their battery in the Park
from being attacked on the flank. The MarquiB
himself is wounded by a bullet, and two men
are killed by chance shot. Another account says,
" The hurt within is not much, the Marquis
hurt, two men killed by chain shot." A small
gun called a cabonet had its carriage broken by
a shot from one of the besiegers' culverins. The
cabonet firedprojectiles of not more than 21bs.
in weight. Tne following night being dark and
stormy, tried and trusty Edward Jefi^y, whose
name is still continued in Basingstoke, is des-
patched to Oxford. But the same night that
tavoured the muffled-up trooper with his load of
despatches dose to his heart, favoured also the
stealthy flight of 8 Roundhead prisoners, who
got back to their leaguer with reports that made
*' our allowance of great shot to be next day
doubled, and at niffht more granadoes."
Honest Edward Jeffrey was, no doubt, in
disguise, for we are told that the BoyaUsts were
constantly passing through the country for
Parliament men, with orange tawny scarfs and
Salisbury Cathedral.
ribands. He carried news of successful resist-
ances, which was, of course, speedily exaggerated,
for to the Royal army near Crediton in Deyon-
shire came *'Newes this day (Satterday, 27th
July, 1644) that Basing House had slayne many
of the besiegers, and had raised the siege which
had layne l^fore to it long.'*
Wednesday, July 24th, must have been a
very wet day, and on the following day the
low grounds were flooded, and ^*- the trenches
on the towne (Basing) side in the Meads flote
with the quantity of rain that fell, thereby
forcing them to lye more open to our towers,
from whence our Markes men spoyled divers.*'
Nor did the enemy fare better elsewhere. On
the other side towards the Basingstoke Bulwark,
the garrison had constructed ^' a Blind," or a
atructnre of timber, covered with earth and
loopholed, from which sped forth a deadly
leaden hail.
Under cover of the darkness a strong Puritan
working party is sent into the trenches near the
lane, but '* two pieces charged with case (shot) so
luckily are placed upon them that they were
heard complain their suffering."
Eiarly next morning, the musketeers are again
at their loop-holes in ** the Blind," and pick off
an officer and several men. A cow is seen graz-
ing, and the grunt of poor piggy is heard near
the blind and the Basingstoke Bulwark. A
trooper gallops forth in search of milk and bacon,
&Qd piSSy ^^^ ^^® ^^^ ^^® ^^^ away captive,
under cover of volleys from both sides, Colonel
Norton*s men getting the worst of it. All the
evening long is heard the cannon's roar, and six
shells in addition hurtle through the air. One
fsUs in the granary and spoils some com, and two
others fail to explode. Shell practice and half
rations combined are too much for weak nerves,
and ^*at night two souldiers run to them."
The morning of July 27th shows a traverse
or mound of earth, about the height of a man,
across the meadow from the burnt mill (nearly
opposite the present dove-cot) commanding the
way to the blind, which had proved so disastrous
to the enemy on the previous day. Nor had
Colonel Money been idle. He had made his
quarter more secure by enclosing the nearer side
of an old orchard.
Stone shot can do good service sometimes.
During the night six stones of the same size as
the 36ib. shells are hurled from one of the mor-
tars. '*Each day continuing like allowance,
these and the granades for awhile seemed trouble-
some, but afterwards become by custom so
familiar to the souldier, that they were called as
they counted them, Babies (i.e. Baubles), their
mischiefes only lighting on the house, and that
the lesse, our courts being large and many."
" Mercurius Aulicus" tells us that Sunday
July 28th, was an eventful day. Lieutenant
Cuff and, of the Marquis* regiment, and Cornet
Bryan, of Lieutenant-Colonel Peake's troop,
sallied forth at the head of forty horse, charged
the rebels in their works, killing between twenty
and thirty of them, and capturing ten prisoners.
They also ^^ took an Orange Colour of Horse,
and one Trumpet, and pursued the rebels to
Basingstoke's towne *s end, slashing and doing
execution all the way." On the 30th of July a
jet of flame from Basing Church tells that a
culverin has been planted there, for the purpose
of breaching a tower from which Cavalier marks-
men had caused much annoyance to the enemy
in that direction. Firing continued from the
other guns already in position. So ^^ ends the
yeare of the place's being garrisoned, and the
second month of the Leaguer" (i.e. siege.) The
Cathedral clergy at Salisbury now shared in the
troubles of the Civil War. On August 3rd,
Lieut.-General Middleton wrote to the House
of Commons, saying that certain plate, hangings,
copes, cushions, and a pulpit cloth had been
*^ seized on by the common soldiers in Salisbury
Church," and five days afterwards the articles
in question were *' all brought in to the view of
the House." It was thereupon ordered that the
plate and pulpit cloth should be restored to tiie
Cathedral, the superstitious representations
upon them having been first defaced. The copes,
hangings, and cushions, having first been
similarly defaced, were to be sent back to Sir
William Waller to be sold, and the proceeds
were then to be shared '' among the soldiers that
took them, and brought them up I"
Amongst the earliest Laws and Ordinances of
War established for the army under the Earl of
Essex in 1643, it was ordered "all such who
shall violate places of public worship to undergo
severe censure." But if the proceeds of such
violation were thus shared amongst the
plunderers, few would hesitate to incur the
On August 4th it was reported from South-
ampton that 100 infantry from that town,
together with four troops of horse under Capt.
A Night Attack.
Braztone, brother to the Mayor of Winchester,
and Captains Fielder, Santbrook, and Thomas
Bettworth, jun. (Bettesworth, whose home was
in the Cathedral Close), were facing Winchester,
as the gates both of the city and castle had been,
at the instigation of the clergy, shut against the
forces of the Parliament.
Captain Thomas Boesworth (Bettesworth)
with some fourteen horse had ridden forth from
the headquarters, which had been established
within two miles of Winchester, in order to
transact business with some other officers.
Returning *^ about midnight he found his watch
of horse not set," which made him suspect the
presence of a hostile force. None such, how-
ever, appeared, and Captain Bettesworth and
his men advanced up to the city wall without
attracting observation, and by the help of a
heap of rubbish effected an entrance through an
unguarded breach. Two men were left in
charge of the horses of the party, and the rest
hurried through the silent streets hoping to
secure the sleeping Mayor, together with some
of the Royalist clergy. They were, however, dis-
covered, and at once there rang out the cry of
"Arm! Arml" forcing them to beat a hasty
retreat. They, however, succeeded in carrying
off four Cavalier prisoners, who were forthwith
sent under escort to Southampton.
A letter written in the Isle of Wight on
August 8th, states that "persecuted godly
ministers" were taking refuge there, and gaining
over numerous adherents for the Parliament.
Sir Gregory Norton was a staunch partisan of
the same cause. Many of the inhabitants
objected to the raising of a large force for the
defence of the island, which was already pro-
tected by 100 men and 30 guns. The Parlia-
ment allowed 3000/. per annum for purpose of
defence, and had also given the local Committee
authority to raise a larger amount if necessary.
The Earl of Pembroke had been settling various
matters in the island, and was said to be " much
affected with honest godly preachers ; he hears
their sermons frequently, and is in converse
with them ordinarily, and hath much improved
his own and the public's good." On Wednes-
day, August 2l8t, the " Committee for placing
well affected ministers in Hants," was ordered
to assemble at three o'clock in the afternoon at
the Exchequer, and also at whatever other times
they might think fit, six members forming a
quorum. The Earl of Pembroke found ^t
' "all the companies they had there except
' Bondman's were disbanded, and three of them
gone out of the island, whereof Sir Gregory
Norton's "^^as one," but he nevertheless per-
suaded the Commissioners and gentlemen ot
the island " to send 500 able and expert soldiers"
to the army of the Earl of Essex, who was then
in Cornw:ill. On Monday the Lieutenant of
the ordnance was ordered to send " a ton of
bullet, with proportion of match, to the Isle of
Wight." The Committae of the West were
also to send thither five hundred swords and
thre3 hundred bandoliers, which were to be paid
for from the fine of one-twentieth part of his
estate assessed upon Mr. Palmer, then a prisoner
in the Fleet.
On August 1st, a Kentish regiment under the
command of Sir Michael Livesay, was quartered
at Chobham, in Surrey, in readiness to aid the
besiegers of Basing House. Sir William Waller
was himself in London, but his army, consisting
of 3500 horse, and 1500 foot, was at Abingdon,
Newbridge, and other places near Oxford, with the
garrison of which city there were continued skir-
mishes. The siege of Basing House was mean-
while in active progress, and on July Slst it is
evident that the enemy mean to come to close
quarters. One of the defences of the house is
known as " Basing Bulwarke," and within half
musket shot of this by the woodside, " towards
Basing towne a little wood" another platform
is commenced. " Towards evening praying, the
shot (it having been their fast) they spared all
day." At night they ran a trench from the
church to their work at the woodside. Four of
the garrison deserted, and exaggerated the
damage done by stones and grenades, whereupon
they " send us store, one whereof firing our hay,
falling into the barne, had done much hurt, had
not our diligence soon quenched it."
Hitherto the soldiers had been on guard for
4S hours at a time, but this being found too
harassing, the garrison was divided into two
parts, who relieved each other every 24 hours.
Gentlemen and troopers also did their part, and
the Marquis highly commends them for
having throughout the siege performed the
duties of both cavalry and infantry (with the
exception of standing sentry). They took part
in all sallies, sometimes on horseback ana at
other times on foot, armed with muskets or
brown bills. For seven weeks did they main-
tain their horses with g^raas and sedge, which
Stubborn Basing.
they cnt at night, at the risk of their lives,
close to the enemy's works.
A letter sent from Basingstoke to London on
Thursday, August 1st, stated that the besieged
had suffered considerable loss from the shells
which had been hurled into the garrison. Nine
prisoners had escaped from the house, which
they said was still well provisioned, but was
held only by "250 men very weary of the
fort. They are very still in the house, and
answer neither by drum, trumpet, nor cannon."
There was good reason for this ominous
quietness, for on Saturday, August .3rd, the
terrible malady of small-pox was reported to
be raging in the garrison, so that many officers
were endeavouring to escape, either through
fear of infection or on account of private
quarrels. Some writers have concluded from
an expression in the "Diary of the Siege' ' that
the garrison were suffering from the effects of
their own licentiousness, but a hostile writer
distinctly states that small-pox was the malady
which was working havoc within the waUs. It
was said that the King had counselled a sur-
render, but that Lord Winchester had made
reply "that, under His Majesty's favour, the
place was his, and that he was resolved to keep
it as long as he could." The besiegers about
this time received thirty more shells and some
additional mortarpieces.
On August 4th, an unsuccessful attack was
made upon the house, but one shell damaged the
building, as did also another "beating down
part of the mill wall." There was now a rumour
in the besiegers' line, that provisions were
diminishing, and that a surrender might be
expected ere long. Colonel Norton preferred
starving out the garrison, to taking the place by
storm. The cavaliers had hitherto been careful
of their men, expecting that the besiegers would
be strongly reinforced, but seeing that their num-
ber did not increase, bolder counsels were
adopted. " Our " men were few in number,
much spent with labour, discouraged by divers
wants, and the prevalence of disease. The rebels
could be annoyed, and their works retarded,
whilst prisoners could be compelled to give useful
information. An able writer in " AU the Year
Bound" (April 4th, 1874), says:- "Almost at that
moment an opportunity set fire to the powder.
A partv of Puritan foot can be seen from the
tower lying loosely like stray sheep in Waller's
Work, on the green slope of Oowdry Down.
There the knaves are, the lazy loons, sprinkled
about like so much black pepper on a green cloth »
Out dash twenty cavalier horse (commanded
by Lieutenant Cuff and, a relative doubt-
less of Major Cuffand) while Comet
Bryan, with 20 more wild fellows, slips in
between the other rogues and the hedge. Their
guard of horse stand in somewhat too loose
order. Hark, forward! Hey there! spur all
together ; away run the louts flying like mad
dogs to Basingstoke ; every moment one is
sabred or shot down, or torn off his horse, with
a shake and a curse and a slash and a stab ; and
here comes Cornet Bryan, with eyes only for
one fair face blushing at him from the battle-
ments, with a trumpet in one hand and their
colours red and wet over his dusty shoulder.
Seven horses and three sour trooper prisoners
follow at his heels. £leven of their foot were
left stretched out dead, and four bound and
dragged in prisoners — a pretty good haul for
one throw of the net, our men returning under
command of their cannon without the loss of a
man." At the commencement of this skirmish
the besiegers thought that the long-expected
relief had arrived, and began to fly in confusion
from their works in the Park, but speedily
discovering their mistake, they returned, and
kept up a hot fire of shot and shell. Meanwhile
the prisoners who had been captured by Comet
Bryan stated that the deserter from the garrison
had given information to the enemy that Baaing
Bulwark was especially weak (as was indeed the
case), and that the next attack would be made
in that quarter. All hands to work ! and Basinff
Bulwark and other weak points are strengthened
with hastily-constructed defences. The assail-
ants said that this sortie was made "to the
Grange Field about evening sermon time," and
admitted the capture of an ensign and a
trumpeter. On August 5th, which " Mercurius
Aulicus" notes as being the anniversary of the
celebrated Gowrie Conspiracy, Lords Saye and
Maitland reached the Hampshire Committee at
Baisingstoke with instructions from the Parlia-
ment. Colonel Norton was not to be caught
napping a second time, and it was now easy to
see that the guard at Waller's Work on Cowdrey
Down had been doubled, and pikes, evidently
intended to repel a cavalry charge, could be seen
glinting in the sun-light. The besiegers' cavalrv
were also much more on the alert. In the Park
the siege works were now very close to the
Successful Sorties.
defenders' batteries, especially near the wood on
the side ot the village. Cannonading went on
incessantly, great shot, stones, and three kinds
of shell being literally rained upon the Hoose.
The assailants were now close enough to throw
in hand-grenades as weU.
Such is the daily programme antU August
10th, when Colonel Whithead brings up his
regiment, five companies strong, through Basing-
stoke to Cowdrey Down, and occupies the Delve,
a still existing chalk pit, which is now known
as Oliver Cromwell's Delve. This regiment had
scarcely been a month raised before it thus
marched to Basing, but it fought bravely never-
theless. Special mention is made of Comet
Doven, who " being a mighty proper man flew
out so desperately" that he took two helmets.
He is also said to have distinguished himself in
some unrecorded manner at Bomsey Abbey
To g^ve welcome and amusement to the new
comers, and to show what their guns can do to
*' proud, stubborn, and malignant Basing," a
heavy fire is concentrated on " a round tower
in the old castle," which at length falls with a
heavy crash. In the etching ascribed to Hollar
we see " The Tower that is Halfe Battered
Downe." As the siege guns were placed in the
Park, this statement throws some light on the
disputed question of the position of the old and
new houses. (See Chap. I.)
But the Marquis paid them back next morn-
ing in their own coin. Major CufPand, in com-
mand of six files of musketeers and 20 troopers,
armed with brown bills, sallied forth into the
Park and attacked their outward lines, killing
some of them, burning their "blinds" and baskets,
and bringing off a mortar with store of arms
and tools, with a loss of only two men wounded.
During " the amazement " caused by this bold
sortie. Lieutenant Snow (who, from his name,
seems to have been Hampshire born) with 20
musketeers and 12 men armed with bills,
attacked the works in the lane (or lower road)
and did considerable execution, breaking their
demi-culverin, setting fire to their guard-house
and baskets, and capturing, besides arms and
tools, a welcome supplv of ammunition, which
proved most serviceable. The enemy were so
chafed by their misfortunes that Captain Oram
(who commanded the guard that dav) was tried
by a court-martial for neglect ana cowardice,
and cashiered, narrowly escaping with life. The
"Diary of the Siege** is poor Captain Oram*s best
witness, " For neglect and cowardice (nmning
as others then and after did), holding corres-
pondence with the place (where no man knew
him), and sending in ammunition (which was
never received) with the hazard of life is
cashiered their service. A sentence much like
that against the Earle of Strafford made with
caution not to be brought to president (prece-
dent) for after times, least it too nearly might
concern themselves."
Captain Oram's family lived in the lower part
of the city of Winchester, and a token issued in
1664 by William Oram, who dwelt near the
Eastgate, and was the founder of the Winchester
Free School, is still in existence.
On Saturday, August 10th, Colonel Francis
Thompson, who had lost his leg at Cheriton
Fight, presented a petition, which was referred
from the Upper to the Lower House,to the effect
that he was "very infirm through the many
wounds he has received, and was in great want
for supply of monies which are due unto him
for his pay." Nine days afterwards Sir William
Waller was ordered to march westward forth-
with from Famham with his horse and dragoons.
He was empowered to seize horses for his
expedition in the five western Associated
Counties, upon the security of the public faith,
and his infantry were when mounted to " have
the pay, officers and soldiers, as dragooneers."
Waller writes from Famham on August 28th,
and also on September 1st, saying that he is
willing to march, on receipt of 500/., and of
horses for his mounted infantry.
Forage was scarce in Basing House, and, dar-
ing the night of August 11th, the encouraged
Cavaliers constructed an earthwork near the
Grange, near the foot of Cowdrey's Down, in
order to secure the meadows for the troopers,
who were obliged whenever the nights were
dark to sally forth to cut grass and sedge for
their horses.
During the next few days the besiegers con-
tinued to fire their oulverins, but were chiefly
busied in the preparation of gabions, brushwood,
and turf, with a view to futiure operations,and in
filling gabions with grass, so that they might
the less readily be set on fire.
During this partial lull, let us see what
measures were hevng taken for the relief of
" Loyalty House." Clarendon says (Bk. viii),
of Basing: — " It was so closely bc^rt before the
Hopes of Belief.
Kiiig*8 march into the West, and waa looked
apon as a place of such importance, that when
the fiang sent notice to Oxford of his resolution
to march into the West (he set out on Monday,
Jnl^ Ist), t je Council humbly desired His
Majesty that he would make Basing his way,
and thereby relieve it, which His Majesty found
would have retarded his march too much, and
might have invited Waller to follow him, and
therefore declined it. From that time, the
Marquis, by frequent expresses, importuned the
Lords of the Council to provide in some manner
for his relief , and not to suffer his Person, and a
place from whence the Bebels received so much
prejudice, to fall into their bands. The Lady
Marchioness, bis wife, was then in Oxford (in
Murray's handbook for Hampshire, she is
credited with the authorship of the Diary of the
Siege), and solicited very diligently the timely
preservation of her husband ; which made every
body desire to gratify her, being a Lady of
great honour and alliance, as sister to the Earl
of Essex, and to the Lady Marchioness of
Hertford ; who was likewise in the town, and
engaged her husband to take this business to
heart, and all the Boman Catholics, who were
nxmieroufl in the town, looked upon themselves
as concerned to contribute all they could to the
good work, and so offered fco list themselves and
their servants in the Service."
" The Council, both on publiok and private
motives, was very heartily disposed to eftect it ;
and bad several conferences together, and with
the officers ; in all of which the Govemour too
reasonably opposed the design as full of more
difficulties, and liable to greater damages than
any soldier who understood command would
expose himself and the King's Service to ; and
protested that he would not suffer any of the
small garrison that was under his charge to be
hazarded in the attempt." (The Governor of
Oxford was Sir Arthur Aston, who was after-
wards killed at the storming of Drogheda.) " It
was very true, Basing was near 40 miles from
Oxford, and in the way between them, the
enemy had a strong garrison of Horse and Foot
at Abingdon, and as strong at Beading, whose
horse every day visited all tiiie highways near,
besides a body of Horse and Dragoons quartered
at Newbnr^r ; so that it appeared to most men
hardly possible to send a party to Basing, and
imDossiole for that party to return to Oxford,
if they should be able to get to Basing.**
Stout "Lo3ralty House** was therefore left
for the present to shift for itself, which it was
very well able to do. Messengers still con-
trived to make their way to the King, for about
this time ** a party of horse broke out by night
and rode away for Wallingford or Oxford.'* At
the dead of night on August 12th, Colonel
Norton's drums beat to arms and the Cavaliers
expect an assault, but do not cease their labour
at their new works on the side towards the vil-
lage. Between three and four o'clock in the
mommg a trumpet sounds clear and shrill from
out the Delve or chalk pit on Cowdrey's Down,
and at once 50 musketeers made a fierce attack
upon Lord Winchester's working parties, but
are speedily repulsed. Simultaneously 60 other
musketeers,unaer cover of the little wood which
proved such an annoyance to the besieged, suc-
ceed in reaching the moat close to the royalist
batteries, but are received with well-diiected
voUeys b^ the guard stationed at the park bul-
wark which flanked the ditch, whereupon thej
retire in haste, some of them flinging away their
arms in their flight. Three guns loaded with
case shot open fire upon the fugitives, whose
retreat is covered by a heav^ cannonade from
their own works. Thinking it necessary to con-
nect the large fort in the park with the works
in and about the lower road or lane. Colonel
Norton's engineers commence a trench for that
purpose. The cannon are silent all the next day,
but after dark there is another false alarm.
Towards the evening of Wednesday, August
14th, Lieut. Cuffand and that wild horseman
Cornet Brjran pull on their big buff boots, toss
off a sufficient dose of sack, and ride forth eadi
at the head of twenty horse and forty muske-
teers to Cowdrey's Down, where they drive the
foot from Waller's Work, rout the guard of
horse, and chase them as far as Basingstoke.
Beinf orced, the Boundheads roll back the tide of
victory. Brave Comet Brvan and a trooper are
knocked down and hemmed in, three others being
wounded meanwhile, and Enngn Amory, a Lon-
don vintner, kOled. The sortie is, nevertheless,
successful. The loss of the enemy is heavy, and
there are captured, Lieut. Cooper, a corporal of
horse, and seven others, who say that four
days previously. Colonel Morley had been
wounded by a bullet in the shoulder,
whilst inspecting the works in the park.
The accounts pumished in London of this affair
stated that about fifty horsemen rode out of the
faoose on the Basingsioke side, intending to
break through Colonel Morley's qnarten in the
park, bat they marched np to Colonel Onslowe's
quarters in the lower road and close tovarda
Basingstoke, became '^ apon the borders of these
two (Colonels* quarters they intended to break
through." The enemy were, however, on the
alert, and gave them a warm reception, killing
seven of thenu capturing five, and cutting off
the retreat to the house of either ten or seven-
teen others, who fled, **among which one is
supposed to be a very eminent commander,"
either Lord Winchester, Sir Marmaduke
Rawdon, or some person of distinction, but
who was, in reality, brave Comet Bryan. The
rest of the party were beaten into the house
with loss, and some of them were wounded.
The captive Cavaliers on being questioned said
that *^ the garrison holds out, because the king^s
party will show them no favour if they surrender,
and were they out, they know not how to live or
where, most of them being broken citizens and
notorious Papists."
The capture of Cornet Bryan was duly
reported to the House of Commons on August
21st, by Colonel Jones, who reached London on
that day. He also stated that Famham Castle
was in a good state of defence, being threatened
bv no enemy, and that as the besiegers of Basing
Efouse had three infantry regiments before it,
be had withdrawn his two White Companies
from Baning to Famham. The besiegers had
made a large breach on the east side of the
house near the park. Two days, August 15th
and 16th, were spent in negotiations for an
exchange of prisoners. One wounded Cavalier
was exchanged for three of the enemy in like
condition. The garrison *^ offering Lieutenant
Cooper and the Corporal (both stout men,
wounded, and taken fighting) for our Coronet
(Cornet Bryan), but would not be accepted, so
much they valued him!" Tou would have
been a V.C. now-a-days, Comet Bryan !
The parley being at an end, hostilities recom-
menced, three shells being thrown in during the
night, one of which did not explode.
From Sir Edward Walker, Secretary of His
Majesty^s Council of War, we learn that prepara-
tions were now actively making for the relief of
the gallant little garrison. In " His Majesty's
Happy Progress and Success from the 30th of
March to the 23rd of November, 1644," we read :
— " August 14th. Now in this time of expectation
we had leisure to enquire after the actions of
those rebels we had left behind us, and in what
conditions His Majesty^s Garrisons stood,
whereof Baaing we left besieged, and Banbury
and Donnington Castles were since surrounded
by the Rebels."
On the night of August 16th, a deserter from
I the garrison gives information of an intended
I sortie in the direction of Waller's Work and
the Delve on Cowdrey Downe, to protect which
latter point a battery has been for some days in
process of construction. Thus forewarned, they
strengthen Waller's Work with gabions. The
sortie is, however, at first most successful The
300 men of Colonel Whitehead's retciment, who
were quartered in the Delve, fly from it for
their lives, carrying their colours with them.
The Royalist troopers are over keen in pursuit,
and the enemy are speedily reinforced. It is
now indeed time to draw rein, for, see, the mus-
keteers from Holloway's Mill are lining the
hedges of the meadows in force. Only the
coming up of the infontty from the house
saves those bold riders from destruction. During
the evening a culverin is placed in the newly-
raised battery at the Delve, which, together
with the culverin near the church, keeps up a
fire upon the house. During the night three
more of the garrison desert.
The 19th of August is a full noisy day. A
demi-cannon, throwing a 301b. shot, with a
charge of 281bB. of powder, is got up to the
battery near the wood, and the enemy fire 48
shot. On the two following days they expended
eight score more rounds, the least shot dis-
charged weighing 181bs., besides shells. Two
men are killed and two others ^* mischieved."
Lord Winchester's best iron gun is " broken,"
and a breach made in one of the square towers,
besides damage to the battery in front of it.
This last injury officers and soldiers alike take
spade in hand to repair, with the result of
making it able to resist 601b. shot, whereas
before field pieces had left evident traces upon it.
A hostile letter from Basing, which was pub-
lished in the "Weekly Account" on Friday, Aug.
23rd, speaks of the capture of Comet Br^an, of
the great breach which had been made in the
house, and of considerable damage done to Lord
Winchester's private apartments by cannon
shot. The writer continues, " and that a -bullet
came through in his own bedchamber, himself
I being at that very instant time in bed;* which
Hostilities Continue.
had like to have pat him into the very same
deportment as his. father the old Marqnis was in
for he was so struck with fear
that he leaped out of his hed, and ran into
another room without his breeches, crying ont
that he wondered how the Roundheads could
find him out, for he thought he had been safe
in his bed I" During the weekending August
27th, ten Roundhead prisoners "in the New
prison at Basing" had made a rope ladder, and
endeavoured to escape, but were caught in the
act, and only one got clear off. This seems to
show that the garrison prison was situated in
the New House.
The fire slackens on Thursday, August 22nd,
and they " permit the night enjoy its proper
silence, disturbed only by such whose basenesse
prompted them with hope to gaine by craft
what by their force they could not, shooting
Notes fixed to arrowes with proffers of prefer-
ment to the souldier perswading mutinies, and
labouring divisions 'twixt the regiments, leaving
no stone unturned, but aU in vaine, except the
gaining some faint-hearted knaves."
We may judge of the character of these
missives 6om what occurred at the siege of
Gloucester, as related in John Yicar^s Parlia-
mentary Chronicle (p. 405), "Sunday, Sept.
3rd, 1643 :—
In which said dayes af ternoone a paper was
shot upon an arrow into the towne, wherein
were these words : —
" These are to let you nndentand that your God
Waller hath forsaken yon, and hath retired himself to
the Tower of London. Essex is beaten like a dog.
Yield to the King*s meroie in time, otherwise if we
enter perforce no quarter for snoh obstinate traiterly
rogues. From a Wel-Wishbb."
To which presently upon another arrow was
returned this answer : —
"Waller's no god of ours, base rogues yee lye ;
Our God survives from all eternity.
Though Essex beaten be, as you do say,
Rome's yoke we purpose never to obey.
But for our oabages which ye have eaten,
Be sure, ere long, ye shall be soundly beaten.
Quarter wee*l aske ve none ; if we fall downe
King Charles will lose true subjects with tiie
So sayes your best friend, if you make tunely use of
him Nicholas oudgell you well.**
*' Roundheads," " carrett beards," and '^ Essex
calves" were some of the pleasant names applied
by the Cavalier to his opponents in this
fratricidal war.
The 23rd and 24th of August are signalised
in Basing House by the unwelcome arrival of
cross bar shot, logs of wood bound with iron
hoops, and shells, ^* whereof two miss firing.
Two more run to them."
The heavv battery near the wood with its
30-pounder having greatly torn the tower, the
besiegers on the 25th August commence a
battery within pistol shot on the side of Basing
village, in order to complete its demolition. Two
men of the garrison are killed, and a third
maimed by artillery fire in other quarters. '* In
the park they shew a Sow made for their
musquetiers, thrusting before them for to play
behind." The Sow was "made with boards
lined with wool to dead the shot." There is a
sketch of this very curious machine in Grose's
Military Antiquities. At Corfe Castle, in the
preceding year, boards, hair, and wool for making
a sow against the Castle cost 21. 3s. 4d. The
machine had three truckle wheels, and its failure
at Corfe Castle is thus described : —
'* The first that moved forward was the sow,
but not being musket proof she cast nine out of
eleven of her farrow ; for the musketeers from
the castle were so good marksmen at their legs,
the only part of aU their bodies left without
defence, that nine ran away as well as their
broken and battered legs would give them leave,
and of the two which knew neither how to run
away nor well to stay for fear, one was slain."
Two desertions from Basing House on this,
and four more on the following night I This
will never do. One would-be deserter has been
caught in the act, and is at once hanged, where-
upon "for along time not one man that stirred,
though our necessities grew fast upon us, now
drinking water, and for some weeks making our
bread with pease and oats, our stock of wheat
being spent." Hard times, truly I
The besiegers now extend their lines almost
completely round the house, forming the line
of circumvallation which, according to Hugh
Peters, was more than a mile in circumference.
A hostile redoubt is also constructed opposite to
the Basingstoke Bulwark. Its site is perhaps
marked by a still existing mound. The garrison
are reluctantly compelled to abandon the work
on Cowdrey I>own, which secured to them the
command of the meadows, as it is too much
exposed, and they have not sufficient men to
hold it. The enemy's culverin in the battery
at the Delve having been broken, another is
Essex Subbemdebs.
sabstitated, which opens fire on Angost 28th.
The ijnext night five hones grazing in the
meadows are carried off to Norton's lines, and
twenty-fonr honrs afterwards two troopers
catting grass are also captured.
The ever-active foe now divert the oonrse of
the river Loddon, hoping thus to be able to get
poBseaaion of the Grange, bat the constmction
of a dam, which increases the depth of water,
frustrates their hopes.
So ends the month of Angnst, 1644, the
events of which are thus sommarised by
another author : —
" For a fortnight the besiegers fell a-batter-
ing. Having torn the Tower, thev fall upon
the House side next the Town, msJdng a work
within pistol-shot, and, because of short com-
mons within, some of cowardice get out to the
enemy. Whilst necessities increased, no bever-
age but water, no bread but of pease and oats,
otiier com all spent."
Two of the besiegers' cannon had been ren-
dered useless during the recent bombardment,
either through being overloaded or from too
rapid firing, but other heavv guns had recently
been sent from Portsmouth, and others were
expected to arrive from thence ere long.
The Earl of Essex agreed, at the instigation of
Lord Roberts (or Bobartes), a man of impetu-
ous disposition and full of contradictions, to
invade loyal Cornwall, whither he was quickly
followed by the King in person, and q)eedily
I reduced to extremities. The Parliament were
extremely anxious that Waller, who on August
29th was at Famham with no large force, should
at once march to the relief of Essex. This he
professed his readiness to do, on being joined
by some Kentish regiments numbering 1500
horse and foot, by Colonel Stapley, who was on
the march from Chichester with 500 old soldiers,
and by 500 additional troops from the Isle of
Wight. Various reinforcements had, on
September 10th, raised the strength of his
army to 4000 men. But on August 31st, " the
slow-going, inarticulate, indignant, somewhat
elephantine man," as Caij^le styles the Earl of
Essex, was forced by the King to surrender at
Fowey, in ComwalL
After the surrender it was agreed that Essex's
infantry (his cavalry had escaped without the
loss of a man) should be secured from plunder,
by the protection of a convoy to either Poole or
CUrendon (Bk. YIQ.) continues:— << Of the
6000, for so many marched out of Foy, there
did not a third part come as £ir as Southamp-
ton, where the Eling's convoy left them; to
which Skippon gave a large testimony under
his hand 'that they had carried themselves
with great civility towards them, and fully com-
plied with their obligation.* "
We shall meet with Essex and his army again
ere long.
Chapter XXIV.— Recruiting — Basing Again Suhmonei>— Renewed Bombardment-
Proposed Relief— Sorties in Force— Lady Waller— A Puritan Army— Relief
at Last — Colonel Gage — The Relieving Force — The March to Basing — Loyalty
House Saved— Retreat to Oxford.
On Sunday, September Ist, Sir William
Waller had received a reinforcement of 1200
or more infantry at Farnham, and on the same
day the Honse of Commons voted a weekly
assessment, to continue for twelve months, by
which 125L per week was to be raised in Hamp-
shire, in which county Winchester, Southamp-
ton, and the Me of Wight were by name
included. On September 1st, Ukewise it was
ordered that 6000 foot arms, 6000 coats,
breeches, shirts, stockings, shoes, and caps
should be sent to Portsmouth for distribution
to ^e infantry of Essex's army, " and 500 pairs
of pistols for recruiting the Lord General's
horse.'* Many of these arms and stores, together
with much powder and ammunition, were sent
to Portsmouth on Sunday and Monday, Sep-
tember 8th and 9th, Essex having appointed
that fortress as a place of rendezvous for his
army. He himself was at Portsmouth on Sep-
tember 14th. The following Chronogram was
circulated amongst Cavaliers after the defeat of
Essex in ComwaU : —
« VIVat Rex CoMes EsseXIV's DlssIpatVr."
For the large Roman capital letters substi-
tute the equivalent Arabic numerals, add them
up, and the result ffives the correct date, 1644.
The Earl of Pen3>roke received the thanks of
the House of Commons on September 2nd, for
raising soldiers in the Isle of Wight. The Par-
liEunentarian Committee for the Island were
ordered to send these men by sea to Lymington,
Ohristchurch, or Weymouth, so as to meet at
any convenient rendezvous Sir William Waller,
who on September 6th wrote from Farnham,
saying that he was starting westward with all
On September 7th Waller was supplied with
118 barrels of powder, at a cost of 490/. 7s. 6dM
and he on the same day granted a commission to
Colonel Popham, Major Ludlow, and others to
raise a regiment of horse from the western
counties, in which Ludlow was to command a
troop. Essex had shamefully left his army in
Cornwall to its fate, but on September 7th,
within a week of his disgraceful night, he was
informed by the Speakers of the two Houses,
" that his fidelity and merit in the public ser-
vice is not lessened ; and they are resolved not
to be wanting in their best endeavours for the
repairing of this loss."
Prince Rupert was expected to march into
the southern counties, and orders were accord-
ingly issued on September 7th to Sir William
WaUer and the Earl of Manchester to advance
with all speed towards Dorchester, so as to check
the advance of the £'s army. The Earl of
Manchester reached Huntingdon with his army
on Sept. 8th, and l^as directed to march west-
ward towards Abingdon with all possible expedi-
tion, and to send advertisement of his progress
as he advanced. The town of Wareham, in
Dorsetshire, had been held for the King by some
500 Irishmen, who about this time surrendered
theii trust to the Parliament, and on September
7th Colonel Jephson was ordered to billet these
500 soldiers at Hayling Island. They were to
receive the sum of 1200/. and 300 old mudcets,
which were then in the public magazine, under
the charge of Lieut.-C<Monel Roe. Ships were
also to be employed or chartered at a cost of
2001. to convey these men back to Ireland. Sir
William Waller was at Blandf ord on September
20th, and on the previous day Etnex writes tem
Basing again Summoned.
Portsmouth concerning the defence of the town
against the advancing army of the King. A
portion of Essex^s army was on September
21st at Southampton, daily receiving much
needed supplies, and four days afterwards he
wrote to the Parliament saying that he had re-
ceived 30 cartloads of clothing for his infantry.
On Sept. 24th it was decided that the old estab-
lishment of Hurst Castle, which was costing 601.
per month, should be defrayed by the Com-
mittee of the Hevenue, but that all extra
expenses were to be charged upon the Hundred
of Christchurch.
Two days afterwards Colonel Butler, who had
been put under arrest together with Colonel
Weare, they having experienced some reverses
in the retreat from Lostwithiel, and being
suspected of a design to betray the army of
Essex to the King, was sent up in custody from
Portsmouth to London, and committed to the
Tower, where he was '^ to have none come near
him, or attend upon him, but such as he will
be answerable for.*'
Authority was given to Sir William Waller,
on September 27tii, to impress 500 horses for
his cavalry, and 600 for his train of artillery.
£9000 was also voted for artillery for the Earl
of Essex. Of this sum 3000/. was to be paid at
once, 3000/. at the end of three months, and the
remainder at the expiration of six months. Essex
was also empowered to impress horses in Berks,
Hants, Wilts, Dorset, Oxford, Somerset, and
Devon. Not more than two were to be taken
from any one team, and they were to be paid
for by the Committee of the County. The
Markmaster was to mark them, and he and his
assistants were to be both cashiered and
punished if they spared the horses of any one
except Members or Assistants to Parliament.
On September 28th many of the Earl of
Manchester's horse, under the command of
Colonel Oliver Cromwell, were between Andover
and Salisbury, in readiness to effect a junction
with Sir William WaUer, if the King should
march in that direction, as were also 500 horse
which Essex had sent to Marlborough.
The last day of September saw 500 saddles
and furniture voted for the army of the Earl
of Essex, and also a sum of 240/. for the supply
of the chests of sixteen surgeons, who were to
oe attached to this force. 15/. was allowed for
each surgeon's chest, the money was paid to the
Master and Wardens of the Barber Snrgeon's
Company, and the Master and Wardens of the
Apothecaries' Company were directed to examine
the chests and drugs.
Mrs. Jane Fane, the daughter of Colonel
Anthony Fane, who fell during Waller's attack
on Farnham Castle in 1642, presented a petition
saying that she had been granted, but had never
received, a sum of 1500/. out of the profits of
the Court of Wards. This money was now
ordered to be paid. William Kingsmill, Esq.,
late Sheriff of Hants, was with others directed
to collect the arrears of the weekly assessment
of 125/. Sir William Waller was at Shaftes-
bury, and the Earl of Essex at Portsmouth.
Colonel Norton, at Basing, was hopeful that
famine and bombardment had at length broken
the spirit of the little garrison, and accordingly,
on Monday, 2nd Sept., after keeping up a hot
fire all the morning, he sent, together with pro-
posals for an excliange of prisoners, the follow-
ing summons : —
^^ My Lord, — These are in the name and by
the authority of the Parliament of England, the
highest Court of Justice in this kingdome, to
demand the House and G-arrison of Basing to be
delivered to me, to be disposed of according to
Order of Parliament. And hereof I expect your
answer by this Drum, within one hower after
the receipt hereof. In the mean time I rest,
Your's to serve you,
Rich. Norton.
From the quarters before Basing,
the 2 of Sept., in the aftemoone," —
(** f orenoone" says "Mer. Aulicus.")
It does not take long to write an answer, and
" the noble Marquis sufficiently understood the
language of these three last yeares, and there-
fore instantly returning the Rebel this answer" :—
"Sir, — ^Whereas (your demands pretend
authority of Parliament) you demand the House
and Garrison of Basing by a pretended authority
of Parliament, I (make this) answer, that with-
out the King there can be no Parliament, but
by His Majesties Commission I keep this (the)
place, and without his absolute command shau
not deliver it to any pretenders whatsoeyer.
I am, your's to serve you,
Basing, 2 Sept." Winchester.
No sooner has Colonel Norton read this reply
than his new battery on the Basing side of the
house fires within six hours 120 shot of 18 and
60 lbs. weight, smaUshot likewise coming thiok
and fast, with the result of foundering one of
Proposed Rf;liek.
the great brick towers, probably that of which
the foundations are still distinctly visible on the
slope above the canal, and which seems to have
been situated at one of the corners of the house,
and wall as killing three men, and wounding a
woman. The dibris of the tower completely
blocked up one end of an adjacent curtain (a
line of wall connecting two bastions), neces-
sitating the construction of a traverse or mound
of earth, from seven to ten feet in height, to
prevent the other end of the curtain from being
enfiladed by shot, which would speedily have
dismounted the guns and proved altogether
ruinous. A traverse being a defensible parapet,
is a formidable obstacle to a storming party. Its
thickness varies according to the fire to which
it is exposed. All hands are busy in strengthen-
ing the neighbouring bulwark, which had been
damaged by the heavy cannonade. Next day only
20 great shot are fired, and the enemy's guns
having been damaged by too rapid firing, are
drawn off toFarnham, and new ones substituted,
which had been sent from Portsmouth. During
the night the line of circumvallation is brought
nearer to the Grange from the side of Basing-
stoke, thus almost completely encircling the
garrison. No more sorties can now be made to
Cowdry's Down, and the earthwork there which
the Cavaliers have not occupied for some dajrs,
on account of its exposed position and their
own paucity of numbers, is " slighted" or
The Marquis has all this time been sending
messengers to Oxford with new importunities
and a positive declaration " that he could not
defend it above ten days, and must then submit
to the worst conditions the rebels were like to
grant to hifi person and to his religion ;" and
new instances from his Lady prevailed with the
Lords to enter upon a new consultation, in
which the Govemour (Sir Arthur Aston^ per-
sisted in his old resolution " that he would not
suffer any of the small garrison that was under
his charge to be hazarded in the attempt * as
seeing no cause to change it !' "
" In this debate Colonel Gage (of whom more
hereafter) declared *that though he thought
the service full of hazard, especially for the
return, yet if the Lords would, by listing their
own servants, perswade the gentlemen in the
town to do the like, and engage their own
persons, whereby a good troop or two of horse
might be raiseid (upon which the principal
dependence must be), he would willingly, if
there were nobody else thought fitter for it,
undertake the conduct of them himself, and
hoped he should give a good account of it;
which being offer'd with great chearefulness by
a person of whose prudence, as well as courage,
they had a full confidence, they all resolved to
do the utmost that was in their power to make
it effectual." (Clarendon, Bk. VIII.)
The garrison at Basing is told to expect relief
on Wednesday, the 4th of September. The
anxiously expected day finds every man on the
alert, but noon strikes, and no signs of relief
appear. To raise the spirits of the disappointed
soldiers, Lieuts. Snow and Byfield, and Ensign
Out ram are ordered to command a sortie in
force. Lieut. Byfield seems to have been related
to the Rev. Adoniram Bjrfield, rector of Colling-
boume Ducis, and one of the few persons who
have been by name stigmatised by Butler in
Hudibras. Adoniram Byfield was a Parliamen-
tarian, chaplain to Colonel Cholmondeley's
regiment, and the father of Dr. Byfield the
celebrated " Sal Volatile Doctor," who in his
epitaph is said to be " Diu volatilis,tandem fixus"
— ** Long volatile, fixed at last !"
The three officers above named are each in com-
mand of twelve troopers armed with brown bills,
and eighteen musketeers, and without delay are
sent to attack Colonel Onslowe's quarters in the
park, in three several places. They succeed
beyond expectation, capturing the enemy's
redoubts, and a demi-culverin or 9-pounder.
This gun they draw nearer to the house, but are
obliged to retreat, with a loss of three men killed
and one wounded, some guns having opened fire
upon th m with case shot. They bring in three
prisoners, in order to obtain useful information,
but make no effort to secure more, " our gaole
being full." There is plenty of cannonading on
both sides, and a successful sortie is made to the
Delve on Cowdry's Down. Sir William Waller
at the head of two troops of horse, has reached
Basingstoke two hours before the commence-
ment of the skirmish, and ** came forth to see
the sport, and with his horse facing the House,
too near on Cowdrey's Down, they had their
Captaine killed with round shot from our works."
The enemy acknowlege a loss this day of 60
privates, two gunners, and two lieutenants killed,
and twelve dangerously wounded. One of the
lieutenants belonging to Sir William, and
brought by curiosity to see the Leaguer, is there
Lady Waller.
slain. Three others of the garrison are slightly
wounded by earth and stones thrown np by an
181b. shot. At night an attempt is made to bring
in the culverin captured in the park, but it proves
too heavy a task. The enemy's guards are
doubled, and twelve royalist musketeers keep a
strict watch over the gun.
" Mercurius Aulicus," on Wednesday, Sep-
tember 4th, says that Sir William Waller
arrived " with his pretty portable army and his
wonderful lady." Lady Waller had considerable
reputation as a preacher, and the journalist adds
that the sortie was successful, through the sol-
diers running " out of the trench to see, or
rather to hear her," their comrades keeping but
careless watch meanwhile. The captured gun
is said to have been one of the largest of those
in position against the House, and was brought
within pistol shot of the defences, when it was
unfortunately overturned. The Cavaliers at
Oxford hoped that during the following week
Basing would be relieved, and that they would
hear that " Colonels Onslow, Norton, White-
head, Jones, and horrible Herbert Morley, are
all grinning mad !" Burton's War's in England
says (p. 93.)— ;•" And now comes Sir William
Waller again, and with some troops faces the
House, on whom the besieged played from their
On September 5th, however, it was reported
in London that a Puritan prisoner who had
escaped from the House had brought word to
the besiegers that various officers of the garrison
had sewn up money and plate in their clothes,
hoping to be able to escape, which they often
attempted to do, but to no purpose, all sorties
being repulsed with loss, so that a speedy surren-
der was expected " upon reasonable composition."
The Parliamentarians, in their account of
the night attempt to carry ofE the overturned
gun to the House, said that their watch was
asleep, admitted a loss of eight men killed and
twelve others taken prisoners, and added that
the besieged made a second sortie, in the hope
of securing a dray laden with beer, but were
repulsed with the loss of some prisoners.
During this and the following day (Septem-
ber 5th) the assailants fire fifty shot from their
new battery near the wood, in the direction of
the village, battering down a stack of chim-
neys, and making a wide breach in the New
House. Towards evening Sir William Waller's
army comes in sight, marching westward. Two
companies of infantry go by way of Hack-
wood, and are followed next evening by two
other companies, two waggons, and twelve
troops of horse. On the next day (September
7th) the fire from the enemy 's batteries ceases
at noon, and the garrison have leisure to watch
two strong regiments of twenty companies
marching in the same direction as the cavalry.
Two companies of white-coats turn in to Basing-
stoke, together with ten guns of various sizes,
which are guarded by a yellow company. For
the last four nights all the men have been kept
at their posts, as they are also to-night, as an
attack is by no means improbable. But the
only disturoance is that of tongues, some of
Colonel Norton's men asserting that Sir
William Waller will storm the place next
morning, and disputing with the new comers as
to the distribution of the expected plunder. But
Waller is anxious to move westward, and has
learnt already by bitter experience the strength
of Basing, so that he is by no means eager to
try conclusions with it again. So he marches
away and ^^ We againe with our old guests are
left to try it out, grown now so mute upon this
parting as in 48 houres we heare but of two
Culverin (181b.) shot, next day recovering heart,
they tell us 22, and resting some daies past now
find their worke again." But the long looked
for relief was now near at hand. Although the
King had been fighting the Earl of Essex in the
west, he was by no means unmindful of the
necessities of Lord Winchester, for on Wednes-
day, September llth^ Sir Edw. Walker,
Secretary of His Majesty's Council of War,
thus writes : " Having many difficulties to pass
before he (the King) made his winter quarters,
likewise remembering that Basing and Banbury
were then closely besieged, &c."
Preparations had for some time, as we have
already seen,been making at Oxford to despatch
a party to the relief of the Hampshire fortress,
and the garrison had been led to expect aid on
September 4th, but a week's delay was unavoida-
ble, and eventually proved the safety of the
expedition. For had Sir Wm. Waller been still
hovering with his forces about Famham, as he
had been the week before, it would have been
"in probability a hazard, whether they had
releived us, or preserved themselves."
Bat all things being now prepared, action was
at once taken. Several somewhat varying^
accounts of this gallant enterprise are found in
Colonel Gage.
"Clarendon" (Bk. VHI.), Colonel Gage's
"Official Report," the "Life of Sir Henry
Gage," published at Oxford in 1645, the " Diary
of the Siege," " Woodward's History of Hamp-
shire," "Mercurius Anlicus," *' Whitelooke's
Memorials," &c.
In the last chapter we have seen Colonel Gage
offering himself as the leader of the relieving
expedition. Let us now learn what manner of
man he was. He had been in command of the
English regiment in Flanders, and at the com-
mencement of the war had unsuccessfully tried
to procure for the King from the Spanish
Government of Flanders 6000 infantry and 400
cavalry. He afterwards obtained leave to make
offer of his services to the King, and had not
long reached Oxford, where he was appointed
to the command of one portion of the town,
and to assist the very unpopular governor. Sir
Arthur Ashton. Colonel Gage " was in truth
a very extraordinary Man, of a large and very
graceful Person, of an Honourable extraction,
his Grandfather (Sir John Gage^ having been
Knight of the Garter ; besides his great experi-
ence and abilities as a Soldier, which were very
eminent, he had very great parts of breeding,
being a very good scholar in the polite parts of
Learning, a great Master in the Spanish and
Italian Tongues, besides the French and Dutch,
which he spoke in great perfection; having
scarce been in England in 20 years before. He
was likewise very conversant in Courts ; having
for many years been much esteemed in that of
the Arch-Duke and Duchess, Albert and Isabella,
at Brussels ; which was a very great and
regular Court at that time ; so that he deserved
to be looked upon as a very wise and accom-
plidied Person. Of this Gentleman, the Lords
of the Council had a singular esteem, and con-
sulted frequently with him, whilst they looked
to be besieged ; and thought Oxford to be the
more secure for his being in it, which rendered
him so ung^teful (unpopular) to the Governor,
Sir Arthur, that he crossed him in anything he
proposed, and hated him perfectly, as they were
of Natures and Manners as different as men
can be."
Colonel Gage and Sir Arthur Aston were
both Roman Catholics. Such a gallant deliverer
had Loyalty House.
Clarendon says, moreover(Bk. YIII ), " There
was about this time, by the surrender of Green-
land House (which could not possibly be longer
defended, the whole structure having been
beaten down by the cannon) the regiment of
Colonel Hawkins marched into Oxford, amount-
ing to near 300, to which as many joined as
made it up 400 men." Colonel Gage says
" with somewhat more than 400 musquetiers of
Her Majesty's and Colonel Hawkin's regiment,
and 250 horse of my Lord Treasurer's Regi-
ment, commanded by Colonel Webb of Six*
Arthur Aston's regiment (or " the Govemour's
Troops") commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel
Buncle." According to "Mercurius Aulius"
Major Windebank, who in the following year
was shot for surrendering Bletchington House
to Cromwell (April 13th, 1645), commanded the
foot. The cavalry, or " Horse Gentlemen
Yolunteers," are thus described by Clarendon :
" The Lords mounted their servants upon their
own horses, and they with the Volunteers, who
frankly listed themselves, amounted to a body
of 250 very good horse, all put under the com-
mand of Colonel William Webb, an excellent
officer, bred up in Flanders in some emulation
with Colonel Gage, and who, upon the Catholic
interest, was at this time contented to serve
under him." Colonel Gage was therefore in
supreme command. Colonel Webb acting as
Brigadier, whilst Lieut.-Colonel Buncle com-
manded the 250 horse of my Lord Treasurer's
regiment. There was also another body of
horse under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Sir
William Campion, who was Governor of Boar-
stall House, a stronghold on the western verge
of Buckinghamshire, two miles from Brill, and
half way between Oxford and Aylesbury, which
Colonel Gage had not long before retaken and
garrisoned for the King. Sir William Campion
in this time of need ventured to bring his
cavalry force to the relief of Basing. Twelve
barrels of powder and 12001b. weight of match
were taken for the supply of the besieged
garrison. Sir S. D. Scott says (British Army,
vol. II. p. 311), "Match was made of cotton or
hemp, spun slack, and boiled in a strong solution
of saltpetre, or in the lees of wine. It was
generallv hung in reserve at the girdle, or tied
to the bandoleers; it was sometimes coiled
round the arm or hat." By the 15th of Charles
II., cap. 4, every musketeer was bound to attend
every muster with "half a pound of powder,
half a pound of bullets, and three yards of
With this " regiment of bold blades," a small
The March to Basing.
party for bo great an action,Colonel Gage marched
out of Oxford about ten o'clock on the night of
Monday, the 9 th of September, with orders to
relieve Basing House (long besieged by the
Rebels), and to put in such provision of victuals
as the country there affords." As the object
of the expedition was the relief of Basing
House, it was important that the enemy should
not receive notice of the approach of the
Cavaliers. They therefore " passed through the
country for Parliament men, with orange
tawney scarfs, and ribbands on our hats."
Col. Hawkins' regiment wore white uniforms.
The march lasted all night, and early on
Tuesday morning the force reached Cholsey
Wood, near Wallingford, where it was joined
by Captain Walters with about 50 horse of his
troop, and as many foot of that garrison, which
was the last in Berkshire to hold out for the King,
only surrendering to Fairfax in 1 646.
The wearied soldiers here rested for three
hours, and says Colonel Gage : ** I despatched an
express to Sir William Ogle, Governor of
Winchester Castle, who had promised Mr.
Secretary Nicholas 100 horse and 300 foot of
that garrison to help to raise the siege of Basing
whensoever the Lords should have any such
design. I sent by this express a letter oi credit
of Mr. Secretary's to Sir William Ogle, desiring
him with his men to fall into Basing park, in
the rear of the Rebels' quarters there, betwixt
4 and 5 of the clock in the morning, being
Wednesday, the 11th of September" (a
presumption upon this aid was the principal
motive for the undertaking, says Clarendon),
whilst I, with the troops of Oxford, fell on upon
the other side (by the Grange), and my Lord
Marquess from within the House plyed them
with sallies."
Li the " Life of Colonel Gage" the reinforce-
ment from Wallingford is said to have num-
bered 80 horse and the same number of foot.
"Having despatched this express, and refreshed
my men, I marched forward with as much speed
as the foot soldiers could manage (through by
lanes) to Aldermaston ^a village oat of any
great road, seven miles distant from Reading,)
where I intended to repose and refresh again.
Thither I sent Captain Walters before with his
Troop, and the Quartermasters of each Regi-
ment to have provisions in a readiness against
the soldiers arrived, intending only to refresh
and rest two or three hours. But Captain
Walters finding some Parliament scouts in that
town, forgot his orange tawny colours, and fell
foul with the enemy, taking six or seven of
them prisoners, by which he unmasked and dis-
covered us to be Royalists."
'' Mercurius" says that the Roundheads had
come from Reading, and admitted that their
, object in visiting Aldermaston was to burn the
prayer book and surplice. One of them was
killed, and six were captured, together with
their horses and pistols. The Royalist infantry
were already so much fatigued that Colonel
Gage set the example, which was followed by
the oflScers and troopers, of dismounting and
marching on foot for three miles, placing the
foot soldiers in the saddle meanwhile.
Notice was quickly sent to Basing of the
approaching danger, which accident made their
stay shorter at that village than was intended,
and than the weariness of the soldiers required.
Whilst Colonel Gage was on his march from
Wallingford to Aldermaston, the besiegers of
Basing House were, strange to say, quiet all
day, but fired ten shots from their cannon
during the evening. After dark they received
warning of the rapid advance of Colonel Gage,
and prepared to give him a warm reception.
But trusty and tried Edward Jeffery, who had
carried so many messages to Oxford, was alao
on the alert, and made his way into the garrison
with news of the doings at Aldermaston.
Quickly were beacon fires made ready upon
the roof of the lofty gatehouse looking north-
ward, in sign of welcome and of readiness
to aid. There was, unfortunately, a thick fo?
rising from the meadows, and scarcely could
those welcoming lights be seen, even on Cowdry
Down. Leaving willing hands to tend the mid-
night fires, let us return to Colonel Gage, whose
main body reached Aldermaston about eight
o'clock on Tuesday night, and hadted for three
hours. " Aulicus " sa3rs that the halt was
between nine p.m. and one a.m. The ^most
exhausted soldiers " then set forwards again, and
marched aU night, arriving within a mile of
Basing, betwixt four and five of the clock on
Wednesday morning." The diary of the sieffe
says, " By seven next morne, the noble Colonul
Gage with horse and foot paist through so many
hazards, had obtained Chinham Downe (Chin-
ham lies between Basing and Sherbom St.
John), where Colonell Norton with his strength,
having intelligence, did stand in readiness. ' ' To
Ludlow at Winchester.
qaote Colonel Gage once more, ^' Our foot being
extreamly surbated and weary, though I had
endeayoored to ease them what I could in the
whole journey, either by setting them up behind
the horsemen,or making the horsemen alight and
the foot ride,or by encouraging them with hopes
of great pillage,or with promises of money when
they ret nrned to Oxford, " " Aulicus' ' says that
the infantry were not only rested, but also
much gratified by Colonel Gage's consideration
in mounting them behind the troopers, and were
now^ again ready to fight vigorously, whereas
when they first came within two miles of the
enemy they were falling out and lying down on
the road through sheer exhaustion. Burton
8ay8("War8 in England," p. 93), that Col. Norton
being in readiness on Chinham Down, '^Gage
makes his approach, appearing first on an hUl
nsar the highway which leads to Andover."
To quote Colonel Gage once more, " I was no
sooner arrived there (at Chinham Down), but
Lieutenant Swainely met me, sent by Sir
William Ogle from Winchester, to teU me that
he durst not send his troops to assist me, in
regard some of the enemy's horse lay betwixt
Winchester and Basing, so that I was forced to
enter into new councils, and call the officers
together to take new resolutions." It was
indeed time to take counsel, for both horse and
foot were already almost worn out with fatigue,
whilst Norton's men were fresh and unwearied,
with the advantages of a strong and previously
selected position, and of '^ a fog so thick as
made the day still night, helping the shrouding
of his (Norton's) ambuscades, and clouding
passes unto such who neither knew nor could
discern a way, more than their valour and the
Bword did cut," whilst Gage had now no hope
of aid from Winchester. The force which
kept Lord Ogle and his garrison in check at
Winchester was probably the cavalry, com-
manded by Major Ludlow, which was principally
raised in the western counties. Ludlow had a
few days previously been attacked upon War-
minster Heath, from whence he made a
skilful retreat to Salisbury. With 30 horse he
entered the city, *^ where divers persons, ill
affected to the Parliament, made a great
shout at our coming into the town, rejoicing at
our defeat." Ludlow continued his retreat
over Mutton Bridge, where he succeeded in
checking pursuit by showing a bold front upon
causeway only three feet in breadth, and
through White Parish to Southampton. Only
two days after his arrival at the latter place, he,
at the request of Colonel Norton, marched with
his wearied horsemen to face Winchester Castle.
Sir William Ogle, the Governor, anxious if
possible to assist Colonel Gage's expedition for
the relief of Basing House, sent out some men,
amongst whom Ludlow recognised his old
acquaintance and schoolfellow, Mr. William
Neale. *^I called to him," says Ludlow, '^tell-
ing him that I was sorry to see him there," and
offering to exchange shots with him. Neale
retreated, at the same time shouting ^* Come on,"
and another Cavalier greeted Ludlow with a
brace of bullets, one of which wounded his
horse in the belly so severely that it died that
night,. whilst the other struck the rider within
half an inch of the bottom of his breastplate.
Not long afterwards Ludlow retired with his
command into Wiltshire, having effectually
hindered Sir WUliam Ogle from co-operating in
the relief of Basing House. Colonel Gage
continues, ^* And because we were disappointed
of so considerable a party as that of Winchester,
and foreseeing the enemy might draw to a head,
having notice of our coining, we resolved not
to dismember our forces and fall on in several
places, as we would have done if either the
Winchester forces had arrived, or we would
have surprised and taken the enemy at unawares,
but to fall on jointly at one place. In order. to
which I commanded the men to be ranged
into battalions, and riding up to every
squadron, gave them what good words
and encouragement I was able, though
I confess it needed not (most of them
being so well resolved of themselves) and
delivered them the word Q St. George '^, com-
manding every man to tie a white tape, ribband,
or handkerchief upon their right arm above the
elbow, which was the sign and word I had
formerly sent to my Lord Marquis (lest by his
sallying and our falling on we might for want
of a distinctive sign faU foul upon each other).
We marched on. Colonel Webb leading the right
wing, Lieut.-Colonel Buncle the left wing of
the Horse, and myself the Foot. (The '* Life
of Colonel Gage" says that he dismounted, and
led the infantry on foot with his sword drawn)
till at the upper end of a larffe champion field
(Chinham Down), upon a little rising or ascent
of a hill, near certain hedges lined by the
enemy's mnsqueteers, we di^vered a body of
Belief at Last.
five oomefs (or troops) of horse (very fall)
standing in very good order to reoeiye as. Bat
before we oonld come ap to them we were
sainted from the hedges with a smart volley of
mnsqnet shot, more terrible than damageable,
for Col. Webb, notwithstanding, with the right
wing of mj XiOrd Treasurer's Horse, charged
the enemy (Col. Gage^s biographer says that
their strength was six troops, not five) so
ffallantly that in a movement they all tamed
head and ran away. Lieut. -Col. Buncle with
our left wing falling in likewise after them, and
following tbe chase with the right till the
Bebels' horse were gotten into a place of safety.
In this parsoit what men or horse of the
enemies' were lost, I cannot learn certainly ;
bat certain I am we took a colour or comet of
theirs, which I understand was Col. Morley's, the
motto of which was Non ab Aequo sed in
Aequo (^ Victory is not by Bight, but in
Bight'), a motto not so proper to theirs, as our
cause, the equity of which gave us the victory
with the true and genuine signification of the
motto." The diary of the siege says that
Norton was forced to retreat, " the fogge
befriending him, serving as covert for his stSer
flight through Basingstoke." Clarendon speaks
thus : '* After a shorter resistance than was
expected, from the known courage of Norton,
though many of his men fell, the enemies horse
gave ground, and at last plainly run to a safe
place, beyond which they could not be pursued."
" Aulicus" says that the wind was also
unfavourable to the operations of Colonel Gage,
who as soon as he approached the enemy ordered
his drums and trumpets to sound, thinking to
take the besiegers by surprise. They were,
however, on the alert, within musket shot, and
their drums and trumpets at once made reply.
The cavalry fight lasted not long,but was fiercely
contested. The rebel horse fled ere long, and
two troops of the Lord Treasurer's regiment
then chased five troops of Nortcm's horse with-
out even firing a pistol. The rebel foot
fought better, more especially Colonel Morley's
regiment, but the musketeers of the Queen's
Life Guard, and of Colonel Hawkins' legi-
metft beat them from hedge to hedffe, until,
abandoned by their mounted comrades, they
retreated, aided by the fog " and a lane of
which they had possessed themselves."
Burton, on the other hand, says that when
Colonel Gage's force was first descried, " Nor-
ton charges with courage, and breaks through
the other's horse, who, having a rescue of mus-
keteers, with more than ordinary valour forced
Norton to retreat as far as me church and
through Basingstoke, the same time the
besieged, sallying out at several places, brought
in many prisoners." Whitelocke says that
Colonel Gage had ** about 150(} of the King's
foot out of several garrisons mounted for
dragoons." He adds that when the fight began
Norton charged and broke them, ^*but they
with great courage wheeled about, and charged
Norton's whole body, who retired unto Colonel
Morley's quarters," in the park.
At all events the Cavaliers remained masters
of the field, and Colonel Gage now advanced
with his infantry, sounding his trumpets, to
give notice to the garrison of his approach.
The fog began to clear away, and the besieged
soon found that friends were close at hand.
Says Clarendon, " The foot disputed the busi-
ness much better, and, being beaten from hedge
to hedge, retired into their quarters and works,
which they did not abandon in less than two
hours." The garrison also sent forth some
musketeers, commanded by Lieut.-Colonel
Johnson (the botanist) by way of The Graujge,
who beat the enemy from their works, pursuing
them to Cowdry Down, and from thence " unto.
The Delve, clearing that quarter, with so small
defence as is incredible. The passe (bv The
Grauffe) thus cleared, meeting our welcome
friends, our joyes are echoed, whilst the sad
prisoners are led in to see the House they la^ so
long about, their number 64 common soldiers,
two sergeants, one lieutenant, whereof the
wounded were next day sent forth unto the
care of their own chirurgeons, and," grimly
adds the Diary, " two that ran from us had
execution I"
Army physicians and surgeons received 66. 8d.,
apothecaries 3s. 4d., barber surgeons 2s., and
under barber surgeons 6d. per diem. '*8ach
surgeons must weare their baldricke, whereby
they may be knowen in the tvme of slaughter ;
it is their charter in the field." For gunshot
wounds it was recommended " to cauterise thorn
with the oil of elders, mixed with a little
"Aulicus" says that in the first enoonnter
and sortie fully 120 rebels were killed, and more
than 100 captured, 17 of whom were dangerously
wounded. The latter ** were dressed in the
Loyalty House Saved.
house, and sent oat to the leaguer" (i.e., siege
works). A writer on the other side says :
*' Norton had a slight hurt in the hand, and lost
bnt one man, but the Honse was relieved." A
loss of nine Cavaliers slain, two of whom were
officers, is admitted by '^ Anlicns." Captain
Stnrges was killed, whom Colonel Gage calls **a
gallant young man of the Queen's Life Guard,'*
and whom " Aulicus" describes as ** a gallant
daring young man, who, with Colonel Gage,
both at the taking of Boarstall House, at
Abingdon, and here also shewed exemplary
*' Toung Mr. Stonor (of Stonor Park), Cornet
of the Troop of Wauingford, who gallantly
kept his colours, though he lost his life," also
died like a gaUant soldier. The seven others
who fell were common soldiers. Four Cavaliers
were taken prisoners, ^'whereof one was Master
Stanhope, Gentleman of the Horse to the Lord
Marquis of Hartford, who, engaging himself to
gain a standard of the rebels, for want of
seconds was hemmed in, after he had run a
Captain Lieutenant of their 's through the body."
Colonel Gage at once placed in Basing House,
the twelve barrels of powder, which Burton says
formed manv a horse-load, and the 12cwt. of
match brought from Oxford," paid my Lord
Marquess the respects due to a person of his
merit and quality," and Colonel Hawkins told
off 100 of his white coated musketeers to
strengthen the little garrison. "That lovers
met that day, and blui2ied, and kissed, and old
grey-bearded friends embraced each other, and
aye marry pledged each other too ; that good
Catholic comrades exchanged prayers at Basing
altar, that brave fathers kissed the wives
and children they had left shut up in brave old
' Loyalty,' needs no telliuff. But not alone in
kissing and quaffing did Gage and his troops
spend those two merry days."
A speedy return was made to Cowdry Down,
and the cavalry from Oxford retreated to Chin-
ham, under fire of Norton's guns. From thence,
leaving a force to observe the enemy's works,
marching to Basingstoke, they took possession of
it with small resistance (for the Parliament
Committees who lodged in that town, having
notice of our coming, quitted the town the night
before, and drew most of their forces into one
head, which we broke.) "From thence all that day
I continued sending to Basinff House as mudti
wheat, malt, salt, oats, bacon, oheese, and butter
as I could get horses and carts to transport.
There I found a little magazine of 14 (whole)
barrels of powder, with some (100) musquets,
which I likewise sent into Basing House, and
thence I sent also 40 or 50 head of cattle, with
100 sheep." "Aulicus" says that it was the
market day at Basingstoke, and that Col. Gage
" brought in 100 cattle, whereof divers were
excellent fat oxen, as many or more sheep, and
40 and odd hogs.
" Whilst these things were doing at Basing
stoke my Lord was not wanting in himself in
Basing House, but from thence with the 100
white coats I left him commanded by Captain
Hull, and 100 musquetiers under command of
Major Cuffand, he sallied out into Basiug Town,
from whence he chased and utterly b^at the
enemy." The siege works were captured, and
the church, which had been fortified, was carried
by assault.
In Basing Church were captured and sent
into the houses young Captain Jarvise ( Jarvas)
and Captain John Jephson, whom Gage calls
" sons of the two most active rebels of that
country," and whom Clarendon speaks of as
being ^* the two eldest sons of two of the greatest
rebels of that country, and both heirs to good
fortunes." These two officers are said to have
been "both kinsmen to Colonel Norton."
Satirical " Aulicus " is very hard upon Captain
Jarvise, styling him " Captain Jarvas, son to Sir
Thomas (who is so famous in Hampshire that
when any man speaks an untruth big enough to
be noted, they call it Jarvasing.")
Captain Jarvise had previously distinguished
himself at the siege of Corf e Castle. Captain
Jephson afterwards changed sides, and was
governor for the King at Bandon-bridge in
Ireland. One lieutenant, two sergeants, and
about 30 (33) soldiers were captured in Basing
Church, the rest by several ways escaping, but
46 rebels were killed either in the church or in
the village of Basing.
During the 18 weeke' siege the Puritans
claimed to have expended 1500 barrels of powder
against Basing House. They stripped the lead
from the roof of Basing Church, "and gave it
out that the Cavaliers in Basing House had
attempted it before." So says " Aulicus,'* add-
ing, " Some conceive the chief receivers took
two parts in powder and one-third in money,
which is the usual method of their reckonin^^.
For the rebeb* soldiers are cozened by their
Offensive Operations.
officers ; the members cheat tbem both ; the
devil cozens all three ; and the Scots tog hard
to deal with all four !"
Daring the struggle in the morning, the guns
mounted upon Sir Richard Onslowe's batteries
on the Basingstoke side of the House had been
removed to the works in the park, and, taking
advantage of this circumstance, Lieutenant-
Colonel Peake led out some musketeers, who
captured the works, destroyed the redoubts, and
fired the tents and huts near HoUoway's MiU,
** the enemy so hastening from these works as
scarcely 3 could be made stay the killing. Thus
might we see at once three of their quarters (in
Basing, at Holloway*s Mill, and on the side of
Basingstoke) blaze." The rest of the enemy
were obliged to retire into the strong fort which
they had constructed in the park. Lieut.-
Colonel Peake and his musketeers also brought
in "a goodly demi-cannon (30 pr.) from Sir
Bichard Onslowe's works."
By the time all this was done, says Colonel
Gage, '^ the day began well near to be spent, and
the enemy having received some fresh supplies
of horse, appeared much more numerous and
gay than in the morning, and made §i show of a
desire to fight with us again, advancing for that
purpose over a large champion almost within
musquet shot of our horse, which stood ranged
in a field without Basingstoke, betwixt large
hedges lined b^ me with musqueteers. There
we stood facing each other, till at last I per-
ceived our squadrons of horse to grow thin,
many men stealing privately out of their ranks,
and both our horse and men extremely tired
and fasting, I gave orders to the horse to retire
by degrees and pass through the town
(Basing) towards Basing House, whilst I,
with the foot, made good the avenues
or passages on this side the town, where
the enemy appeared. And when I understood
the horse were all passed through the town, and
put again into their squadrons on the other side
towards Basing House, I myself, with most of
the foot, retired likewise through the town
to our horse, leaving Captain Poore with 60 or
70 musqueteers to make good that avenue, and
being come to our horse, I sent orders to Capt.
Poore (of an old Wiltshire familv), to retreat
likewise with most of his men, leaving only a
sergeant at the avenue with 20 musqueteers, to
dispute tUl we were all entered into Basing
House. From thence I sent afterwards for the
sergeant and his men, who all came oft safe, the
enemy not once attempting to enter into the
town, but retiring to their quarters not long
after they had perceived our horse retire."
Continues the Colonel, '*I durst not lodge
that night in the town, as well because I saw
the enemy grow strong, and our men and horse
extreme weary and fasting, as because there
were many avenues which must have been main-
tained ; and I feared our men would quit their
guards and betake themselves to the houses,
drinking and committing disorders in the night.
But the next day early I sent Lieutenant-Col.
Buncle thither (to Basing and Basingstoke)
again with all the horse and foot, as well to
refresh the soldiers as to be sending continually
all that day provisions into the House."
The garrison also made a sally into the park,
and brought off a culverin, " a faire brass gun,"
which the enemy in their flight had abandoned
near the wood between the House and the
village, the enemy makin? no resistance.
Emboldened bv this,' the Cavaliers attacked the
fort in the park, but were recalled, as most of
the infantry were busied elsewhere. A sergeant
and five men were mortally wounded in this
affair, and the surgeons of the garrison had their
hands full, many of the troops from Oxford
having been wounded on the previous day.
Towards evening intelligence was received of
the enemy's mustering in force near Silchester,
and advancing towards Kingsclere.
** Meanwhile," says Colonel Gage, *^ I spent
the day in contriving our retreat to Oxford, and,
sending out several spies to observe the motions
of another enemy drawing to a head from
Abingdon, Newbury, and Beading to hinder our
retreat homeward.
" And I found by the unanimous relation of
all mv several spies that they of Abingdon
(500 horse and dragoons under Major-General
Browne) were lodged at Aldermaston, they of
Newbury (300 strong) at Thatoham, they of
Reading (and all the horses which the country
could rake together) at Padsworth, places upon
the river Kennet, over which I was to pass in
my retreat ; and that Norton with his horse and
foot was to follow me in the rear whensoever I
began to march, which he conceived I could not
do but he should have notice of it. I resolved,
therefore, in my own breast, without acquaint-
ing any man, to make my retreat that very
night, having during the short time I had been
Betreat to Oxford.
at Basing House, partly oat of Basingstoke,
partly oat of Baaing Town, pat at least a
month's provisions into the Hoase (the coan-
try people are said to have driven away their
cattle, and to have hidden provisions on hearing
of Gage's approach), and drawn in two pieces of
artillery of the enemy^s (the one a demi-cannon,
which lay engaged iSetwizt the House and the
enemy's trenches, neither of them daring
adventare to draw them off)." An iron cannon
was at least 9^ft. long, weighing about three
tons. The calverin and demi-cnlverin were
each ten feet long. One averaged 43cwt., the
other 35cwt.
" But the more to amase the enemy and give
him cause to think that I thought of nothing
less than of so sudden a retreat, I sent out
oerbain warrants that afternoon, which I knew
would fall into the enemy's hands, to the towns
of Sherborne and Sherfield, to bring speedily a
certain quantity of corn into Basing House,
upon pain (if they refused) of sending them
1000 horse and dragoons to set their towns on
fire before next day at noon."
*' Having thus disposed of all things, and
being unable to serve my Lord Marquess much
more than I had done by any longer stay there
(though by staying any longer I might have
endangered the loss of the Oxford troops),
somewhat before night I sent orders to Lieut.-
Colonel Buncle to retire with the men from
Basingstoke and march to Basing House, as the
night before, but not to permit his men to enter
into the House until further orders. Whither,
when the men were arrived, I told my Lord
Marquess of my resolution to depart that night,
and of the necessity of it, and begging of him
two or three good guides, which he readily gave,
(was Edward Jeffrey one of them ?), I took
leave of his Lordship and began to march away
without sound of drum or trumpet, about 11
o'clock on Thursday night, and gave order to
all my scouts, in case they met with any Parlia-
ment scouts in the night, they should likewise
give themselves out to be Parliament troops
marching from before Basing House to the
Biver Kennet, to lie in wait for the Oxford
forces that were to come that way. And thus
we passed the Kennet undiscovered, by a ford
near Burghfield Bridge (the bridge itself having
been broken by the enemy), our horse taking up
the musketeers en croup ; and afterwards the
Thames, by another ford at Pangboume, within
six miles of Beading, about eight or nine
o'clock on Friday morning, (the bridges at
Henley and Beading had been also broken down),
and from thence marched into the town of
Wallingf ord, where we rested and refreshed our
wearied men and horse that night, and the next
day (Saturday, Sep. 14th) arrived safe at Oxford,
having in this expedition lost Captain Sturges,
a gallant young man of the Queen's Life
Guards, young Mr. Stonor (of Stonor Park),
comet of the troop of Wallingford, a servant
of Sir W. Hide's, with some others, to the
number of eleven in all, and 40 or 50 hurt, but
not dangerously." On Thursday, September
12th, a Colonel, a Lieutenant-Colonel, and two
Lieutenants of Foot of Gage's force seem to
have been captured, but again rescued by their
comrades. Another account says that Gage
lost a Colonel, a Major, 100 killed, and many
prisoners. Some of his scouts were captured
during his masterly retreat. Colonel Gage con-
tinues : ^' What loss the enemy had we cannot
yet learn, (his biographer estimates the Puritan
loss at six score slain, and from 100 to 150 taken
prisoners), but we took about 100 prisoners of
them. And thus, my Lord, to comply with the
order I received, I have troubled your Lordship
with a tedious relation, for which I humbly beg
your pardon, and the honour to be esteemed,
My Lord, your Lordship's
Most humble Servant,
Henry Gage.
Oxford, this 16th of September, 1644."
All Oxford turned out to greet the returning
deliverers of Loyalty House, and many were
the eyes that looked eagerly for noble Colonel
Gage. But they looked in vain. Wishing not
for the applause of the multitude, and satisfied
with having done his duty, he turned his horse's
head into a back street, and rode quietly away
unnoticed to his quarters. Wherever we meet
with Colonel Gage we always find cause to
admire him, and in concluding this account of
the relief of Basing House we fully endorse
these words, penned full two centuries since : —
" I say you must needs grant the whole action
to have been, for wise conduct, gallant and
skilfal manage, the most souldier-like pieoe
these Warres have ever yet afforded I"
Chapter XXV. — Fiqht in Basing Village — ^Lieutenant-Colonel Johnson — Renewed
Blockade — Attack on the Church — G-atherino Armies — The King's Advance —
Andover Fight — Rendezvous at Basing — Welcome Supplies — Gage's Second Relief
The Siege Raised.
In order to still farther conceal his retreat
Colonel Gage had given orders that the next
morning a letter shonld he sent to Colonel
Norton, offering to ezchanf^e Captain Jephson
for Captain Love, which was accordingly done.
The exchange was effected by noon, and the
enemy then discovered too late that the
relieving force was beyond their reach. Captain
Love's family resided at Basing (Woodward's
"History of Hampshire"). As we here see, he
was a Royalist, bnt his relative Nicholas Love
was a member of the Committee of Parliament
for Hampshire. Verily, houses were divided in
those days !
Numerous Hampshire recruits were now
joining the forces of the Parliament, but Col.
Ludlow, having first duly notified his intention
to Colonel NoHon, withdrew his command from
Winchester to Salisbury. On reaching the
latter city he called for a list of the principal
adherents of the King residing there, whom he
ordered to pay the sum of 500^. The citizens
made many excuses, but Ludlow secured 2002.
and quarters for his men, after which he himself
went to London to recruit and procure arms.
On Friday, September 14th, Colonel Norton
did not venture to re-occapy the village of
Basing, but kept his men shut up in their
strong fort in the park. All the carts belong-
ing to the garrison were busily employed in
carrying com and provisions from the village to
Basing House, under the protection of 100
musketeers, commanded by Captain Fletcher.
Towards evening, when, as ^' Aulicus" confesses,
the Cavaliers " were drinking in the town, and
in no good order," Colonel Norton in person
headed an unexpected attack. Making a cir-
cuit, he fell upon Captain Fletcher's party in
the church-yard "before the horse centinelki
could give timely notice to the officers to draw
all the soldiers into a body," and drove the
Cavaliers from the church. Reinforcements
speedily arrived from the house under the com-
mand of the field officers, and " one hour*s very
shaip fight followed," at the end of which time
the besiegers were driven from the church and
retreated " to their onely work in Basing Park,"
with a loss of either 16 or 32 men kiUed on the
spot and in the pursuit, very many wounded,
and eleven prisoners.
Captain John Jephson, who had been
exchanged on the previous day for Captain
Love, ** led on the rebels' van, where Captain
Love made haste to meet him, but Jephson,
though wounded, retreated too fast towards
Colonel Norton, who valiantly brought up their
rear, and came, good gentleman, almost to the
churchyard, where, being minded of his grave,
he was the first man that ran away." (" Mer.
AuL," Sept 14th). Clarendon, however, speaks
of " the known courage of Norton." Some
arms were picked up by the victors, who lost
one ensign and two (4) common soldiers killed,
six (7) wounded, four mortally, and eight
prisoners. " Lieutenant-Colonel Johnson,
Doctor of Physique (the best herbalist in
England), was here shot in the shoulder,
whereby contracting a fever he died a fort-
night after, his worth challenging funeral!
tears, being no less eminent in the garrison
for his valour and conduct as a soldier than
famous through the kingdom for his excellency
as an herbarist and physician." He was, there
is reason to believe, in the meridian of life.
Woodward says, '* Thomas Johnson, of Hull, a
London apothecary, May 9, 1643, made an
honorary M.D. of Oxford. His itinerary
through Bristol, Southampton, the Isle of
Renewed Blockade.
Wight, and Guildford, was published under
the title of ' Mercurius Botanicus.' At Basing
he served as Lieutenant-Colonel to Sir Marma-
dnke Bawdon, the Governor/*
In the 1662 edition of the '' Worthies of Eng-
land," p. 204, we are told : — ** Thomas Johnson
was bom in this county of Yorkshire, not far
from Hull, bred an apothecary in London, where
he attained to be the best herbalist of his age
in England, making additions to the edition of
Gerard. A man of such modesty that knowing
BO much he would own the knowledge of
nothing. The University of Oxford bestowed
on him the honorary degree of doctor in physic,
and his loyalty engaged him on the King's side
ia our late civil warre. When in Basing House
a dangerous piece of service was to be done,
thiB doctor, who publickly pretended not to
valour, undertook and performed it. Yet
afterwards he lost his life in the siege of the
same House,and was, to my knowledge, generally
lamented of those who were of an opposite
judgment. But let us bestow this epitaph
upon him : —
^ Hie Johnaone jaoet, sed si mors oederet her bis,
Arte fiigata toa cederet ilia snis.'
' Here Johnson lies, could phvsioke fence death*8 dart,
Sure death had been deolined by his art,"
" Jaoet" would seem to be an error for ^ jaoes."
During the whole of the following week the
garrison maintained their hold upon Basing,
fetched in provisions, and destroyed hostile
batteries and fortifications, without the least
On Friday, September 19th, it was ordered
** that the horse which are now under the com-
mand of Colonel Norton shall advance into
some other places of the kingdom for the service
of the State, as it shall please the Committee of
Both Kingdoms to give directions.*'
The gallant defence of ''Loyalty" or "Basting' '
House was widely known, and Sir Edward
Walker writes as follows from Exeter on Sept.
20th : — " And now it will be fit to observe tne
pliant behaviour of His Majesty's garrisons of
Banbury, Basing, &c."
Things now went on much as before, except
that no bombardment took place, and the siege
assumed rather the character of a blockade.
By September 23rd some weeks' provisions
had been brought in. The enemy on this day
attacked the guard at Basing, which, being few
in number, was obliged to retire. The enemy
having re-occupied the church, once more con-
fined the garrison withm the house, and
exchanged two gentlemen belonging to Colonel
Gage's force who had been captured near
Beading for three of their own comrades.
Next day (September 24th) a score of fat
hogs are seen on Cowdry Down, and are fetched
in by the infantry, a party of cavalry which
had been sent out by way of the Grange pro-
tecting the foot meanwhile. The enemy's
picqnets were driven in, and fell back on the
guard posted near Basingstoke. Five troops of
cavalry quickly issued from the town, and the
Cavaliers retired in good order until a body of
Boyalist musketeers, who had previously lined
a hedge, checked the pursuit by a well-directed
volley. Much ado about a few pigs.
On the following day there was a similar
skirmish, and the garrison succeeded Id destroy-
ing the hostile battery at the Delve on Cowdry
Down, and took possession of the planks and
timber. The same day a Committee of the
House of Commons was appointed to settle a
controversy which had arisen, Sir John May-
nard and Colonel Jones, Governor of Famham
Castle, being vehemiently accused, by the Parlia-
mentarian Committee for Surrey. Colonel
Jones seems to have been generally successful
in quarrelhng with some one. Sir Richard
Onslowe was thanked for raising men for the
defence of Surrey and to besiege Basing House,
and the county of Surrey was ordered to con-
tinue to maintain his forces. Two hostile
accounts state that on Thursday, September
26th, the besiegers " took an outwork with a
captain and twenty-eight (30) soldiers who
defended it," but no mention is made of this
disaster in the '^ Diary of the Siege," from which
we learn that on Friday, September 27th, the
Boyalist horse were once more on Cowdry
Down engaging the attention of the enemy,
whilst others carried off six of the Puritan
infantry close to the works m ** the park lane
towards Basingstoke," together with a water
leveller employed to draw off the waters of the
Loddon. Colonel Morley himself narrowly
escaped capture. The Roundhead foot tried tno
cut off the retreat of the Cavalier horse, but
were driven back by some musketeers previously
placed in ambush. An hour afterwards Colonel
Norton sent in a message by a drum, asking that
a day might be fixed for the exchange of
prisoners, which was accordingly done. The
Attack on the Cuubch.
diary continues: ^^The stage of Cowdrey
fornished again with actors, a coronet (cornet),
and three more of their's are killed, and one of
oars. At night, the morrow being a fair at
Basingstoke, six foot with pistol and brown
bill are sent to try the market, and four miles
off at a Committee-honse finding to serve their
tarn, from thence bring in 23 head of cattle by
the Delve, which pass onr daily skirmishing
kept free."
On the last day of September the garrison
received information that the enemy's working
parties, who were engaged in fortifying the
church, sometimes kept but a careless guard,
whereupon Major Cuff and, with a hundred mus-
keteers, was sent to take possession of the
church. The storming party captured a battery
close by, but had no means wherewith to force
an entrance. The enemy rallied in force, and
Major Cuffand was beaten back, with the loss
of a sergeant and six men wounded, most of
them mortally. The defenders had an ensign
and some others slain.
The first days of October saw the Earl of
Manchester still lingering at Reading, whilst Sir
William Waller's army was at Salisbury, Dor-
chester, Shaftesbury, and We3rmouth, with a
view of checking the march towards Oxford of
the King, who, on October 2nd, had reached
Sherborne on his return from Cornwall. The
infantry, under the Earl of Essex, were quar-
tered in Portsea Isle, at Southampton, and in
the Isle of Wight. Six thousand arms and
thirty waggon loads of doth had reached
Portsmouth, and the Earl was asking for further
supplies of necessaries, to be sent him with all
Bpeed. He himself was constantly journeying
to and fro between Southampton and Ports-
mouth, as necessity required, and was exceed-
ingly anxious to force the King's army to fight.
Colonel Butler was committed to the Tower on
October 1st, and on the same day it was reported
that the breaches already made in Basing
House were becoming larger, that the besieged
had plenty of ammunition, but that provisions
were by no means abundant.
The 2nd of October saw Captain Rosewell,
who had been released from his loathsome
prison at Famham, and Captain Bigby sent to
treat for an exchange of prisoners, hostages
having been given for their safe return. The
same night M. Greaves, the brother of Colonel
Qrdaves, whose capture we have already
described, and Captain Jarvis were released, and
the next day two lieutenants and divers more
in exchange for Captain Bowlett (the scrivener
who lived next door to the sign of the George
at Holbom Conduit, a near neighbour of Lieut.-
Colonel Peake, a superstitious, cringing malig-
nant), a lieutenant, and two of the three
sergeants lost at Odiham. The lieutenant was
Lieutenant Ivory, *' sometime a citizen of
London." Some days afterwards Cornet
Bryan received glad welcome back again,
together with three gentlemen of Colonel
Gage's force who had been captured, and with
Comet Bryan had been released to Oxford.
Pass two days more, and the cavalry on
both sides exchanged pistol shots on Cowdry
Down, the enemy having the advantage of
numbers, and the garrison that of a hedge
lined with musketeers. The odds were on the
side of the Cavaliers, *^and three or four of
theirs were daily carried off, we all the while
(this and the eight days following) losing one
horse and two foot soldiers. At night (Oct.
4) send forth our chapmen well famished,
and good market folks ; in five hours' time
return again with 25 beasts, under the noses of
their sentinels, some musketeers of ours lying
abroad for their protection."
On October 4th the foes of Basing reported
the garrison to be losing heart on account of
the delay in the King's advance out of the
West to their relief, and " Mercurius Aulicns"
tells us that on the next day the Derby Hooae
Committee had sent orders to the Committee
at Basing to give continual alarms, as the
garrison was in great want of match. Mr.
Money says, **The Derby House Committee
consisted for the English Parliament of seven
selected Peers and fourteen selected Commoners.
Essex, Manchester, Waller, and Cromwell were
of the English part of this Committee. Derby
House, Cannon-row, Westminster, being the
meeting place of the Committee, it received
the name of the * Derby House Committee.' **
The Earl of Manchester wrote from Reading
on October 3rd, saying that he had sent four
troops of horse to Basmg at the earnest reqaest
of the Committee for Hampshire, and from the
4th until the 9th of the month he was without
sacoete, endeavouring to compel the etirrender
of stoutly defended Donnin^fton Castle, near
Newbury. Failing in this object, he returned
to Beadmg.
Gathering Armies.
On October 4th Lieut.-General Cromwell
obtained for his regiment 300 pairs of pistols
with holsters, 140 heads, 140 backs, and 140
breasts, at a cost of 680Z. lOs. ; and on the same
day the Earl of Essex was ordered to receive
" from, the Tower Wharf two brass demi-cnl-
verins, four brass sacres, and two 61b. bnliet
drakes." In contrast to this, it was ordered on
October 5th that " Lient.-Colonel Boe do
deliver to the Committee of the West 500
Danish forks, clubs, or roundheads taken on
board the Danish ship," of whose detention at
Portsmouth previous mention has been made.
On the same day a month's advance of pay was
made to the Waggon>Master-General for 200
honses and 64 drivers for the train of artil-
lery. Each horse was to cost Is. 3d. per diem,
each man Is. 6d., and the total cost was to be
17 L 6s. per diem.
On October 4th Mr. Lisle, M P. for Win-
chester, was ordered to bring in an ordinance
for the felling of 20001. worth of wood belonging
to various Royalist delinquents in Hants and
Sussex. No timber trees were to be felled,
except at a reasonable time. The Governor of
Portsmouth was directed to raise the strength
of his garrison by recruiting to 1000 infantry,
arranged in seven companies. The Earl of
Essex, having received 6000 stand of arms, was
ordered to deliver to the Garrison of Ports-
month 300 snaphance muskets, 200 muskets, 100
pikes, 500 bandoliers, 60O swords, 12 drums, 12
halberts, and some partizans, the Parliament
undertaking to make good these weapons
to him, if necessary. The Committees for
Sussex and Hants were ordered to raiee and pay
a troop of 100 well armed horse, who were to
garrison Portsmouth and to defend these two
The Earl of Manchester's army was mean-
while waiting for orders at Beading. Major-
Qeneral Laurence Crawford, who held a com-
mand nnder the Earl of Manchester, and who
charged Cromwell with cowardice, had made a
garvey of Basing House, and was expressing his
hope of speedily reducing it, if he were but
lemfoTced by a thousand men. There was no
good feeling between Cromwell and Crawford,
for *^ tiie regiments of Colonels Pickering and
Montague are mentioned in chief among those
that on CromweU's instigation absolutelt
refused orders fit>m Major-General Crai¥f ord.^*
On October 8t3i, the Kin^ was Only five miles
distant from Shaftesbury, marching eastward
with 12,000 horse and foot, according to his
opponents, or with 5500 foot and 4000 horse,
according to Clarendon, causing Waller to fall
back from Shaftesbury to Salisbury. Colonel
Dalbier, the future besieger of Basing House,
was at Blandf ord with his command. The Earl
of Manchester was daily expected to march from
Beading to effect a junction with Sir William
Waller. Lieut.-General Cromwell was near
Marlborough with Manchester's cavalry. These
troopers were on the left of the Parliamentarian
army at Marston Moor. ** They were raised out
of the associated counties of Bedford,
Cambridge, Suffolk, Buckingham, &c., com-
monly called the Eastern Associates, and both
for arms, men, and horses the completest
regiments in England. They were more com-
pletely at the command of Colonel Cromwell,
then Lieutenant-General, an indefatigable com-
mander, and of great courage and conduct."
In a " Staiement by an Opponent of Crom-
well" we read : —
" Colonel Fleetwood's regiment, with his
Major Harrison, what a cluster of preaching
officers and troopers there is. Other regiments,
* most of them Independents, whom they call
godly, precious men, indeed, to say the truth,
almost all our horse be made of that faction.'
Colonels Montague, Bussell, Pickering, and
Bainsborough's regiments, all of them professed
Independants, entire."
The 4000 infantry commanded by Essex, at
Portsmouth, were already mostly re-clothed and
armed, but in the army of the King, who was
at Blandf ord on October 11th, ana who was
said by Waller to contemplate marching through
Winchester or Newbury, to Oxford, there was
much sickness, and desertions were numerous,
especially amongst the Cornishmen, who did not
care to fight at so great a distance from their
On October 9th the Committee at Basing
wrote to the House of Commons asking that
reinforcements of infantry might be sent thither,
either by Manchester or Essex. The letter was
referred to the Committee of Both Kingdoms,
and Waller, Essex, and Manchester were, on
October 15th, ordered to unite their forces, a
plan previously sugg^ested by Essex, and Basing
was named as the rendezvous of the armies.
Clarendon says that the King '^ was now most
intent to return into his winter quarters at
The Kinq*s Advance.
Oxford, which was all he could propose to him-
self ; in which he expected to meet with all the
obstructions and ^ifficol ties his enraged enemies
could lay in his way. He knew well that
Waller was even then ready to come out of
London, and that Middleton (an old foe to
Basing) was retired from Tiverton to join him ;
that they had sent to the Earl of Manchester to
march towards the West with his victorious
army. So that if he long deferred his march he
must look to fight another battle before he
could reach Oxford. His Majesty had a great
desire in his march to Oxford to relieve Ben-
nington Castle and Basing, which was again
besieged by almost the whole army of the
Such was the posture of affairs, according to
Clarendon (Bk. viii.), at the end of September,
It was time to help Basing once more, as we
see from the following letter from the King to
Prince Rupert : —
"Nephew, — I am advertised by a despatch
from Secretary Nicholas that the Governors
of Banbury, Basing, and Donnington Castle
must accommodate, in case they be not relieved
within a few days. The importance of which
places, and consequently (illegible) hath made
me resolve to begin my march on Tuesday
towards Salisbury, where Prince Rupert may
rely upon it the King of England shall be, God
willing, on Wednesday next, where I will desire
Prince Rupert to come with what strength of
horse and foot you can, and the two demi-
cannon (30 pounders), many of mv men being
unarmed. I have sent to Bristol tor muskets,
which I desire Rupert to speed to me. I desire
to hear daily from you, and particularly when
you will be with me, and which way you will
march, and how strong you can come to
"Your loving uncle and most faithful friend,
" Blandford, llthOct., 1644. Charles R."
Prince Rupert had, on October 5th, left the
King for Bristol, and the latter had promised
not to engage until the Prince returned to him
with reinforcements of Gerrard's and Lang-
dale's troops. Desertions, sickness, want of pay,
food, shoes, and stockings thinned the ranks of
the Royal army, which was obliged to make
frequent halts in order to secure the payment
of forced contributions, so that the King did
not reach Salisbury until October 15th. He
here received information that Waller lay at
Andover with his troops, that Manchester was
advanced as far as Reading with 5000 horse and
foot and 24 pieces of ordnance, that the Liondon
Trained Bands, consisting of the red and blue
regiments of the City of London, the red regi-
ment of Westminster, the yellow regiments of
Southwark and the Tower Hamlets, making in
all about 5000 men, commanded by Sir James
Harrington, were beginning their march to him,
and that 3000 of the horse and foot of the
Earl of Essex's army were near Portsmouth,
expecting orders to join with the rest. Prince
Rupert was unable to meet the King at Salis-
bury, and, after a halt of three days, the Royal
army was again on the march. Instead of pro-
ceeding directly to Oxford and relieving Basing
House and Donnington Castle on his way
thither, the King, over-persuaded by Lord
Goring, determined to attack Waller, who,
with three thousand horse and dragoons,
had occupied Andover, at a considerable distance
in advance of the supporting army of the Earl
of Manchester. He had marched thither from
Salisbury, through Winterboume Stoke, from
which village he wrote a letter on October 14th,
stating that the King was advancing towards
him. Essex, Waller, and Manchester held a
Council of War on October 12th, at Basing-
stoke, and on the evening of the following day,
which was Sunday, four regiments of the London
Brigade reached the town, the fifth being left
to garrison Reading. Waller returned to his
troops at Winterboume Stoke, near Amesbury,
at which place he still was on October 15th, and
from whence he fell back upon Andover. He,
together with Lieutenant General Middleton,
hoped by thus retreating to gain time, so that
Essex's recruited, re-clothed, and re-armed
troops might be able to effect a junction with
the army of Manchester. Sir Arthur Haslerig
was still serving under his old commander
(Waller), and Lord Hopton was near Bristol.
A critic unfriendly to the King observes, *^ when
haste is in the saddle, repentance is in the
crupper.'' Daily skirmishes took place between
the King's forces and Waller's rear guard, but
on October 14th Lieutenant-General Cromwell
reached Reading from the siege of Banbury
with a detachment of horse, and two days after-
wards Manchester at length marched in bad
weather with his infantry and 32 guns towards
Newbury and Basingstoke, which he reached on
the following day, lus intention being " to have
Rendezvous at Basing.
onr foot to be betwixt Newbury and Basing-
stoke, and there to meet with oar Lord General
(Essex)." He sent on most of his horse, under
Cromwell, to reinforce Waller, but it was after-
wards made a matter of accusation against him
that he had not joined Waller with his whole
force instead of marching to Basing. At Basing
he met " Sir Archibald Johnston, of Warriston,
and Mr. John Crewe, sent by the Committee of
Derby House to attend the movements of the
Generals and to stimulate them."
TheParliamentarian Committee atBasingstoke
made on October 14th an earnest appeal for
reinforcements, and two days afterwards Mr.
Boyce, the Lord General's messenger, carried
orders to the Earl of Manchester to send forces
to Basing " for the reducing of that garrison,
which is a service of very great concernment."
Manchester answered this letter on October 19th,
reporting his arrival with his army at Basing-
stoke. He was now so anxious to fight that the
Commissioners, in company with Sir W. Balfour,
Major-General Skippon, and other of&cers,
selected the positions to be taken up by the
several regiments in the event of a battle.
The Earl of Essex at Portsmouth was now
again ready to take the field. Some of his men
were " sea and weatherbound " in the Isle of
Wight, where Sir Gregory Norton and other
good people were doing them much kindness,
and boats were sent to fetch them on Tuesday,
October 15th. The Earl of Pembroke had two
days previously been thanked by Parliament
for his care of the Isle of Wight, and had been
empowered to seize any boats ^* upon the con-
tinent " of Hants for its security. He was also
ordered, in consequence of a letter written on
October 14th, by the Mayor and inhabitants of
Newport, to direct Colonel Came, the Deputy-
Governor, to repair to the island forthwith.
On landing on the shores of Hampshire,
Essex's men marched at once to Titchfield,
which had been appointed as a rendezvous for
the various detachments of their comrades
quartered in Portsea Isle, Southampton, and
elsewhere. Essex finding that the King was
advancing with some 10,000 horse and foot,
sent on his cavalry under Sir William Balfour
to Basingstoke, whilst he himself followed with
between three and four thousand infantry.
Both armies were eager to fight, weather per-
mitting. The Kings rendezvous was "about
Andover, and in a heath near Whitohurch
between Andover and Basing." Some of the
Royal horse had on Sunday, October 13th,
appeared on a hill not far from Basing, but
on their scouts giving timely warning of the
advance of some Roundhead troopers, they fell
back in good order. The garrison or force to
which this adventurous party of bold riders
belonged is not stated.
The Earl of Manchester was in charge of the
train of artillery destined for Essex's army.
The guns had previously been sent by water
from London to Reading. Essex marched on
October 17th from Portsmouth to Petersfield,
and on the following night quartered his men
at Alton. The Parliament had now therefore
troops posted from Abingdon to Basingstoke,
as well as at Alton, Midhurst, and Petworth,
and could easily hinder the King from invading
Sussex, m which county Colonel Temple was
also raising forces on belialf of the Parliament.
On Friday, Octobor 18th, Sir William Waller
was granted 300 backs, breasts, and pots,300 pair
of pistols, and 300 saddles for the cavalry under
his command, and was also to be reinforced by
Colonel Ludlow and Major Dewett, with their
horse. Bat disaster now befel " Sir William
the Conqueror," which made him less eager " to
go a king-catching" than he had previously been.
The King *' had left all the cannon that he
had taken from the Earl of Essex at Exeter ;
and now he sent all his great cannon to a
garrison he had within two miles of Salisbury,
at Langf ord, a house of the Lord Gorges, where
was a garrison of one hundred men, commanded
by a good officer. The rest of the cannon and
carriages were left at Wilton, the house of the
Earl of Pembroke, with a regiment of foot to
guard them, and the King appointed a
rendezvous for the army to be the next morning
(October 18th), by seven of the clock, near
Clarendon Park, and good guards were set at
all the avenues of the city, to keep all people
from going out, that Waller might not have
any notice of his purpose, and if the hour of
the rendezvous had been observed, as it rarely
was (though His Majesty was himself the most
punctual, and never absent at the precise time),
that design had succeeded to wish. For though
the foot under Prince Maurice came not up till
eleven of the clock, so that the army did not
begin it*s march tiU twelve, yet they came within
four mUes of Andover before Waller had anv
notice of their motions^ when he drew out his
Andoyer Fight.
whole body towards them as if he meant to fight,
but upon view of their strength, and the good
order they were in, he changed his mind, and
drew back into the town, leaving a strong party
of horse and dragoons to make good his retreat.
Bat the King's van charged and routed them
with good execution, and pursued them through
the town, and slew many of them in the rear,
until the darkness of the night secured them,
and hindered the others from following farther.
But they were all scattered, and came not
quickly together again, and the King quartered
inat night at Andover. The scattering of this
ffreat body under Waller in this manner, and the
fittle resistance they made, so raised the spirits
of the King's army, that they desired nothing
more than to have a battle with the whole army
of the enemy, which the King meant not to seek
out, nor to decline fighting with them if they
put themselves in his way. And so he resolv'd
to raise the siege of Domiington Castle, which was
little out of his way to Oxford. To that purpose,
he sent orders for the cannon which had been
left at Langford and Wilton to make all haste
to a place appointed between Andover and
Newbury, where he staid with his army, till they
came up to him, and then marched together
to Newbury, within a mile of Donnington."
(Clarendon, Bk. viii.)
We learn from Symonds' Diary that this
battle was fought on October 18th, 1644, and
that the Eang ^ept that night at the *^ White
Hart" Inn, at Andover. This writer says,
" Friday, 18th October, 1644, His Majesty, &c.,
left Sarum and marched towards Andevor. Gen.
Goring raised a forlorn of horse, consisting of
about 200 gentlemen, who were spare com-
manders of horse, beat them out of Andevor,
took Carr, a Scot colonel, and another captain,
a Scot, that died, who a little before his death
rose from under the table, saying he would not
die like a dog under a table, but sat down on a
chair and immediately died of his wounds.
Took about 80 prisoners, followed the chase of
them two miles, who all ran in great confusion.
Had not night come so soon it might have been
made an end of Waller's army, for our intention
was to engage them, but they disappointed our
h opes by their heels."
Waller's men are said to have been routed in
a lane leadins into Andover, and to have been
afterwards diased through the town. This
affair was styled "a fierce alarum." The
fighting continued for two hours. Some
accounts say that Waller lost about thirty men,
others that the Eong and Waller each lost 20 or
30 men, whilst another chronicler states 10 men
as the loss on either side, describing the affair
as being only a skirmish with Waller's rear
It was, however, considered much more serious,
for Waller at once retreated towards Basingstoke,
sending at the same time to the Earl of Manches-
ter to ask for assistance. The latter general thus
writes from Basingstoke on October 19tfa,
" Yesternight late I received a very hot alaim
from Sir William Waller's quarters, that the
King with all his army was come to Andover,
and that he was upon his retreat towards me,
whereupon I drew out my foot and those horse
that were with me in order to help Sir W.
Waller, who reached Basingstoke with little or
no loss." Manchester was evidently frightened,
and prepared to retreat from Basing. He was
afterwards charged with having *^ retreated to
Odiham, out of the way, though he had 7000
horse and 7000 foot, enough to face the King's
whole army." Cromwell stated that Manchester
at this time would have retreated to Odiham,
leaving the besiegers at Basing House exposed
to the whole army of the King, if Sir W.
Waller and Sir A. Haslerig had not arrived just
in time to hinder him from so doing. Cromwell
indignantly adds : '* We being at Basing with
near 11,000 foot, and about 8000 horse and
dragoons, and the King with not above 10,000
horse and foot I"
The Earl of Essex at Alresf ord was promptly
informed of Waller's disastrous retreat, and,
says Manchester, on October 19th, *' notwith-
standing some difficulties, is marched this
night to Alton." The "difficulties" referred
to seem to have been some Cavalier horse, who
were said to be under the leadership of the
gallant Hopton. A party of Sir Arthur
Haslerig's regiment of horse, 120 strong, com-
manded by the celebrated Major (afterwards
Colonel) Okey, met the King's cavalry
near Alresford. The Cavaliers charged boldly,
but ere long fell back upon their reserve,
leaving a lieutenant, a quartermaster, and four
troopers in the hands of the enemy. Essex
then proceeded without molestation to Basing,
arriving there on October 2 1st. He had two
da^ previously asked that Colonel Dalbier
might be sent to him.
On October 17th, being Thnndfty, a litfcle
after mid-day, the watchers on the towers of
Loyalty lionse descried the vanguard of Man-
chester's army marching to Basingstoke and
Sherfield. Next day some of his cavabT' rode
op to the siege works, two of them being picked
off by the marksmen of the garrison. The
foUowing day (October 19th) eight regiments
of infantry and some of cavalry, with all the
baggage and artillery (24 guns), halted and
fa^d the house for some hours, drawn up on
the south of Basingstoke. Towards night the
infantry retired and quartered in Basingstoke,
most of the cavalry, which all day long had
been drawn up near Book's Down, two miles
distant, riding at speed to their quarters near
On October 19th Manchester wrote to London
that the King had halted, " only I hear that
some of his horse were drawn up about White
On Saturday, October 19th, the King
advanced from Andover to Whitchurch, where
he was to remain until his General, Lord Brent-
ford, who was behind, and the Earl of Portland,
who had been detained with the siege of Poi't-
land, should come up with the remainder of his
forces. Some of the Royal cavalry were only
five miles distant from the enemy, and the
Earl of Northampton, with his brigade of 1500
horse, was sent to unite with Colonel Gage, who
led a regiment of foot and some horse from
Oxford for the relief of Banbury, which had
been basieged for thirteen weeks by Colonel
John Fienneawith all the forces of Northamp-
ton, Warwick, and Coventry. Sir William
Compton had bravely defended the town and
castle, and the garrison, " though they had but
two horses left uneaten, had never suffered a
summons to be sent to them.*' Reduced, how-
ever, to great distress, these gallant soldiers
gladly hailed the arrival of the relieving force,
which completely routed the besiegers. Colonel
Webb, who had accompanied Colonel Gage on
this expedition, as he had formerly done to
BasinfT, was here seriously, but not mortally
Mr. Money says: ^'On Sunday (October 20th),
a party of horse was dispatched to relieve Don-
nington Castle, and returned the next momin|f.
On Monday night, October 21st, 1644, a spy m
the service of &e Parliament returned to camp
with the JtoUowing intelligence : His Majesty's
army was in Whitchurch all Sunday night, and
that town was full of soldiers, both horse and
foot, but their train of artillery was not there,
only a few waggons belouffing to officers. That
their train stood on Andover Downes, within
two miles of Whitchurch, or thereabouts. The
King was last night (Sunday) at Whitchurch,
but by some reported to be at Winchester, and
by others at Andover. The last night, about
eight of the clock, went out about 4000 horse
out of Whitchurch to give an alarm, and
returned this morning about break of day.
(This was the party which was sent to relieve
Donnington Castle.) Yesterday it was ordered
that the train should be drawn up to Whitchurch
Downes, but was hindered by the wet weather,
and so staid two miles short. And that this
day (Monday) the rendezvous was to be kept
upon Sevenborough (Seven Barrows), the drums
beat up at Whitchurch at break of day. This
day, about eight o'clock, there stood at Whit-
clear (? Whitway or Highclere), a great body
of horse, as he conceiveth to be 2000, on this
side Sevenborough. That about twelve o'clock
there were going to Kingsclere some empty
carts, accompanied with some troops of horse,
which carts he supposeth were to carry pro-
visions that were sunmioned to be brought to
Donnington Castle. (These apparently were
the empty carts returning from the Castle).
That it is generally reported the King quarters
at Donnington the next night. Carriages were
warned at Bawgus (Baughurst), and the parishes
adjacent, to appear this morning at Whitchurch.
From Newbury that great provisions of victuals
are made, and all towns adjoining, for the army
which is expected there this night. That a great
party from Oxford and Wallingf ord is to be theie
to meet the King's forces this night." ^("Parlia-
mentary Scout," 24th to 31st October, 1644.)
On Saturday, October 20th, the sum of 200l.
was voted for the defences of Hurst Castle, and
on the next day 800 suits of clothes and 200
carbines were ordered for Waller's dragoons.
Forty loads of cheese, a due proportion of bis-
cuit, six tons of match, and six tons of musquet
ball were to be sent to Farnham Castle as a
magazine for the armies.
Sir Archibald Johnston, of Warriston, and
Mr. John Crewe, Commissioners in the Parlia-
ment's army, reported from Basingstoke on
October 21st the arrival of the Loi^ Gisneral
Essex with his army.
The Kinq Betireb.
The combined f oroes of Essex, Waller, and
Manchester, together with the London Brigade,
at least 5000 strong, under Sir James Harring-
ton, amounted to 11,000 foot and 8000 horse
and dragoons, whilst the King had not more
than 10,000 horse and foot. Nine days pre-
viously the House of Commons had voted
20,000^. for the maintenance of the London
Essex on reaching Basing approved Man-
chester's determination to fight, and at once
sent orders to Reading for the destruction of
all the bridges over the Thames and Kennet, in
order to cut off the King's retreat to Oxford.
On October 2l8t the Parliament Commis-
sioners stated the King was at Overton. Waller,
who was now at Basingstoke, had captured two
captains and divers common soldiers. One
estimate reckoned the strength of the Royal army
to be from 16,000 to 20,000, composing three
brigades. One of these was said to be with
Hopton at Winchester, the second with the
King at Andover, and the third marching
towards Marlborough, intending either to reach
Oxford or to relieve Banbury. Captain Symonds,
in his " Marches of the Royal Army," says :
" Munday, Oct. 21st. His Majesty lay at King
Cleer (at Mr. Tower's), seven miles from Basing,
the troop (i.e. of Life Guards) at Newtown
(between Kingsclere and Newbury), the head
quarters of the horse at Newbury. This day
the enemy visit Essex, Manchester, Waller were
with all their forces, and made assault upon
On the other hand we are told ''near that
house they gathered into one body, but
attempted not the place. Here joined the Earls
of Essex, Manchester, Sir William Waller, with
some Trained Regiments of London," and
according to " Aulicus," of Oct. 28th, " They
durst not adventure the bruising of their army
upon Basing Garrison, but left it on Tuesday
last, after their outguards within half a mile of
Basing had been beaten up by Captain Markham,
with a party of horse of the Queen's regiment.
His Majesty's army being then at Kingsclear."
A battle being now imminent, several surgeons
were sent down on Oct. 21st to Basingstoke, by
the Parliament, and the following day was set
apart in London as a day of humiliation and
praver. Cromwell and some other commanders
wished to fight at once, but the Earl of Man-
chester decided to march back to Reading, with
the object of making the attack from the north
or left bank of the Kennet. The King had
marched toKing8c]ere,which lies midwaybetween
Basing and Newbury, with the intention of
attempting the relief of Basing. But finding
this position indefensible against an enemy so
greatly superior in cavalry, he, after one night's
halt, continued his march towards Newbuiy
with his infantry and a party of horse. Sir
William Waller, eager to avenge his defeat at
Andover, skirmished with the Cavaliers, ''but His
Majesty facing the Parliamentarians with a party
of horse, drew off his infantry from King's Cleer,
and marched to Newbury." Waller was, how-
ever, not to be denied, and Captain Fincher was
ordered to push home a charge upon the retirinff
Cavaliers, which resulted in the capture of several
officera and 60 men.
Mr. Money says : " In the year 1839, in dig-
ging a grave in the nave of Ewhurst Church, on
the Basingstoke-road, near Kingsclere, the
remains of twosoldiers, with portions of military
ornaments, were found at a shallow depth.
These interments had the appearance of having
been hastily conducted,and were supposed to have
been the bodies of officers slain in a skirmish in
the neighbourhood during the operations before
Basing." May they not have fallen during Capt.
Fincher 's cavalry charge ?
The King having thus departed, Essex and
Manchester marched on Oct. 22nd from Basing-
stoke through Swallowfield to Reading. On
Oct. 27th was fought the second Battle of New-
bury, which has been so graphically described
by Mr. Money, to whose admirable work the
writer is greatly indebted for many important
On Oct. 29th the House of Commons sanc-
tioned the following scale of daily pay for the
garrison of Windsor Castle : — A colonel, 22. 5s. ;
one captain, 15s. ; two lieutenants, 4b. ; two
ensigns, 3s.; five sergeants, Is. 6d.; five corporals.
Is. ; five drummers, Is. ; 12 gunners, 2s. ; 12
matrosses, Is. ; one minister, 8s. ; his man, 8d. ; one
marshal, 5s. ; one gun-smith, Is. 6d. : one
armourer, Is. 6d. ;one surgeon, 4b. ; his man, 8d.
The knapsack was then called a " snapaack."
" Aulicus " speaks on Monday, Oct. 28th, 1644,
of " three days' provisions prepared in their
But to return to Basing House. The " Diary
of the Siege" says :— " On Oct. 20th, three foot
soldiers coming too near to see the House
Welcome Suppueb.
reoeiye the cartesy of fetching in, and next day
by onr foot in ambush in the laiie a oomet of
Sir William's (Waller) regiment, and two
dragoons were taken ; our horse from off the
hill fetch in two straggling foot, at noon some
regiments of horse and foot belonging to the
Earl of Essex join to the Leaguer ; their army
toward evening drawn in Battalia that night
keep the field, the van near Bookers Downe, the
battle (ix.y main body) at Basingstoake, and
rear by Hackwood ; next day marching the
army towards Beading, the foot by Sherborne,
and the horse keeping along their left (to repel
any attack from the King's cavalry)." The
following day (Oct. 23rd) three more troopers
were brought in, Lord Winchester's cavalry
ventaring forth to harass the enemy on their
march. At night a storm brought down a
tower, which had been almost destroyed by the
artillery, upon the heads of five of the garrison,
killing one, and somewhat bruising the rest.
Skirmishes marked the closing days of
October. Lieut. (Captain) Cuffand, with some
40 horse, checked the besiegers on Cowdry
Down, wounding five horses and as many men,
and capturing a prisoner, losing only one man
himself. Next day he faced their horse again,
whilst Cornet Bryan, ever in the saddle, with
some few horse, carried off a load of corn driv-
ing near to their guard, "and riding through
the garrison from off the 6ther side, bring in a
cart and team passing to Basingstoke." These
carts were sent out on each of the three follow-
ing nights, with a strong guard, and brought in
five quarters of threshed com from Fiat's (t.e.,
Magpie's) Hill, on the other side of the nver
Loddon, together with 12 loads in the sheaf.
Fourteen beasts were also brought in from the
same place. To stop these proceedings, the
enemy posted a guard of horse and foot at
the bams on Fiat's Hill, the said guard being
relieved daily at nine p.m.
After the second Battle of Newbury, which
was fought on Oct. 27th, 1644, it was reported
that Frince Bupert would do his best to raise
the siege of Basing House. A Council of War
ordered the three armies of horse to prevent any
such attempt. The King, having left Marl-
borough, was expected to head a relieving force
in person. Manchester accordingly marched to
Aldermaston, where he encamped in the fields,
in order to intercept him. At a Council of War,
** no man speaking so much against fighting as
Cromwell," it was unanimously decided to con-
centrate the Farliamentarian infantry at Bead-
ing and Henley, and the horse at Famham,
Okingham, Windsor, Maidenhead, and Staines,
in preference to adopting more vigorous mea-
sures. On November 6th the Committee of
Both Kingdoms sent Messenger Bulmer to the
Earl of Manchester with orders to send the
City Begiment from Beading to Basing siege,
relievingjit either by one of Manchester's own,
or by some other suitable regiment. Colonel
Ludlow's regiment, which had been cut up at
Newbury, "being that day on the guard," was
ordered to be sent at once into Wiltshire.
The month of November opened with gloomy
prospects at Basing House. All the beer bar-
rels were empty, and the stock of bread and com
but slender. Lieut.-Colonel Feake was there-
fore despatched with a party of horse and foot
to Fiat's Hill, which was reached about 8 p.m.
The enemy's fires were still burning, but the
guard was nowhere to be seen. Two prisoners
only were made, and the loading and sending of
carts to the House went on without interrup-
tion until midnight. Then some cavalry from
Sherfield came down the hill, and together with
some infantry from Basing attacked the
Boyalists, who lined the hedges, according to
their usual practice, with musketeers. A fierce
and protracted cavalry skirmish ensued, but
volleys of musketry from the hedges turned the
scale in favour of the Cavaliers. Norton's foot,
who knew every inch of the ground, fought
desperately to dislodge the musketeers. But
being charged by the royalist horse, and a diver-
sion being made by an attack upon Basing
Church by a party from the House, they were
put to the rout, and driven through the river
Loddon in confusion. Lieut.-Colonel Feake and
his foragers then fell to work aeain, "and before
morning carry in 16 cart loads in sheaf; our
drovers at same time passed through our guards
eight beasts, and at noon next day some soldiers
skipping out seize on twelve sides of mutton and
some pork loaded upon a horse as contribution
food going unto the church." Short allowance
at church that day.
Listen again to Chronicler Svmonds : " His
Majesty, when he came to Oxford (Satterday,
2 Novembris, 1644) knighted Colonel Qage
for his good service of relieving Banbury and
Basing." An honour well and worthily won !
Four days afterwards Colonel Sir Henry Gage
Prince Bupert*b Visit.
commanded the Queen's Regiment of Foot, 150
strong, oat of Oxford at the rendezvoas on
Bhotover Green.
For ten days before the 5th of Norember the
officers at Basing Hoase had been reduced to
one meal per diem., the soldiers being allowed
two. Beer now failed completely, and everyone
was obliged to drink water. The soldiers were
persuaded by their officers to follow their
example, and content themselves with one meal
a day. This was more than one hnngry man
oonld bear, and at night he deserted to the
enemy, who were almost inclined to raise the
siege in despair, and disclosed the necessities of
the garrison. The deserter's information caused
the besiegers to persevere a little longer, more
especially as they had been reinforced from
Newbury by Colonels Strode and Ludlow, with
a good strength of horse and some dragoons.
Colonel Strode was " one of the Deputy
Lieutenants of the Militia for Somerset, a man
much relied on in those parts, and of a good
fortune. No man wished the King's army
worne success." Clarendon speaks, Bk. vii., of
his dread of the King's soldiers.
Colonel Ludlow, whom Carlyle describes as
"solid Ludlow," was afterwards one of the
King*s Judges, and succeeded to the command
of the Army in Ireland, after the death of
Ireton, on November 26th, 1651. He came to
Basing with his regiment at the special request
of Colonel Norton. By way of welcome to
Colonel Strode's regiment. Comet Bryan rode
forth on November 6th, under cover "of a fog,
with a party of horse, down the valley nearly to
Basingstoke, and carried off three sentries.
Posting his own men in their stead, he soon
afterwards took prisoners, without even firing a
pistol, a corporal and two troopers, who came to
relieve the three luckless sentries. The same
night Major Cuffand made a sortie with some
horse and foot, killed a sentry, beat off the
enemy's horse, and cleared the road to Piat's
Hill, sending out foragers, who, however,
returned empty handed, on account of the
vigilance and numbers of the opposing cavalry.
Two desertions from the garrison, one of the
runaways taking his horse with him. A mes-
senger was sent to Oxford, but was unfortu-
nately captured by the watchful foe. The
weather was '* fair for that season."
Major Rose well led out the same party on the
night of November 9th, and having lined the
hedges with musketeers, was able to keep the
enemy's horse at a distance. He stormed the
works at the Delve on Cowdry Down, and again
despatched a foraging party to Piat's Hill, who
within four hours afterwards brought in IB
beasts and six loids of com in sheaf, besides
sending two messengers safely on their way to
Oxford. The long nights were now favourable
to any attempt to raise the siege. A letter from
the King, in which he declared his intention to
relieve the garrison '*in spite of heaven and
earth," was about this time intercepted by the
besiegers, and certain Cavaliers, who sallied
forth to obtain some hop-poles for firewood
'* were so pelted by some of our City forces that
they left 18 behind, besides that went halting
Five regiments from Newbury were
ordered to check any effort on the part of
Prince Rupert to succour Basing. *' which, if
not prevented, would exceedingly encourage
the enemy, and be very prejudicial to the pubuc
Warburton savs ** Rupert appeared before
the stout old walls on the 11th November, and
exchanged compliments with the garrison." It
may be to this period that the following para-
graph in *' Mercurius Aulicus" (p. 101-2), which
gives a not over pleasant picture of the con-
dition of Royalist prisoners, refers : —
" There was a poor man living near Moor
Park, whom, when JPrince Rupert was in those
parts, he commanded to show him where the
pipes lay which conveyed water to the Castle.
For this crime they apprehend him, and commit
him prisoner to the Castle, where they fed him
with so slender diet that they even starved him,
and when upon his wife's tears and lamentable
cries that she and her children were like to
starve at home while her husband starved at
Windsor, they having no subsistence but what
he got by the sweat of his brows, he was released.
He was not able to stand on his legs, and
whether dead since we have no information."
Prince Rupert's stay in the neighbourhood,
both on this and other occasions, was not of
long duration, for on the 21st he attempted to
surprise Abingdon, and on the 23rd entered
Oxford with the King.
Upon Cowdry Down Colonel Ludlow's tram-
peter, or " music," was captured on November
13th, and on the following day a regriment of
foot was seen at Chinham, marching to Basing-
The Siege Raised.
The 15th brought a trampet from Bir
William Waller to arrange terms for the
exchange of his cornet, who had been taken
prisoner in the lower road to Basingstoke on
October 20th. Another trampet brought in two
officers of the garrison that had long been pri-
soners at Famham. Were these officers
" Ensigns (Ancient) Coram, son of one Coram,
a Papist, in Winchester, and William Robinson,
a Papist, snrgeon to the Lord Marqnesse of
Winchester," the only two officers captured at
Odiham on the 2nd of June, of whose release
by exchange we have not already heard ? For
these two officers the trampet took out " seven
of theirs, we taking care to fill their roomes
again within two hours after, fetch in one, and
kill two more abroad." Dates are now some-
what obscure. The " Diary of the Siege" seems to
imply that the besiegers finally struck tents
and departed about November 15th, whilst from
Symonds we gather that the siege was raised
on the 20th. Clarendon says " the enemy was
in the meantime marched from thence to Basing,
which, they thought, would, upon the sight of
their whole army, presently hav^ yielded, but,
finding the Marquis still obstinate to defend it,
they were weary of the winter war, and so
rerired aU their force from thence, and quitted
the siege the very day before Gage came thither,
so that he easily delivered his provisions, and
retired to the King without any inconvenience."
Symonds tells us, " Monday, 18th November. —
The enemy left JJTewbery and marched near
Basing. This day, Tuesday, 19th November,
Colonel Gage was sent towards Basing to relieve
it with 1000 horse." The Diary says that the
siege lasted 24 weeks. It commenced on June
4th, and according to this computation ended
about November 18th. Symonds states that
Colonel Gage was sent to the relief of Basing on
November 19 th, and Clarendon says that his
force was to ** march so as to be at Basing
Hoase the next morning after they parted from
the army." " Aulicus" gives the date as Novem-
ber 13th, the anniversary of Waller's repulse
in 1643. The question is a difficult one. The
sight of the whole army of his foes did not in
the least dismay the ** Loyal*' Marquis. The
Diary says " their army now again hovering
about, aKord as sport, each day killing or
taking some of their carious ones, and seize two
carts, one with a load of hay, passing too near
our works.''
But help was at hand. In Clarendon (Bk.
viii.) we read, '* The King had not yet done all
he meant to do before he took np his winter
quarters, and since he heard the enemy lay still
at Newburv, he marched to Marlborough, where
he found all things to his wish. His heart was
set upon the relief of Basing, which was now
again distressed ; the enemy, as is said before,
begirt it closely from the time that Gage relieved
it. He had a great mind to do it with his whole
army, that thereby he might draw the enemy to
a battle ; but upon full debate, it was concluded
that the safest way would be to do it by a
strong party, that 1000 horse should be drawn
out, every one of which should carry before him
a bag of com, or other provisions, and march so
as to be at Basing House the next morning after
they parted from the army, and then eveij
trooper was to cast down his ba^ to make their
retreat as well as they might, and Colonel Gage,
who had so good success before, was appointed
to command this party, which he cheerfully
undertook to do. The "better to effect it, Hun-
gerf ord was thought the fitter place to quarter
with the army, and from thence to despatch that
party. So His Majesty marched back to Hunger-
ford, which was half way to Newbury."
Colonel Sir Henry Gage led his 1000 horse to
Basing, bat found that there was no need of
sudden withdrawal from thence. Let the Diary
speak. "The enemy wearied with lying 24 weeks,
diseases, with the winter seizing them, his army
wasted from 2000 to 700, fearing the forces of
His Majesty now moving about Hungerf ord,
raiseth his leaguer, and at eight this mom drew
off his waggons and two gunns, three days before
brought in. The foot at noon march towards
Odgiham, the huts being fired, and some troops
of horse left to secure their rear. On whom a
party of our horse with Coronet Bryan waiting
their opportunityes disorder their retreat."
"Next night honoured Sir Henry Gage (the
enemies' remove not knowne), sent by nis
Majesty with 1000 horse, brings in supplies of
ammunition and provision, each trooper in a
bag bearing his part, having a skein of match
swadled about his waist, oesides what was
brought in carts, and staying here three days
most amply victaalled the garrison, drawn down
by length of seige almost unto the worst of all
necessityes, provision low, the soldiers spent
and naked, and the numbers few, having besides
our hurt and maimed, and such as ran from us,
lost near 100 men by ntknem, and the siege,
whereof a Lientenani-Golonel (Jchnaon), two
enngna (one of whom was Amoiy), three
sergeants, and seven oorporals." It was said in
London on Korember 26th, that '* Basing
garrison had neither stockings nor shoes, drank
water, and looked all as if they had been rather
the prisoners of the grave than the keepers of a
Some of the warrants iasned by Col. Grage,
at Basing, on November 23rd, appeured in print
shortly afterwards.
One of them thus addresKd, "To the
Tythingman of Lystomey (sic) haste, post
haste, horse post, see these conveyed as aforesaid
with speed," ovders 300Z. to be sent at sight
from Odiham Hundred in part payment of
oontribntion money, " Tonr part is 291. 2s. 6d.
William Gregorie, Constable." Two thousand
horse and dragoons were to pay an unwelcome
visit in case of refusal, but in the event of com-
pliance, kind treatment was promised, and an
allowance for any cattle previously taken. By
a similar warrant the Constable of the Hundred
of Odiham was ordered to send in by eleven
o'clock on the following morning 100 qrs. of
oats, 60 qrs. of barley or malt, 60 qrs. of wheat,
1000 lb. weight of cheese, 1000 lb. weight of
bacon, and 20 loads of hay. " Your part is
10 qrs. of malt, 5 qrs. of wheat, cheese 100, and
bacon 100 lb." The same terms were offeied as
in the former case.
It is said that the siege was raised by the
unanimous decision of a Council of War, Ineut.-
General Cromwell being specially in favour of
this measure. Of Basing it was said *' many
brave sallies were made, and a multitude of men
they slew, so that it was afterwards called Bast-
ing House. It was reported that during the 24
weeks' siege the besiegers lost not less than 1000
men." " Mercurius Britannicus" is satirical on
Nov. 25th : *^ But by this time Basing House
is relieved, and the Winchester Gk>ose proud in
conceit that his feathers shall not be pluckt this
winter." Suspicions now arose in Parliament
of the Earl of Essex "as careless or discontent,"
and on Friday, November 22nd, the Committee
of Both ELingdoms were asked to give an account
to the House of the operations at Donnington,
Newbury, and Basing House. A letter was read
from the Local Committee at Basing, with two
warrants annexed concerning the remove of the
f oroes, one under the hand of the Earl of Man-
chester only; the other under the hand of th«
Bail of Manchester, Sir W. Balfour, and Sir W-
Waller. " For Colonel Norton had writ a letter to
them that he had receiTed a warrant from a chief
commander in the army, to withdraw from
Basing, which was to bun a thing unexpected,
but yet he obeyed."
Colonels Norton and Jones " dispersed their
forces into winter quarters at Fainham,Beading,
Henley, and Abingdon, whilst the CavaUera
occupied Basiug, Odiham, Blewbury, and
Marlborough." Judging by the following para-
graph. Lady Onslowe must have r^^retted the
raising of the siege, quite as much, if not more,
than her husband : —
" And Basing House now at liberty, when at
London it was confidently reported it was lost.
And the Lady Onslow reported that the Par-
liament had considered their good service in
the cause, and therefore had given Basing
House to her husband, and ho^d the world
should then see them in a better condition.
But it proved otherwise, he being forced out of
his Lines of Communication."
The King, having been rejoined by Colonel
Gage, reached Oxford on November 23rd, and
placed his troops in winter quarters.
No better words can conclude this chapter
than those which end the "Diary of theSiege": —
" I shall end all with these observations, viz.,
that seldome hath been a seige wherein the
preservation of the place more imediatiy might
be imputed to the hand of God! That the
souldiers in so lousc s Seige with all the sufiEer-
ings incident thereto should never Mutiny.
Nor that the customary Liberty at all our
Parlyes for to meet and talke wrought any
treachery, Wants of Provisions alwayes so sup-
plyed as if by miracle, during the Leaguer;
wee not having lesse then seavensoore uselease
mouths, that had reliefe come at the time
appointed, Waller then hovering with his force
at Famham, in probability a hazard whether
thev had releived us, or preserved themselves.
Or had Norton (able to bring three times their
numbers forth), when the next weeke they
came, drawne out Ids strength, or had we not
got Powder from them, that, by our Releife
scarse serving till the Seige was raised ; or,
when we were releived, had they not suffered ns
to possesse the Towne a weeke, thereout sup-
glymg ourselves for horse and man, before not
aving for above three weekes. Or had they
when we first fetcht com from Piats-Hill, or
fired or removed it."
^ Bat €rod that holdeth all thingsm Hie hand,
appointing times and seasons ; ordereth all that
tends unto those ends he wils ; in vain it there-
fore were to villify the enemy ; blaming his
valor or discretion, or vet to say the care and
diligence of the Lord Marqnisse Govemonr, the
skill and valonr of the officers, the courage and
obedience of the Souldiers (though all these did
their parts) had thus preserved the place, in vain
we watch and ward, except God keepe the
House. Let no man therefore speake himself
an instrument, onley in giving thanks that God
had made him so, for here was evidently seen,
He chose the weak to confound the strong. Non
Nobis Domine, Not unto us, not unto us O
Lord, but to thine owne name be all Glory for
ever. Amen I"
NOTS.— I^stuni^^ (page 194) Is Um or Uas Tun^, near FeUrafleld.
Chapter XXVI. — ^Dr. Lewis — Goring in Hants — ^Courtesies of Warfare — Cavalier
Defeat at Salisbury — ^Lieut.-General Middleton — ^Requisitions — ^A Cavalier
Plot — ^Isle of Wight Affairs — Goring at Portbridge and Christchurch —
Ludlow at Salisbury — Death of Colonel Gage — Crondall in Flames — Cavalier
Baids — ^Waller pursues Goring.
On Friday, November the lat, 1644, news-
paper readers learned that a foraging party
from Winchester Castle had appeared at Peters-
field, and under cover of a fog plundered a
Portsmoath road waggon, carrying off the eight
horses which drew it. On November 14th an
ordinance of Parliament was passed for displac-
ing the Rev. Wm. Lewis, d.d., Master of St.
Cross Hospital, at Winchester, because " he
hath neglected the government of the said house,
and adhered to those that have levied war
against the Parliament, and are enemies to the
mng and kingdom." Dr. Lewis was a Welsh-
man, bom in Merionethshire, who was at an
early slkq elected Provost of Oriel College. He
was obliged to resign his post and to retire to
the Continent on account of certain amours,
but afterwards became Chaplain to the Duke of
Buckingham, was created D.D., and was
appointed to the Mastership of St. Cross. He
accompanied the expedition for the relief of
Bochelle, and on his return published ** An
Account of a Voyage to the Isle of Bhe.'*
He was a staunch Cavalier, and a prebendary of
Winchester Cathedral. Deprived of his office
as Master of St. Cross, poverty and exile were
his lot, until the Bestoration 'sent him back
again to St. Cross, where he died, and was
buried in 1667. (Fasti Oxon.) Mr. John Lisle,
M.P. for Winchester, remained Master of St.
Cross until the year 1657, when he was called
by Cromwell to a seat in the Upper House.
On Thursday, November 2l8t, 1644, both
Houses of Parliament ordered 500 tons of
timber and 6000 cords of wood to be cut on the
estates of Papists and delinquents in Hants and
Sussex, for the repairing of the defences of
Portsmouth. The 500 tons of timber were to
be employed in planking and fortifying the
defensive works, and the 6000 cords of wood
were to be sold by the Governor, Colonel Jeph-
son, to provide money for the expenses of the
garrison. The local Committees were ordered
to see that the wood was cut equally in the two
counties, and on the estates of the proper per-
sons. No waste or spoil was to be permitted,
and the work was to be done at seasonable
times. No young trees or any fit for navy use
were to be sold, and no timber was to be cut in
the New Forest.
Sir William Waller had already sent some
troops to Taunton in Somersetshire, where the
Parliament had many friends, and where Colonel
(afterwards Admir^) Blake was in command,
and intended to go thither himself with the
nucleus of an army to be raised for the purpose
of reducing the loyal western counties to sub-
Clarendon says that the Parliament sent
Waller out with such troops towards the west
as they cared not for, and resolved to use their
service no more. Lord Goring now persuaded
the King to send him with 3000 horse and
dragoons, 1500 foot, and a train of artillery
through Hampshire to Salisbury, in order to
keep Waller in check, saying also that he
intended to advance into Sussex, where many
friends to the Boyal cause were, according to
his account, ready to declare for the King, as
were also the Qavaliers of Kent. He received a
commission as Lieutenant-General of Hamp-
shire, Sussex, Surrey, and Kent. He first
I attacked Christchurch, " a little unfortified
' fisher town,'' but was beaten off with loss and
Courtesies of Warfabe.
obliged to retreat to Salisbury, "where his
horse committed the same horrid outrages and
barlMiities as they had done in Hampshire,
without distinction of friends or foes, so that
tiiose parts, which before were well devoted to
the Kmg, worried by oppression, wished for the
access of any forces to redeem them."
Goring permitted Yandruske, a German of&cer
who had a command under Sir William Waller,
to reHeve Taunton, and then, pretending that
bis friends in Sussex and Kent were not yet
ready to join him, requested and obtained orders
from Oxford to proceed to Weymouth. This
fortress too he lost " by most supine negligence
at best." His forces, who were generally styled
^* Goring*B Crew," committed unheard of rapine
in Dorset, Somerset, and Devon, without
attempting in any way to harass the enemy.
Warburton says : — ** I am tempted to insert
here, as apposite, a very characteristic anecdote
of this time, told by Sir Richard Bulstrode. It
riiews the sprightly nature of the subordinate
part of the war, and proves that even the
Puritan general could enter into the spirit of
his former associates.
'This winter (1644-5) General Goring was
quartered at Bruton, in Somersetshire, at Sir
Charles Berkeley's, an enclosed country, where
the vUlages were thick, and great store of forage
for horse. Sir William Waller was then
quartered at Salisbury, in Wiltshire, where the
villages are thin, standing only in the valleys,
some distance from each other. General Goring,
taking this advantage, sent out parties almost
every night, to beat up the enemy's quarters in
Wiltshire, which was done with such fi[ood
success that in a short time we took many
prisoners and colours, which occasioned Waller
to write this ensuing letter to General Goring :
Noble Lord, — God's blessing be on your heart.
You are the jolliest neighbour I have ever met
with. I wish for nothing more but an oppor-
tunity to let you know I would not be behind
in this kind of courtesy. In the meantime, if
your Lordship please to release such prisoners
as you have of mine, for the like number and
quality which I have of yours, I riiall esteem it
as a great civility, being
Tour Lordship's'most humble and
obedient Servant,
William Waller.
A trumpeter (a humble sort of herald iviio
transact^ such messages between the hostile
camps), arrived with this letter while Goring and
Sir Richard were at dinner. ** He had been
often with us,'* says the worthy knight, *' and
was a pleasax^t droU, this trumpeter," so they
told him to wait and he should have his answer
after dinner. Meanwhile, a party of horse
return from a foray on the enemy, bringing
back '* five colours and some prisoners of Colonel
Popham's regiment." Whereupon Sir William
WaUer's trumpeter pressed that he might be
sent back to his general, else probably he might
find his general ^' a prisoner too." This trans-
action was followed by a general exchange of
prisoners.* **
On Nov. 22nd, 1644, Colonel Jones, the
Governor of Farnham Castle, asked for and
obtained reinforcements from Sir William
Waller, as 7000 Boyal horse and dragoons, under
Goring, had reached Odiham. Kent *^ now
raised 3000 men to oppose the King's march
into Sussex and Surrey, which was feared."
Our old acquaintance. Col. Bennet, whose regi-
ment of horse had been obliged '^ to bear off in
some confusion " by Essex's cavalry at New
bury, on Oct. 27th, was now at Odiham, on Nov.
24th. The King's forces in that town were
said to number 4000. Four days afterwards
the armed Cavaliers in Hants were said to be
9000 strong, of whom 1800 were cavalry. The
horse were quartered at Basing, Basingstoke,
Odiham, and at various other places in the
county. They made continual raids, and had
threatened to proceed to extremities if a contri-
bution of 40,000/. was not at once paid. Basing-
stoke is said to have suffered greatly. Sir
William Waller sent out a detachment to the
village of Crondall, near Farnham, which, find-
ing the Cavaliers to be in considerable force,
exchanged shots with them, and retired to
Farnham. Many thousands were said to be
taking up arms in Sussex for the Parliament.
Mr. W. Cawley, at Chichester, was exerting
himself to check the aspirations of the Boysdists,
and at the end of 1644 it was thought advisable
to ** demolish many strong houses in Sussex,"
where there was no garrison, allowing the
delinquent owners to compound.
After the second Battle of Newbury (Oct.
27th, 1644), in which his regiment suffered
severely, and his cousin. Comet Gabriel
Ludlow, was killed, Colonel Ludlow, at the
express desire of Colonel Norton, took part in
the siege of Basing House. After the raising
Oayalier Defeat at Sausbuby.
of the siege he withdrew with the greater part
of his regiment into Wiltshire, as the Com-
mittee of Both Kingdoms had ordered special
care to be taken for that county.' A party of
Cavaliers, nnder Colonel Francis Cooke, had
meanwhile reached Salisbury, and were busily
fortifying the Cathedral Close. Early in Decem-
ber they sent. out a detachment towards South-
ampton, which was repulsed near that town
with a loss of 10 men and 12 horses. The
yictorious Roundheads, following up their
success, marched on December 5th to Salisbury.
Their leaders were Sergeant-Ma jor (t.6., Major)
Duet (Dewett), who belonged to Colonel Lud-
low's regiment, and Major Wansey (Weins-
f ord), who was in command of Colonel Norton *s
horse and some other cavalry. The whole force
numbered 200 horse and dragoons. The
Cavaliers, driven out of the town, retired into
the Close, shutting the gates against their pur-
suers. The " Angel " Inn, at the Ch)se-
gate, and the " George*' Inn, at the Sand-gate
(St. Anne's Gate), were both hastily garrisoned,
the one by Captain Sturges' troop, and the other
by Sir John Pollard's troop. The Puritan
infantry forced open the Sand-gate, and their
mounted comrades speedily entered the Close-
ffate. The " George " and the " Angel " were then
both set on fire, which, ere long, obliged those
within to surrender, whereupon the assailants
extinguished the flames. The prisoners taken
here were Colonel Francis Cooke, Lieut.-Colonel
Hooke, Lieut. Kelsall, Cornets Bame (Game),
and Martin. Quarter-Masters Bower, Holly well,
and Berry (Derry), Master Alexander, a Gentle-
man Volunteer, and 40 common soldiers. Major
Bower escaped, although wounded, as did many
others, in the darkness. All the horses, 163 in
number, some match and powder, 200 arms, and
some other plunder were captured. A captain
and about twenty others were killed on the
King's side, but only two of the attacking party
were slain. Capt. Feiler (Fielder ?) ana some
others were wounded on the side of the Parlia-
ment. Some of the prisoners were set at liberty,
and others, both officers and men, took the
Covenant, and enlisted in the service of the
Parliament. Elated with success, the victors
retired with 80 prisoners to Southampton by way
of Dean House, which was the home of Sir John
Evelyn. Major Wansey had here found such
good quarters that he neither cared to give up
possession to the lawful owner, nor to take the
heApateld bidding of Colonel Ludlow. Ludlow
therefore marched to aid in the relief of Tsunton
at the head of 200 horse, leaving the gallant
major to take his ease at Dean House. Taunton
being once more in safety, the forces raised in
Wilts and Dorset returned at once to their own
counties. *
On December 5th a detachment of Ludlow's
horse was quartered at Petersfield. Other Parlia-
ment forces were stationed at Arundel, Abing-
ston, Reading, Henley, and Famham, and active
preparations were on foot for the relief of
Taunton. On the next day complaints were
made in Parliament that the counties of " Surrey,
Sussex, and Hants, pay not the money due to
Colonel Middleton," and on December 90th
the Committee for the West and the Com-
mittee for Surrey, Sussex, and Hants were
ordered to meet that afternoon *' about pre-
paring and furnishing the dragoons ordered from
these counties, and to send money to Lieut.-
Gen. Middleton." This officer afterwards
represented Horsham in Parliament. He had
been in May, 1641, the involuntary cause of
alarming all London. " The report on a plot
was reading in the House of Commons, wnen
some members in the gallery stood up, the better
to hear the report, and Middleton, and Mr.
Moyle, of Cornwall, two persons of good bigness,
weighed down a board in the gallery, which gave
so great a crack that some members thought it
was a plot indeed, and an alarm of fire, of the
House falling, and of a malignant conspiracy,
spread rapidly over the town, so that a regiment
of trained bands was collected in the city upon
beat^f drum, and marched as far as Covent
Garden to meet these imaginary evils." Mid-
dleton at first sided with the Parliament, and
did good service against Donnington Castle and
Basiuff House, but in June, 1648, he was con-
cerned in a Boyalist rising in Sussex, and was
sent to London under arrest.
On December 6th, 1644, the Marquis of
Winchester sent a warrant to the Tythingman
of Chert (Charte, near Frensham), which is
described as being a fonall hamlet of not more
than 40 houses, ordering him to pav up eleven
months' arrears of the assessment levied QpcHi
the neighbourhood by the Cavaliers. The
required amount was 85/. 2s. 6d., and the
township or precinct was required to pay an
additional 602. per month for eight montiis in
aafit.ecn The whole sum of 565/. 2b. 6d. was
A Cavalier Plot.
io be paid within 30 dayB, ^* which if yon fail
to do, you must not expect any favoar, but to
be left to the mercy of the soldiers, which will
take yonr goods and destroy youjr horses." On
Thursday, Dec. 12th, Colonel Jones, Governor
of Famham Castle, came to London, and reported
his garrison to be in a good state of defence,
but he asked for a few horsemen to keep in
check the Cavaliers from Basing House, who
were constantly plundering, and carrying into
the house much money and great store of
provisions. There was no Boyalist garrison
nearer to Famham than Basing, and he (Colonel
Jones) had a few di^s previously sent out his
scouts, who rode to Odiham, and went within
two miles of Basing, without meeting with the
At 8 p.m. on December 1 7th, Harie Barclay
wrote to the Earl of Essex from Beading,Btating
that a Eang*B spy had been arrested on the pre-
vious day, and had confessed that he had formerly
been a soldier in the Royal army, but was now
living at Strattfeild Sea (StrathfieldsayeV On
Friday, December 13th,he was '' sent for oy some
of the Commanders of Basin House, and
ordered to go to Beading to find out what guns,
and how large a garrison there were in the town,
^* and what horse lay near." He was directed to
ask for a brewer's house near St. Mary's Church,
and was told that the owner thereof would send
to four or five other friends of the King in the
town to tell them that the messenger had arrived
from Basing. A townsman promised *^ to be as
good SM their words." A large force of Cavalier
horse and foot was to arrive about two o'clock
in the morning of December 18th, in the hope of
surprising the town. Several of the townsmen
bad been arrested, and all the guards had been
strengthened. Barclay asks that cavalry may
be sent, as scouts are urgently required. *^ One
Mr. Bedford" had hitherto supplied intelligence,
*^ who will be forced to put away his men for
want of money."
On December Slst cavalry were also asked for
at Famham, in order to check foragers from
the garrisons of Winchester and Basing. Thus
ended the year 1644.
On New Year's Day, 1645, Speaker Lenthall
was urging the Committee of Hants, Surrey,
and Sussex to more energetic action, and on the
next day it was order^ that Iiieut.-General
Middleton should have power ^*to raise the
arrears due to the troop under his command
raised by the county of Hants out of the quar-
ters of the enemy in the said county, and that
care be taken for the protecting of the people
of that county, when the forces now there
shall be drawn away from thence." The local
Committees of Sussex, Surrey, and Hants were
likewise ordered to raise 925/. Is. 6d., in order
to repay certain advances of money made by
Waller to the troops of horse under his com-
mand which bad been raised in those counties.
From some of these loans we can ascertain
the strength of various commands. In Sussex
Major Ker, as captain, his commissioned
officers, inferior officers, and 72 soldiers received
192/. 3s. as 14 days' full pay. Paid to Mr.John
Crookshanks to send to him in prison at Bridg-
water, 20/. Paid Nicholas Roberts, a wounded
soldier of Captain Draper's, 17s. 6d.
In Hampshire Captain- Lieutenant Bobert
Parham, who was in command of the troop
originally raised for Sir llichard Granville,
received 117/. lOs. Lieutenant-General Middle-
ton, as captain, his commissioned officers, one
trumpet, three corporals, and 80 soldiers received
214/. lis. Captain Jervoise's troop had in it
107 troopers on July 6th, 1644, but on December
12th of the same year he drew seven days' full
pay for himself and other commissioned officers,
and 14 days' full pay for two corporals, one
trumpet, and 40 troopers, the total amount being
114/. 12s. 6d. In Surrey Captain PaveU
received for his troop 37/. 10s.
On January 8th, 1645, Col. Norton was voted
14 days' pay for Ids regiment, and Sir Walter
Erie and Mr. Lisle were to decide on the best
means of raising the money. Colonel Norton
and all commanders then in London were
ordered to go to their respective commands at
once. Two days afterwards 500/. worth of
provisions were voted for the garrison of Ports-
mouth at the request of Colonel Jephson, the
cost being charged against the garrison, which
was also *^to have all desired clothes." The
provisions were to be sent from the Isle of
Wight, concerning which we read that on
January 25th the Lords sent down an ordinance
to the Commons ^^ for the making the borough
of Newport, in the Isle of Wight, a parish of
itself, and that Mr. Thompson may be minister.'
On New Year's Day, 164^, Sir Arthur Hasle-
rig's regiment of horse and the Kentish regi-
ment of horse had their headquarters at
Petersfield, whilst detachments were posted a
JjVdlow at Baubburt.
Midhunt, Petworth. and Tangmere, near Ghi-
cheater. They were in great need of reat, their
hones haying marched hard and &r, in oider to
eheek the atrocities of " Goring's crew.'*
On January 2nd orders were gi^en hv the
Honse of Commons tiiat the bnrden of billeting
soldiers should be lessened in Hants, and that
the forces raised in the county, then under the
command of 8ir W. Waller, should receive
regular pay. On January 2 1 st, complaints were
made to the Honse " of many great outrages and
insolencies committed by diyers Walloons and
strangers of Colonel Behr's regiment." The
Committee of Both Kingdoms were directed
** at once to secure the arms and horses of those
Walloons and strangers and to discharge them
of the service."
On January 2nd Major Philip Lower, who
was in command for the Parliament at Christ-
church, heard that a large force of Gorinff's
Cavaliers from Winchester was only four miles
from the town. A council of war at once
resolved that as the garrison was but snudl and
the town open and unfortified, and the scddiers
but newly raised, a retreat must be made to
Hurst Castle and the Isle of Wight. Having,
therefore, sent away all their ammunition in
boats belonging to Christcburch, the Puritans
evacuated the town, pursued by the Cavalier
horse, but with some loss at length made good
their retreat. The Royalists soon afterwards
left Christcburch, and fell back towards ti^eir
main body.
On January 3rd Colonel Ludlow was defeated
at Salisbury. On his return from the relief of
Taunton to Salisbury he found that a Cavalier
garrison had been established at Lord Cole-
raine*s, " at Langf ord House, two miles from
thence." It consiBted of half a troop of horse
and 200 or 300 foot, who often entered Balis-
bury, pressing men for the King's service, taking
beds, &c. Ludlow, therefore, detennined to
fortify the belfry tcwer, which tiien stood in
the Cathedral Close, but hearing that some of
the enemy were at Amesbury, he sent out Capt.
Badleir, who was the only captain of the regi-
ment then at headquarters, to obtain informa-
tion. Captain Sadler met the Cavaliers at
Ketberavon, and, contrary to his Colonel's
expectation, was soon body engaged. Lud-
low oame in all haste to the rescue, and
iome men were kiUed and taken on both sides.
The Puritans retired to Salisbnry, and placed
their prisoners in the belfry. Ludlow's force
consisted of between 300 and 400 men, 100 of
whom were quartered in the Close. They com-
mitted the fault of "thinking themselves
too secure in their quarters." As Ludlow
was reading a letter from Colon^ Norton,
askmgfor a cavalry reinforcement, a sentry
gave the alarm, saying that some Cavaliers were
entering the city. Mounting in haste, Colonel
Ludlow rode up the street past the "Three
Swans," but hearing a great noise of horses in
Castle-street, he returned to the Market-plaoe,
which he at once perceived to be thronged
with mounted Cavaliers. Whereupon, says
Ludlow, " I went by the back side of the Town
House (Council Chunber), through a street
called the Ditch" to the guard in the Cloee.
He there found that some of his men were in
bed, whilst others had quitted their posts during
the hours of darkness. Only about 30 horse-
men could be collected, ten of whom were sent
with a comet to charge the enemy, Ludlow
following with ten others, with a trumpet
sounding in the rear, as if another body of
cavalry was close at hand. Marching past the
Butter Cross in single file, the colonel, with his
men, entered the Market-place, where he found
his comet fighting desperately. Major Dewett
was absMit in London. The new comers charged
the Cavaliers on the left flank and routed them.
Ludlow, who escaped unhurt, checked hishoree,
which fell backwards, but he was roeedily again
in the saddle, and captured in Endless-street
Lieut.-Colonel Middleton (a Roman Catholic),
who said that he was In command of 300 men,
that 300 others would soon arrive, and that a
reserve of 300 additional troopers, under Qir
Marmadnke Langdale, who was in supreme com-
mand, had halted m the outskirts of the city.
There was now po alternative but to retreat,
and Ludlow, at the head of 16 men, cut his way
through the enemy, killing and wounding many
of the Cavaliers. Captain Sadleir fired both
his pistols, and then proved himself a skUfol
s wordsman,as did also MajorDewett's lieutenant.
Both these oifieers escaped, as did rather more
than 100 men with their horses, and about the
same number on foot. About 100 horses and
80 men remained in the hands of the enemy.
lieutenant-Colonel Read, Captain Jones, three
or four "under officers," and a few troopers still
resisted in the belfiy tower, but the Cavalien
bnmght a eart laden with c^rooal up to the
door. Those within shot the luckless driver,
who was hy no means a willing agent in this
transaotion, but seeing that active preparations
for roasting them alive by burning straw and
charooal were in progress, they discreetly sur-
Colonel Ludlow retreated over Harnham HUl
through* Odstock, losing the road upon the
descent of the hill beyond Odstock, the snow
lying deep upon the ground. He had a narrow
escape from capture in a lane, but, passing
through Fordingbridge, reached Southampton
without further molestation, taking with him
Colonel Fielding and certain other prisoners.
His captured troopers were soon after
exchanged for Colonel Cooke and the 60
other Cavalier prisoners who had been taken
at Salisbury on December 5th, 1644, and who
were still in durance at Southampton. Ludlow
sent his best men to Portsmouth, and kept the
rest with him near Lymington and Hurst Castle.
He defeated an attempt made to sarprise his
force, and then went to the Isle of Wight,
where he met with numerous friends.
On January 7th, 1645, Goring's head quarters
were at or near Romsey, and on the following
day the House of Commons heard that from
3000 to 5000 Cavalier horse were' at Petersfield
and Petworth, and were threatening to invade
Surrey. The Kentish regiment of horse and
Sir A. Haslerig's regiment had marched from
Petersfield towards the west, and 6000 or 7000
Cavalier horse and foot were reported to be near
Winchester, which was Goring's base of opera-
tions. The Earl of Manchester was officially
adced ** Why their forces lay quartered on their
friends near London, and did not remove nearer
to the enemy according to former directions.'*
^'Mercurius Britannicus '' said, on January
10th, '* The enemy are very busy about Win-
ohester, quartering within four nules of Ports-
mouth,** intending to take Portbridge. Some
foragers from Winchester Castle had been
charged by Colonel Morley's troop, and routed
with the loss of the cattle which they had
seised, and of several prisoners. Goring's horse
had now left Petersfield, and his army, consist-
ing at 4000 horse, 2000 dragoons, and 1500
intantrv, which had formerly been commanded
hy Pnnoe Maurice, was marching towards
JPoitamouth, where Colonel Jephson and his
fmrrison were thoroughly on the alert.
'* Aulicus," on February 5th, said that Goring
had taken numerous prisoners at Alton, Peters-
field, and elsewhere, and amongst them Lieut.
Langley, an engineer belonging to the garrison
of Portsmouth. Having an iron substitute for
a lost hand, his comrades styled him " Vulcan "
and the "God of War,** saying that he had
made his own hand, but the Cavaliers called
him " Bunny,** because a namesake of his had
been executed at Tyburn. He was released on
parole, which he broke, whilst others observed
it, and escaped, but was retaken in a house
near Portsmoath. **A zealous woman,*' mis-
taking the Cavaliers for Roundheads, told them
that the King's forces would certainly have
surprised Portsmouth if honest Lieutenant
Langley had not made his escape, and given
information to the Governor. Extremely incle-
ment weather and otJier reasons made Goring
retire ere long.
The Parliamentary forces in Sussex wero now
reinforced by 1500 horse from Kent, and a
strong force was also on the march from Read-
ing to carb Goring*s excesses. His headquarters
were at Winchester, but some of his cavalry
were quartered at Andover. About January
11th he retreated from Portbridge. The
Governor of Portsmouth, with 140 horse, at
once went in search of stragglers. They killed
several, and returned to Portsmouth with ten
wounded prisoners and about 20 horses.
The « Life of Sir WUliam Penn '* (Vol. I.,
p. 104) gives us a specimen of Goring's usual
method of procedure. Penn was then in com-
mand of a Parliament's ship named the Fellow-
ship, which had been, whilst laden with the
Slunder of Bristol, captured by the SwalUno at
[ilford Haven in the preceding year. The
Fellowship was of 400 tons burden, had 28 guns
as armament, and a crew of 110 men. Cap-
tain (afterwards Admiral) Penn writes thus : —
"1644-5, January 6th, Colonel Goring, his
forces came dpwn and plundered the town of
Gosport ; and about six o'clock at night fired
some twenty-four (21) houses, and we, and the
SvnfUure and the Jfary Rose, shot divers pieces
of ordnance to them." The Swi/tsure was of
260 tons burden, mounting 48 guns, whilst the
Mary Mose, Captain Phineas Pett, was of 320
tons burden, with 28 guns and 100 men.
Lord Winchester, on January 11th, lost a
valued and trusty ^e;id by the death of Sir
Death of Colonel Gage.
Henry Gage, who had been appointed by the
King as Goyernor of Oxford, in the stead of
Sir Arthur Aston.
The town of Abingdon, which was strongly
garrisoned for the Parliament, is thns described :
— ** Abingdon, where a cruel custom had been
practised of hanging all the Irish without any
manner of trial, under which notion very many
English also suffered, a barbarity so common
that it grew into the proverb of * Abingdon
law' ! *
The Goyernor of Abingdon appointed by the
Earl of Essex was Major -General Browne, of
whom frequent mention has already been made.
Heath's Chronicle says that though he was at
first a zealous partisan of the Parliament, he
was *' afterwards, when the war was ended and
the King brought to Holmby, made one of the
Commissioners to attend His Majesty, where he
was so wholly gained upon by his princely good-
ness and yirtues that from that time he was
wholly changed and reduced from all false
opinions concerning II is Majesty, and after-
wards proved a most cordial and loyal actor and
sufferer for him and his cause."
Abingdon and its garrison had long been a
thorn in the side of Oxford, and, with the
approval of Prince Bupert, Sir Heniy Gage
proposed to construct a royal fort at Culham
bridge, to keep the Abingdon forces in check.
On January 11th, 1645, he marched out of
Oxford at the head of a party of horse and
foot. A traitor had, however, given warning
to the enemy, and Major-Genend Browne was
on the alert. A sharp skirmish ensued, in which
Major Bradbury and at least thirty others were
slain on the side of the Parliament. Of the
Kinff's forces not more than seven common
soldiers fell, but Colonel Gage, marching at the
head of his men, was wounded by a musket
shot, and died a few hours afterwards. Claren-
don says that he was shot through the heart by
a musket bullet, and a third account states that
he was wounded in the head, " of which he died
as soon as he came to Oxford.*' *'His body was
afterwards interred at Oxford with funebrious
exequies and solemnities answerable to his
merits, who, having done His Majesty special
service, was, whilst living, generally beloved,
and dead, is still universaJly lamented. His
daily refreshed memory makes me trespass on
the reader's patience wmi this
On the Never-Enough-Lamented Death of
Sir Henrt Gage, the Most Desired
G^vemourof Oxford.
So TifeoB called was, " The world*8 delight,"
And straightway dyd ; The enviona Siatera* spight,
Still the great favourite : The darling bead
Unto the Fates is always forfeited.
Onr Iafe*8 a Chaae, where (tho* the whole Herd fly),
Thegoodlyest Deer is singled out to dye.
And as in Beasts, the fattest ever bleeds,
So amongst men, he that doth bravest deeds.
He might have lived, h»d bnt a Coward fear
Kept him securely sonlking in the rear,
Or like some sncking Colonel, whose edge
Durst not advance a foot from a thick hedge.
Ox like the wary ttKIPPOK had so sure
A suit of Arms, he might (besieged) endure.
Or like the politick Lords, of different skill.
Who thought a Sa^r-pit safer, or a Hill:
Whose valour in two organs too did lye,
Distinct: the one's in*s ear, th* other's in his eye.
Puppets of War I Thy name shall be divine.
And happily augment the number nine,
But that the Heroes, and the Muses strive
To own thee dead, who wert them all, alive.
Such an exact composure was in thee,
Neither exceeding Mabs nor Mebcuby.
*Twa8 just tho' hard, though shouldst dye Govemour
Of th' King's chief Fort of Learning, and of War.
Thy death was truljr for thy Garrison
Thou dy'dst projecting her Redemntion.
What unto Basing twice (successful spirit)
Was done, thou hast effected here in merit.
The Bridge was broken down : The Fort alone
GAGE was himself, the first and the last stone.
Go, bum thy faggots, Bbown, and grieve thy Ba^e
Let's thee outlive the gentle grasp of GAGB.
And when thou read'st in thy Bntannicus
The boasted story of his death, say thus :
The Valour I have shewn in this was Grime,
And GAGE'S Death will brand me to all time.
Various changes seem to have taken place in
the garrison at Basing. Cornet Bryan we shall
see no more at Loyalty House, but methinks I
catch a glimpse of him as Major Brvan,
Governor of Wem in Shropshire, from which
town Governor Eong, sometime a chandler in
Chancery-lane, had been expelled. A eallant
soldier ever I Many of our old f riendsi will
appear again.
To keep Goiing in check, Waller in chief
command, Cromwell, and Massey were
sent westward with 6000 horse, with con-
siderable success. On January 11th, the
famous Kew Model Army was oxdered
to consist of 6000 horse, forming ten regimente,
and of 1000 draff oons, arranged in ten companies.
There was to be no Lieutenant-Colonel in a
Goring at Ohbistghubch.
regiment of horse. Tlie 12 regiments of foot,
were each to have 10 companies, and to muster
1200 men. ^* Each trooper shall receive 2s. per
diem for his entertainments." Horses were
allowed to captains and other officers at the rate
of 28. each per diem. Colonel Rossiter's
regiment of horse, 600 strong, was to be extra
to the New Model. Sasscx was to pay 3927/.
and Snrrey and Sonthwark 2000/. per month
towards the maintenance of this force.
On January 15th, 1645, the Parliament had
6000 horse and dragoons quartered in and about
Petersfield, in addition to a reserve of 1100
dragoons. A false report was prevalent on
January 17th that Goring had surprised Christ-
church, capturing 80 men and arms, together
with two guns, but the truth was speedily
known. After burning either 21 or 24 houses
at Crosport, he marched westward, driving off
all the cattle, horses, sheep, swine, and carrving
away many men out of the hundreds of Titch-
field, Alverstoke, and Fareham. Colonel Jeph-
aon arrested a miller, and certain others who had
been heavily bribed by Goring to put him in
poflsession of Portbridge, and of one of the
defences of Portsmouth. Goring having
plundered Bomsey, " not leaving a sheep or a
nog," marched into the New Forest, and on
January 15th attacked Christchurch, which was
again occupied by Major Philip Lower, and a
garrison of 200 men, storming it on all sides,"
with about 1000 men. The town was "meanly
fortified," and Clarendon calls it '*a little
unfortified fisher town." A townsman, who was
the first num killed, guided the assailants to an
open place, xhe town was quickly entered, and
the garrison driven into the church, the castle,
and Mr. Hastings' house. Such a bold stand
was now made that a Major who led the
stormers fell, together with many of his men.
Bullets were flying thick and fast, when all at
once a bright light as of a beacon fire was seen
in the direction of Poole. This was hailed by the
hard pressed garrison as a token of approaching
relief, and a panic seized the Cavaliers, who
were quickly driven out of the town with heavy
loss. It was afterwards discovered that the fire
which did such good service was not in any way
intended to announce the coming of relief from
Poole. Colonel Ludlow had already embarked
his men in the Isle of Wight to relieve Christ*
church, when he heard of the defeat of Goring,
who retreated towards Lymington, taking as he
went all the farmers* corn, and not leaving any
for seed, so that the wretched peasants were
obliged either to forsake their dwellings, or to
starve. Lieutenant-General Middleton pursued
the Cavaliers as far as Lymington, where he
almost succeeded in hemming them in, but
Goring at length eluded him, and on January
17th was at Whiteparish and the neighbouring
villages, having lost at Christchurch a major,
two captains, and many men. Clarendon says
that he "was forced to retire to Salisbury,
where his horse committed the same horrid out-
rages and barbarities as they had done in
Hampshire, without distinction of friends or
foes ; BO that those parts, which before were
well devoted to the King's, worried with
oppression wished for the access of any forces
to deliver them."
On January 21st Goring was still at and near
Salisbury, Essex's horse were at Alton, about
to march to meet Sir William Waller, who was
to advance against Goring with 6000 horse and
dragoons, ** and 1 100 dragoons are to attend them
as a reserve." Waller *s infantry were about to
march from Famham, from which place a week
afterwards Colonel Fortescue laments the *'want
of money and other provisions." It having been
said by '^Aulicus" that the Roundheads had
stripped the lead from the roof of Basing
Church and had then blamed the Cavaliers for
it, *' BritannicuB," on January 27th, 1645,
retorts that Lord Winchester, whom the
journalist in very coarse terms charges with
having taken shelter from bombardment for
many months in a cellar, " gave order to have
the church unleaded to make consecrated bullets
to shoot away the Protestant religion." On the
same day that this statement appeared in print
120 of Goring*s horse sallied from Basing
House and attacked two small troops at Cron-
dall and Addershot (Aldershot), many of whom
escaped, either by means of back doors, or by
being quartered at scattered farmhouses.
Either four or six men who asked quarter were
killed, and 50 men and 40 horses were cap-
tured. Amongst the prisoners were a lieutenant,
two comets or colours, and a quartermaster.
Some plunder was also obtained, but the alarm
having been given at Farnhsm Castle the
assailants retirod, after setting the village of
Crondall on fire in several plaoes. The flames
were extinguished after four houses and a bam
full of com had been destroyed. Another
Cavalier Raids.
acoonnt' says that but few escaped out of
three companies of Botmdheads, and that
only 30 were taken prisoners oat of 160,
the rest being refused quarter. The leader
in this bold enterprise was an Irish gentleman.
A great panic prevailed in Famham, of which
several Cavalier prisoners took advantage to
escape from captivity. Goring had been roused
to action by hearing that Waller's infantry had
marched from Farnham. Sir Marmaduke Lang-
dale had therefore marched from Salisbury to
Bishop's Waltham, whilst Goring, on the other
side of Winchester, beat up the enemy's quarters.
Goring and Langdale were said to be in com-
mand of 3000 horse. Passengers arriving at
Portsmouth informed the Governor that
recruits raised in Normandy for Goring
were at Brest, intending to disembark
near Portsmouth. The House of Commons
ordered reinforcements to be immediately sent
to Farnham Castle, and that Waller, who left
London on January 30th, should "go west
towards the enemy presently." About this
time Captain Charles Price (not Capt. Rayden)
was mortally stabbed -at Basing (one account
says Oxford) in a private quarrel. Colonel
Ludlow was now posted at Odiham to check
foragers from Basing House, and was frequently
ordered to Godliman (Godalming) and other
places. Colonel Devereuz attacked near Marl-
through a party of Cavaliers, who, on their
march to join Lord Hopton from Donnington
and Basing, were plundering road waggons.
He captured Sir Anthony Sellenger, who com-
manded the party. Major Hyde, a captain, a
lieutenant, and some other officers, 30 troopers,
50 horses, and about 40 stand of arms, retaking
also the carriers' carts and waggons.
During the first week in February, 1645,
Waller, at Farnham, asked for and obtained
6000Z. from the excise duties, 3000 pairs of shoes,
one week's biscuit and cheese, 200 backs, breasts,
and pots, and 400 pairs of pistols. His men
were to pay for their shoes, and " his surgeons
were to be provided with medicaments that he
ma^ go into action." On February 2nd he was
waiting for artillery before marching against
Goring. On this day, which was Sunday, some
troopers from Basing House rode up to Tile-
hurst Church during divine service, threatening
to carry off the minister and the leading
parishioners, unless 3002. was at once paid to
tiiem, which was accordingly done. Three
more regiments of horse and foot were now
being raised in Kent for the service of the
Parliament. On February 4th Waller marched
from Farnham to Alton, and was still demand-
ing indispensable supplies. Some of his troops
were skirmishing with and advancing against
Goring's forces, who were retreating in a north-
westerly direction beyond Salisbury. Goring
himself, whose army, by the junction of Sir
Thomas Aston's command, now consisted of
5000 horse and foot, was still at Salisbury. Sir
Thomas Aston had been created a baronet on
July 25th, 1628. A steadfast Cavalier, he died
at Stafford on May 24th, 1645, from wounds
received in the King's service.
Goring's army was thus described : *^ Such pro-
fane and blasphemous, villainous Irish, French,
Walloons, ana divers other nations as the world
affords not the like." There followed the camp
" a thousand women of bad character, many of
them Irish, who carry much plunder upon
" Britannicus" says, on February 24th, 1645 :
" * Anlicus* tells of Goring scouring Hants, but
Hants will never be scoured clean as long as
that blaspheming wretch remains there, with
collected filth of several countries, which the
earth sure would vomit out, or take in, but that
she is merciful to her native inhabitants."
The Cavaliers were, on February 4th, watch-
ing Southampton so closely that it was not safe
to go a mile ^m the town. On February 12tii
Waller reported the loss of the outworks at
Weymouth, and was ordered to march into
the west with all his available horse and foot.
If the infantry were as yet unprepared to maroh,
a strong body of horse and dragoons was to go
to the support of the garrisons in the west,
leaving the infantry to follow with all speed.
Some of Waller's officers refused to march with
him from Petersfield, but the officers of Crom-
well's regiments, and of some others, were will-
ing to do so. To check such disorders in future,
the Parliament on February 13th gave Waller
full powers to enforce military obedience from
all rsmks, at the same time thankinff him for ao
readily executing their orders and advaneing
against Goring, who was attacking Weymouth.
Waller, who now had 3400 horse, 700 dragooofl,
and a large infantry force, found that 28 troops,
numbering some 700 men, were in a mutinous
frame of mind. They marched as i^ ss
I Croydon, and the dwellers in Surrey and Kent
Tobias Baislev.
fully expected to be plundered by them, but
awed by the firmness displayed by the House of
Commons, they implored pardon, and, promis-
iug better behaviour for the future, returned to
their duty. Waller fully intended to obtain
possession of Winchester Castle before marching
against Goring, but the desertion of a trumpeter
on the night before that fixed for the assault
gave warning to the garrison, and the scheme
was abandoned.
A letter from Waller was read in Parliament
on February 12th, which stated that hearing
that three regiments of Goring's horse were
quartered at Andover, he sent a party thither to
beat up their quarters, but, warning having
been sent from Alresf ord, a retreat was made to
Newton Toney, near Amesbury, and Waller's
men were foiled in their purpose. Goring,
evidently intending to march westwards, had
requisitioned transport to assemble at Sarum
npon pain of death. Waller himself was muster-
ing his forces at Petersfield, intending to go
westwards on February 17th or 18th ; Goring
pretended that his friends in Sussex and Kent
were not yet ready to help him, and succeeded
in obtaining orders from Oxford to march into
the western counties, in which Lord Hopton
commanded as Field-Marshal and General of
the Ordnance. Goring was General of the
Horse, and in order to prevent disputes, Hopton
was, by special order, recalled to Bristol.
Goring reached Weymouth with his full strength
of horse, foot, dragoons and artillery, number-
ing more than 3000 horse and 1500 foot, in addi-
tion to local contingents, but most shamefully,
^^ by most supine negligence at best," allowed
the town, which was about to surrender, to be
recovered for the Parliament. On February 20th
Captain Batten, from Portsmouth, was lying
there with either two or three ships from Ports-
mouth, which had proved a welcome succour to
the beleaguered garrison. All the western
counties were now practically lost to the King,
*^ whilst the Lord Goring's forces equally
infested the borders of Dorset, Somerset, and
Devon, by unheard of rapine, without applying
themselves to any enterprise upon the enemy."
It appears somewhat doubtful whether
Tobias Baisley (see p. 117) was executed in
February, 1644, or 1645. The following addi-
tional particulars are given concerning him.
He had formerly been a pewterer by trade, then
a. porter to Nottmgham carriers, at the ^' Bam "
Inn, Smithfield, by which means he gained
information about the traffic on various high-
roads, and lastly a corporal in Prince Rupert's
own regiment. He was said to be skilful in
poisoning, as well as in casting bullets. Whilst at
Basing House he received a share of all the
property captured through his information. He
went to London as a spy, and *^ to buy military
commodities, and by these gradations he is
likely to go three steps higher. He was take^
by man-catchers, as he called them." The
Council of War which condenmed him sat at
Essex House. He died railing, full of impreca-
tions, and refusing to join in prayer ! On
February 18th the Lieutenant of the Ordnance
was ordered to send to the Isle of Wight 40 barrels
of powder, a ton of match, 300 culverin shot, 1000
demi culverin shot, 2000 saker shot, and a ton of
lead. The Portsmouth garrison was to receive
200 snaphaunce muskets (p. 70), and ^^ arms and
furniture" for fifty horsemen. Official demands
were now made why Waller did not march. He
replied from Petersfield on February 17th and
19th, and also from Portsmouth on February
22nd, reporting the condition of his own forces
and of the enemy. On February 21st Parlia-
ment voted him 20002., but on the following
day none of his men had advanced beyond
Winchester, to which city it was reported that
Goring paid a visit with a strong brigade on
February 25th. Mr. Lisle was directed on
February 24th to bring in an Ordinance " for
the catting down of woods belonging to
delinquents for the service of Christchurch, in
Hampshire," but no oak, ash, or elm timber was
to be felled. Cromwell's Independents declined
to march with Waller, remaining about Godle-
man (Godalming), but on February 27th both
Cromwell and his men were ordered by the
House of Commons to join Waller, who had
given an alarm to the Winchester Cavaliers,
taking some horsemen prisonern. On February
27th Waller writes from Wickham, saying that
he is watching Goring's movements. On March
1st he writes from Owslebury, near Twyford,
two days later from Famham, and on March
4th he was, together with Cromwell, ordered to
march at once into the west against the enemy,
** all excuses set aside, with all available horse
and dragoons." These two generals were said
to have had four or five thousand horse and
dragoons, and 2000 foot at or near Southampton
on March 2nd, 1645. The "alarm" above referred
Auoui AT Wjnchebtss.
io was aa follows. About Much 2iid a party
of Oayalien had ''a mat drinkiiig day At
Winchester, and being derated in their minda"
rode oot 200 atrcmg to engage a troop of €0
horae belonging to Wilier at Ifarwell Hall, the
•eat of Sir Henry Mildmay, who bore the niek>
name of Sir Whunaey Milamay, and waain 1649
one of the regicides. The Ga wiers mardied so
forionsly, ^vers being in their cnps," that
•ereral of the party were left behind on the
road. On reaching Ifarwell, there was a flonnsh
of trompets, and a trooper riding forth from the
house was slain by one of the King*s soldiers.
Challenges and defiances were freely exchanged,
and seyeral single combats took place, in one of
which Sir Thomaa Phillips was shot throngh
the head by one of Waller'a troopers. The
Cavaliers at length fled in confosion towards
Winchester, losing a laentenant-Colonel and
tome men killed, and Colonel Gardiner captured,
together with several otherSi as weU as some
horses and arms.
The weather was very wet, when on March
6thWaUer was mustering about 30,000 horse
and dragoons near Winchester, whilst Colonels
Cromwell and Fiennes were not far off with
their respective regiments. Waller was at
Andover on March 9th, and his troops were said
to be " a well disciplined and orderly army, that
they behave themselves with all civility to the
people, and gain much love." On the other
nand, it was said that not long before, when
some of Goring*s men were drinking at the
Catherine Wheel in Salisbury, one of them
Sroposed the health of the devil. A comrade
enied the existence of Satan, unless convinced
by ocular demonstration, whereupon he was at
once '^ mysteriouslyfeteht away I"
On March 9th Waller wrote from Andover
that he had captured Lord Percy (Mr. Henry
Percy) and 30 companions near that town. The
prisoners stated that their destination was
France. They had an old pass, which was,
however, sanctioned by Parliament, and the
captives were released. Christopher Love, ic.a.,
was about this time appointed as ** Preacher to
the Garrison at Windsor Castle." He belonged
to an old Hampshire family. Some of his rela-
tions dwelt at Basinff, and he had made himself
hated by the BoyaBste b^ having said, when
preaching before the CommissionerB at theTreaty
of Uxbndge six weeks previously, " that there
was as great distance between this treaty and
peace, aa between heaven and helL*' On Mardi
13th Waller reported to Parliament the defeat
near the Lavingtona of Ccdonel Long, High
Sheriff of Wilta, by, saya Clarendon, ^*hia great
defect of courage and conduct." Colonel Long
waa captured, together with 300 men and 340
horses. Sir A. Haslerig was directed to write
to Waller requesting him to exchange Colonel
Long for Cotonel Stephens, a prisoner to the
King's forces. About 4000 men were ready to
rise and join Waller and Cromwell in Dorset-
shire, threatening to plunder those who did not
join with them ''to extirpate the Cavaliers."
The Puritan (Governor of Wareham was already
aiding them with a cavalry force. Two oc
the Kinff*s flhips bound from Dartmouth to
France driven into the Solent by stress of
weather were seised by Captiun Baxter,
Governor of Hurst Castle. The larger vessel,
named the &nrit of Dartmouth^ mounted six
guns, and had on board 17 men, some letters,
provisions, and a pack of hounds. In the other
ship were 300 bairels of herrings, eleven pieces
of cloth, four guns, and 23 men. This capture
was known in London on March 15th.
Seven days afterwards the Earl of Man-
chester's treasury was to advance 14 days* pay
to Colonel Wosan's regiment "for good service,
being quartered about Famham." It was now
ordered that every pressed man should receive
from the Committee of his county a coat,
breeches, shirt, stockings, shoes, and snapsack.
" The cost of these articles was not to exceed
24s. for each, besides the conduct money."
Captain Symonds writes thus : " Upon the
King's coronation day, 27th March, lo45, Sir
Bol^rt Peake, sometime picture-seller at Hol-
bom Bridge, and Lieft.-Colonel to the Marquis
of Wincherter, was then knighted in Christ
Church, Oxon." An honour weU deserved.
A letter written at Salisbury on March 28th
complained Ihat ^'the Winchester Horse do
mudi mischief not only in Sombome and
Thomgate Hundreds, in Hants," but even as
far as Alderbury, near Salisburv, carrying off
as prisoners to Winchester "aivers honest,
godly men." During the last week they came
to Winterslow, near Salisbury, where they met
amounted carrier, **a godly, honest country-
man," who had also " a bagi^kge horse, and two
men rid with him." They marched up to the
amazed travellers and captured the carrier'a
horses and his two companions, but he himself,
Oo|X>NEL Jones.
for he hath formerly iaated of their omelty,"
escaped into Bnckholt Foreafc.
On March 29th, the "^ Granada ehellB remain-
ing at present in the cnetodj of Mr. Browne,
gnn founde